Source code for ecoli.composites.ecoli_master

:py:class:`~vivarium.core.composer.Composer` used to generate the processes,
steps, topology, and initial state of the E. coli whole cell model.

.. note::
    Use the :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim` interface
    to configure and run simulations with this composer.
# mypy: disable-error-code=attr-defined

from copy import deepcopy
import os
from typing import Any, Optional
import warnings

# vivarium-core
from vivarium.core.composer import Composer
from vivarium.plots.topology import plot_topology
from vivarium.library.dict_utils import deep_merge
from vivarium.core.control import run_library_cli
from vivarium.core.engine import _StepGraph

# sim data
from ecoli.library.sim_data import LoadSimData, RAND_MAX

# logging
from ecoli.library.logging_tools import make_logging_process

# vivarium-ecoli processes
from ecoli.composites.ecoli_configs import (
from ecoli.processes.cell_division import Division, MarkDPeriod, StopAfterDivision
from ecoli.processes.allocator import Allocator
from ecoli.processes.partition import PartitionedProcess
from ecoli.processes.unique_update import UniqueUpdate

# state
from ecoli.processes.partition import Requester, Evolver, Step, Process
from ecoli.library.json_state import get_state_from_file

SIM_DATA_PATH = os.path.abspath(

MINIMAL_MEDIA_ID = "minimal"
AA_MEDIA_ID = "minimal_plus_amino_acids"
ANAEROBIC_MEDIA_ID = "minimal_minus_oxygen"

