Source code for ecoli.processes.chemotaxis.coarse_motor

Coarse Motor Processes
``MotorActivity`` models `E. coli` coarse motor activity, without explicit flagella.

 Based on the model described in:
    `Vladimirov, N., Lovdok, L., Lebiedz, D., & Sourjik, V. (2008).
    Dependence of bacterial chemotaxis on gradient shape and adaptation rate.`
 CheY phosphorylation model from:
    `Kollmann, M., Lovdok, L., Bartholome, K., Timmer, J., & Sourjik, V. (2005).
    Design principles of a bacterial signalling network. Nature.`
 Motor switching model from:
    `Scharf, B. E., Fahrner, K. A., Turner, L., and Berg, H. C. (1998).
    Control of direction of flagellar rotation in bacterial chemotaxis. PNAS.`

An increase of attractant inhibits CheA activity (chemoreceptor_activity),
but subsequent methylation returns CheA activity to its original level.

TODO -- add CheB phosphorylation


import os
import random
import math

import numpy as np
from numpy import linspace

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# vivarium-core imports
from vivarium.core.process import Process
from vivarium.core.composition import PROCESS_OUT_DIR

NAME = "coarse_motor"

[docs] class MotorActivity(Process): """ Models changes to coarse motor activity, based on chemoreceptor_activity and current motor state. :term:`Ports`: * **internal**: includes variables ``ccw_motor_bias``, ``ccw_to_cw``, ``motile_state``, ``CheY_P`` * **external**: includes variables ``thrust`` and ``torque`` """ name = NAME defaults = { "time_step": 0.1, # CheY phosphorylation parameters # 'k_A': 5.0, # "k_y": 100.0, # 1/uM/s "k_z": 30.0, # / CheZ, "gamma_Y": 0.1, # rate constant "k_s": 0.45, # scaling coefficient "adapt_precision": 3, # scales CheY_P to cluster activity # motor "mb_0": 0.65, # steady state motor bias (Cluzel et al 2000) "n_motors": 5, "cw_to_ccw": 0.83, # 1/s (Block1983) motor bias, assumed to be constant "ccw_to_cw_leak": 0.25, # rate of spontaneous transition to tumble # parameters for multibody physics "tumble_jitter": 120.0, # initial state "initial_state": { "internal": { # response regulator proteins "CheY_tot": 9.7, # (uM) (mM) 9.7 uM = 0.0097 mM "CheY_P": 0.5, "CheZ": 0.01 * 100, # (uM) phosphatase 100 uM = 0.1 mM "CheA": 0.01 * 100, # (uM) 100 uM = 0.1 mM # sensor activity "chemoreceptor_activity": 1 / 3, # motor activity "ccw_motor_bias": 0.5, "ccw_to_cw": 0.5, "motile_state": 1, # motile_state 1 for tumble, -1 for run }, "external": { "thrust": 0, "torque": 0, }, }, } def __init__(self, parameters=None): super().__init__(parameters)
[docs] def ports_schema(self): """create ``internal`` and ``external`` ports""" ports = ["internal", "external"] schema = {port: {} for port in ports} # external for state, default in self.parameters["initial_state"]["external"].items(): schema["external"][state] = { "_default": default, "_emit": True, "_updater": "set", } # internal set_and_emit = ["ccw_motor_bias", "ccw_to_cw", "motile_state", "CheA", "CheY_P"] for state, default in self.parameters["initial_state"]["internal"].items(): schema["internal"][state] = {"_default": default} if state in set_and_emit: schema["internal"][state].update({"_emit": True, "_updater": "set"}) return schema
[docs] def next_update(self, timestep, states): internal = states["internal"] P_on = internal["chemoreceptor_activity"] motile_state_current = internal["motile_state"] # parameters adapt_precision = self.parameters["adapt_precision"] k_y = self.parameters["k_y"] k_s = self.parameters["k_s"] k_z = self.parameters["k_z"] gamma_Y = self.parameters["gamma_Y"] mb_0 = self.parameters["mb_0"] cw_to_ccw = self.parameters["cw_to_ccw"] ## Kinase activity # relative steady-state concentration of phosphorylated CheY. CheY_P = ( adapt_precision * k_y * k_s * P_on / (k_y * k_s * P_on + k_z + gamma_Y) ) # CheZ cancels out of k_z ## Motor switching # CCW