Source code for ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim

Interface for configuring and running **single-cell** E. coli simulations.

.. note::
    Simulations can be configured to divide through this interface, but
    full colony-scale simulations are best run using the
    :py:mod:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_engine_process` module for efficient
# mypy: disable-error-code=attr-defined

import argparse
import copy
import os
import pstats
import subprocess
import sys
import json
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
from urllib import parse

import numpy as np
from vivarium.core.engine import Engine
from vivarium.core.process import Process
from vivarium.core.serialize import deserialize_value, serialize_value
from vivarium.library.dict_utils import deep_merge, deep_merge_check
from vivarium.library.topology import inverse_topology
from vivarium.library.topology import assoc_path
from ecoli.library.logging_tools import write_json
import ecoli.composites.ecoli_master

# Environment composer for spatial environment sim
import ecoli.composites.environment.lattice

from ecoli.processes import process_registry
from ecoli.processes.cell_division import DivisionDetected
from ecoli.processes.registries import topology_registry

from ecoli.composites.ecoli_configs import CONFIG_DIR_PATH
from ecoli.library.schema import not_a_process

Special configuration keys that are list values which are concatenated
together when they are found in multiple sources (e.g. default JSON and
user-specified JSON) instead of being directly overriden.

[docs] class TimeLimitError(RuntimeError): """Error raised when ``fail_at_total_time`` is True and simulation reaches ``total_time``.""" pass
[docs] def tuplify_topology(topology: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """JSON files allow lists but do not allow tuples. This function transforms the list paths in topologies loaded from JSON into standard tuple paths. Args: topology: Topology to recursively iterate over, converting all paths to tuples Returns: Topology with tuple paths (e.g. ``['bulk']`` turns into ``('bulk',)``) """ tuplified_topology: dict[str, Any] = {} for k, v in topology.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): tuplified_topology[k] = tuplify_topology(v) elif isinstance(v, str): tuplified_topology[k] = (v,) else: tuplified_topology[k] = tuple(v) return tuplified_topology
[docs] def get_git_revision_hash() -> str: """Returns current Git hash for model repository to include in metadata that is emitted when starting a simulation.""" return ( subprocess.check_output(["git", "-C", CONFIG_DIR_PATH, "rev-parse", "HEAD"]) .decode("ascii") .strip() )
[docs] def get_git_status() -> str: """Returns Git status of model repository to include in metadata that is emitted when starting a simulation. """ return ( subprocess.check_output(["git", "-C", CONFIG_DIR_PATH, "status", "--porcelain"]) .decode("ascii") .strip() )
[docs] def report_profiling(stats: pstats.Stats) -> None: """Prints out a summary of profiling statistics when ``profile`` option is ``True`` in the config given to :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim` Args: stats: Profiling statistics.""" _, stats_keys = stats.get_print_list( ("(next_update)|(calculate_request)|(evolve_state)",) ) summed_stats: dict[tuple[str, str, str], int] = {} for key in stats_keys: key_stats = stats.stats[key] _, _, _, cumtime, _ = key_stats path, line, func = key.split(" ") path = os.path.basename(path) summed_stats[(path, line, func)] = ( summed_stats.get((path, line, func), 0) + cumtime ) summed_stats_inverse_map = {time: key for key, time in summed_stats.items()} print("\nPer-process profiling:\n") for time in sorted(summed_stats_inverse_map.keys())[::-1]: path, line, func = summed_stats_inverse_map[time] print(f"{path}:{line} {func}(): {time}") print("\nOverall Profile:\n") stats.sort_stats("cumtime").print_stats(20)
[docs] def key_value_pair(argument_string: str) -> list[str]: """Parses key-value pairs specified as strings of the form ``key=value`` via CLI. See ``emitter_arg`` option in :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.SimConfig`. Args: argument_string: Key-value pair as a string of the form ``key=value`` Returns: ``[key, value]`` """ split = argument_string.split("=") if len(split) != 2: raise ValueError("Key-value pair arguments must have exactly one `=`.") return split
[docs] def prepare_save_state(state: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Prepares simulation state to be saved to a JSON file by pruning unsaveable values and adding necessary metadata. Mutates in-place. """ # Processes can't be serialized del state["process"] # Bulk random state can't be serialized del state["allocator_rng"] # Save bulk and unique dtypes state["bulk_dtypes"] = str(state["bulk"].dtype) state["unique_dtypes"] = {} for name, mols in state["unique"].items(): state["unique_dtypes"][name] = str(mols.dtype)
