Coarse Motor Processes
models E. coli coarse motor activity, without explicit flagella.
- Based on the model described in:
Vladimirov, N., Lovdok, L., Lebiedz, D., & Sourjik, V. (2008). Dependence of bacterial chemotaxis on gradient shape and adaptation rate.
- CheY phosphorylation model from:
Kollmann, M., Lovdok, L., Bartholome, K., Timmer, J., & Sourjik, V. (2005). Design principles of a bacterial signalling network. Nature.
- Motor switching model from:
Scharf, B. E., Fahrner, K. A., Turner, L., and Berg, H. C. (1998). Control of direction of flagellar rotation in bacterial chemotaxis. PNAS.
An increase of attractant inhibits CheA activity (chemoreceptor_activity), but subsequent methylation returns CheA activity to its original level.
TODO – add CheB phosphorylation
- class ecoli.processes.chemotaxis.coarse_motor.MotorActivity(parameters=None)[source]
Models changes to coarse motor activity, based on chemoreceptor_activity and current motor state.
- Ports:
internal: includes variables
external: includes variables
- defaults: Dict[str, Any] = {'adapt_precision': 3, 'ccw_to_cw_leak': 0.25, 'cw_to_ccw': 0.83, 'gamma_Y': 0.1, 'initial_state': {'external': {'thrust': 0, 'torque': 0}, 'internal': {'CheA': 1.0, 'CheY_P': 0.5, 'CheY_tot': 9.7, 'CheZ': 1.0, 'ccw_motor_bias': 0.5, 'ccw_to_cw': 0.5, 'chemoreceptor_activity': 0.3333333333333333, 'motile_state': 1}}, 'k_s': 0.45, 'k_y': 100.0, 'k_z': 30.0, 'mb_0': 0.65, 'n_motors': 5, 'time_step': 0.1, 'tumble_jitter': 120.0}
- name = 'coarse_motor'