Source code for

Miscellaneous data structure utilities.

import os
from typing import Any, Mapping, Iterable

[docs] def dissoc(mapping: Mapping, keys: Iterable) -> dict: """Dissociate: Return a new dict like `mapping` without the given `keys`. See also `dissoc_strict()`. """ result = dict(mapping) for key in keys: result.pop(key, None) return result
[docs] def dissoc_strict(mapping: Mapping, keys: Iterable) -> dict: """Dissociate: Return a new dict like `mapping` without the given `keys`. Raises a KeyError if any of these keys are not in the given mapping. """ result = dict(mapping) for key in keys: del result[key] return result
[docs] def expand_keyed_env_vars(data: Any) -> Any: """If data is a dict, return a new dict where each _keyed environment '$VARIABLE' value is expanded into a non-underscore entry, e.g.: {'_foo': '$HOME'} --> {'foo': '/Users/franklin', '_foo': '$HOME'} To trigger expansion, an entry must have a key string starting with '_' and a value string starting with '$' that names an environment variable. """ if not isinstance(data, dict): return data copy = data.copy() for key, val in data.items(): if startswith(key, "_") and startswith(val, "$"): expanded = os.environ.get(val[1:]) if expanded: copy[key[1:]] = expanded return copy
[docs] def select_keys( mapping: Mapping[str, Any], keys: Iterable[str], **kwargs: Any ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return a dict of the selected keys from mapping plus the kwargs.""" result = {key: mapping[key] for key in keys} result.update(**kwargs) return result
[docs] def startswith(obj: Any, prefix: str) -> bool: """Return True if obj is a string that starts with the given prefix.""" return isinstance(obj, str) and obj.startswith(prefix)