[docs] class SimConfig: #: Path to default JSON configuration file. default_config_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR_PATH, "default.json") def __init__( self, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, parser: Optional[argparse.ArgumentParser] = None, ): """Stores configuration options for a simulation. Has dictionary-like interface (e.g. bracket indexing, get, keys). Attributes: config: Current configuration. parser: Argument parser for the command-line interface. Args: config: Configuration options. If not provided, the default configuration is loaded from the file path :py:data:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.SimConfig.default_config_path`. parser: Useful for scripts that leverage the inheritance features of the JSON config files but want to have their own CLI args for clarity. """ self._config = config or {} if not self._config: self.update_from_json(self.default_config_path) self.parser = parser if self.parser is None: self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ecoli_master") self.parser.add_argument( "--config", action="store", default=self.default_config_path, help=( "Path to configuration file for the simulation. " "All key-value pairs in this file will be applied on top " f"of the options defined in {self.default_config_path}." ), ) self.parser.add_argument( "--experiment_id", action="store", help=( "ID for this experiment. A UUID will be generated if " 'this argument is not used and "experiment_id" is null ' "in the configuration file." ), ) self.parser.add_argument( "--emitter", action="store", choices=["timeseries", "print", "parquet", "null"], help=( "Emitter to use. Timeseries uses RAMEmitter, print emits to" " stdout, and parquet (recommended) saves output to a" " directory on disk specified using --emitter-arg (e.g." " --emitter-arg out_dir='out')" ), ) self.parser.add_argument( "--emitter_arg", action="store", nargs="*", type=key_value_pair, help=( "Key-value pairs, separated by `=`, to include in " "emitter config." ), ) self.parser.add_argument( "--seed", action="store", type=int, help="Random seed." ) self.parser.add_argument( "--total_time", action="store", type=float, help="Time to run the simulation for.", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--generations", action="store", type=int, help="Number of generations to run the simulation for.", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--log_updates", action="store_true", help=( "Save updates from each process if this flag is set, " "e.g. for use with blame plot." ), ) self.parser.add_argument( "--raw_output", action="store_true", help=( "Whether to return data in raw format (dictionary" " where keys are times, values are states). Requires" " timeseries emitter (RAMEmitter)." ), ) self.parser.add_argument( "--agent_id", action="store", type=str, help="Agent ID." ) self.parser.add_argument( "--sim_data_path", default=None, help="Path to the sim_data (pickle from ParCa) to use for this experiment.", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--profile", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print profiling information at the end.", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--initial_state_file", action="store", default="", help='Name of initial state file (omit ".json" extension) under data/', ) self.parser.add_argument( "--initial_state_overrides", action="store", nargs="*", help='Name of initial state overrides (omit ".json" extension) under ' "data/overrides", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--daughter_outdir", action="store", help="Directory in which to store daughter cell state JSONs.", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--variant", action="store", help="Name of variant." ) self.parser.add_argument( "--lineage_seed", action="store", help="Seed used for first cell in lineage.", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--initial_global_time", type=float, action="store", help="Initial time in context of whole lineage.", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--fail_at_total_time", action="store_true", default=False, help="Simulation will raise TimeLimitException upon reaching total_time.", )
