Source code for ecoli.processes.chromosome_structure

Chromosome Structure

- Resolve collisions between molecules and replication forks on the chromosome.
- Remove and replicate promoters and motifs that are traversed by replisomes.
- Reset the boundaries and linking numbers of chromosomal segments.

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import warnings
from vivarium.core.process import Step

from ecoli.processes.registries import topology_registry
from ecoli.library.schema import (
from wholecell.utils.polymerize import buildSequences

# Register default topology for this process, associating it with process name
NAME = "ecoli-chromosome-structure"
    "bulk": ("bulk",),
    "listeners": ("listeners",),
    "active_replisomes": (
    "oriCs": (
    "chromosome_domains": (
    "active_RNAPs": ("unique", "active_RNAP"),
    "RNAs": ("unique", "RNA"),
    "active_ribosome": ("unique", "active_ribosome"),
    "full_chromosomes": (
    "promoters": ("unique", "promoter"),
    "DnaA_boxes": ("unique", "DnaA_box"),
    "genes": ("unique", "gene"),
    # TODO(vivarium): Only include if superhelical density flag is passed
    # "chromosomal_segments": ("unique", "chromosomal_segment")
    "global_time": ("global_time",),
    "timestep": ("timestep",),
    "next_update_time": ("next_update_time", "chromosome_structure"),
topology_registry.register(NAME, TOPOLOGY)

[docs] class ChromosomeStructure(Step): """Chromosome Structure Process""" name = NAME topology = TOPOLOGY defaults = { # Load parameters "RNA_sequences": [], "protein_sequences": [], "n_TUs": 1, "n_TFs": 1, "n_amino_acids": 1, "n_fragment_bases": 1, "replichore_lengths": [0, 0], "relaxed_DNA_base_pairs_per_turn": 1, "terC_index": 1, "calculate_superhelical_densities": False, # Get placeholder value for chromosome domains without children "no_child_place_holder": -1, # Load bulk molecule views "inactive_RNAPs": [], "fragmentBases": [], "ppi": "ppi", "active_tfs": [], "ribosome_30S_subunit": "30S", "ribosome_50S_subunit": "50S", "amino_acids": [], "water": "water", "seed": 0, "emit_unique": False, } # Constructor def __init__(self, parameters=None): super().__init__(parameters) self.rna_sequences = self.parameters["rna_sequences"] self.protein_sequences = self.parameters["protein_sequences"] self.n_TUs = self.parameters["n_TUs"] self.n_TFs = self.parameters["n_TFs"] self.rna_ids = self.parameters["rna_ids"] self.n_amino_acids = self.parameters["n_amino_acids"] self.n_fragment_bases = self.parameters["n_fragment_bases"] replichore_lengths = self.parameters["replichore_lengths"] self.min_coordinates = -replichore_lengths[1] self.max_coordinates = replichore_lengths[0] self.relaxed_DNA_base_pairs_per_turn = self.parameters[ "relaxed_DNA_base_pairs_per_turn" ] self.terC_index = self.parameters["terC_index"] self.n_mature_rnas = self.parameters["n_mature_rnas"] self.mature_rna_ids = self.parameters["mature_rna_ids"] self.mature_rna_end_positions = self.parameters["mature_rna_end_positions"] self.mature_rna_nt_counts = self.parameters["mature_rna_nt_counts"] self.unprocessed_rna_index_mapping = self.parameters[ "unprocessed_rna_index_mapping" ] # Load sim options self.calculate_superhelical_densities = self.parameters[ "calculate_superhelical_densities" ] # Get placeholder value for chromosome domains without children self.no_child_place_holder = self.parameters["no_child_place_holder"] self.inactive_RNAPs = self.parameters["inactive_RNAPs"] self.fragmentBases = self.parameters["fragmentBases"] self.ppi = self.parameters["ppi"] self.active_tfs = self.parameters["active_tfs"] self.ribosome_30S_subunit = self.parameters["ribosome_30S_subunit"] self.ribosome_50S_subunit = self.parameters["ribosome_50S_subunit"] self.amino_acids = self.parameters["amino_acids"] self.water = self.parameters["water"] self.inactive_RNAPs_idx = None self.emit_unique = self.parameters.get("emit_unique", True) self.chromosome_segment_index = 0 self.promoter_index = 60000 self.DnaA_box_index = 60000 self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.parameters["seed"])