[docs] class Ecoli(Composer): """ The main composer used to create the :py:class:`~vivarium.core.composer.Composite` that is given to :py:class:`~vivarium.core.engine.Engine` to run the E. coli whole cell model. """ defaults = { "time_step": 2.0, "seed": 0, "sim_data_path": SIM_DATA_PATH, "agent_id": "0", "division_threshold": 668, # fg "division_variable": ("listeners", "mass", "dry_mass"), "chromosome_path": ("unique", " full_chromosome"), "divide": False, "log_updates": False, "mar_regulon": False, "amp_lysis": False, "process_configs": {}, "flow": {}, } """A subset of configuration options with default values for testing purposes (see :py:func:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.ecoli_topology_plot`). For normal users, this composer should only be called indirectly via the :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim` interface, whose defaults are laid out in the JSON file at ``ecoli/composites/ecoli_configs/default.json``. :meta hide-value: """ def __init__(self, config: dict[str, Any]): """Loads pickled simulation data object (from ParCa, see :py:mod:`~reconstruction.ecoli.fit_sim_data_1`) and instantiates all processes and steps (also dynamically generates flow for steps). Attributes: load_sim_data: Instance of :py:class:`~ecoli.library.sim_data.LoadSimData` config: Cached copy of ``config`` processes_and_steps: Processes, steps, and flow generated by :py:meth:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli.generate_processes_and_steps` Args: config: Configuration dictionary that is typically supplied by :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim` """ super().__init__(config) self.load_sim_data = LoadSimData(**self.config) if not self.config.get("processes"): self.config["processes"] = deepcopy(ECOLI_DEFAULT_PROCESSES) if not self.config.get("process_configs"): self.config["process_configs"] = { process: "sim_data" for process in self.config["processes"] } if not self.config.get("topology"): self.config["topology"] = deepcopy(ECOLI_DEFAULT_TOPOLOGY) self.processes_and_steps = self.generate_processes_and_steps(self.config)
[docs] def initial_state(self, config: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> dict[str, Any]: """Users have three options for configuring the simulation initial state: 1. ``config['initial_state']`` 2. Load the JSON file at ``f'data/{config['initial_state_file]}.json'`` using :py:func:`~ecoli.library.json_state.get_state_from_file`. 3. Generate initial state from simulation data object (see :py:meth:`~ecoli.library.sim_data.LoadSimData.generate_initial_state`) This method will go through these options in order until a dictionary is loaded. This dictionary will serve as the base initial state. Users can override values in the initial state by specifying one or more override filenames in ``config['initial_state_overrides']``. For each filename, the JSON at the path ``f'data/{override_filename}.json'`` is loaded. Bulk molecule overrides (anything under the ``bulk`` key in the loaded JSON) take the form of key-value pairs where keys are bulk molecule IDs and values are the desired counts of those molecules. These key-value pairs are parsed to change the desired counts for the correct rows in the bulk molecule structured Numpy array (see :ref:`bulk`). All other overrides are directly used to update the initial state with no further processing. As explained in :ref:`partitioning`, instances of :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.PartitionedProcess` are turned into two :py:class:`~vivarium.core.process.Step` instances in the final model: a :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.Requester` and an :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.Evolver`. To ensure that both of these steps have access to the same mutable parameters (e.g. if a Requester changes a parameter, the Evolver will see the change), this method places the the :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.PartitionedProcess` that they share into the simulation state under the ``('process',)`` path. .. WARNING:: This method will **NOT** work if run after calling :py:meth:`~vivarium.core.composer.Composer.generate` on this composer. Args: config: Defaults to the ``config`` used to initialize :py:class:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli` Returns: Complete initial state for an E. coli simulation.""" config = config or self.config # Allow initial state to be directly supplied instead of a file name # (e.g. when loading individual cells in a colony save file) initial_state = config.get("initial_state", None) if not initial_state: initial_state_file = config.get("initial_state_file", None) # Generate initial state from sim_data if no file specified if not initial_state_file: initial_state = self.load_sim_data.generate_initial_state() else: initial_state = get_state_from_file( path=f"data/{initial_state_file}.json" ) # Load first agent state in a division-enabled save state by default if "agents" in initial_state.keys(): warnings.warn( "Trying to load a multi-agent simulation state into " "a single-cell simulation. Loading the state of arbitrary agent." ) initial_state = list(initial_state["agents"].values())[0] initial_state_overrides = config.get("initial_state_overrides", []) # Create mapping of bulk molecule names to row indices, allowing users to # specify bulk molecule overrides by name if initial_state_overrides: bulk_map = { bulk_id: row_id for row_id, bulk_id in enumerate(initial_state["bulk"]["id"]) } for override_file in initial_state_overrides: override = get_state_from_file(path=f"data/{override_file}.json") # Apply bulk overrides of the form {molecule: count} to Numpy array bulk_overrides = override.pop("bulk", {}) initial_state["bulk"].flags.writeable = True for molecule, count in bulk_overrides.items(): initial_state["bulk"]["count"][bulk_map[molecule]] = count initial_state["bulk"].flags.writeable = False # All other overrides directly update initial state deep_merge(initial_state, override) # Put shared process instances for partitioned steps into state _, steps, _ = self.processes_and_steps initial_state["process"] = { step.parameters["process"].name: (step.parameters["process"],) for step in steps.values() if "process" in step.parameters } return initial_state