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_config_dicts(d1: dict[str, Any], d2: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Helper function to safely merge two config dictionaries. Config options whose values are lists (e.g. ``save_times``, ``add_processes``, etc.) are handled separately so that the lists from each config are concatenated in the merged output. Args: d1: Config to mutate by merging in ``d2``. d2: Config to merge into ``d1``. """ for key in LIST_KEYS_TO_MERGE: d2.setdefault(key, []) d2[key].extend(d1.get(key, [])) if key == "engine_process_reports": d2[key] = [tuple(path) for path in d2[key]] # Ensures there are no duplicates in d2 d2[key] = list(set(d2[key])) d2[key].sort() deep_merge(d1, d2)
[docs] def update_from_json(self, path: str) -> None: """Loads config dictionary from file path ``path`` and merges it into the currently loaded config. Args: path: The file path of the JSON config to merge in. """ with open(path, "r") as f: new_config = json.load(f) new_config = deserialize_value(new_config) for config_name in new_config.get("inherit_from", []): config_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR_PATH, config_name) self.update_from_json(config_path) self.merge_config_dicts(self._config, new_config)
[docs] def update_from_cli(self): """Parses command-line options defined in ``__init__`` and updates config. """ args = self.parser.parse_args() # First load in a configuration file, if one was specified. config_path = getattr(args, "config", None) if config_path: self.update_from_json(config_path) # Then override the configuration file with any command-line # options. cli_config = { key: value for key, value in vars(args).items() if value and key != "config" } self.merge_config_dicts(self._config, cli_config)
[docs] def update_from_dict(self, dict_config: dict[str, Any]): """Updates loaded config with user-specified dictionary.""" self.merge_config_dicts(self._config, dict_config)
def __getitem__(self, key): return self._config[key]
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): return self._config.get(key, default)
def __setitem__(self, key, val): self._config[key] = val
[docs] def keys(self): return self._config.keys()
[docs] def to_dict(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._config)
[docs] class EcoliSim: def __init__(self, config: dict[str, Any]): """Main interface for running single-cell E. coli simulations. Typically instantiated using one of two methods: 1. :py:meth:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim.from_file` 2. :py:meth:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim.from_cli` Config options can be modified after the creation of an :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim` object in one of two ways. 1. ``sim.total_time = 100`` 2. ``sim.config['total_time'] = 100`` Args: config: Automatically generated from :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.SimConfig` when :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim` is instantiated using :py:meth:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim.from_file` or :py:meth:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim.from_cli` """ # Do some datatype pre-processesing config["processes"] = {process: None for process in config["processes"]} # Keep track of base experiment id # in case multiple simulations are run with suffix_time = True. self.experiment_id_base = config["experiment_id"] self.config = config self.ecoli = None """vivarium.core.composer.Composite: Contains the fully instantiated processes, steps, topologies, and flow necessary to run simulation. Generated by :py:meth:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim.build_ecoli` and cleared when :py:meth:`` is called to potentially free up memory after division.""" self.generated_initial_state = None """dict: Fully populated initial state for simulation. Generated by :py:meth:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim.build_ecoli` and cleared when :py:meth:`` is called to potentially free up memory after division.""" self.ecoli_experiment = None """vivarium.core.engine.Engine: Engine that runs the simulation. Instantiated by :py:meth:``.""" # Unpack config using Descriptor protocol: # All of the entries in config are translated to properties # (of EcoliSim class) that get/set an entry in self.config. # # For example: # # >> sim = EcoliSim.from_file() # >> sim.total_time # 10 # >> sim.config['total_time'] # 10 # >> sim.total_time = 100 # >> sim.config['total_time'] # 100 class ConfigEntry: def __init__(self, name): = name def __get__(self, sim, type=None): return sim.config[] def __set__(self, sim, value): sim.config[] = value for attr in self.config.keys(): config_entry = ConfigEntry(attr) setattr(EcoliSim, attr, config_entry)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(filepath=CONFIG_DIR_PATH + "default.json") -> "EcoliSim": """Used to instantiate :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim` with a config loaded from the JSON at ``filepath`` by :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.SimConfig`. Args: filepath: String filepath of JSON file with config options to apply on top of the options laid out in the default JSON located at the default value for ``filepath``. """ config = SimConfig() config.update_from_json(filepath) return EcoliSim(config.to_dict())