[docs] def ports_schema(self): ports = { "listeners": { "rnap_data": listener_schema( { "n_total_collisions": 0, "n_headon_collisions": 0, "n_codirectional_collisions": 0, "headon_collision_coordinates": [], "codirectional_collision_coordinates": [], "n_removed_ribosomes": 0, "incomplete_transcription_events": ( np.zeros(self.n_TUs, np.int64), self.rna_ids, ), } ) }, "bulk": numpy_schema("bulk"), # Unique molecules "active_replisomes": numpy_schema( "active_replisomes", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"] ), "oriCs": numpy_schema("oriCs", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"]), "chromosome_domains": numpy_schema( "chromosome_domains", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"] ), "active_RNAPs": numpy_schema( "active_RNAPs", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"] ), "RNAs": numpy_schema("RNAs", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"]), "active_ribosome": numpy_schema( "active_ribosome", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"] ), "full_chromosomes": numpy_schema( "full_chromosomes", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"] ), "promoters": numpy_schema("promoters", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"]), "DnaA_boxes": numpy_schema( "DnaA_boxes", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"] ), "genes": numpy_schema("genes", emit=self.parameters["emit_unique"]), "global_time": {"_default": 0.0}, "timestep": {"_default": self.parameters["time_step"]}, "next_update_time": { "_default": self.parameters["time_step"], "_updater": "set", "_divider": "set", }, } # TODO: Work on this functionality if self.calculate_superhelical_densities: ports["chromosomal_segments"] = { "*": { "boundary_molecule_indexes": { "_default": np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.int64) }, "boundary_coordinates": { "_default": np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.int64) }, "domain_index": {"_default": 0}, "linking_number": {"_default": 0}, } } return ports
[docs] def update_condition(self, timestep, states): """ See :py:meth:`~ecoli.processes.partition.Requester.update_condition`. """ if states["next_update_time"] <= states["global_time"]: if states["next_update_time"] < states["global_time"]: warnings.warn( f"{} updated at t=" f"{states['global_time']} instead of t=" f"{states['next_update_time']}. Decrease the " "timestep for the global clock process for more " "accurate timekeeping." ) return True return False
[docs] def next_update(self, timestep, states): # At t=0, convert all strings to indices if self.inactive_RNAPs_idx is None: self.fragmentBasesIdx = bulk_name_to_idx( self.fragmentBases, states["bulk"]["id"] ) self.active_tfs_idx = bulk_name_to_idx( self.active_tfs, states["bulk"]["id"] ) self.ribosome_30S_subunit_idx = bulk_name_to_idx( self.ribosome_30S_subunit, states["bulk"]["id"] ) self.ribosome_50S_subunit_idx = bulk_name_to_idx( self.ribosome_50S_subunit, states["bulk"]["id"] ) self.amino_acids_idx = bulk_name_to_idx( self.amino_acids, states["bulk"]["id"] ) self.water_idx = bulk_name_to_idx(self.water, states["bulk"]["id"]) self.ppi_idx = bulk_name_to_idx(self.ppi, states["bulk"]["id"]) self.inactive_RNAPs_idx = bulk_name_to_idx( self.inactive_RNAPs, states["bulk"]["id"] ) self.mature_rna_idx = bulk_name_to_idx( self.mature_rna_ids, states["bulk"]["id"] ) # Read unique molecule attributes (replisome_domain_indexes, replisome_coordinates, replisome_unique_indexes) = ( attrs( states["active_replisomes"], ["domain_index", "coordinates", "unique_index"], ) ) (all_chromosome_domain_indexes, child_domains) = attrs( states["chromosome_domains"], ["domain_index", "child_domains"] ) ( RNAP_domain_indexes, RNAP_coordinates, RNAP_is_forward, RNAP_unique_indexes, ) = attrs( states["active_RNAPs"], ["domain_index", "coordinates", "is_forward", "unique_index"], ) (origin_domain_indexes,) = attrs(states["oriCs"], ["domain_index"]) (mother_domain_indexes,) = attrs(states["full_chromosomes"], ["domain_index"]) (RNA_TU_indexes, transcript_lengths, RNA_RNAP_indexes, RNA_unique_indexes) = ( attrs( states["RNAs"], ["TU_index", "transcript_length", "RNAP_index", "unique_index"], ) ) (ribosome_protein_indexes, ribosome_peptide_lengths, ribosome_mRNA_indexes) = ( attrs( states["active_ribosome"], ["protein_index", "peptide_length", "mRNA_index"], ) ) ( promoter_TU_indexes, promoter_domain_indexes, promoter_coordinates, promoter_bound_TFs, ) = attrs( states["promoters"], ["TU_index", "domain_index", "coordinates", "bound_TF"] ) (gene_cistron_indexes, gene_domain_indexes, gene_coordinates) = attrs( states["genes"], ["cistron_index", "domain_index", "coordinates"] ) (DnaA_box_domain_indexes, DnaA_box_coordinates, DnaA_box_bound) = attrs( states["DnaA_boxes"], ["domain_index", "coordinates", "DnaA_bound"] ) # Build