Source code for ecoli.composites.chemotaxis_minimal

Minimal E. coli Chemotaxis

import os

from vivarium.core.composer import Composer
from vivarium.core.composition import COMPOSITE_OUT_DIR, simulate_composite
from vivarium.plots.simulation_output import plot_simulation_output

# processes
from ecoli.processes.chemotaxis.chemoreceptor_cluster import (
from ecoli.processes.chemotaxis.coarse_motor import MotorActivity

NAME = "chemotaxis_minimal"

[docs] class ChemotaxisMinimal(Composer): """Chemotaxis Minimal Composite A chemotactic cell with only receptor and coarse motor processes. """ name = NAME defaults = { "ligand_id": "MeAsp", "initial_ligand": 0.1, "boundary_path": ("boundary",), "receptor": {}, "motor": {}, } def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config)
[docs] def generate_processes(self, config): receptor_config = config["receptor"] motor_config = config["motor"] ligand_id = config["ligand_id"] initial_ligand = config["initial_ligand"] receptor_config.update( {"ligand_id": ligand_id, "initial_ligand": initial_ligand} ) # declare the processes receptor = ReceptorCluster(receptor_config) motor = MotorActivity(motor_config) return {"receptor": receptor, "motor": motor}
[docs] def generate_topology(self, config): boundary_path = config["boundary_path"] external_path = boundary_path + ("external",) return { "receptor": {"external": external_path, "internal": ("cell",)}, "motor": {"external": boundary_path, "internal": ("cell",)}, }
def test_chemotaxis_minimal(total_time=10, return_timeseries=False): environment_port = ("external",) ligand_id = "MeAsp" initial_conc = 0 time_step = 0.1 # make the compartment compartment_config = { "external_path": (environment_port,), "ligand_id": ligand_id, "initial_ligand": initial_conc, } composite = ChemotaxisMinimal(compartment_config).generate() # configure timeline exponential_random_config = { "ligand": ligand_id, "environment_port": environment_port, "time": total_time, "timestep": time_step, "initial_conc": initial_conc, "base": 1 + 4e-4, "speed": 14, } timeline = get_exponential_random_timeline(exponential_random_config) # run experiment experiment_settings = { "timeline": { "timeline": timeline, "paths": {"external": ("boundary", "external")}, }, "timestep": time_step, "total_time": total_time, } timeseries = simulate_composite(composite, experiment_settings) if return_timeseries: return timeseries
[docs] def main(): out_dir = os.path.join(COMPOSITE_OUT_DIR, NAME) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) # run the composite timeseries = test_chemotaxis_minimal(total_time=60, return_timeseries=True) # plot plot_settings = { "max_rows": 20, "remove_zeros": True, "overlay": {"reactions": "flux"}, "skip_ports": ["prior_state", "null", "global"], } plot_simulation_output(timeseries, plot_settings, out_dir, "exponential_timeline")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()