[docs] @staticmethod def from_cli() -> "EcoliSim": """Used to instantiate :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim` with a config loaded from the command-line arguments parsed by :py:class:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.SimConfig`. """ config = SimConfig() config.update_from_cli() return EcoliSim(config.to_dict())
[docs] def _retrieve_processes( self, processes: dict[str, str], add_processes: list[str], exclude_processes: list[str], swap_processes: dict[str, str], ) -> dict[str, Process]: """ Retrieve process classes from :py:data:`~vivarium.core.registry.process_registry` (processes are registered in ``ecoli/processes/``). Args: processes: Base list of process names to retrieve classes for add_processes: Additional process names to retrieve classes for exclude_processes: Process names to not retrieve classes for swap_processes: Mapping of process names to the names of the processes they should be swapped for. It is assumed that the swapped processes share the same topologies. Returns: Mapping of process names to process classes. """ result = {} for process_name in list(processes.keys()) + list(add_processes): if process_name in exclude_processes: continue if process_name in swap_processes: process_name = swap_processes[process_name] process_class = process_registry.access(process_name) if not process_class: raise ValueError( f"Unknown process with name {process_name}. " "Did you call process_registry.register() in " "ecoli/processes/" ) result[process_name] = process_class return result
[docs] def _retrieve_topology( self, topology: dict[str, dict[str, tuple[str]]], processes: list[str], swap_processes: dict[str, str], log_updates: bool, ) -> dict[str, dict[str, tuple[str]]]: """ Retrieves topologies for processes from :py:data:`~ecoli.processes.registries.topology_registry`. Args: topology: Mapping of process names to user-specified topologies. Will be merged with topology from topology_registry, if exists. processes: List of process names for which to retrive topologies. swap_processes: Mapping of process names to the names of processes to swap them for. By default, the new processes are assumed to have the same topology as the processes they replaced. When this is not the case, users can add/modify the original process topology with custom values in ``topology`` under either the new or the old process name. log_updates: Whether to emit process updates. Adds topology for ``log_update`` port. Returns: Mapping of process names to process topologies. """ result = {} original_processes = {v: k for k, v in swap_processes.items()} for process in processes: # Start from default topology if it exists original_process = ( process if process not in swap_processes.values() else original_processes[process] ) process_topology = topology_registry.access(original_process) if process_topology: process_topology = copy.deepcopy(process_topology) else: process_topology = {} # Allow the user to override default topology if original_process in topology.keys(): deep_merge( process_topology, tuplify_topology(topology[original_process]) ) # For swapped processes, do additional overrides if provided if process != original_process and process in topology.keys(): deep_merge(process_topology, tuplify_topology(topology[process])) result[process] = process_topology return result
[docs] def _retrieve_process_configs( self, process_configs: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], processes: list[str] ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Sets up process configs to be interpreted by :py:meth:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli.generate_processes_and_steps`. Args: process_configs: Mapping of process names to user-specified process configuration dictionaries. processes: List of process names to set up process config for. Returns: Mapping of process names to process configs. """ result: dict[str, Any] = {} for process in processes: result[process] = process_configs.get(process) if result[process] is None: result[process] = "sim_data" return result
