Source code for ecoli.library.serialize

import numpy as np
import orjson
import re
from unum import Unum
from vivarium.core.registry import Serializer
from vivarium.library.topology import convert_path_style, normalize_path

from ecoli.library.parameters import Parameter, param_store

[docs] class UnumSerializer(Serializer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # re.S for single-line mode (period matches every character inc. \n) self.regex_for_serialized = re.compile("!UnumSerializer\\[(.*)\\]", re.S) python_type = Unum
[docs] def serialize(self, value): num = value.asNumber() if isinstance(num, np.ndarray): num = num.tolist() # TODO: Fix this # return f'!UnumSerializer[{num} | {value.strUnit()}]' return num
[docs] def can_deserialize(self, data): if not isinstance(data, str): return False return bool(self.regex_for_serialized.fullmatch(data))
[docs] def deserialize(self, data): # WARNING: This deserialization is lossy and drops the unit # information since there is no easy way to parse Unum's unit # strings. matched_regex = self.regex_for_serialized.fullmatch(data) if matched_regex: data = return orjson.loads(data.split(" | ")[0])
[docs] class ParameterSerializer(Serializer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.regex_for_serialized = re.compile("!ParameterSerializer\\[(.*)\\]") python_type = Parameter
[docs] def can_deserialize(self, data): if not isinstance(data, str): return False return bool(self.regex_for_serialized.fullmatch(data))
[docs] def deserialize(self, data): matched_regex = self.regex_for_serialized.fullmatch(data) if matched_regex: data = path = normalize_path(convert_path_style(data)) return param_store.get(path)
[docs] class NumpyRandomStateSerializer(Serializer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.regex_for_serialized = re.compile("!RandomStateSerializer\\[(.*)\\]") python_type = np.random.RandomState
[docs] def serialize(self, value): rng_state = list(value.get_state()) rng_state[1] = rng_state[1].tolist() return f"!RandomStateSerializer[{str(tuple(rng_state))}]"
[docs] def can_deserialize(self, data): if not isinstance(data, str): return False return bool(self.regex_for_serialized.fullmatch(data))
[docs] def deserialize(self, data): matched_regex = self.regex_for_serialized.fullmatch(data) if matched_regex: data = data = orjson.loads(data) rng = np.random.RandomState() rng.set_state(data) return rng
[docs] class MethodSerializer(Serializer): """Serializer for bound method objects.""" python_type = type(ParameterSerializer().deserialize)
[docs] def serialize(self, data): return f"!MethodSerializer[{str(data)}]"