dictionary of replisome coordinates with domain indexes as keys replisome_coordinates_from_domains = { domain_index: replisome_coordinates[ replisome_domain_indexes == domain_index ] for domain_index in np.unique(replisome_domain_indexes) } def get_removed_molecules_mask(domain_indexes, coordinates): """ Computes the boolean mask of unique molecules that should be removed based on the progression of the replication forks. """ mask = np.zeros_like(domain_indexes, dtype=np.bool_) # Loop through all domains for domain_index in np.unique(domain_indexes): # Domain has active replisomes if domain_index in replisome_coordinates_from_domains: domain_replisome_coordinates = replisome_coordinates_from_domains[ domain_index ] # Get mask for molecules on this domain that are out of range domain_mask = np.logical_and.reduce( ( domain_indexes == domain_index, coordinates > domain_replisome_coordinates.min(), coordinates < domain_replisome_coordinates.max(), ) ) # Domain has no active replisomes else: # Domain has child domains (has finished replicating) if ( child_domains[all_chromosome_domain_indexes == domain_index, 0] != self.no_child_place_holder ): # Remove all molecules on this domain domain_mask = domain_indexes == domain_index # Domain has not started replication else: continue mask[domain_mask] = True return mask # Build mask for molecules that should be removed removed_RNAPs_mask = get_removed_molecules_mask( RNAP_domain_indexes, RNAP_coordinates ) removed_promoters_mask = get_removed_molecules_mask( promoter_domain_indexes, promoter_coordinates ) removed_genes_mask = get_removed_molecules_mask( gene_domain_indexes, gene_coordinates ) removed_DnaA_boxes_mask = get_removed_molecules_mask( DnaA_box_domain_indexes, DnaA_box_coordinates ) # Get attribute arrays of remaining RNAPs remaining_RNAPs_mask = np.logical_not(removed_RNAPs_mask) remaining_RNAP_domain_indexes = RNAP_domain_indexes[remaining_RNAPs_mask] remaining_RNAP_coordinates = RNAP_coordinates[remaining_RNAPs_mask] remaining_RNAP_unique_indexes = RNAP_unique_indexes[remaining_RNAPs_mask] # Build masks for head-on and co-directional collisions between RNAPs # and replication forks RNAP_headon_collision_mask = np.logical_and( removed_RNAPs_mask, np.logical_xor(RNAP_is_forward, RNAP_coordinates > 0) ) RNAP_codirectional_collision_mask = np.logical_and( removed_RNAPs_mask, np.logical_not(RNAP_headon_collision_mask) ) n_total_collisions = np.count_nonzero(removed_RNAPs_mask) n_headon_collisions = np.count_nonzero(RNAP_headon_collision_mask) n_codirectional_collisions = np.count_nonzero(RNAP_codirectional_collision_mask) # Write values to listeners update = { "listeners": { "rnap_data": { "n_total_collisions": n_total_collisions, "n_headon_collisions": n_headon_collisions, "n_codirectional_collisions": n_codirectional_collisions, "headon_collision_coordinates": RNAP_coordinates[ RNAP_headon_collision_mask ], "codirectional_collision_coordinates": RNAP_coordinates[ RNAP_codirectional_collision_mask ], } }, "bulk": [], "active_replisomes": {}, "oriCs": {}, "chromosome_domains": {}, "active_RNAPs": {}, "RNAs": {}, "active_ribosome": {}, "full_chromosomes": {}, "promoters": {}, "genes": {}, "DnaA_boxes": {}, } if self.calculate_superhelical_densities: # Get attributes of existing segments ( boundary_molecule_indexes, boundary_coordinates, segment_domain_indexes, linking_numbers, ) = attrs( states["chromosomal_segments"], [ "boundary_molecule_indexes", "boundary_coordinates", "domain_index", "linking_number", ], ) # Initialize new attributes of chromosomal segments all_new_boundary_molecule_indexes = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.int64) all_new_boundary_coordinates = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.int64) all_new_segment_domain_indexes = np.array([], dtype=np.int32) all_new_linking_numbers = np.array([], dtype=np.float64) for domain_index