[docs] def build_ecoli(self): """ Creates the E. coli composite. **MUST** be called before calling :py:meth:``. For all processes in ``config['processes']``: 1. Retrieves process class from :py:data:`~vivarium.core.registry.process_registry`, which is populated in ``ecoli/processes/``. 2. Retrieves process topology from :py:data:`~ecoli.processes.registries.topology_registry` and merge with user-specified topology from ``config['topology']``, if applicable 3. Retrieves process configs from ``config['process_configs']`` if present, else indicate that process config should be loaded from pickled simulation data using :py:meth:`~ecoli.library.sim_data.LoadSimData.get_config_by_name` Adds spatial environment if ``config['spatial_environment']`` is ``True``. Spatial environment config options are loaded from ``config['spatial_environment_config`]``. See ``ecoli/composites/ecoli_configs/spatial.json`` for an example. .. note:: When loading from a saved state with a file name of the format ``vivecoli_t{save time}``, the simulation seed is automatically set to ``config['seed'] + {save_time}`` to prevent :py:func:`~ecoli.library.schema.create_unique_indexes` from generating clashing indices. """ # build processes, topology, configs self.processes = self._retrieve_processes( self.processes, self.add_processes, self.exclude_processes, self.swap_processes, ) self.topology = self._retrieve_topology( self.topology, self.processes, self.swap_processes, self.log_updates ) self.process_configs = self._retrieve_process_configs( self.process_configs, self.processes ) # Prevent clashing unique indices by reseeding when loading # a saved state (assumed to have name 'vivecoli_t{save time}') initial_state_path = self.config.get("initial_state_file", "") if initial_state_path.startswith("vivecoli"): time_str = initial_state_path[len("vivecoli_t") :] seed = int(float(time_str)) self.config["seed"] += seed # initialize the ecoli composer ecoli_composer = ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli(self.config) # set path at which agent is initialized path = tuple() if self.divide or self.spatial_environment: path = ( "agents", self.agent_id, ) # get initial state initial_cell_state = ecoli_composer.initial_state() initial_cell_state = assoc_path({}, path, initial_cell_state) # generate the composite at the path self.ecoli = ecoli_composer.generate(path=path) # Some processes define their own initial_state methods # Incoporate them into the generated initial state self.generated_initial_state = self.ecoli.initial_state( {"initial_state": initial_cell_state} ) # merge a lattice composite for the spatial environment if self.spatial_environment: initial_state_config = self.spatial_environment_config.get( "initial_state_config" ) environment_composite = ecoli.composites.environment.lattice.Lattice( self.spatial_environment_config ).generate() initial_environment = environment_composite.initial_state( initial_state_config ) self.ecoli.merge(environment_composite) self.generated_initial_state = deep_merge( self.generated_initial_state, initial_environment )
[docs] def save_states(self, daughter_outdir: str = ""): """ Runs the simulation while saving the states of specific timesteps to files named ``data/vivecoli_t{time}.json``. Invoked by :py:meth:`` if ``config['save'] == True``. State is saved as a JSON that can be reloaded into a simulation as described in :py:meth:`~ecoli.composites.ecoli_master.Ecoli.initial_state`. Args: daughter_outdir: Location to write JSON files for daughter cell(s). Only used if ``config`` contains ``generations`` key specifying number of generations to simulate. Nextflow chains simulations together by passing saved daughter states to new processes. """ for time in self.save_times: if time > self.total_time: raise ValueError( f"Config contains save_time ({time}) > total " f"time ({self.total_time})" ) for i in range(len(self.save_times)): if i == 0: time_to_next_save = self.save_times[i] else: time_to_next_save = self.save_times[i] - self.save_times[i - 1] try: self.ecoli_experiment.update(time_to_next_save) except DivisionDetected: state = self.ecoli_experiment.state.get_value(condition=not_a_process) assert len(state["agents"]) == 2 for i, agent_state in enumerate(state["agents"].values()): prepare_save_state(agent_state) daughter_path = os.path.join( daughter_outdir, f"daughter_state_{i}.json" ) write_json(daughter_path, agent_state) print( f"Divided at t = {self.ecoli_experiment.global_time} after" f"{self.ecoli_experiment.global_time - self.initial_global_time} sec." ) with open("", "w") as f: f.write(f"export division_time={self.ecoli_experiment.global_time}") sys.exit() time_elapsed = self.save_times[i] state = self.ecoli_experiment.state.get_value(condition=not_a_process) if self.divide: for agent_state in state["agents"].values(): prepare_save_state(agent_state) else: prepare_save_state(state) write_json("data/vivecoli_t" + str(time_elapsed) + ".json", state) print("Finished saving the state at t = " + str(time_elapsed)) time_remaining = self.total_time - self.save_times[-1] if time_remaining: self.ecoli_experiment.update(time_remaining)
