Source code for ecoli.analysis.single.blame

import os
from duckdb import DuckDBPyConnection
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from typing import Any, Optional

from ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim import EcoliSim, CONFIG_DIR_PATH
from ecoli.library.schema import bulk_name_to_idx

[docs] def get_bulk_processes(topology): # Get relevant processes (those affecting bulk) bulk_processes = {} for process, ports in topology.items(): # Only care about evolver molecule count changes if "_requester" in process: continue for port, path in ports.items(): if "bulk" in path: if process not in bulk_processes: bulk_processes[process] = [] bulk_processes[process].append(port) return bulk_processes
[docs] def blame_plot( data, topology, bulk_ids, filename="out/ecoli_sim/blame.png", selected_molecules=None, selected_processes=None, highlight_molecules=None, label_values=True, color_normalize="n", ): """ Given data from a simulation with logged updates (e.g. by running from CLI with --log_updates flag set), generates a heatmap where the columns are processes, rows are molecules, and cell colors reflect the average rate of change in a molecule over the whole simulation due to a particular process. Args: data: Data from a logged ecoli simulation. topology: Topology of logged ecoli simulation (e.g. sim.ecoli_experiment.topology). bulk_ids: Array of bulk IDs in correct order (can get from initial_state). filename: The file to save the plot to. To skip writing to file, set this to None. selected_molecules: if not None, restricts to the specified molecules. selected_processes: if not None, restricts to the specified processes. highlight_molecules: A collection of molecules to highlight in red (or None). label_values: Whether to numerically label the heatmap cells with their values. color_normalize: whether to normalize values within (p)rocesses, (m)olecules, or (n)either. Returns: matplotlib axes and figure. """ if "log_update" not in data.keys(): raise ValueError( "Missing log_update in data; did you run simulation without logged updates?" ) max_t = data["time"][-1] - data["time"][0] included_procs, plot_data = extract_bulk( data, get_bulk_processes(topology), bulk_ids ) plot_data = plot_data / max_t # convert counts to average rate # restrict to selected molecules and processes if selected_molecules: plot_data = plot_data[np.isin(bulk_ids, selected_molecules), :] if selected_processes: plot_data = plot_data[:, np.isin(included_procs, selected_processes)] # exclude zero-change molecules nonzero_mols = np.sum(plot_data, axis=1) != 0 bulk_ids = bulk_ids[nonzero_mols] plot_data = plot_data[nonzero_mols, :] # sort molecules by sum of absolute changes sorted_mol_ids = np.argsort(-np.sum(np.abs(plot_data), axis=1)) bulk_ids = bulk_ids[sorted_mol_ids] plot_data = plot_data[sorted_mol_ids, :] n_molecules = plot_data.shape[1] n_processes = plot_data.shape[0] fig, axs = plt.subplots( 2, 2, gridspec_kw={ "height_ratios": [n_processes, 1], "width_ratios": [n_molecules, 1], }, ) ((main_ax, molecules_total_ax), (process_total_ax, total_total_ax)) = axs # Normalization within rows (molecules) or columns (processes) color_normalize = color_normalize.strip().lower() normalize_settings = { "p": ("processes", "cols"), "m": ("molecules", "rows"), "n": (None, None), } norm_str, within = normalize_settings[color_normalize] title = ( f"Average Change (#mol/sec) in Bulk due to each Process over {max_t} seconds\n" f"(non-zero only, logarithmic color scale{f' normalizing within {norm_str}' if norm_str else ''})" ) if selected_molecules: fig.set_size_inches( 2 * (n_molecules + 3) + 10, (n_processes + 3) / 5 + 10 ) # Make margins larger else: fig.set_size_inches(2 * (n_molecules + 3), (n_processes + 3) / 5) main_ax.imshow( -plot_data, aspect="auto", cmap=plt.get_cmap("seismic"), norm=DivergingNormalize(within=within), ) # plot totals process_total = np.atleast_2d(plot_data.sum(axis=0)) molecules_total = np.atleast_2d(plot_data.sum(axis=1)) total_total = np.atleast_2d(plot_data.sum()) process_total_ax.imshow( -process_total, aspect="auto", cmap=plt.get_cmap("seismic"), norm=DivergingNormalize(), ) molecules_total_ax.imshow( -molecules_total.T, aspect="auto", cmap=plt.get_cmap("seismic"), norm=DivergingNormalize(), ) total_total_ax.imshow( -total_total, aspect="auto", cmap=plt.get_cmap("seismic"), norm=SignNormalize() ) # show