
Ecoli is a so-called composer that is responsible for aggregating Processes, Steps, topologies, and the flow for the Steps into a unified “composite” model that vivarium-core is able to run. Unlike a typical Vivarium composer which simply collects all these pieces, the ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli composer automatically makes several modifications to these components in order to support features unique to our model.

Partitioning Modifications

As described in Partitioning, our model contains many processes that inherit from PartitionedProcess because they require special handling to avoid overdrafting bulk molecules. These processes are not directly included in the final composite but instead used to parameterize two Steps that are included and run with the final model: a Requester and an Evolver.

The generate_processes_and_steps() method of the Ecoli composer is responsible for creating these two Steps, the Allocator steps sandwiched between them in each execution layer, and the UniqueUpdate Steps that run at the very end of each execution layer. It is also responsible for updating the flow to arrange these Steps in the order described in Implementation. As an end-user, all you have to do to add a new partitioned process is ensure that it inherits from PartitionedProcess and is included in the flow supplied to Ecoli (see Experiments for a description of the interface for specifying simulation options).

The generate_topology() method is responsible for creating the topologies for each Requester and Evolver. It does so by first copying the topology of the corresponding PartitionedProcess then adding and wiring the following additional ports:

  • process: Wired to store located at ("process", "process_name"). Contains the instance of PartitionedProcess that is shared by both the Requester and the Evolver. Stored as a single-element tuple because vivarium-core has special handling for stores containing naked processes that is not applicable here.

  • request (Requester only): Wired to store located at ("request", "process_name"). Contains a single sub-store called bulk that is updated every time the Requester runs with a list of tuples (Index of bulk molecule in structured Numpy array, count requested).

  • allocate (Evolver only): Wired to store located at ("allocate", "process_name"). Contains a single sub-store called bulk that is updated every time the Allocator for the corresponding execution layer is run with a 1D array of partitioned bulk counts.

  • global_time, timestep, next_update_time: See Time Steps.

Division Modifications

vEcoli has a variety of options related to cell division that, if enabled, prompt generate_processes_and_steps() to add certain Steps and generate_topology() to add their corresponding topologies to the final composite model.

Log Updates

For debugging purposes, it may be useful to know exactly what updates are returned by each Process/Step in the model at every timestep. The log_updates boolean configuration option adds a log_update port to each process wired to a store located at ("log_update", "process_name") (see generate_topology()). It also wraps each process using make_logging_process() to make it write the contents of its update to this log update store (see generate_processes_and_steps()).

The analysis plots located in blame can be used to visualize these updates.


This feature should only be turned for debugging purposes and only when using the in-memory emitter (see In-Memory Emitter).

Initial State

The initial_state() method is responsible for generating the initial state used to populate many of the stores in the simulation (see the “Initialization” sub-headings in Stores).

It also allows users to manually override initial state values and populates the ("process", "process_name") stores mentioned in Partitioning Modifications.