[docs] def run(self): """Create and run an EcoliSim experiment. .. WARNING:: Run :py:meth:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim.build_ecoli` before calling :py:meth:``! """ if self.ecoli is None: raise RuntimeError( "Build the composite by calling build_ecoli() \ before calling run()." ) metadata = self.get_metadata() metadata["output_metadata"] = self.get_output_metadata() # make the experiment if isinstance(self.emitter, str): self.emitter_config = {"type": self.emitter} if self.emitter_arg is not None: for key, value in self.emitter_arg: self.emitter_config[key] = value if self.emitter == "parquet": if ("out_dir" not in self.emitter_config) and ( "out_uri" not in self.emitter_config ): raise RuntimeError( "Must provide out_dir or out_uri" " as emitter argument for parquet emitter." ) elif isinstance(self.emitter, dict): self.emitter_config = self.emitter else: raise RuntimeError( "Emitter option must either be a string" " representing the emitter type or a dictionary with the" " emitter type as well as any emitter config options." ) experiment_config = { "description": self.description, "metadata": metadata, "processes": self.ecoli.processes, "steps": self.ecoli.steps, "flow": self.ecoli.flow, "topology": self.ecoli.topology, "initial_state": self.generated_initial_state, "progress_bar": self.progress_bar, "emit_topology": self.emit_topology, "emit_processes": self.emit_processes, "emit_config": self.emit_config, "emitter": self.emitter_config, "initial_global_time": self.initial_global_time, } if self.experiment_id: # Store backup of base experiment ID, # in case multiple experiments are run in a row # with suffix_time = True. if not self.experiment_id_base: self.experiment_id_base = self.experiment_id if self.suffix_time: self.experiment_id = f"{self.experiment_id_base}_%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S" ) # Special characters can break Hive partitioning so quote them self.experiment_id = parse.quote_plus(self.experiment_id) experiment_config["experiment_id"] = self.experiment_id experiment_config["profile"] = self.profile # Since unique numpy updater is an class method, internal # deepcopying in vivarium-core causes this warning to appear warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="Incompatible schema " "assignment at .+ Trying to assign the value <bound method " "UniqueNumpyUpdater.updater .+ to key updater, which already " "has the value <bound method UniqueNumpyUpdater.updater", ) self.ecoli_experiment = Engine(**experiment_config) # Only emit designated stores if specified if self.config["emit_paths"]: self.ecoli_experiment.state.set_emit_values([tuple()], False) self.ecoli_experiment.state.set_emit_values( self.config["emit_paths"], True, ) # Clean up unnecessary references self.generated_initial_state = None self.ecoli_experiment.initial_state = None del metadata, experiment_config self.ecoli = None # run the experiment if self.save_states(self.daughter_outdir) else: try: self.ecoli_experiment.update(self.total_time) except DivisionDetected: state = self.ecoli_experiment.state.get_value(condition=not_a_process) assert len(state["agents"]) == 2 for i, agent_state in enumerate(state["agents"].values()): prepare_save_state(agent_state) daughter_path = os.path.join( self.daughter_outdir, f"daughter_state_{i}.json" ) write_json(daughter_path, agent_state) print( f"Divided at t = {self.ecoli_experiment.global_time} after" f"{self.ecoli_experiment.global_time - self.initial_global_time} sec." ) with open("", "w") as f: f.write(f"export division_time={self.ecoli_experiment.global_time}") sys.exit() self.ecoli_experiment.end() if self.profile: report_profiling(self.ecoli_experiment.stats) if self.fail_at_total_time: raise TimeLimitError(f"Exceeded maximum simulation time: {self.total_time}")
[docs] def query(self, query: Optional[list[tuple[str]]] = None): """ Query data that was emitted to RAMEmitter (``config['emitter'] == 'timeseries'``). For the Parquet emitter, query sim output with an analysis script run using :py:mod:`runscripts.analysis` or with ad-hoc DuckDB SQL queries built using :py:func:`~ecoli.library.parquet_emitter.get_dataset_sql` as a base. Args: query: List of tuple-style paths in the simulation state to retrieve emitted values for. Returns all emitted data if ``None``. Returns: Dictionary of emitted data in one of two forms. * Raw data (if ``self.raw_output``): Data is keyed by time (e.g. ``{0: {'data': ...}, 1: {'data': ...}, ...}``) * Timeseries: Data is reorganized to match the structure of the simulation state. Leaf values in the returned dictionary are lists of the simulation state value over time (e.g. ``{'data': [..., ..., ...]}``). """ if self.emitter_config["type"] != "timeseries": raise RuntimeError( "Query method only works for timeseries emitter." " For Parquet emitter, either write an analysis script to be run" " using runscripts/ or build off the DuckDB SQL query" " returned by ecoli.library.parquet_emitter.get_dataset_sql." ) # Retrieve queried data (all if not specified) if self.raw_output: return self.ecoli_experiment.emitter.get_data(query) else: return self.ecoli_experiment.emitter.get_timeseries(query)
