Chemoreceptor Cluster
This ReceptorCluster :term:`Process` models the activity of a chemoreceptor cluster
composed of Tsr and Tar amino acid chemoreceptors. The model is a
Monod-Wyman-Changeux (MWC) model adapted from "Endres, R. G., & Wingreen, N. S.
(2006). Precise adaptation in bacterial chemotaxis through assistance neighborhoods”.
Each receptor homodimer is modeled as a two-state system (on or off) with energy
values based on ligand concentration and methylation levels. This results in four
energy levels: 1) on without ligand, on with ligand, off without ligand, off with
ligand. Sensory adaptation comes from the methylation of receptors, which alters the
free-energy offset and transition rate to favor the on state; attractant ligand
binding favors the off state.
import os
import math
import random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# vivarium-core imports
from vivarium.core.composition import simulate_process, PROCESS_OUT_DIR
from vivarium.core.process import Process
from vivarium.library.units import units
NAME = "chemoreceptor_cluster"
def run_step(receptor, state, timestep):
Run for a timestep, and update the chemoreceptor_activity and n_methyl states
update = receptor.next_update(timestep, state)
state["internal"]["chemoreceptor_activity"] = update["internal"][
state["internal"]["n_methyl"] = update["internal"]["n_methyl"]
def run_to_steady_state(receptor, state, timestep):
"""Runs the ReceptorCluster Process to steady state
This is used for initialization of the Process, so that
the chemoreceptors start off in an adapted state.
P_on = state["internal"]["chemoreceptor_activity"]
n_methyl = state["internal"]["n_methyl"]
delta = 1
while delta > STEADY_STATE_DELTA:
run_step(receptor, state, timestep)
d_P_on = P_on - state["internal"]["chemoreceptor_activity"]
d_n_methyl = n_methyl - state["internal"]["n_methyl"]
delta = (d_P_on**2 + d_n_methyl**2) ** 0.5
P_on = state["internal"]["chemoreceptor_activity"]
n_methyl = state["internal"]["n_methyl"]
class ReceptorCluster(Process):
"""Models the activity of a chemoreceptor cluster
* **internal**: Expects a :term:`store` with 'chemoreceptor_activity',
'CheR', 'CheB', 'CheB_P', and 'n_methyl'.
* **external**: Expects a :term:`store` with the ligand.
parameters: A dictionary of configuration options.
The following configuration options may be provided:
* **ligand_id** (:py:class:`str`): The name of the external
ligand sensed by the cluster.
* **initial_ligand** (:py:class:`float`): The initial concentration
of the ligand. The initial state of the cluster is set to
steady state relative to this concetnration.
* **n_Tar** (:py:class:`int`): number of Tar receptors in a cluster
* **n_Tsr** (:py:class:`int`): number of Tsr receptors in a cluster
* **K_Tar_off** (:py:class:`float`): (mM) MeAsp binding by Tar (Endres06)
* **K_Tar_on** (:py:class:`float`): (mM) MeAsp binding by Tar (Endres06)
* **K_Tsr_off** (:py:class:`float`): (mM) MeAsp binding by Tsr (Endres06)
* **K_Tsr_on** (:py:class:`float`): (mM) MeAsp binding by Tsr (Endres06)
* **k_meth** (:py:class:`float`): Catalytic rate of methylation
* **k_demeth** (:py:class:`float`): Catalytic rate of demethylation
* **adapt_rate** (:py:class:`float`): adaptation rate relative to wild-type.
cell-to-cell variation cause by variability in CheR and CheB
.. note::
* dissociation constants (mM)
* K_Tar_on = 12e-3 # Tar to Asp (Emonet05)
* K_Tar_off = 1.7e-3 # Tar to Asp (Emonet05)
* (Endres & Wingreen, 2006) has dissociation constants for serine binding, NiCl2 binding
name = NAME
defaults = {
"ligand_id": "MeAsp",
"initial_ligand": 5.0,
"initial_internal_state": {
"n_methyl": 2.0, # initial number of methyl groups on receptor cluster (0 to 8)
"chemoreceptor_activity": 1.0
/ 3.0, # initial probability of receptor cluster being on
"CheR": 0.00016, # (mM) wild type concentration. 0.16 uM = 0.00016 mM
"CheB": 0.00028, # (mM) wild type concentration. 0.28 uM = 0.00028 mM. [CheR]:[CheB]=0.16:0.28