in np.unique(all_chromosome_domain_indexes): # Skip domains that have completed replication if np.all(domain_index < mother_domain_indexes): continue domain_spans_oriC = domain_index in origin_domain_indexes domain_spans_terC = domain_index in mother_domain_indexes # Get masks for segments and RNAPs in this domain segments_domain_mask = segment_domain_indexes == domain_index RNAP_domain_mask = remaining_RNAP_domain_indexes == domain_index # Parse attributes of segments in this domain boundary_molecule_indexes_this_domain = boundary_molecule_indexes[ segments_domain_mask, : ] boundary_coordinates_this_domain = boundary_coordinates[ segments_domain_mask, : ] linking_numbers_this_domain = linking_numbers[segments_domain_mask] # Parse attributes of remaining RNAPs in this domain new_molecule_coordinates_this_domain = remaining_RNAP_coordinates[ RNAP_domain_mask ] new_molecule_indexes_this_domain = remaining_RNAP_unique_indexes[ RNAP_domain_mask ] # Append coordinates and indexes of replisomes on this domain, # if any if not domain_spans_oriC: replisome_domain_mask = replisome_domain_indexes == domain_index new_molecule_coordinates_this_domain = np.concatenate( ( new_molecule_coordinates_this_domain, replisome_coordinates[replisome_domain_mask], ) ) new_molecule_indexes_this_domain = np.concatenate( ( new_molecule_indexes_this_domain, replisome_unique_indexes[replisome_domain_mask], ) ) # Append coordinates and indexes of parent domain replisomes, # if any if not domain_spans_terC: parent_domain_index = all_chromosome_domain_indexes[ np.where(child_domains == domain_index)[0][0] ] replisome_parent_domain_mask = ( replisome_domain_indexes == parent_domain_index ) new_molecule_coordinates_this_domain = np.concatenate( ( new_molecule_coordinates_this_domain, replisome_coordinates[replisome_parent_domain_mask], ) ) new_molecule_indexes_this_domain = np.concatenate( ( new_molecule_indexes_this_domain, replisome_unique_indexes[replisome_parent_domain_mask], ) ) # If there are no molecules left on this domain, continue if len(new_molecule_indexes_this_domain) == 0: continue # Calculate attributes of new segments new_segment_attrs = self._compute_new_segment_attributes( boundary_molecule_indexes_this_domain, boundary_coordinates_this_domain, linking_numbers_this_domain, new_molecule_indexes_this_domain, new_molecule_coordinates_this_domain, domain_spans_oriC, domain_spans_terC, ) # Append to existing array of new segment attributes all_new_boundary_molecule_indexes = np.vstack( ( all_new_boundary_molecule_indexes, new_segment_attrs["boundary_molecule_indexes"], ) ) all_new_boundary_coordinates = np.vstack( ( all_new_boundary_coordinates, new_segment_attrs["boundary_coordinates"], ) ) all_new_segment_domain_indexes = np.concatenate( ( all_new_segment_domain_indexes, np.full( len(new_segment_attrs["linking_numbers"]), domain_index, dtype=np.int32, ), ) ) all_new_linking_numbers = np.concatenate( (all_new_linking_numbers, new_segment_attrs["linking_numbers"]) ) # Delete all existing chromosomal segments if len(boundary_molecule_indexes) > 0: update["chromosomal_segments"].update( {"delete": np.arange(len(boundary_molecule_indexes))} ) # Add new chromosomal segments n_segments = len(all_new_linking_numbers) if "chromosomal_segments" in states and states["chromosomal_segments"]: self.chromosome_segment_index = ( int( max( [ int(index) for index in list(states["chromosomal_segments"].keys()) ] ) ) + 1 ) update["chromosomal_segments"].update( { "add": { "unique_index": np.arange( self.chromosome_segment_index, self.chromosome_segment_index + n_segments, ), "boundary_molecule_indexes": all_new_boundary_molecule_indexes, "boundary_coordinates": all_new_boundary_coordinates, "domain_index": all_new_segment_domain_indexes, "linking_number": all_new_linking_numbers, } } ) # Get mask for RNAs that are transcribed from removed RNAPs removed_RNAs_mask = np.isin( RNA_RNAP_indexes, RNAP_unique_indexes[removed_RNAPs_mask] ) # Initialize counts of incomplete transcription events incomplete_transcription_event = np.zeros(self.n_TUs) # Remove RNAPs and RNAs that have collided with replisomes if n_total_collisions > 0: if removed_RNAPs_mask.sum() > 0: update["active_RNAPs"].update( {"delete": np.where(removed_RNAPs_mask)[0]} ) if