
A typical simulation workflow has four main steps:

  1. Run the parameter calculator (runscripts.parca) to generate simulation parameters from raw data.

  2. Create one or more variants (runscripts.create_variants) of the simulation parameters.

  3. Simulate cells (ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim).

  4. Aggregate simulation results with analysis scripts (runscripts.analysis).

While each of these steps can be run manually by invoking their associated scripts, it is common to run them in an automatically coordinated Nextflow workflow using runscripts.workflow.

As mentioned in JSON Config Files, the preferred method for supplying configuration options to runscripts is via a JSON configuration file specified using the --config command-line option. Please check the configuration JSON located at default_config_path for the most up-to-date default configuration options.


Remember that when creating your own JSON configuration file, you only need to include the configuration options whose values are different from the defaults.

Below, we explore each runscript in further detail, including the configuration options unique to each.


The parameter calculator (or ParCa) is a Python script that performs certain computations on raw, curated experimental data (located in the reconstruction/ecoli/flat folder) to generate the parameters expected by processes in our model. It packages these parameters in a pickled SimulationDataEcoli object whose path must be given via the sim_data_path configuration option to all runscripts in runscripts/ and to experiment modules in ecoli/experiments (default used by runscripts.workflow is ecoli_master_sim).

The code responsible for loading data from the raw flat files is contained in KnowledgeBaseEcoli. The actual logic of the ParCa is mostly contained within a single file: fit_sim_data_1. The main interface for running the ParCa is runscripts.parca.


Configuration options for the ParCa are all located in a dictionary under the parca_options key inside a JSON configuration file. They include:

  • cpus: Number of CPU cores to parallelize parts of the ParCa over

  • outdir: Path to directory (local or absolute) for output pickle files

  • operons: If True, calculate parameters with operon gene structure

  • ribosome_fitting: If False, ribosome expression is not fit to protein synthesis demands

  • rnapoly_fitting: If False, RNA polymerase expression is not fit to protein synthesis demands

  • remove_rrna_operons: If True, do not include rRNAs in operon gene structures.

  • remove_rrff: If True, remove rrfF gene that encodes for the extra 5S rRNA in the rrnD operon

  • stable_rrna: If True, set degradation rates of mature rRNAs to the values calculated from the half-life in sim_data.constants. If False, set degradation rates of mature rRNAs to the average reported degradation rates of mRNAs.

  • new_genes: String folder name in reconstruction/ecoli/flat/new_gene_data containing necessary flat files to add new gene(s) to the model (see templates in reconstruction/ecoli/flat/new_gene_data/template). By default, off does nothing (no new genes).

  • debug_parca: If True, fit only one arbitrarily-chosen transcription factor in order to speed up a debug cycle.

  • save_intermediates: Save intermediate pickle files for each major step of the ParCa (initialize(), input_adjustments(), basal_specs(), tf_condition_specs(), fit_condition(), promoter_binding(), adjust_promoters(), set_conditions(), final_adjustments()).

  • intermediates_directory: Path to folder where intermediate pickle files should be saved or loaded.

  • load_intermediate: The function name of the ParCa step to load sim_data and cell_specs from; functions prior to and including this one will be skipped but all subsequent functions will run. Can only be used if all ParCa steps up to and including named step were previously run successfully with save_intermediates set to True.

  • variable_elongation_transcription: If True, enable variable elongation for transcription.

  • variable_elongation_translation: If True, enable variable elongation for translation.


In many cases, we would like to use the model to answer biological questions that require running the model with different parameters. For example, we may want to see how a cell responds differently when grown in different media conditions. Since most process parameters in our model come from the pickled SimulationDataEcoli generated by the ParCa, we need an easy way to modify this object. The runscripts.create_variants script was designed for this purpose.