and rename ticks process_labels = [p.replace("_", "\n") for p in included_procs] main_ax.set_xticks(np.arange(plot_data.shape[1])) main_ax.set_yticks(np.arange(plot_data.shape[0])) main_ax.set_xticklabels(process_labels) main_ax.set_yticklabels(bulk_ids) molecules_total_ax.set_xticks([0]) molecules_total_ax.set_yticks(np.arange(plot_data.shape[0])) molecules_total_ax.set_xticklabels(["TOTAL"]) molecules_total_ax.set_yticklabels(bulk_ids) process_total_ax.set_xticks(np.arange(plot_data.shape[1])) process_total_ax.set_yticks([0]) process_total_ax.set_xticklabels(process_labels) process_total_ax.set_yticklabels(["TOTAL"]) total_total_ax.set_xticks([0]) total_total_ax.set_yticks([0]) total_total_ax.set_xticklabels(["TOTAL"]) total_total_ax.set_yticklabels(["TOTAL"]) # Put process ticks labels on correct sides reposition_ticks(main_ax, "top", "left") reposition_ticks(molecules_total_ax, "top", "right") reposition_ticks(total_total_ax, "bottom", "right") # Highlight selected molecules if highlight_molecules: highlight_idx = np.where(np.isin(bulk_ids, highlight_molecules))[0] for i in highlight_idx: main_ax.get_yticklabels()[i].set_color("red") molecules_total_ax.get_yticklabels()[i].set_color("red") # Label cells with numeric values if label_values: for i in range(plot_data.shape[0]): for j in range(plot_data.shape[1]): if plot_data[i, j] != 0: main_ax.text( j, i, f"{sign_str(plot_data[i, j])}{plot_data[i, j]:.2f}/s", ha="center", va="center", color="w", ) val = molecules_total[0, i] if val != 0: molecules_total_ax.text( 0, i, f"{sign_str(val)}{val:.2f}/s", ha="center", va="center", color="w", ) for i in range(plot_data.shape[1]): val = process_total[0, i] if val != 0: process_total_ax.text( i, 0, f"{sign_str(val)}{val:.2f}/s", ha="center", va="center", color="w", ) total_total_ax.text( 0, 0, f"{sign_str(total_total[0, 0])}{total_total[0, 0]:.2f}/s", ha="center", va="center", color="w", ) main_ax.set_title(title) fig.tight_layout() if filename: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(filename) return axs, fig
[docs] def extract_bulk(data, bulk_processes, bulk_ids): """ Returns bulk updates in form of the array collected_data with dimensions (n_bulk_mols x n_processes), where n_processes is given by the keys that are shared by bulk_processes and data['log_update']. Shared processes are also returned in order. """ included_procs = list(data["log_update"].keys() & bulk_processes.keys()) collected_data = np.zeros((len(bulk_ids), len(included_procs))) # Apply bulk updates to a fake bulk count array # and retrieve final deltas for each process fake_bulk = np.zeros(len(bulk_ids), dtype=int) for proc_idx, process in enumerate(included_procs): updates = data["log_update"][process] for port in updates.keys(): if port not in bulk_processes[process]: continue for update in updates[port]: for bulk_update in update: fake_bulk[bulk_update[0]] += bulk_update[1] collected_data[:, proc_idx] += fake_bulk fake_bulk[:] = 0 return included_procs, collected_data
[docs] class SignNormalize(colors.Normalize): def __call__(self, value, clip=None): return (np.sign(value) + 1) / 2
[docs] class DivergingNormalize(colors.Normalize): def __init__(self, transform_log=True, within=None): self.transform_log = transform_log self.within = within super().__init__() def __call__(self, count_data): def diverging_color_normalize(data): # rescale logarithmically if self.transform_log: data[data > 0] = np.log(1 + data[data > 0]) data[data < 0] = -np.log(1 - data[data < 0]) # bring to [-1, 1] if (data < 0).sum() > 0: data[data < 0] /= -(data[data < 0].min()) if (data > 0).sum() > 0: data[data > 0] /= data[data > 0].max() # scale to [0, 1] data += 1 data /= 2 if self.within is None: diverging_color_normalize(count_data) elif self.within == "rows": for row in range(count_data.shape[0]): diverging_color_normalize(count_data[row, :]) elif self.within == "cols": for col in range(count_data.shape[1]): diverging_color_normalize(count_data[:, col]) return count_data
[docs] def sign_str(val): return "-" if val < 0 else "+"