[docs] def generate_processes_and_steps( self, config: dict[str, Any] ) -> tuple[dict[str, Process], dict[str, Step], dict[str, list[tuple[str]]]]: """Helper function that dynamically initializes all processes and steps (including their flow) according to options supplied in ``config``. This method is called when :py:class:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli` is initialized and its return value is cached as the instance variable :py:data:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli.processes_and_steps`. This allows the :py:class:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli.initial_state` method to be run before calling :py:meth:`~vivarium.core.composer.Composer.generate` on this composer. Args: config: Important key-value pairs in this dictionary include: * ``process_configs``: Mapping of process names (:py:class:`str`) to process configs. The configs can either be dictionaries that will be used to initialize said process, the string ``"sim_data"`` to indicate that the process config should be loaded from the pickled simulation data object using :py:meth:`~ecoli.library.sim_data.LoadSimData.get_config_by_name`, or the string ``"default"`` to indicate that the ``defaults`` attribute of the process should be used as its config. In the case of a dictionary config, the dictionary will be merged with the result of :py:meth:`~ecoli.library.sim_data.LoadSimData.get_config_by_name` if possible, or the ``defaults`` attribute if not. * ``processes``: Mapping of all process names (:py:class:`str`) to the :py:class:`~vivarium.core.process.Process`, :py:class:`~vivarium.core.process.Step`, or :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.PartitionedProcess` instances that they refer to. * ``log_updates``: Boolean option indicating whether to emit the updates of all processes in ``config['processes']`` (separately log the updates from the :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.Requester` and :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.Evolver` created from each :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.PartitionedProcess`) at the path ``('log_update',)`` by wrapping them with :py:func:`~ecoli.library.logging_tools.make_logging_process`. See :py:mod:`~ecoli.analysis.single.blame` for a plotting script that can be used to visualize how each process changes bulk molecule counts. * ``flow``: Mapping of process names to their dependencies. Note that the only names allowed must correspond to instances of either :py:class:`~vivarium.core.process.Step` or :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.PartitionedProcess`. This method parses the names of partitioned processes and edits the flow to create the four execution layers detailed in :ref:`implementation`. * ``divide``: Boolean option that adds :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.cell_division.Division` if true. * ``division_threshold``: Config option for :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.cell_division.Division` * ``agent_id``: Config option for :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.cell_division.Division` * ``d_period``: Boolean option that only matters if ``division`` is true. Adds :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.cell_division.MarkDPeriod` if true. * ``generations``: If not ``None`` and ``divide`` is ``True``, adds :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.cell_division.StopAfterDivision` Returns: Tuple consisting of a mapping of process names to fully initialized :py:class:`~vivarium.core.process.Process` instances, a mapping of step names to fully initialized :py:class:`~vivarium.core.process.Step` instances, and a flow describing the dependencies between steps. """ time_step = config["time_step"] # get the configs from sim_data (except for allocator, built later) process_configs = config["process_configs"] for process in process_configs.keys(): if process_configs[process] == "sim_data": process_configs[process] = self.load_sim_data.get_config_by_name( process, time_step ) elif process_configs[process] == "default": process_configs[process] = None else: # user passed a dict, deep-merge with config from LoadSimData # if it exists, else, deep-merge with default try: default = self.load_sim_data.get_config_by_name(process, time_step) except KeyError: default = self.config["processes"][process].defaults process_configs[process] = deep_merge( deepcopy(default), process_configs[process] ) if "seed" in process_configs[process]: process_configs[process]["seed"] = ( process_configs[process]["seed"] + config["seed"] ) % RAND_MAX # make the processes processes = {} steps = {} flow = {} self.partitioned_processes = [] for process_name, process_class in config["processes"].items(): if issubclass(process_class, PartitionedProcess): process = process_class(process_configs[process_name]) if config["log_updates"]: steps[f"{process_name}_evolver"] = make_logging_process(Evolver)( {"time_step": time_step, "process": process} ) steps[f"{process_name}_requester"] = make_logging_process( Requester )({"time_step": time_step, "process": process}) else: steps[f"{process_name}_evolver"] = Evolver( {"time_step": time_step, "process": process} ) steps[f"{process_name}_requester"] = Requester( {"time_step": time_step, "process": process} ) self.partitioned_processes.append(process_name) elif issubclass(process_class, Step): if config["log_updates"]: process_class = make_logging_process(process_class) process = process_class(process_configs[process_name]) steps[process_name] = process continue else: if config["log_updates"]: process_class = make_logging_process(process_class) process = process_class(process_configs[process_name]) processes[process_name] = process continue # Parse flow to get execution layers step_graph = _StepGraph() for process in config["processes"]: # Get Step dependencies as tuple paths deps = config["flow"].get(process, []) tuplified_deps = [] for dep_path in deps: # Use evolver for partitioned dependencies if dep_path[-1] in self.partitioned_processes: tuplified_deps.append( tuple(dep_path[:-1]) + (f"{dep_path[-1]}_evolver",) ) else: tuplified_deps.append(tuple(dep_path)) # For partitioned steps, requesters must run before evolvers if process in self.partitioned_processes: step_graph.add((f"{process}_requester",), tuplified_deps) step_graph.add((f"{process}_evolver",), [(f"{process}_requester",)]) elif process in steps: step_graph.add((process,), tuplified_deps) # Build simulation flow with UniqueUpdate and Allocator layers layers = step_graph.get_execution_layers() allocator_counter = 1 unique_update_counter = 1 for layer_steps in layers: requesters = False for step_path in layer_steps: # Evolvers always go after the allocator for a given layer if "evolver" in step_path[-1]: flow[step_path[-1]] = [(f"allocator_{allocator_counter - 1}",)] # Aside from first layer, all non-evolver layers will be # immediately preceeded by a UniqueUpdate layer elif unique_update_counter > 1: flow[step_path[-1]] = [ (f"unique_update_{unique_update_counter - 1}",) ] if "requester" in step_path[-1]: requesters = True # First Step has no dependencies else: flow[step_path[-1]] = [] # Add Allocator layer right after requester layer if requesters: flow[f"allocator_{allocator_counter}"] = layer_steps allocator_counter += 1 # Add UniqueUpdate layer after non-requester layers else: flow[f"unique_update_{unique_update_counter}"] = [step_path] unique_update_counter += 1 # Add Allocator Steps allocator_config = self.load_sim_data.get_allocator_config( time_step, process_names=self.partitioned_processes ) for i in range(1, allocator_counter): steps[f"allocator_{i}"] = Allocator(allocator_config) # Add UniqueUpdate Steps unique_mols = ( self.load_sim_data.sim_data.internal_state ).unique_molecule.unique_molecule_definitions.keys() unique_topo = { unique_mol + "s": ("unique", unique_mol) for unique_mol in unique_mols if unique_mol not in ["active_ribosome", "DnaA_box"] } unique_topo["active_ribosome"] = ("unique", "active_ribosome") unique_topo["DnaA_boxes"] = ("unique", "DnaA_box") params = {"unique_topo": unique_topo} for i in range(1, unique_update_counter): steps[f"unique_update_{i}"] = UniqueUpdate(params) # add division Step if config["divide"]: division_config = { "division_threshold": config["division_threshold"], "agent_id": config["agent_id"], "composer": Ecoli, "composer_config": self.config, "dry_mass_inc_dict": self.load_sim_data.sim_data.expectedDryMassIncreaseDict, "seed": config["seed"], } steps["division"] = Division(division_config) if config["d_period"]: steps["mark_d_period"] = MarkDPeriod() flow["mark_d_period"] = [ (f"unique_update_{unique_update_counter - 1}",) ] flow["division"] = [("mark_d_period",)] else: flow["division"] = [(f"unique_update_{unique_update_counter - 1}",)] # Add Step to raise catchable exception upon division if config["generations"] is not None: steps["stop-after-division"] = StopAfterDivision() flow["stop-after-division"] = [("division",)] # update schema overrides for evolvers and requesters update_override = {} delete_override = [] for process_id, override in self.schema_override.items(): if process_id in self.partitioned_processes: delete_override.append(process_id) update_override[f"{process_id}_evolver"] = override update_override[f"{process_id}_requester"] = override for process_id in delete_override: del self.schema_override[process_id] self.schema_override.update(update_override) return processes, steps, flow
[docs] def generate_processes(self, config: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Process]: """Retrieve cached processes generated by :py:meth:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli.generate_processes_and_steps` when :py:meth:`~vivarium.core.composer.Composer.generate` is called on this composer. """ processes, _, _ = self.processes_and_steps return processes
[docs] def generate_steps(self, config: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Step]: """Retrieve cached steps generated by :py:meth:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli.generate_processes_and_steps` when :py:meth:`~vivarium.core.composer.Composer.generate` is called on this composer. """ _, steps, _ = self.processes_and_steps return steps
[docs] def generate_flow(self, config: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, list[tuple[str]]]: """Retrieve cached flow generated by :py:meth:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli.generate_processes_and_steps` when :py:meth:`~vivarium.core.composer.Composer.generate` is called on this composer. """ _, _, flow = self.processes_and_steps return flow