In essence, this script runs a “variant function” with one or more input parameter combinations, with each invocation independently modifying the baseline SimulationDataEcoli object in some way. Variant functions are contained within Python files located in the ecoli.variants folder. They all have an apply_variant function that follows the following template:

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

# This if statement prevents Python from unnecessarily importing this
# object when it is only needed for type hinting
    from reconstruction.ecoli.simulation_data import SimulationDataEcoli

def apply_variant(
    sim_data: "SimulationDataEcoli", params: dict[str, Any]
) -> "SimulationDataEcoli":
    Modify sim_data using parameters from params dictionary.

        sim_data: Simulation data to modify
        params: Parameter dictionary of the following format::

                "{name of parameter}": {type of parameter},

        Simulation data with the following attributes modified::

            {attributes of sim_data that this function changes}

    # Modify sim_data as you see fit using params. Following is example
    sim_data.attribute = params["param_1"]
    return sim_data


When running runscripts.create_variants, users must specify the variant function to use under the variants key in the configuration JSON following the general template:

    "variants": {
        "{name of variant function}": {
            {variant function parameters}

The name of each variant function is the name of the file containing its apply_variant function. For example, to use the variant function ecoli.variants.new_gene_internal_shift, provide the name new_gene_internal_shift. If the variants key points to an empty dictionary (no variants), then only the only “variant” saved by runscripts.create_variants is the unmodified simulation data object.


Only one variant function is supported at a time.

If you would like to modify the simulation data object using multiple variant functions, create a new variant function that invokes the desired combination of apply_variants methods from other variant functions.

The format of the variant function parameters is described in parse_variants(). By using the op key, you can concisely generate a large array of parameter combinations, each of which results in the creation of a variant of the SimulationDataEcoli object.

When manually running runscripts.create_variants (as opposed to running runscripts.workflow), the configuration file must also include:

  • Top-level (not under variants key) outdir option: path to directory in which to save variant simulation data objects as pickle files

  • Top-level (not under variants key) kb option: path to directory containing ParCa output pickle files


The generated variant simulation data objects are pickled and saved in the directory given in the outdir key of the configuration JSON. They all have file names of the format {index}.cPickle, where index is an integer. The unmodified simulation data object is always saved as 0.cPickle. The identity of the other indices can be determined by referencing the metadata.json file that is also saved in outdir. This JSON maps the variant function name to a mapping from each index to the exact parameter dictionary passed to the variant function to create the variant simulation data saved with that index as its file name. See apply_and_save_variants() for more details.


Refer to Experiments for more information about the main script for running single-cell simulations, ecoli_master_sim.


The runscripts.analysis script is the main interface for running analyses on simulation output data. Importantly, to use this interface, simulations must be run (whether with ecoli_master_sim or runscripts.workflow) with the emitter option set to parquet and an output directory set using the out_dir or out_uri key under the emitter_arg option (see JSON Config Files). This tells vivarium-core to use ParquetEmitter to save the simulation output as Hive partitioned Parquet files. See Output for more details on Parquet and DuckDB, the primary library used to interact with the saved files.

Analysis scripts must be one of the following types and placed into the corresponding folder:

  • single: Limited to data for a single simulated cell

  • multidaughter: Limited to data for daughter cell(s) of a single mother cell

  • multigeneration: Limited to data for all cells across many generations for a given initial seed, variant simulation data object, and workflow run (same experiment ID, see Experiments)

  • multiseed: Limited to data for all cells across many generations and initial seeds for a given variant simulation data object and workflow run

  • multivariant: Limited to data for all cells across many generations, initial seeds, and variant simulation data objects for a given workflow run

  • multiexperiment: Limited to data for all cells across many generations, initial seeds, variant simulation data objects, and workflow runs


These categories represent upper bounds on the data that can be accessed.

A multiseed analysis, for example, can choose to only read data from cells between generations 4 and 8 from the cells with the same experiment ID, variant simulation data object, and initial seed that it has access to.


If you would like to use an analysis script with many different scopes, instead of duplicating the entire script in each analysis type folder, you can just create stub files in the appropriate folders that simply import the plot function from a primary analysis script.


The runscripts.analysis script accepts the following configuration options under the analysis_options key:

  • single, multidaughter, multigeneration, multiseed, multivariant multiexperiment: Can pick one or more analysis types to run. Under each analysis type is a sub-dictionary of the following format:

        "{analysis name}": {optional dictionary of analysis parameters},
        # Example:
        "mass_fraction_summary": {"font_size": 12}

    The name of an analysis is simply its file name without the .py extension.

  • experiment_id, variant, lineage_seed, generation, agent_id: List of experiment IDs, variant indices, etc. to filter data to before running analyses. Note that experiment IDs and agent IDs are strings while the rest are integers. experiment_id is required while the others are optional. If not provided, runscripts.analysis simply does not filter data by variant indices, initial seeds, etc. before running analyses.

  • variant_range, lineage_seed_range, generation_range: List of length 2 where the first element is the start and the second element is the end (exclusive) of a range of variant indices, initial seeds, or generations to filter data to before running analyses. Overrides corresponding non-range options.