[docs] def reposition_ticks(ax, x="bottom", y="left"): if x == "top": ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.xaxis.set_label_position("top") elif x == "bottom": ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax.xaxis.set_label_position("bottom") else: raise ValueError(f"{x} is not a valid place for x-ticks") if y == "left": ax.yaxis.tick_left() ax.yaxis.set_label_position("left") elif y == "right": ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") else: raise ValueError(f"{y} is not a valid place for y-ticks")
[docs] def idx_array_from(dictionary): idx = [] values = [] for k, v in dictionary.items(): idx.append(k) values.append(v) return np.array(idx), np.array(values)
def test_blame(): sim = EcoliSim.from_file() sim.merge(EcoliSim.from_file(CONFIG_DIR_PATH + "/test_configs/test_blame.json")) sim.build_ecoli() bulk_ids = sim.generated_initial_state["agents"]["0"]["bulk"]["id"] data = sim.query() data = {"time": data["time"], **data["agents"]["0"]} # TODO: Adapt this code to work with new Numpy update format blame_plot( data, sim.ecoli_experiment.topology["agents"]["0"], bulk_ids, "out/ecoli_sim/blame_test.png", highlight_molecules=["PD00413[c]", "PHOR-CPLX[c]"], )
[docs] def preprocess_data(data, bulk_ids, bulk_processes, molecules): """ Prepares raw data for blame-timeseries plot. Returns data in the form time, process, values_array where time is a numpy array of times, process is a list of process names, and values_array is a numpy array of the form (molecule x time x process). """ molecule_idx = bulk_name_to_idx(molecules, bulk_ids) processes = list(bulk_processes.keys()) x = np.array(list(data.keys())) values_array = np.zeros([len(molecules), len(x), len(processes)]) # Create a fake bulk array to apply all updates to for each process # at each timestep and get final count fake_bulk = np.zeros(len(bulk_ids)) for j, timepoint in enumerate(x): for k, process in enumerate(processes): fake_bulk[:] = 0 path = bulk_processes[process][0] logged = data[timepoint]["log_update"] if process not in logged: continue bulk_updates = logged[process].get(path, ()) for bulk_update in bulk_updates: fake_bulk[bulk_update[0]] += bulk_update[1] values_array[:, j, k] = fake_bulk[molecule_idx] return x, processes, values_array
[docs] def signed_stacked_bar(ax, x, y, bar_labels): """ ax: Axes object x: x values (1d array) y: y-values (len(x) columns by # stacked bars rows) Creates a stacked bar chart in the specified Axes, where y's with negative values represent bars below y=0, and y's with positive values represent bars above y=0. """ # Need to keep track of separate totals for positive, negative # entries at each time step, so that positive entries get stacked above 0, # and negative entries get stacked below. total_pos = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=np.float64) total_neg = np.zeros_like(total_pos) for series in range(y.shape[1]): data = y[:, series] x, data, bottom=np.where(data > 0, total_pos, total_neg), label=bar_labels[series], ) total_pos += np.clip(data, 0, None) total_neg += np.clip(data, None, 0) # Plot net change ax.plot(x, total_pos + total_neg, color="k", label="net change")
[docs] def blame_timeseries( data: dict, topology: dict, bulk_ids: list[str], molecules: list[str], filename: Optional[str] = None, yscale: str = "linear", ) -> tuple[mpl.axes.Axes, mpl.figure.Figure]: """ Generates timeseries blame plots for the selected bulk molecules assuming that bulk data is an array of counts ordered by bulk_ids and saves to the specified output file. Timeseries blame plots show the change in molecule counts due to each process at each timestep. For convenience, exact count plots are included to the side. Example usage:: sim = EcoliSim.from_file() sim.build_ecoli() data = sim.query() data = {key: val['agents']['0'] for key, val in data.items()} store_configs = sim.ecoli_experiment.get_config() bulk_ids = store_configs['agents']['0']['bulk']['_properties']['metadata'] blame_timeseries(data, sim.topology, bulk_ids ['WATER[c]', 'APORNAP-CPLX[c]', 'TRP[c]'], 'out/ecoli_master/test_blame_timeseries.png', yscale="linear") Args: data: Data from an experiment (for experiments with cell