removed_RNAs_mask.sum() > 0: update["RNAs"].update({"delete": np.where(removed_RNAs_mask)[0]}) # Increment counts of inactive RNAPs update["bulk"].append((self.inactive_RNAPs_idx, n_total_collisions)) # Get sequences of incomplete transcripts incomplete_sequence_lengths = transcript_lengths[removed_RNAs_mask] n_initiated_sequences = np.count_nonzero(incomplete_sequence_lengths) n_ppi_added = n_initiated_sequences if n_initiated_sequences > 0: incomplete_rna_indexes = RNA_TU_indexes[removed_RNAs_mask] incomplete_transcription_event = np.bincount( incomplete_rna_indexes, minlength=self.n_TUs ) incomplete_sequences = buildSequences( self.rna_sequences, incomplete_rna_indexes, np.zeros(n_total_collisions, dtype=np.int64), np.full(n_total_collisions, incomplete_sequence_lengths.max()), ) mature_rna_counts = np.zeros(self.n_mature_rnas, dtype=np.int64) base_counts = np.zeros(self.n_fragment_bases, dtype=np.int64) for ri, sl, seq in zip( incomplete_rna_indexes, incomplete_sequence_lengths, incomplete_sequences, ): # Check if incomplete RNA is an unprocessed RNA if ri in self.unprocessed_rna_index_mapping: # Find mature RNA molecules that would need to be added # given the length of the incomplete RNA mature_rna_end_pos = self.mature_rna_end_positions[ :, self.unprocessed_rna_index_mapping[ri] ] mature_rnas_produced = np.logical_and( mature_rna_end_pos != 0, mature_rna_end_pos < sl ) # Increment counts of mature RNAs mature_rna_counts += mature_rnas_produced # Increment counts of fragment NTPs, but exclude bases # that are part of the mature RNAs generated base_counts += np.bincount( seq[:sl], minlength=self.n_fragment_bases ) - self.mature_rna_nt_counts[mature_rnas_produced, :].sum( axis=0 ) # Exclude ppi molecules that are part of mature RNAs n_ppi_added -= mature_rnas_produced.sum() else: base_counts += np.bincount( seq[:sl], minlength=self.n_fragment_bases ) base_counts += np.bincount( seq[:sl], minlength=self.n_fragment_bases ) # Increment counts of mature RNAs, fragment NTPs and phosphates update["bulk"].append((self.mature_rna_idx, mature_rna_counts)) update["bulk"].append((self.fragmentBasesIdx, base_counts)) update["bulk"].append((self.ppi_idx, n_ppi_added)) assert n_initiated_sequences == incomplete_transcription_event.sum() update["listeners"]["rnap_data"]["incomplete_transcription_event"] = ( incomplete_transcription_event ) # Get mask for ribosomes that are bound to nonexisting mRNAs remaining_RNA_unique_indexes = RNA_unique_indexes[ np.logical_not(removed_RNAs_mask) ] removed_ribosomes_mask = np.logical_not( np.isin(ribosome_mRNA_indexes, remaining_RNA_unique_indexes) ) n_removed_ribosomes = np.count_nonzero(removed_ribosomes_mask) # Remove ribosomes that are bound to missing RNA molecules. This # includes both RNAs removed by this function and RNAs removed # by other processes (e.g. RNA degradation). if n_removed_ribosomes > 0: update["active_ribosome"].update( {"delete": np.where(removed_ribosomes_mask)[0]} ) # Increment counts of inactive ribosomal subunits update["bulk"].extend( [ (self.ribosome_30S_subunit_idx, n_removed_ribosomes), (self.ribosome_50S_subunit_idx, n_removed_ribosomes), ] ) # Get amino acid sequences of incomplete polypeptides incomplete_sequence_lengths = ribosome_peptide_lengths[ removed_ribosomes_mask ] n_initiated_sequences = np.count_nonzero(incomplete_sequence_lengths) if n_initiated_sequences > 0: incomplete_sequences = buildSequences( self.protein_sequences, ribosome_protein_indexes[removed_ribosomes_mask], np.zeros(n_removed_ribosomes, dtype=np.int64), np.full(n_removed_ribosomes, incomplete_sequence_lengths.max()), ) amino_acid_counts = np.zeros(self.n_amino_acids, dtype=np.int64) for sl, seq in zip(incomplete_sequence_lengths, incomplete_sequences): amino_acid_counts += np.bincount( seq[:sl], minlength=self.n_amino_acids ) # Increment counts of free amino acids and decrease counts of # free water molecules update["bulk"].append((self.amino_acids_idx, amino_acid_counts)) update["bulk"].append( ( self.water_idx, (n_initiated_sequences - incomplete_sequence_lengths.sum()), ) ) # Write to listener update["listeners"]["rnap_data"]["n_removed_ribosomes"] = n_removed_ribosomes def get_replicated_motif_attributes(old_coordinates, old_domain_indexes): """ Computes the attributes of replicated motifs on the chromosome, given the old coordinates and domain indexes of the original motifs. """ # Coordinates are simply repeated new_coordinates = np.repeat(old_coordinates, 2) # Domain indexes are set to the child indexes of the original index new_domain_indexes = child_domains[ np.array( [ np.where(all_chromosome_domain_indexes == idx)[0][0] for idx in old_domain_indexes ] ), :, ].flatten() return new_coordinates, new_domain_indexes ####################### # Replicate promoters # ####################### n_new_promoters = 2 * np.count_nonzero(removed_promoters_mask) if n_new_promoters > 0: # Delete original promoters update["promoters"].update({"delete": np.where(removed_promoters_mask)[0]}) # Add freed active tfs update["bulk"].append( ( self.active_tfs_idx, promoter_bound_TFs[removed_promoters_mask, :].sum(axis=0), ) ) # Set up attributes for the replicated promoters promoter_TU_indexes_new = np.repeat( promoter_TU_indexes[removed_promoters_mask], 2 ) (promoter_coordinates_new, promoter_domain_indexes_new) = ( get_replicated_motif_attributes( promoter_coordinates[removed_promoters_mask], promoter_domain_indexes[removed_promoters_mask], ) ) # Add new promoters with new domain indexes promoter_indices = create_unique_indexes(n_new_promoters, self.random_state) update["promoters"].update( { "add": { "unique_index": promoter_indices, "TU_index": promoter_TU_indexes_new, "coordinates": promoter_coordinates_new, "domain_index": promoter_domain_indexes_new, "bound_TF": np.zeros( (n_new_promoters, self.n_TFs), dtype=np.bool_ ), } } ) # Replicate genes n_new_genes = 2 * np.count_nonzero(removed_genes_mask) if n_new_genes > 0: # Delete original genes update["genes"].update({"delete": np.where(removed_genes_mask)[0]}) # Set up attributes for the replicated genes gene_cistron_indexes_new = np.repeat( gene_cistron_indexes[removed_genes_mask], 2 ) gene_coordinates_new, gene_domain_indexes_new = ( get_replicated_motif_attributes( gene_coordinates[removed_genes_mask], gene_domain_indexes[removed_genes_mask], ) ) # Add new genes with new domain indexes gene_indices = create_unique_indexes(n_new_genes, self.random_state) update["genes"].update( { "add": { "unique_index": gene_indices, "cistron_index": gene_cistron_indexes_new, "coordinates": gene_coordinates_new, "domain_index": gene_domain_indexes_new, } } ) ######################## # Replicate DnaA boxes # ######################## n_new_DnaA_boxes = 2 * np.count_nonzero(removed_DnaA_boxes_mask) if n_new_DnaA_boxes > 0: # Delete original DnaA boxes if removed_DnaA_boxes_mask.sum() > 0: update["DnaA_boxes"].update( {"delete": np.where(removed_DnaA_boxes_mask)[0]} ) # Set up attributes for the replicated boxes (DnaA_box_coordinates_new, DnaA_box_domain_indexes_new) = ( get_replicated_motif_attributes( DnaA_box_coordinates[removed_DnaA_boxes_mask], DnaA_box_domain_indexes[removed_DnaA_boxes_mask], ) ) # Add new DnaA boxes with new domain indexes DnaA_box_indices = create_unique_indexes( n_new_DnaA_boxes, self.random_state ) dict_dna = { "add": { "unique_index": DnaA_box_indices, "coordinates": DnaA_box_coordinates_new, "domain_index": DnaA_box_domain_indexes_new, "DnaA_bound": np.zeros(n_new_DnaA_boxes, dtype=np.bool_), } } update["DnaA_boxes"].update(dict_dna) update["next_update_time"] = states["global_time"] + states["timestep"] return update
[docs] def _compute_new_segment_attributes( self, old_boundary_molecule_indexes: npt.NDArray[np.int64], old_boundary_coordinates: npt.NDArray[np.int64], old_linking_numbers: npt.NDArray[np.int64], new_molecule_indexes: npt.NDArray[np.int64], new_molecule_coordinates: npt.NDArray[np.int64], spans_oriC: bool, spans_terC: bool, ) -> dict[str, npt.NDArray[np.int64]]: """ Calculates the updated attributes of chromosomal segments belonging to a specific chromosomal domain, given the previous and current coordinates of molecules bound to the chromosome. Args: old_boundary_molecule_indexes: (N, 2) array of unique indexes of molecules that formed the boundaries of each chromosomal segment in the previous timestep. old_boundary_coordinates: (N, 2) array of chromosomal coordinates of molecules that formed the boundaries of each chromosomal segment in the previous timestep. old_linking_numbers: (N,) array of linking numbers of each chromosomal segment in the previous timestep. new_molecule_indexes: (N,) array of unique indexes of all molecules bound to the domain at the current timestep. new_molecule_coordinates: (N,) array of chromosomal coordinates of all molecules bound to the domain at the current timestep. spans_oriC: True if the domain spans the origin. spans_terC: True if the domain spans the terminus. Returns: Dictionary of the following format:: { 'boundary_molecule_indexes': (M, 2) array of unique indexes of molecules that form the boundaries of new chromosomal segments, 'boundary_coordinates': (M, 2) array of chromosomal coordinates of molecules that form the boundaries of new chromosomal segments, 'linking_numbers': (M,) array of linking numbers of new chromosomal segments } """ # Sort old segment arrays by coordinates of left boundary old_coordinates_argsort = np.argsort(old_boundary_coordinates[:, 0]) old_boundary_coordinates_sorted = old_boundary_coordinates[ old_coordinates_argsort, : ] old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted = old_boundary_molecule_indexes[ old_coordinates_argsort, : ] old_linking_numbers_sorted = old_linking_numbers[old_coordinates_argsort] # Sort new segment arrays by molecular coordinates new_coordinates_argsort = np.argsort(new_molecule_coordinates) new_molecule_coordinates_sorted = new_molecule_coordinates[ new_coordinates_argsort ] new_molecule_indexes_sorted = new_molecule_indexes[new_coordinates_argsort] # Domain does not span the origin if not spans_oriC: # A fragment spans oriC if two boundaries have opposite signs, # or both are equal to zero oriC_fragment_counts = np.count_nonzero( np.logical_not( np.logical_xor( old_boundary_coordinates_sorted[:, 0] < 0, old_boundary_coordinates_sorted[:, 1] > 0, ) ) ) # if oriC fragment did not exist in the domain in the previous # timestep, add a dummy fragment that covers the origin with # linking number zero. This is done to generalize the # implementation of this method. if oriC_fragment_counts == 0: # Index of first segment where left boundary is nonnegative oriC_fragment_index = np.argmax( old_boundary_coordinates_sorted[:, 0] >= 0 ) # Get indexes of boundary molecules for this dummy segment oriC_fragment_boundary_molecule_indexes = np.array( [ old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted[ oriC_fragment_index - 1, 1 ], old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted[oriC_fragment_index, 0], ] ) # Insert dummy segment to array old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted = np.insert( old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted, oriC_fragment_index, oriC_fragment_boundary_molecule_indexes, axis=0, ) old_linking_numbers_sorted = np.insert( old_linking_numbers_sorted, oriC_fragment_index, 0 ) else: # There should not be more than one fragment that spans oriC assert oriC_fragment_counts == 1 # Domain spans the terminus if spans_terC: # If the domain spans the terminus, dummy molecules are added to # each end of the chromosome s.t. the segment that spans terC is # split to two segments and we can maintain a linear representation # for the circular chromosome. These two segments are later # adjusted to have the same superhelical densities. new_molecule_coordinates_sorted = np.insert( new_molecule_coordinates_sorted, [0, len(new_molecule_coordinates_sorted)], [self.min_coordinates, self.max_coordinates], ) new_molecule_indexes_sorted = np.insert( new_molecule_indexes_sorted, [0, len(new_molecule_indexes_sorted)], self.terC_index, ) # Add dummy molecule to old segments if they do not already exist if old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted[0, 0] != self.terC_index: old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted = np.vstack( ( np.array( [ self.terC_index, old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted[0, 0], ] ), old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted, np.array( [ old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted[-1, 1], self.terC_index, ] ), ) ) old_linking_numbers_sorted = np.insert( old_linking_numbers_sorted, [0, len(old_linking_numbers_sorted)], 0 ) # Recalculate linking numbers of each segment after accounting for # boundary molecules that