  • sim_data_path: List of string paths to simulation data pickle files. If multiple variants are given via variant or variant_range, you must provide same number of paths in the same order using this option. This option is mainly meant for internal use. For a simpler alternative that also works if multiple experiment IDs are given with experiment_id (variant indices may correspond to completely different variant simulation data objects in different workflow runs), see variant_data_dir.

  • variant_metadata_path: String path to metadata.json file saved by runscripts.create_variants (see Output). This option is mainly intended for internal use. For a simpler alternative that also works if multiple experiment IDs are given via experiment_id, see variant_data_dir.

  • variant_data_dir: List of string paths to one or more directories containing variant simulation data pickles and metadata saved by runscripts.create_variants. Must provide one path for each experiment ID in experiment_ID and in the same order.

  • validation_data_path: List of string paths to validation data pickle files (generated by ParCa). Can pass any number of paths in any order and they will be passed as is to analysis script plot functions.

  • outdir: Local (relative or absolute) path to directory that serves as a prefix to the outdir argument for analysis script plot functions (see Template). A copy of the configuration options used to run runscripts.analysis is saved as outdir/metadata.json.

  • n_cpus: Number of CPU cores to let DuckDB use

  • analysis_types: List of analysis types to run. By default (if this option is not used), all analyses provided under all the analysis type keys are run on all possible subsets of the data after applying the data filters given using experiment_id, variant, etc. For example, say 2 experiment IDs are given with experiment_id, 2 variants with variant, 2 seeds with lineage_seed, and 2 generations with generation. Assuming no simulations failed and single_daughter was set to True, analyses under the multiexperiment key (if any) will each run once with all data passing this filter. multivariant analyses will each run twice, first with filtered data for one experiment ID then with filtered data for the other. multiseed analyses will each run 4 times (2 exp IDs * 2 variants), multigeneration analyses 8 times (4 * 2 seeds), multidaughter analyses 16 times (8 * 2 generations), and single analyses 16 times. If you only want to run the single and multivariant analyses, specify ["single", "multivariant"] using this option.


All analysis scripts must contain a plot function with the following signature:

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

    from duckdb import DuckDBPyConnection

def plot(
    params: dict[str, Any],
    conn: "DuckDBPyConnection",
    history_sql: str,
    config_sql: str,
    sim_data_paths: dict[str, dict[int, str]],
    validation_data_paths: list[str],
    outdir: str,
    variant_metadata: dict[str, dict[int, Any]],
    variant_names: dict[str, str],
        params: Dictionary of parameters given under analysis
            name in configuration JSON.
        conn: DuckDB database connection, automatically created
            by runscripts/ with appropriate settings.
        history_sql: DuckDB SQL query that filters simulation
            output data to subset appropriate for analysis type
            (e.g. single cell for ``single`` analyses).
        config_sql: DuckDB SQL query that filters simulation
            config data to subset appropriate for analyis type.
        sim_data_paths: Mapping from experiment IDs to mapping
            from variant indices to variant simulation data
            pickle paths. Generated by runscripts/
            either using:

                - Combination of  ``sim_data_path``, ``variant``,
                  ``variant_metadata_path``, and ``experiment_id``
                  configuration options
                - Traversing directories in ``variant_data_dir`` and
                  matching discovered variants with experiment IDs
                  given in ``experiment_id`` (preferred route for
                  most use cases)

        validation_data_paths: List of validation data pickle
            paths taken directly from ``validation_data_path``
            configuration option.
        outdir: String path equal to ``outdir`` configuration option
            prepended to Hive partitioned directory representing data
            filters applied to ``history_sql``. For example, a ``single``
            analysis script run on data for experiment ID "test",
            variant index 1, lineage seed 3, generation 2, and agent ID
            "00" will get: ``{outdir}/experiment_id=test/variant=1/
            lineage_seed=3/generation=2/agent_id=00``. By convention,
            analysis scripts should save their outputs in this folder.
        variant_metadata: Mapping from experiment IDs to mapping
            from variant indices to parameters used to create variant
            simulation data object. Generated by runscripts/
            in one of the same two methods used for sim_data_paths.
        variant_names: Mapping from experiment IDs to name of variant
            function used to generate variant simulation data objects
            for workflow run. Generated by runscripts/
            in one of the same two methods used for sim_data_paths.