[docs] def generate_topology(self, config: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, tuple[str]]: """Creates simulation topology when :py:meth:`~vivarium.core.composer.Composer.generate` is called on this composer. Args: config: Uses the same ``config`` supplied to this composer in :py:class:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli` that was used to generate the processes and steps in :py:meth:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli.generate_processes_and_steps`. Important key-value pairs include: * ``topology``: Mapping of process names to topologies. Names of :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.PartitionedProcess` instances are automatically split into two separate topologies, one for the :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.Requester` and another for the :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.partition.Evolver` that is created for each partitioned process (see :ref:`partitioning`). * ``log_updates``: Boolean, adds additional ``log_update`` topology path to write the updates of each process when true. See :py:func:`~ecoli.library.logging_tools.make_logging_process`. * ``divide``: Boolean, adds toplogy for :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.cell_division.Division` when true. * ``d_period``: Boolean, adds topology for :py:class:`~ecoli.processes.cell_division.MarkDPeriod` when true. Returns: Full topology for an E. coli simulation. """ topology = {} # make the topology for process_id, ports in config["topology"].items(): # make the partitioned processes' topologies if process_id in self.partitioned_processes: topology[f"{process_id}_requester"] = deepcopy(ports) topology[f"{process_id}_evolver"] = deepcopy(ports) if config["log_updates"]: topology[f"{process_id}_evolver"]["log_update"] = ( "log_update", f"{process_id}_evolver", ) topology[f"{process_id}_requester"]["log_update"] = ( "log_update", f"{process_id}_requester", ) # Only the bulk ports should be included in the request # and allocate topologies topology[f"{process_id}_requester"]["request"] = ("request", process_id) topology[f"{process_id}_evolver"]["allocate"] = ("allocate", process_id) topology[f"{process_id}_requester"]["next_update_time"] = ( "next_update_time", process_id, ) topology[f"{process_id}_evolver"]["next_update_time"] = ( "next_update_time", process_id, ) topology[f"{process_id}_requester"]["process"] = ( "process", process_id, ) topology[f"{process_id}_evolver"]["process"] = ( "process", process_id, ) # Add global time topology[f"{process_id}_requester"]["global_time"] = ("global_time",) topology[f"{process_id}_evolver"]["global_time"] = ("global_time",) # make the non-partitioned processes' topologies else: topology[process_id] = ports if config["log_updates"]: topology[process_id]["log_update"] = ( "log_update", process_id, ) # add division if config["divide"]: if config["d_period"]: topology["mark_d_period"] = { "full_chromosome": tuple(config["chromosome_path"]), "global_time": ("global_time",), "divide": ("divide",), } topology["division"] = { "division_variable": tuple(config["division_variable"]), "full_chromosome": tuple(config["chromosome_path"]), "agents": ("..", "..", "agents"), "media_id": ("environment", "media_id"), "division_threshold": ("division_threshold",), } if config["generations"] is not None: topology["stop-after-division"] = {"agents": ("..", "..", "agents")} # Add Allocator and UniqueUpdate topologies _, steps, _ = self.processes_and_steps allocator_topo = { "request": ("request",), "allocate": ("allocate",), "bulk": ("bulk",), } for step_name in steps.keys(): if "unique_update" in step_name: topology[step_name] = steps[step_name].unique_topo.copy() elif "allocator" in step_name: topology[step_name] = allocator_topo.copy() # Do not keep an unnecessary reference to these del self.processes_and_steps return topology
[docs] def run_ecoli( filename: str = "default", total_time: int = 10, divide: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = True, log_updates: bool = False, emitter: str = "timeseries", time_series: bool = True, ): """Run E. coli simulations. Args: total_time: the total runtime of the experiment divide: whether to incorporate division progress_bar: whether to show a progress bar log_updates: whether to save updates from each process (refer to :py:func:`~ecoli.library.logging_tools.make_logging_process`) emitter: type of emitter to use (refer to ``emitter`` argument for :py:class:`~vivarium.core.engine.Engine`) time_series: whether to return data in timeseries format (refer to :py:meth:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim.query`) Returns: Data emitted by simulation. .. note:: If data is not set up to be emitted to a MongoDB database (e.g. ``emitter`` is not ``database``), users will not have easy access to the listener metadata that is emitted when ``emit_config`` is true (see :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim`, :py:class:`~vivarium.core.engine.Engine`, and :py:func:`~ecoli.library.schema.listener_schema` for details). """ # Import here to avoid circular import from ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim import EcoliSim, CONFIG_DIR_PATH sim = EcoliSim.from_file(CONFIG_DIR_PATH + filename + ".json") sim.total_time = total_time sim.divide = divide sim.progress_bar = progress_bar sim.log_updates = log_updates sim.emitter = emitter sim.raw_output = not time_series sim.build_ecoli() return sim.query()
