Google Cloud

Large vEcoli workflows can be run cost-effectively on Google Cloud. This section covers setup starting from a fresh project, running workflows, and handling outputs.

Members of the Covert Lab should skip to the Create Your VM section for setup.

Fresh Project Setup

Create a new project for vEcoli using this link. Choose any name that you like and you should be brought to the Google Cloud console dashboard for your new project. Use the top search bar to find the following APIs and enable them:

  • Compute Engine

  • Cloud Build

  • Artifact Registry

You will be asked to link a billing account at this time.


If you are new to Google Cloud, we recommend that you take some time to familiarize yourself with the Cloud console after enabling the above APIs.

Set a default region and zone for Compute Engine following these instructions. This avoids unnecessary charges for multi-region data availability and access, improves latency, and is required for some of vEcoli’s code to work.

Create a new repository in Artifact Registry following the steps on this page. Make sure to name the repository vecoli and create it in the same region as your Compute Engine default. This is where the Docker images used to run the workflow will be stored (see Build Docker Images).

The Compute Engine VMs that vEcoli spawns to run workflow jobs do not have external IP addresses (no internet access) but need access to Google Cloud APIs. Follow the instructions on this page to turn on Private Google Access for these VMs. For a fresh project, you can click on the default network, then under the “Subnets” tab, click on the subnet for your Compute Engine default region.

Compute Engine VMs come with service accounts allow users to control access to project resources (compute, storage, etc.). To run vEcoli workflows, only a small subset of the default service account permissions are necessary. For that reason, we strongly recommend that users either modify the default Compute Engine service account permissions or create a dedicated vEcoli service account.

Using the Google Cloud console, navigate to the “IAM & Admin” panel. You can edit the Compute Engine default service account on this page by clicking the pencil icon in the corresponding row. To create a new service account, click the “Service Accounts” tab in the side bar and then “Create Service Account”. Once you get to a section where you can assign roles to the service account, assign the following set of roles:

  • Artifact Registry Writer

  • Batch Agent Reporter

  • Batch Job Editor

  • Cloud Build Editor

  • Compute Instance Admin (v1)

  • Logs Writer

  • Monitoring Metric Writer

  • Service Account User

  • Storage Object Admin

  • Viewer

If you created a dedicated service account, keep its associated email handy as you will need it to create your VM in the next step.

Create Your VM

Click on the terminal shell icon near the top-right corner of the Cloud console. Run the command gcloud init and choose to reinitialize your configuration. Choose the right account and project, allowing gcloud to pull in the project’s default Compute Engine zone and region.


We are using the Cloud Shell built into Cloud console for convenience. If you would like to do this locally, you can install the gcloud CLI on your machine following these steps.

Once done, run the following to create a Compute Engine VM to run your workflows, replacing INSTANCE_NAME with a unique name of your choosing and SERVICE_ACCT as described below:

gcloud compute instances create INSTANCE_NAME \
  --shielded-secure-boot \
  --machine-type=e2-medium \
  --scopes=cloud-platform \

If you created a new service account earlier in the setup process, substitute the email address for that service account. If you are a member of the Covert Lab or have been granted access to the Covert Lab project, substitute Otherwise, including if you edited the default service account permissions, run the above command without the --service-account flag.


Remember to stop your VM when you are done using it. You can either do this through the Cloud console or by running gcloud compute instances stop INSTANCE_NAME. You can always restart the instance when you need it again and your files will persist across sessions.

SSH into your newly created VM (if connection error, wait a moment, then retry):

gcloud compute ssh INSTANCE_NAME

Now, on the VM, initialize gcloud by running gcloud init and selecting the right service account and project. Next, install Git and clone the vEcoli repository:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install git
git clone

Now follow the installation instructions from the README starting with installing uv and finishing with installing Nextflow.


The only requirements to run runscripts.workflow on Google Cloud are Nextflow and PyArrow. The workflow steps will be run inside Docker containers (see Build Docker Images). The other Python requirements can be omitted for a more minimal installation. You will need to use interactive containers to run the model using any interface other than runscripts.workflow, but this may be a good thing for maximum reproducibility.

Create Your Bucket

vEcoli workflows persist their final outputs to a Cloud Storage bucket. To create a bucket, follow the steps on this page. By default, buckets are created in the US multi-region. We strongly recommend changing this to the same single region as your Compute Engine default (us-west1 for Covert Lab). All other settings can be kept as default.


Do NOT use underscores or special characters in your bucket name. Hyphens are OK.

Once you have created your bucket, tell vEcoli to use that bucket by setting the out_uri key under the emitter_arg key in your config JSON (see JSON Config Files). The URI should be in the form gs://{bucket name}. Remember to remove the out_dir key under emitter_arg if present.

Build Docker Images

On Google Cloud, each job in a workflow (ParCa, sim 1, sim 2, etc.) is run on its own temporary VM. To ensure reproducibility, workflows run on Google Cloud are run using Docker containers. vEcoli contains scripts in the runscripts/container folder to build the required Docker images from the current state of your repository, with the built images being automatically uploaded to the vecoli Artifact Registry repository of your project.