Refer to Output for more information about how to use DuckDB to read and analyze simulation output inside analysis scripts.


Nextflow is a piece of software that abstracts the complexity of orchestrating complex workflows on a variety of supported platforms, including personal computers, computing clusters, and even cloud computing services. runscripts.workflow uses the template Nextflow workflow scripts located in the runscripts/nextflow folder along with an input configuration JSON to create and run a complete workflow with all of the steps described above.


All the previously covered configuration options also apply to the configuration JSON supplied to runscripts.workflow. Those options govern the behavior of the corresponding step in the workflow. For example, running runscripts.workflow with n_cpus under parca_options set to 4 will start the workflow by running the ParCa with 4 CPUs.

After creating some number of variant simulation data objects with runscripts.create_variants, the workflow automatically starts at least one cell simulation for each variant using ecoli_master_sim. The exact number of simulations started per variant is configured by the following top-level configuration options:

  • n_init_sims: Number of replicate simulations to run for each variant, where replicates differ in the initial seed used to initialize them

  • lineage_seed: Each integer in the half-open interval [lineage_seed, lineage_seed + n_init_sims) is used to initialize the first generation of a lineage, where a lineage is defined as a group of cell simulations with the same first generation initial seed (called a lineage seed) and variant simulation data object

  • generations: Integer number of generations to run each cell lineage

  • single_daughters: If False, simulates both daughter cells (append 0 to mother agent ID to get one daughter agent ID and 1 to get other) after cell division. Otherwise, continue lineage with one arbitrary daughter cell state (append 0 to mother agent ID to get daughter agent ID)

This means that if a workflow is run with n_init_sims set to 4, generations set to 10, single_daughters set to True, and variant_options configured to create 4 different variant simulation data objects (5 including baseline, unmodified 0.cPickle, see Output), 4 * 10 * 1 * 5 = 200 total simulations will run. This is assuming no lineages fail before reaching 10 generations due to fail_at_total_time (see JSON Config Files) or some other uncaught exception.

Unlike when running runscripts.analysis manually, the configuration JSON supplied to runscripts.workflow only needs to provide the names and parameters for analysis scripts to run using the analysis type options (e.g. single, multivariant, etc.) and can omit the other options documented in Configuration. This is because the Nextflow workflow is configured to automatically pass the other required parameters like the paths to the variant simulation data pickles created by runscripts.create_variants earlier in the worklow.



The following information is intended for members of the Covert Lab only.

After cloning the model repository to your home directory, skip the other steps in the README until reaching the instructions to install Nextflow. After installing Nextflow in your home directory, add the following lines to your ~/.bash_profile, then close and reopen your ssh connection:

# Legacy environment variables so old scripts work

# Load group-wide settings
if [ -f "${PI_HOME}/etc/bash_profile" ]; then
    . "${PI_HOME}/etc/bash_profile"

# Environment variable required by pyenv
export PYENV_ROOT="${PI_HOME}/pyenv"

# Environment modules used by vEcoli
module load system git/2.45.1 parallel
module load wcEcoli/python3

# Need Java for nextflow
module load java/18.0.2

export PYTHONPATH="$HOME/vEcoli"

if [ -d "${PYENV_ROOT}" ]; then
    export PATH="${PYENV_ROOT}/bin:${PATH}"
    eval "$(pyenv init -)"
    eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin

# Use one thread for OpenBLAS (better performance and reproducibility)

Finally, inside the cloned repository, run pyenv local viv-ecoli to load the Python virtual environment with all required packages installed.

For convenience, runscripts.workflow accepts a boolean top-level configuration option sherlock. If set to True, runscripts.workflow can be run on a login node to automatically submit a job that will run the Nextflow workflow orchestrator with a 7-day time limit on the lab’s dedicated partition (job should start fairly quickly and never get preempted by other users). The workflow orchestrator will automatically submit jobs for each step in the workflow: one for the ParCa, one to create variants, one for each cell, and one for each analysis.

Importantly, the emitter output directory (see description of emitter_arg in JSON Config Files) should be an absolute path to somewhere in your $SCRATCH directory (e.g. /scratch/users/{username}/out). The path must be absolute because Nextflow does not resolve environment variables like $SCRATCH in paths.


Running the workflow on Sherlock sets a 2 hour limit on all jobs in the workflow, including analyses. Analysis scripts that take more than 2 hours to run should be excluded from workflow configurations and manually run using runscripts.analysis afterwards.


