
This guide will walk through the following steps in a typical model development cycle:

  1. Add a new simulation process

  2. Add a new simulation variant

  3. Add a new analysis script

  4. Run workflow with new additions

New Process

Processes are self-contained sub-models that simulate a biological mechanism. To add a new process, start by creating a new Python file in the ecoli/processes folder. Here is an annotated example of a process that checks the count of a certain bulk molecule (see Bulk Molecules) and halts the simulation if a threshold is reached.

# Import base class that process inherits from. See the
# "Processes" documentation for more options and details.
from ecoli.processes.partition import PartitionedProcess
# Import a fancy dictionary that we use to store process
# topologies for automatic retrieval by our simulation
# runscript (ecoli/experiments/ecoli_master_sim.py).
# See the "Workflows" documentation for more details.
from ecoli.processes.registries import topology_registry
# Import some helper functions that allow us to read and
# access the bulk counts that we desire from the bulk store.
# Refer to the "Stores" documentation for more details.
from ecoli.library.schema import bulk_name_to_idx, counts, numpy_schema

# Give a unique string name to the process
NAME = "death_threshold"
# Define the stores that each port in the process connects to
    # There is a port called bulk connected to a store located
    # at a top-level store in the simulation state also called bulk
    "bulk": ("bulk",)
    # Topologies make our processes modular. If we wish to wire
    # the process differently, all we have to do is change
    # the topology. For example, changing the above to
    # "bulk": ("new_bulk", "sub_bulk") would connect the bulk
    # port of the process to a different store called sub_bulk
    # that is located inside the top-level new_bulk store. It is up
    # to you to ensure that whatever store the port is connected to
    # contains data in a format that the process expects from that
    # port and has an updater that can handle the updates that the
    # process passes through  that port.

    # Most of our current processes are required to run with the same
    # timestep (see "Partitioning" heading in "Stores" documentation).
    # As such, most processes connect their timestep ports to the
    # same top-level timestep store using "timestep": ("timestep",).
    # However, if we wish to run a process with its own timestep,
    # we could connect it to a separate dedicated store as follows.
    "timestep": ("death_threshold", "timestep"),
    # Time stepping for PartitionedProcesses and most Steps in our
    # model requires the process to have a port to the global time store.
    # See the "Time Steps" sub-heading in the "Processes" documentation.
    "global_time": ("global_time",)
topology_registry.register(NAME, TOPOLOGY)

class DeathThreshold(PartitionedProcess):
    Check the count of a molecule and stop the simulation
    upon reaching a certain threshold.

    # Can optionally define default parameters for process. These will
    # be merged with any user-provided parameter dictionary and passed
    # to the __init__ method of the process. The `time_step` parameter
    # is a special one that, in the absence of a custom `calculate_timestep`
    # method, determines how often to run the process (once every X seconds).
    defaults = {"time_step": 1.0, "molecule_id": "WATER[c]", "threshold": 1e10}

    def __init__(self, parameters=None):
        # Run __init__ of base Process class to save all parameters as
        # instance variable self.parameters

        # Can extract and perform calculations on other values in ``parameters``
        # here to prepare process parameters.
        self.molecule_id = self.parameters["molecule_id"]
        self.threshold = self.parameters["threshold"]
        # Cache indices into bulk array for molecules of interest by creating
        # instance variable with initial value of None. This will be populated
        # the first time the Requester runs calculate_request.
        self.mol_idx = None

    def ports_schema(self):
        # Ports must match the ports connected to stores by the topology. Here
        # we make use of the ``numpy_schema`` helper function to standardize
        # the creation of schemas for ports connected to the bulk store. Since
        # ports connected to the same store must have non-conflicting (values
        # for shared keys must be the same) schemas, if you know you are connecting
        # to a store that already exists (already has a schema from a port from
        # in another process), you can just leave the schema as an empty dictionary
        # as we do for the global_time port here.
        return {
            "bulk": numpy_schema("bulk"),
            "global_time": {},
            "timestep": {"_default": self.parameters["time_step"]},

    def calculate_request(self, timestep, states):
        # Since this is a PartitionedProcess, it will be turned into two Steps:
        # a Requester and an Evolver. The Requester Step will call calculate_request.

        # Cache molecule index so that Requester and Evolver can use it
        if self.mol_idx is None:
            self.mol_idx = bulk_name_to_idx(self.molecule_id, states["bulk"]["id"])
        # Request all counts of given bulk molecule. Updates to bulk store are
        # lists of 2-element tuples ``(index, count)``
        return {"bulk": [(self.mol_idx, counts(states["bulk"], self.mol_idx))]}

    def evolve_state(self, timestep, states):
        # The Evolver Step will call evolve_state after the Requesters in the execution
        # layer have called calculate_request and the Allocator has allocated counts
        # to processes
        mol_counts = counts(states["bulk"], self.mol_idx)
        if mol_counts > self.threshold:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Count threshold for {self.molecule_id} exceeded: "
                f"{mol_counts} > {self.threshold}")

The main steps to add a new process are:

  1. Create a file in the ecoli.processes folder with the process definition (should inherit from either Process or Step). The remainder of this Tutorial assumes you placed the above process file in ecoli/processes/death_threshold.py.

  2. Decide upon a string name for the process under which it is registered in ecoli/processes/__init__.py and its topology is registered in ecoli.processes.registries.topology_registry. This was done by importing the topology registry and registering the topology in the process file.

