Source code for ecoli.library.cell_wall.lattice

import os
from itertools import groupby

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from skimage.transform import resize
from vivarium.library.units import remove_units

from ecoli.library.cell_wall.column_sampler import geom_sampler, sample_lattice

[docs] def calculate_lattice_size( cell_length, inter_strand_distance, disaccharide_height, disaccharide_width, circumference, extension_factor, ): # Calculate new lattice size columns = round( remove_units( ( cell_length / (extension_factor * (inter_strand_distance + disaccharide_width)) ).to("dimensionless") ) ) rows = int(circumference / disaccharide_height) return rows, columns
[docs] def plot_lattice(lattice, on_cylinder=False, aspect=1): if not on_cylinder: fig, ax = plt.subplots() mappable = ax.imshow(lattice, interpolation="nearest", aspect=aspect) fig.colorbar(mappable, ax=ax) else: print("Downscaling lattice...") lattice = resize( lattice, (lattice.shape[0] // 10, lattice.shape[1] // 10), preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True, ) lattice = lattice.T print("Done.\nDrawing on cylinder...") h, w = lattice.shape theta, z = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, w), np.linspace(0, 1, h) THETA, Z = np.meshgrid(theta, z) X = np.cos(THETA) Y = np.sin(THETA) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection="3d") mappable = mappable.set_clim(0, 1) mappable.set_array(lattice) ax.plot_surface( X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=mappable.cmap(lattice), linewidth=0, antialiased=False, alpha=0.75, ) fig.colorbar(mappable) return fig, ax
[docs] def shift_column_to_boundary(column): # circular shift the column around # until the wrap point represents a gap-strand boundary total_shift = 0 while column[0] == column[-1] and total_shift < column.size: column = np.roll(column, 1) total_shift += 1 return column, total_shift
[docs] def get_length_distributions(lattice): strand_lengths = [] gap_lengths = [] lengths = (gap_lengths, strand_lengths) for c in range(lattice.shape[1]): column = lattice[:, c] # circular shift the column around # until the wrap point represents a gap-strand boundary column, _ = shift_column_to_boundary(column) for val, seq in groupby(column): seq = list(seq) lengths[val].append(len(seq)) return gap_lengths, strand_lengths
[docs] def plot_strand_length_distribution(lengths): # Plot experimental data first df = pd.read_csv( "reconstruction/ecoli/flat/cell_wall/murein_strand_length_distribution.csv" ) fig, ax = plt.subplots() X = np.arange(1, 32, 1) xlabels = list(map(str, X)) xlabels[-1] = ">30" for strain in set(df["Strain"]): strain_data = df[df["Strain"] == strain] strain_data.index = strain_data["Length"] heights = strain_data.loc[xlabels]["Percent"] heights /= heights.sum(), heights, alpha=0.5, label=strain) ax.set_xticks(X) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, rotation=45) # Skip plotting simulated data if none was given if len(lengths) > 0: # Plot simulated data in the same way as experimental data # (aggregate strands >30 in length) lengths = np.bincount(lengths) try: lengths[31] = lengths[31:].sum() lengths = lengths[:32] except IndexError: # no strands > 30 in length pass # Normalize as proportions lengths = lengths / lengths.sum() # Eliminate "0-length" strands lengths = lengths[1:] ax.scatter(X, lengths, label="Simulation") ax.set_xlabel("Strand length") ax.set_ylabel("Proportion") ax.legend() return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_distributions_timeseries(distributions, every=1, yscale="linear"): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_yscale(yscale) ax.boxplot(distributions[::every], vert=True) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_length_vs_location(lattice): lengths = [] start_positions = [] for c in range(lattice.shape[1]): column = lattice[:, c] # circular shift the column around # until the wrap point represents a gap-strand boundary column, total_shift = shift_column_to_boundary(column) # Get start position and length of each strand i = 0 for val, group in groupby(column): run_length = len(list(group)) if val == 1: lengths.append(run_length) start_positions.append((i - total_shift) % len(column)) i += run_length # Do plotting fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(lengths, start_positions) ax.set_xlabel("Length of strand") ax.set_ylabel("Start position (row) of strand") return fig, ax
[docs] def porosity(lattice): # proportion of zeros return (lattice.size - lattice.sum()) / lattice.size
def test_strand_length_plots(): rng = np.random.default_rng(0) lattice = sample_lattice(450000 * 4, 3050, 700, geom_sampler(rng, 0.058), rng) os.makedirs("out/processes/cell_wall/", exist_ok=True) strand_lengths, _ = get_length_distributions(lattice) fig, _ = plot_strand_length_distribution(strand_lengths) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("out/processes/cell_wall/test_strand_length_plot.png") fig, _ = plot_length_vs_location(lattice) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("out/processes/cell_wall/test_length_vs_location.png")
[docs] def main(): test_strand_length_plots()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()