There are three main ways to monitor a workflow’s progress.

  1. Check the command-line output of the Nextflow orchestrator. On a personal computer, Nextflow will periodically print its progress to the command line. On Sherlock, this output is written to the slurm-{job ID}.out file in the directory you started the workflow from.

  2. Open the file named trace-{start timestamp}.txt in the directory you started the workflow from. This file contains useful information about completed processes.

  3. Open the file named .nextflow.log in the directory you started the workflow from. This is a fairly verbose and technical log that may be useful for debugging purposes.

Fault Tolerance

Nextflow workflows can be configured to be highly fault tolerant. The following is a list workflow behaviors enabled in our model to handle unexpected errors.

  • When running on Sherlock, jobs that fail with exit codes 140 (hit job limits for RAM or runtime) or 143 (job was preempted by another user) are automatically retried up to a maximum of 3 tries. For the resource limit error code (140), Nextflow will automatically request more RAM and a higher runtime limit with each attempt: 4 * {attempt num} GB of memory and 2 * {attempt num} hours of runtime. See the sherlock profile in runscripts/nextflow/config.template.

  • Additionally, some jobs may fail on Sherlock due to issues submitting them to the SLURM scheduler. Nextflow was configured to limit the rate of job sumission and job queue polling to keep these failures to a minimum. Furthermore, jobs that fail to submit are automatically retried with a relatively long 5 minute delay to hopefully avoid any transient scheduler issues.

  • Jobs that fail for any reason other than the Sherlock reasons described above are ignored. This is mainly to allow a workflow to finish running all programmed cell simulations even if some cells fail, terminating their corresponding lineages. For example, if generation 6 for a given initial seed and variant simulation data failed, then generation 7+ for that lineage cannot run but the lineages for different initial seeds and/or variant simulation data can still continue to run.

  • If you realize that a code issue is the cause of job failure(s), stop the workflow run if it is not already (e.g. control + c, scancel, etc.), make the necessary code fixes, and rerun runscripts.workflow with the same configuration JSON and the --resume command-line argument. Nextflow will intelligently resume workflow execution from the last successful job in each chain of job dependencies (e.g. generation 7 of a cell lineage depends on generation 6, runscripts.create_variants depends on runscripts.parca, etc).


A completed workflow will have the following directory structure underneath the output directory specified via out_dir or out_uri under the emitter_arg option in the configuration JSON (see JSON Config Files):

  • {experiment ID}: Folder in output directory named the experiment ID for the workflow. Allows many workflows to use the same output directory without overwriting data as long as they have different experiment IDs.

    • history: Hive-partitioned Parquet files of simulation output. See Output.

    • configuration: Hive-partitioned Parquet files of simulation configs. See Output.

    • parca: Pickle files saved by runscripts.parca.

    • variant_sim_data: Output of runscripts.create_variants.

      • 0.cPickle: Unmodified, baseline simulation data object.

      • metadata.json: Mapping from variant function name to mapping from variant indices to parameter dictionaries used to create them.

      • 1.cPickle, 2.cPickle, etc: Variant simulation data objects, if any.

    • daughter_states: Hive-partitioned (with experiment ID partition omitted because all files are for the same experiment ID) directory structure containing daughter cell initial states as JSON files.

    • analysis: Hive-partitioned (with experiment ID partition omitted because all files are for the same experiment ID) directory structure containing output of analysis scripts in folder named plot at the level corresponding to the analysis type (e.g. multigeneration analysis output will be in sub-folders of the format variant={}/lineage_seed={}/plot). Each plot folder also contains a metadata.json file with the configuration. options passed to runscripts.analysis for the output in that folder.

    • nextflow: Nextflow-related files.

      • Nextflow workflow script.

      • nextflow.config: Nextflow workflow configuration.

      • {experiment ID}_report.html: Contains detailed information about workflow run. Also serves to prevent users from accidentally running another workflow with the same experiment ID and overwriting data. If a user wishes to do so, they must first rename, move, or delete this file.

      • workflow_config.json: Configuration JSON passed to runscripts.workflow.

      • nextflow_workdirs: Contains all working directories for Nextflow jobs. Required for resume functionality described in Fault Tolerance. Can also go to work directory for a job (consult files described in Progress or {experiment ID}_report.html) and run bash with breakpoints set in the relevant code (import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()) for debugging.