corresponds to run. CW corresponds to tumble ccw_motor_bias = mb_0 / (CheY_P * (1 - mb_0) + mb_0) # (1/s) ccw_to_cw = cw_to_ccw * (1 / ccw_motor_bias - 1) # (1/s) # don't let ccw_to_cw get under leak value if ccw_to_cw < self.parameters["ccw_to_cw_leak"]: ccw_to_cw = self.parameters["ccw_to_cw_leak"] if motile_state_current == -1: # -1 for run # switch to tumble (cw)? rate = -math.log(1 - ccw_to_cw) # rate for probability function of time prob_switch = 1 - math.exp(-rate * timestep) if np.random.random(1)[0] <= prob_switch: motile_state = 1 thrust, torque = tumble(self.parameters["tumble_jitter"]) else: motile_state = -1 thrust, torque = run() elif motile_state_current == 1: # 1 for tumble # switch to run (ccw)? rate = -math.log(1 - cw_to_ccw) # rate for probability function of time prob_switch = 1 - math.exp(-rate * timestep) if np.random.random(1)[0] <= prob_switch: motile_state = -1 [thrust, torque] = run() else: motile_state = 1 [thrust, torque] = tumble() return { "internal": { "ccw_motor_bias": ccw_motor_bias, "ccw_to_cw": ccw_to_cw, "motile_state": motile_state, "CheY_P": CheY_P, }, "external": {"thrust": thrust, "torque": torque}, }
[docs] def tumble(tumble_jitter=120.0): thrust = 0.2 # (pN) torque = random.normalvariate(0, tumble_jitter) return [thrust, torque]
[docs] def run(): # average thrust = 0.5 pN according to: # Hughes MP & Morgan H. (1999) Measurement of bacterial flagellar thrust by negative dielectrophoresis. thrust = 0.5 # (pN) torque = 0.0 return [thrust, torque]
def test_variable_receptor(return_data=False): motor = MotorActivity() state = motor.default_state() timestep = 1 chemoreceptor_activity = linspace(0.0, 1.0, 501).tolist() CheY_P_vec = [] ccw_motor_bias_vec = [] ccw_to_cw_vec = [] motile_state_vec = [] for activity in chemoreceptor_activity: state["internal"]["chemoreceptor_activity"] = activity update = motor.next_update(timestep, state) CheY_P = update["internal"]["CheY_P"] ccw_motor_bias = update["internal"]["ccw_motor_bias"] ccw_to_cw = update["internal"]["ccw_to_cw"] motile_state = update["internal"]["motile_state"] CheY_P_vec.append(CheY_P) ccw_motor_bias_vec.append(ccw_motor_bias) ccw_to_cw_vec.append(ccw_to_cw) motile_state_vec.append(motile_state) # check ccw_to_cw bias is strictly increasing with increased receptor activity assert all(i <= j for i, j in zip(ccw_to_cw_vec, ccw_to_cw_vec[1:])) if return_data: return { "chemoreceptor_activity": chemoreceptor_activity, "CheY_P": CheY_P_vec, "ccw_motor_bias": ccw_motor_bias_vec, "ccw_to_cw": ccw_to_cw_vec, "motile_state": motile_state_vec, }
[docs] def plot_variable_receptor(output, out_dir="out", filename="motor_variable_receptor"): receptor_activities = output["chemoreceptor_activity"] CheY_P_vec = output["CheY_P"] ccw_motor_bias_vec = output["ccw_motor_bias"] ccw_to_cw_vec = output["ccw_to_cw"] # plot results cols = 1 rows = 2 plt.figure(figsize=(5 * cols, 2 * rows)) ax1 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 1) ax2 = plt.subplot(rows, cols, 2) ax1.scatter(receptor_activities, CheY_P_vec, c="b") ax2.scatter(receptor_activities, ccw_motor_bias_vec, c="b", label="ccw_motor_bias") ax2.scatter(receptor_activities, ccw_to_cw_vec, c="g", label="ccw_to_cw") ax1.set_xticklabels([]) ax1.set_ylabel("CheY_P", fontsize=10) ax2.set_xlabel("receptor activity \n P(on) ", fontsize=10) ax2.set_ylabel("motor bias", fontsize=10) ax2.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) fig_path = os.path.join(out_dir, filename) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.7, hspace=0.1) plt.savefig(fig_path + ".png", bbox_inches="tight")
[docs] def main(): out_dir = os.path.join(PROCESS_OUT_DIR, NAME) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) output2 = test_variable_receptor(return_data=True) plot_variable_receptor(output2, out_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()