division, ensure that ``bulk`` is a top-level field in the sub-dictionaries for each time point) topology: Experiment topology (used to determine which processes are connected to ``bulk`` and how) bulk_ids: List (or array) of bulk molecule names in the order they appear in the structured bulk Numpy array (see :ref:`bulk`). Typically retrieved from simulation config metadata. molecules: List of bulk molecule names to plot data for filename: Path to save plot to (optional) yscale: See :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.yscale` Returns: Axes and figure """ if "log_update" not in data[0.0].keys(): raise ValueError( "Missing log_update store in data; did you run simulation without logged updates?" ) # Collect data into one dictionary # of the form: {process : {molecule : timeseries}} bulk_processes = get_bulk_processes(topology) time, processes, values_array = preprocess_data( data, bulk_ids, bulk_processes, molecules ) bulk_ids = np.array(bulk_ids) # Twp subplots per molecule (count, change) max_t = time.max() fig, axs = plt.subplots( len(molecules), 2, figsize=(10 + np.sqrt(max_t), 3 * len(molecules)), gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": [1, 10 + np.sqrt(max_t)]}, ) axs = np.atleast_2d(axs) for i, molecule in enumerate(molecules): # Plot molecule count over time # molecule_data = data['bulk'][molecule] molecule_idx = np.where(bulk_ids == molecule)[0][0] molecule_data = np.array( [timepoint["bulk"][molecule_idx] for timepoint in data.values()] ) axs[i, 0].set_title(f"Count of {molecule}", pad=20) axs[i, 0].set_ylabel("# molecules") axs[i, 0].set_xlabel("Time (s)") axs[i, 0].set_xticks(time) axs[i, 0].plot(time, molecule_data) # Plot change due to each process axs[i, 1].set_title(f"Change in {molecule}", pad=20) axs[i, 1].set_ylabel("# molecules") axs[i, 1].set_xlabel("Time (s)") axs[i, 1].set_xticks(time[1:]) axs[i, 1].axhline(y=0, color="k", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) y = values_array[i, 1 : len(time), :] signed_stacked_bar(axs[i, 1], time[1:], y, processes) axs[i, 1].set_yscale(yscale) axs[0, 1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 0.5), loc="center left", borderaxespad=0) # Sizing and spacing # fig.set_size_inches(4 + np.sqrt(max_t), # include space for legend(s) # 3 * len(molecules)) # height prop. to number of plots fig.tight_layout(pad=2.0) # Save plot to file if filename: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(filename) # Return axis and figure return plt.gca(), plt.gcf()
def test_blame_timeseries(): # TODO: # - add back processes # - get working with unique molecules (separate argument for unique) # - serializers from vivarium.core.emitter import ( data_from_database, get_local_client, timeseries_from_data, ) EXPERIMENT_ID = None # "d811d69e-0cf6-11ec-a1ab-00155df92294" if EXPERIMENT_ID: data, conf = data_from_database( EXPERIMENT_ID, get_local_client("localhost", "27017", "simulations") ) data = timeseries_from_data(data) topo = conf["topology"] else: sim = EcoliSim.from_file() # CONFIG_DIR_PATH + "/test_configs/test_blame.json") # sim.emitter = "database" sim.raw_output = True sim.log_updates = True sim.emit_topology = False sim.emit_processes = False sim.total_time = 100 sim.build_ecoli() bulk_ids = sim.generated_initial_state["agents"]["0"]["bulk"]["id"] data = sim.query() topo = sim.ecoli_experiment.topology["agents"]["0"] # molecules = [ # "EG10841-MONOMER", # "EG10321-MONOMER", # "EG11545-MONOMER", # "EG11967-MONOMER", # "FLAGELLAR-MOTOR-COMPLEX", # "G361-MONOMER", # "CPLX0-7451", # "CPLX0-7452", # Final flagella molecule # ] data = {time: time_data["agents"]["0"] for time, time_data in data.items()} blame_timeseries( data, topo, bulk_ids, ["CPD-12261[p]"], # + molecules, "out/ecoli_master/murein_blame.png", yscale="linear", )
[docs] def plot( params: dict[str, Any], conn: DuckDBPyConnection, history_sql: str, config_sql: str, sim_data_paths: dict[str, dict[int, str]], validation_data_paths: list[str], outdir: str, variant_metadata: dict[str, dict[int, Any]], variant_name: str, ): # TODO: Write analysis script using DuckDB raise NotImplementedError("Still need to write analysis script using DuckDB!")
if __name__ == "__main__": test_blame()