were removed in the current timestep linking_numbers_after_removal = [] right_boundaries_retained = np.isin( old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted[:, 1], new_molecule_indexes_sorted ) # Add up linking numbers of each segment until each retained boundary ln_this_fragment = 0.0 for retained, ln in zip(right_boundaries_retained, old_linking_numbers_sorted): ln_this_fragment += ln if retained: linking_numbers_after_removal.append(ln_this_fragment) ln_this_fragment = 0.0 # Number of segments should be equal to number of retained boundaries assert len(linking_numbers_after_removal) == right_boundaries_retained.sum() # Redistribute linking numbers of the two terC segments such that the # segments have same superhelical densities if spans_terC and np.count_nonzero(right_boundaries_retained) > 1: # Get molecule indexes of the boundaries of the two terC segments # left and right of terC retained_boundary_indexes = np.where(right_boundaries_retained)[0] left_segment_boundary_index = old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted[ retained_boundary_indexes[0], 1 ] right_segment_boundary_index = old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted[ retained_boundary_indexes[-2], 1 ] # Get mapping from molecule index to chromosomal coordinates molecule_index_to_coordinates = { index: coordinates for index, coordinates in zip( new_molecule_indexes_sorted, new_molecule_coordinates_sorted ) } # Distribute linking number between two segments proportional to # the length of each segment left_segment_length = ( molecule_index_to_coordinates[left_segment_boundary_index] - self.min_coordinates ) right_segment_length = ( self.max_coordinates - molecule_index_to_coordinates[right_segment_boundary_index] ) full_segment_length = left_segment_length + right_segment_length full_linking_number = ( linking_numbers_after_removal[0] + linking_numbers_after_removal[-1] ) linking_numbers_after_removal[0] = ( full_linking_number * left_segment_length / full_segment_length ) linking_numbers_after_removal[-1] = ( full_linking_number * right_segment_length / full_segment_length ) # Get mask for molecules that already existed in the previous timestep existing_molecules_mask = np.isin( new_molecule_indexes_sorted, old_boundary_molecule_indexes_sorted ) # Get numbers and lengths of new segments that each segment will be # split into segment_split_sizes = np.diff(np.where(existing_molecules_mask)[0]) segment_lengths = np.diff(new_molecule_coordinates_sorted) assert len(segment_split_sizes) == len(linking_numbers_after_removal) # Calculate linking numbers of each segment after accounting for new # boundaries that were added new_linking_numbers = [] i = 0 for ln, size in zip(linking_numbers_after_removal, segment_split_sizes): if size == 1: new_linking_numbers.append(ln) else: # Split linking number proportional to length of segment total_length = segment_lengths[i : i + size].sum() new_linking_numbers.extend( list(ln * segment_lengths[i : i + size] / total_length) ) i += size # Handle edge case where a domain was just initialized, and two # replisomes are bound to the origin if len(new_linking_numbers) == 0: new_linking_numbers = [0] # Build Mx2 array for boundary indexes and coordinates new_boundary_molecule_indexes = np.hstack( ( new_molecule_indexes_sorted[:-1, np.newaxis], new_molecule_indexes_sorted[1:, np.newaxis], ) ) new_boundary_coordinates = np.hstack( ( new_molecule_coordinates_sorted[:-1, np.newaxis], new_molecule_coordinates_sorted[1:, np.newaxis], ) ) new_linking_numbers = np.array(new_linking_numbers) # If domain does not span oriC, remove new segment that spans origin if not spans_oriC: oriC_fragment_mask = np.logical_not( np.logical_xor( new_boundary_coordinates[:, 0] < 0, new_boundary_coordinates[:, 1] > 0, ) ) assert oriC_fragment_mask.sum() == 1 new_boundary_molecule_indexes = new_boundary_molecule_indexes[ np.logical_not(oriC_fragment_mask), : ] new_boundary_coordinates = new_boundary_coordinates[ np.logical_not(oriC_fragment_mask), : ] new_linking_numbers = new_linking_numbers[ np.logical_not(oriC_fragment_mask) ] return { "boundary_molecule_indexes": new_boundary_molecule_indexes, "boundary_coordinates": new_boundary_coordinates, "linking_numbers": new_linking_numbers, }