  3. Add the process name to the list of process names under the processes key in either the default JSON configuration file or your own JSON configuration file. For processes that inherit from Step or PartitionedProcess, the process must also be added to the flow.

  4. For processes whose execution order matters, inherit from Step instead of Process and add the process along with its dependencies to the flow option.

  5. For partitioned processes, inherit from PartitionedProcess and implement the calculate_request() and evolve_state() methods instead of next_update() and add the process along with its dependencies to the flow option.

For example, if we want to run the example process above after all other Steps have run in a timestep, we can add the following key-value pair to the flow: "death_threshold": [("ribosome_data_listener",)] because ribosome_data_listener is currently in the last execution layer (see Partitioning).

New Variant

Variants are Python files containing an apply_variant function that is used to generate modified versions of the SimulationDataEcoli object (holds most model parameters). They can be used to generate a large amount of variant simulation data objects using the runscripts.create_variants interface as described in Variants. Here is an annotated example of a variant:

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

    from reconstruction.ecoli.simulation_data import SimulationDataEcoli

def apply_variant(
    sim_data: "SimulationDataEcoli", params: dict[str, Any]
) -> "SimulationDataEcoli":
    Modify sim_data to environmental condition from condition_defs.tsv.

        sim_data: Simulation data to modify
        params: Parameter dictionary of the following format::

                # Environmental condition: "basal", "with_aa", "acetate",
                # "succinate", "no_oxygen"
                "condition": str,

        Simulation data with the following attributes modified::

    # Set media condition by changing attributes of sim_data in accordance
    # with value of ``condition`` key in ``params``
    sim_data.condition = params["condition"]
    sim_data.external_state.current_timeline_id = params["condition"]
    sim_data.external_state.saved_timelines[params["condition"]] = [
        (0, sim_data.conditions[params["condition"]]["nutrients"])

    return sim_data

To add a new variant:

  • Add Python file containing apply_variant function with the same signature as above in the ecoli/variants folder

  • Add the name of the variant (name of Python file without .py) to variants key in the configuration JSON

New Analysis

Analysis scripts are Python files that contain a plot function which uses DuckDB to read Hive-partitioned Parquet files containing simulation output (see Output) and calculates aggregates / makes plots. Here is an annotated example of an analysis script:

import os
from typing import Any, cast, TYPE_CHECKING

    from duckdb import DuckDBPyConnection
# Can use polars to perform calculations on tabular data
# returned by DuckDB. Also has hvplot interface for plotting.
import polars as pl
import hvplot.polars

# Import helper functions to read data (see "Output" documentation).
from ecoli.library.parquet_emitter import num_cells, read_stacked_columns

def plot(
    params: dict[str, Any],
    conn: "DuckDBPyConnection",
    history_sql: str,
    config_sql: str,
    sim_data_paths: dict[str, dict[int, str]],
    validation_data_paths: list[str],
    outdir: str,
    variant_metadata: dict[str, dict[int, Any]],
    variant_names: dict[str, str],
    # See "Analysis" sub-heading in "Workflows" documentation for description
    # of arguments for ``plot``

    # Use helper function to get number of cells in filtered data set
    # contained within DuckDB SQL query
    assert (
        num_cells(conn, config_sql) == 1
    ), "Mass fraction summary plot requires single-cell data."

    mass_columns = {
        "Protein": "listeners__mass__protein_mass",
        "tRNA": "listeners__mass__tRna_mass",
        "rRNA": "listeners__mass__rRna_mass",
        "mRNA": "listeners__mass__mRna_mass",
        "DNA": "listeners__mass__dna_mass",
        "Small Mol.s": "listeners__mass__smallMolecule_mass",
        "Dry": "listeners__mass__dry_mass",
    # Use helper function to read simulation output data from
    # specified columns. Column names are derived by concatenating
    # the string keys that comprise the path of the store containing
    # the data stored in each column.
    mass_data = read_stacked_columns(
        history_sql, list(mass_columns.values()), conn=conn
    # Convert Polars DataFrame to use their API
    mass_data = pl.DataFrame(mass_data)
    fractions = {
        k: (mass_data[v] / mass_data["listeners__mass__dry_mass"]).mean()
        for k, v in mass_columns.items()
    new_columns = {
        "Time (min)": (mass_data["time"] - mass_data["time"].min()) / 60,
            f"{k} ({cast(float, fractions[k]):.3f})": mass_data[v] / mass_data[v][0]
            for k, v in mass_columns.items()
    mass_fold_change = pl.DataFrame(new_columns)
    # Easily create and save interactive plot from Polars DataFrame with hvplot
    plotted_data = mass_fold_change.plot.line(
        x="Time (min)",
        ylabel="Mass (normalized by t = 0 min)",
        title="Biomass components (average fraction of total dry mass in parentheses)",
    hvplot.save(plotted_data, os.path.join(outdir, "mass_fraction_summary.html"))

To add a new analysis script:

  • Add Python file containing analysis script containing plot function in ecoli/analysis/{analysis_type} folder

  • Add analysis name (file name minus .py) to appropriate analysis type key (e.g. single, multidaughter, etc) under analysis_options

Run Workflow

Once you have finished adding new components to the model, you can run a workflow containing all those changes by simply invoking runscripts.workflow with a configuration JSON modified as described in the above sections.