[docs] def get_ecoli_partition_topology_plot_settings(): evolver_row = -6 allocator_row = -7 requester_row = -8 process_distance = 0.9 settings = { "graph_format": "hierarchy", "dashed_edges": True, "show_ports": False, "node_size": 12000, "coordinates": { "ecoli-tf-binding_evolver": (1 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-tf-binding_requester": (1 * process_distance, requester_row), "ecoli-transcript-initiation_evolver": (2 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-transcript-initiation_requester": ( 2 * process_distance, requester_row, ), "ecoli-transcript-elongation_evolver": (3 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-transcript-elongation_requester": ( 3 * process_distance, requester_row, ), "ecoli-rna-degradation_evolver": (4 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-rna-degradation_requester": (4 * process_distance, requester_row), "ecoli-polypeptide-initiation_evolver": (5 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-polypeptide-initiation_requester": ( 5 * process_distance, requester_row, ), "ecoli-polypeptide-elongation_evolver": (6 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-polypeptide-elongation_requester": ( 6 * process_distance, requester_row, ), "ecoli-complexation_evolver": (7 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-complexation_requester": (7 * process_distance, requester_row), "ecoli-two-component-system_evolver": (8 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-two-component-system_requester": ( 8 * process_distance, requester_row, ), "ecoli-equilibrium_evolver": (9 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-equilibrium_requester": (9 * process_distance, requester_row), "ecoli-protein-degradation_evolver": (10 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-protein-degradation_requester": ( 10 * process_distance, requester_row, ), "ecoli-chromosome-replication_evolver": ( 11 * process_distance, evolver_row, ), "ecoli-chromosome-replication_requester": ( 11 * process_distance, requester_row, ), "ecoli-chromosome-structure_evolver": (12 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-chromosome-structure_requester": ( 12 * process_distance, requester_row, ), "ecoli-chromosome-structure": (12 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-metabolism_evolver": (13 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-metabolism_requester": (13 * process_distance, requester_row), "ecoli-metabolism": (13 * process_distance, evolver_row), "ecoli-mass-listener": (14 * process_distance, evolver_row), "mRNA_counts_listener": (15 * process_distance, evolver_row), "divide_condition": (16 * process_distance, evolver_row), "allocator": (6 * process_distance, allocator_row), }, "node_labels": { # processes "ecoli-tf-binding_requester": "tf\nbinding\nrequester", "ecoli-tf-binding_evolver": "tf\nbinding\nevolver", "ecoli-transcript-initiation_requester": "transcript\ninitiation\nrequester", "ecoli-transcript-initiation_evolver": "transcript\ninitiation\nevolver", "ecoli-transcript-elongation_requester": "transcript\nelongation\nrequester", "ecoli-transcript-elongation_evolver": "transcript\nelongation\nevolver", "ecoli-rna-degradation_requester": "rna\ndegradation\nrequester", "ecoli-rna-degradation_evolver": "rna\ndegradation\nevolver", "ecoli-polypeptide-initiation_requester": "polypeptide\ninitiation\nrequester", "ecoli-polypeptide-initiation_evolver": "polypeptide\ninitiation\nevolver", "ecoli-polypeptide-elongation_requester": "polypeptide\nelongation\nrequester", "ecoli-polypeptide-elongation_evolver": "polypeptide\nelongation\nevolver", "ecoli-complexation_requester": "complexation\nrequester", "ecoli-complexation_evolver": "complexation\nevolver", "ecoli-two-component-system_requester": "two component\nsystem\nrequester", "ecoli-two-component-system_evolver": "two component\nsystem\nevolver", "ecoli-equilibrium_requester": "equilibrium\nrequester", "ecoli-equilibrium_evolver": "equilibrium\nevolver", "ecoli-protein-degradation_requester": "protein\ndegradation\nrequester", "ecoli-protein-degradation_evolver": "protein\ndegradation\nevolver", "ecoli-chromosome-replication_requester": "chromosome\nreplication\nrequester", "ecoli-chromosome-replication_evolver": "chromosome\nreplication\nevolver", "ecoli-chromosome-structure_requester": "chromosome\nstructure\nrequester", "ecoli-chromosome-structure_evolver": "chromosome\nstructure\nevolver", "ecoli-metabolism_requester": "metabolism\nrequester", "ecoli-metabolism_evolver": "metabolism\nevolver", "ecoli-mass-listener": "mass", "mRNA_counts_listener": "mrna\ncounts", "divide_condition": "division", }, "remove_nodes": [ "allocate\necoli-polypeptide-elongation\nenvironment\namino_acids", "request\necoli-polypeptide-elongation\nenvironment\namino_acids", "aa_enzymes", "process_state", "process_state\npolypeptide_elongation", "environment\nexchange_data", "listeners\nmass\ncell_mass", "listeners\nfba_results", "listeners\nenzyme_kinetics", "listeners\nmass", "listeners\nribosome_data", "listeners\nfba_results", "listeners\nRnapData", "listeners\ntranscript_elongation_listener", "listeners\nrna_degradation_listener", "listeners\nequilibrium_listener", "listeners\nreplication_data", "listeners\nrnap_data", ], } return settings
[docs] def ecoli_topology_plot(config=None): """Make a topology plot of Ecoli""" # Import here to avoid circular import from ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim import EcoliSim, SimConfig default_config = SimConfig() if config is not None: default_config.update_from_dict(config) config = default_config.to_dict() sim = EcoliSim(config) sim.build_ecoli() settings = get_ecoli_partition_topology_plot_settings() topo_plot = plot_topology( sim.ecoli, filename="topology", out_dir="out/composites/ecoli_master", settings=settings, ) return topo_plot
test_library = { "0": run_ecoli, "1": ecoli_topology_plot, } # run experiments in test_library from the command line with: # python ecoli/composites/ -n [experiment id] if __name__ == "__main__": run_library_cli(test_library)