[docs] def merge(self, other: "EcoliSim"): """ Combine settings from this EcoliSim with another, overriding current settings with those from the other EcoliSim. Args: other: Simulation with settings to override current simulation. """ deep_merge(self.config, other.config)
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Compiles all simulation settings, git hash, and process list into a single dictionary. """ # create metadata of this experiment to be emitted, # namely the config of this EcoliSim object # with an additional key for the current git hash. # Goal is to save enough information to reproduce the experiment. metadata = dict(self.config) try: metadata["git_hash"] = get_git_revision_hash() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: warnings.warn( "Unable to retrieve current git revision hash. " "Try making a note of this manually if your experiment may " "need to be replicated." ) metadata["processes"] = [k for k in metadata["processes"].keys()] metadata["time"] = return metadata
[docs] def get_output_metadata(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Filters all ports schemas to include only output metadata located at the path ``('_properties', 'metadata')`` for each schema by invoking :py:func:`~.extract_metadata`. See :py:meth:`~ecoli.library.schema.listener_schema` for usage details. This dictionary of output metadata is flattened (see :py:func:`~ecoli.library.parquet_emitter.flatten_dict`) into columns with prefix :py:data:`~ecoli.library.parquet_emitter.METADATA_PREFIX` and emitted as part of the simulation config by the Parquet emitter. It can be retrieved later using :py:func:`~ecoli.library.parquet_emitter.get_field_metadata`. """ if self.divide: processes_and_steps = self.ecoli.processes["agents"][self.agent_id] processes_and_steps.update(self.ecoli.steps["agents"][self.agent_id]) topologies = self.ecoli.topology["agents"][self.agent_id] else: processes_and_steps = self.ecoli.processes processes_and_steps.update(self.ecoli.steps) topologies = self.ecoli.topology output_metadata: dict[str, Any] = {} for proc_name, proc in processes_and_steps.items(): proc_ports_schema = proc.get_schema() extracted = extract_metadata(proc_ports_schema) if extracted: extracted = inverse_topology((), extracted, topologies[proc_name]) output_metadata = deep_merge_check( output_metadata, extracted, check_equality=True ) return output_metadata
[docs] def export_json(self, filename: str = CONFIG_DIR_PATH + "export.json"): """ Saves current simulation settings along with git hash and final list of process names as a JSON that can be reloaded using :py:meth:`~ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim.EcoliSim.from_file`. Args: filename: Filepath and name for saved JSON (include ``.json``). """ with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(serialize_value(self.get_metadata()), f)
[docs] def extract_metadata(ports_schema: dict[str, Any], properties: bool = False): """ Filters ports schema to contain only a mapping of ports to user-supplied metadata (pulled from path `('_properties', 'metadata')` for each schema). See :py:meth:`~ecoli.library.schema.listener_schema` for usage details. Args: ports_schema: Ports schema to filter and compile metadata for properties: Flag used internally during recursive filtering Returns: Dictionary with same structure as ports schema but with only metadata as leaf nodes instead of complete schema """ extracted = {} if "_properties" in ports_schema and isinstance(ports_schema["_properties"], dict): return extract_metadata(ports_schema["_properties"], True) if properties and "metadata" in ports_schema: metadata = ports_schema["metadata"] if isinstance(metadata, np.ndarray): metadata = metadata.tolist() return metadata for port, schema in ports_schema.items(): if isinstance(schema, dict): subextracted = extract_metadata(schema) if subextracted is not None: extracted[port] = subextracted return extracted or None
[docs] def main(): """ Runs a simulation with CLI options. """ ecoli_sim = EcoliSim.from_cli() ecoli_sim.build_ecoli()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()