"CheB_P": 0.0, # phosphorylated CheB
# Parameters from Endres and Wingreen 2006.
"n_Tar": 6,
"n_Tsr": 12,
"K_Tar_off": 0.02,
"K_Tar_on": 0.5,
"K_Tsr_off": 100.0,
"K_Tsr_on": 10e6,
"k_meth": 0.0625,
"k_demeth": 0.0714,
"adapt_rate": 1.2,
def __init__(self, parameters=None):
# initialize the state by running until steady
initial_internal_state = self.parameters["initial_internal_state"]
ligand_id = self.parameters["ligand_id"]
initial_ligand = self.parameters["initial_ligand"]
self.initial_state = {
"internal": initial_internal_state,
"external": {ligand_id: initial_ligand},
run_to_steady_state(self, self.initial_state, 1.0)
def ports_schema(self):
initialize **internal** and **external** ports
ports = [
schema = {port: {} for port in ports}
# external
for state in list(self.initial_state["external"].keys()):
schema["external"][state] = {
"_default": self.initial_state["external"][state],
"_emit": True,
# internal
set_update = ["chemoreceptor_activity", "n_methyl"]
for state in list(self.initial_state["internal"].keys()):
schema["internal"][state] = {
"_default": self.initial_state["internal"][state],
"_emit": True,
if state in set_update:
schema["internal"][state]["_updater"] = "set"
return schema
def next_update(self, timestep, states):
calculate update to chemoreceptor_activity and n_methyl from ligand concentration, CheR, and CheB
# parameters
n_Tar = self.parameters["n_Tar"]
n_Tsr = self.parameters["n_Tsr"]
K_Tar_off = self.parameters["K_Tar_off"]
K_Tar_on = self.parameters["K_Tar_on"]
K_Tsr_off = self.parameters["K_Tsr_off"]
K_Tsr_on = self.parameters["K_Tsr_on"]
adapt_rate = self.parameters["adapt_rate"]
k_meth = self.parameters["k_meth"]
k_demeth = self.parameters["k_demeth"]
# states
n_methyl = states["internal"]["n_methyl"]
P_on = states["internal"]["chemoreceptor_activity"]
CheR = states["internal"]["CheR"] * (units.mmol / units.L)
CheB = states["internal"]["CheB"] * (units.mmol / units.L)
ligand_conc = states["external"][self.parameters["ligand_id"]]
# convert to umol / L
CheR = CheR.to("umol/L").magnitude
CheB = CheB.to("umol/L").magnitude
if n_methyl < 0:
n_methyl = 0
elif n_methyl > 8:
n_methyl = 8
d_methyl = (
* (k_meth * CheR * (1.0 - P_on) - k_demeth * CheB * P_on)
* timestep
n_methyl += d_methyl
# get free-energy offsets from methylation
# piece-wise linear model. Assumes same offset energy (epsilon) for both Tar and Tsr
if n_methyl < 0:
offset_energy = 1.0
elif n_methyl < 2:
offset_energy = 1.0 - 0.5 * n_methyl
elif n_methyl < 4:
offset_energy = -0.3 * (n_methyl - 2.0)
elif n_methyl < 6:
offset_energy = -0.6 - 0.25 * (n_methyl - 4.0)
elif n_methyl < 7:
offset_energy = -1.1 - 0.9 * (n_methyl - 6.0)
elif n_methyl < 8:
offset_energy = -2.0 - (n_methyl - 7.0)