  • builds a base Docker image containing the Python packages necessary to run vEcoli as listed in uv.lock

  • builds on the base image created by by copying the files in the cloned vEcoli repository, honoring .gitignore


If you want to build these Docker images for local testing, you can run these scripts locally with -l as long as you have Docker installed.

These scripts are mostly not meant to be run manually. Instead, users should let runscripts.workflow handle image builds by setting the following keys in your configuration JSON:

  "gcloud": {
    # Name of image built/will build
    "runtime_image_name": ""
    # Boolean, can put false if uv.lock did not change since the last
    # time a workflow was run with this set to true
    "build_runtime_image": true,
    # Name of image built/will build
    "wcm_image_image": ""
    # Boolean, can put false if nothing in repository changed since the
    # last time a workflow was run with this set to true
    "build_wcm_image": true

These configuration keys, in addition to the out_uri key under emitter_arg, are necessary and sufficient to tell runscripts.workflow that you intend to run the workflow on Google Cloud. After setting these options in your configuration JSON, you can use screen to open a virtual console that will persist even after your SSH connection is closed. In that virtual console, invoke runscripts.workflow as normal to start your workflow:

python runscripts/ --config {}

Once your workflow has started, you can use press “ctrl+a d” to detach from the virtual console then close your SSH connection to your VM. The VM must continue to run until the workflow is complete. You can SSH into your VM and reconnect to the virtual terminal with screen -r to monitor progress or inspect the file .nextflow.log in the root of the cloned repository.


While there is no strict time limit for workflow jobs on Google Cloud, jobs can be preempted at any time due to the use of spot VMs. Analysis scripts that take more than a few hours to run should be excluded from workflow configurations and manually run using runscripts.analysis afterwards. Alternatively, if you are willing to pay the significant extra cost for standard VMs, delete = true from runscripts/nextflow/config.template.

Handling Outputs

Once a workflow is complete, all of the outputs should be contained within the Cloud Storage bucket at the URI in the out_uri key under emitter_arg in the configuration JSON. We strongly discourage users from trying to download this data, as that will incur significant egress charges. Instead, you should use your VM to run analyses, avoiding these charges as long as your VM and bucket are in the same region.

Data stored in Cloud Storage is billed for the amount of data and how long it is stored (prorated). Storing terabytes of simulation data on Cloud Storage can cost upwards of $1,000/year, dwarfing the cost of the compute needed to generate that data. For that reason, we recommend that you delete workflow output data from your bucket as soon as you are done with your analyses. If necessary, it will likely be cheaper to re-run the workflow to regenerate that data later than to keep it around.

Interactive Containers


Install Docker and Google Cloud Storage FUSE on your VM before continuing.

Since all steps of the workflow are run inside Docker containers, it can be helpful to launch an interactive instance of the container for debugging.

To do so, run the following command:

runscripts/container/ -w wcm_image_name -b bucket

wcm_image_name should be the same wcm_image_name from the config JSON used to run the workflow. A copy of the config JSON should be saved to the Cloud Storage bucket with the other output (see Output). bucket should be the Cloud Storage bucket of the output (out_uri in config JSON).

Inside the container, add breakpoints to any Python files located at /vEcoli by inserting:

import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

Navigate to the working directory (see Troubleshooting) of the failing task at /mnt/disks/{bucket}/.... Evoke bash to run the task. Execution should pause at your set breakpoints, allowing you to inspect variables and step through the code.


Any changes that you make to the code in /vEcoli inside the container are not persistent. For large code changes, we recommend that you navigate to /vEcoli inside the container and run git init then git remote add origin With the git repository initialized, you can make changes locally, push them to a development branch on GitHub, and pull/merge them in your container.


Cloud Storage Permission Issue

If you are trying to launch a cloud workflow or access cloud output (e.g. run an analysis script) from a local computer, you may encounter an error like the following:

HttpError: Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.list access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket. Permission 'storage.objects.list' denied on resource (or it may not exist)., 401

We do not recommend using local computers to launch cloud workflows because that would require the computer to be on and connected to the internet for the entire duration of the workflow. We STRONGLY discourage using a local computer to run analyses on workflow output saved in Cloud Storage as that will incur hefty data egress charges.

Instead, users should stick to launching workflows and running analysis scripts on Compute Engine VMs. Small VMs are fairly cheap to keep running for the duration of a workflow, and larger VMs can be created to leverage DuckDB’s multithreading for fast reading of workflow outputs stored in Cloud Storage. Assuming the VMs are in the same region as the Cloud Storage bucket being accessed, no egress charges will be applied, resulting in much lower costs.

If you absolutely must interact with cloud resources from a local machine, the above error may be resolved by running the following command to generate credentials that will be automatically picked up by PyArrow:

gcloud auth application-default login