offset_energy = -3.0
# free energy of the receptors.
Tar_free_energy = n_Tar * (
+ math.log((1 + ligand_conc / K_Tar_off) / (1 + ligand_conc / K_Tar_on))
Tsr_free_energy = n_Tsr * (
+ math.log((1 + ligand_conc / K_Tsr_off) / (1 + ligand_conc / K_Tsr_on))
# free energy of receptor clusters
cluster_free_energy = Tar_free_energy + Tsr_free_energy
P_on = 1.0 / (
1.0 + math.exp(cluster_free_energy)
) # probability that receptor cluster is ON
return {
"internal": {
"chemoreceptor_activity": P_on,
"n_methyl": n_methyl,
# tests and analyses of process
def get_pulse_timeline(ligand="MeAsp"):
get a timeline with pulses applied to the external ligand
timeline = [
(0, {("external", ligand): 0.0}),
(100, {("external", ligand): 0.01}),
(200, {("external", ligand): 0.0}),
(300, {("external", ligand): 0.1}),
(400, {("external", ligand): 0.0}),
(500, {("external", ligand): 1.0}),
(600, {("external", ligand): 0.0}),
(700, {("external", ligand): 0.0}),
return timeline
def get_exponential_random_timeline(config):
get timeline with random walk in exponential space
time = config.get("time", 100)
timestep = config.get("timestep", 1)
base = config.get("base", 1 + 1e-4) # mM/um
speed = config.get("speed", 14) # um/s
conc_0 = config.get("initial_conc", 0) # mM
ligand = config.get("ligand", "MeAsp")
env_port = config.get("environment_port", DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT_PORT)
conc = conc_0
timeline = [(0, {env_port + (ligand,): conc})]
t = 0
while t < time:
conc += base ** (random.choice((-1, 1)) * speed) - 1
if conc < 0:
conc = 0
timeline.append((t, {env_port + (ligand,): conc}))
t += timestep
return timeline
def get_brownian_ligand_timeline(
base=1 + 3e-4,
return get_exponential_random_timeline(
"ligand": ligand_id,
"environment_port": environment_port,
"time": total_time,
"timestep": timestep,
"initial_conc": initial_conc,
"base": base,
"speed": speed,
def test_receptor(timeline=get_pulse_timeline(), return_data=False):
ligand = "MeAsp"
# initialize process
initial_ligand = timeline[0][1][("external", ligand)]
process_config = {"initial_ligand": initial_ligand}
receptor = ReceptorCluster(process_config)
# run experiment
experiment_settings = {"timeline": {"timeline": timeline}}
data = simulate_process(receptor, experiment_settings)
if return_data:
return data
def plot_receptor_output(output, settings, out_dir="out", filename="response"):
ligand_vec = output["external"]["MeAsp"] # TODO -- configure ligand name
receptor_activity_vec = output["internal"]["chemoreceptor_activity"]
n_methyl_vec = output["internal"]["n_methyl"]
time_vec = output["time"]
aspect_ratio = settings.get("aspect_ratio", 1)
fontsize = settings.get("fontsize", 12)
# plot results
cols = 1
rows = 3
width = 3
height = width / aspect_ratio
plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
plt.rc("font", size=fontsize)
ax1 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 2)
ax3 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 3)
ax1.plot(time_vec, ligand_vec, "steelblue")
ax2.plot(time_vec, receptor_activity_vec, "steelblue")
ax3.plot(time_vec, n_methyl_vec, "steelblue")
ax1.tick_params(right=False, top=False)
ax1.set_ylabel("external ligand \n (mM) ", fontsize=fontsize)
ax2.tick_params(right=False, top=False)
ax2.set_ylabel("cluster activity \n P(on)", fontsize=fontsize)
ax3.tick_params(right=False, top=False)
ax3.set_xlabel("time (s)", fontsize=12)
ax3.set_ylabel("average \n methylation", fontsize=fontsize)
fig_path = os.path.join(out_dir, filename)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.7, hspace=0.3)
plt.savefig(fig_path + ".png", bbox_inches="tight")
def main():
out_dir = os.path.join(PROCESS_OUT_DIR, NAME)
if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
timeline = get_pulse_timeline()
timeseries = test_receptor(timeline, return_data=True)
plot_receptor_output(timeseries, {}, out_dir, "pulse")
exponential_random_config = {"time": 60, "base": 1 + 4e-4, "speed": 14}
timeline4 = get_exponential_random_timeline(exponential_random_config)
output4 = test_receptor(timeline4, 0.1)
plot_receptor_output(output4, {}, out_dir, "exponential_random")
if __name__ == "__main__":