Source code for ecoli.processes.complexation


This process encodes molecular simulation of macromolecular complexation,
in which monomers are assembled into complexes. Macromolecular complexation
is done by identifying complexation reactions that are possible (which are
reactions that have sufficient counts of all sub-components), performing one
randomly chosen possible reaction, and re-identifying all possible complexation
reactions. This process assumes that macromolecular complexes form spontaneously,
and that complexation reactions are fast and complete within the time step of the

# TODO(wcEcoli):
# - allow for shuffling when appropriate (maybe in another process)
# - handle protein complex dissociation

import numpy as np
from stochastic_arrow import StochasticSystem

from vivarium.core.composition import simulate_process

from ecoli.library.schema import numpy_schema, bulk_name_to_idx, counts, listener_schema
from ecoli.processes.registries import topology_registry
from ecoli.processes.partition import PartitionedProcess

# Register default topology for this process, associating it with process name
NAME = "ecoli-complexation"
TOPOLOGY = {"bulk": ("bulk",), "listeners": ("listeners",), "timestep": ("timestep",)}
topology_registry.register(NAME, TOPOLOGY)

[docs] class Complexation(PartitionedProcess): """Complexation PartitionedProcess""" name = NAME topology = TOPOLOGY defaults = { "stoichiometry": np.array([[]]), "rates": np.array([]), "molecule_names": [], "seed": 0, "reaction_ids": [], "complex_ids": [], "time_step": 1, } def __init__(self, parameters=None): super().__init__(parameters) self.stoichiometry = self.parameters["stoichiometry"] self.rates = self.parameters["rates"] self.molecule_names = self.parameters["molecule_names"] self.molecule_idx = None self.reaction_ids = self.parameters["reaction_ids"] self.complex_ids = self.parameters["complex_ids"] self.randomState = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.parameters["seed"]) self.seed = self.randomState.randint(2**31) self.system = StochasticSystem(self.stoichiometry, random_seed=self.seed)
[docs] def ports_schema(self): return { "bulk": numpy_schema("bulk"), "listeners": { "complexation_listener": { **listener_schema( { "complexation_events": ( [0] * len(self.reaction_ids), self.reaction_ids, ) } ) }, }, "timestep": {"_default": self.parameters["time_step"]}, }
[docs] def calculate_request(self, timestep, states): timestep = states["timestep"] if self.molecule_idx is None: self.molecule_idx = bulk_name_to_idx( self.molecule_names, states["bulk"]["id"] ) moleculeCounts = counts(states["bulk"], self.molecule_idx) result = self.system.evolve(timestep, moleculeCounts, self.rates) updatedMoleculeCounts = result["outcome"] requests = {} requests["bulk"] = [ (self.molecule_idx, np.fmax(moleculeCounts - updatedMoleculeCounts, 0)) ] return requests
[docs] def evolve_state(self, timestep, states): timestep = states["timestep"] substrate = counts(states["bulk"], self.molecule_idx) result = self.system.evolve(timestep, substrate, self.rates) complexationEvents = result["occurrences"] outcome = result["outcome"] - substrate # Write outputs to listeners update = { "bulk": [(self.molecule_idx, outcome)], "listeners": { "complexation_listener": { "complexation_events": complexationEvents.astype(int) } }, } return update
def test_complexation(): test_config = { "stoichiometry": np.array( [[-1, 1, 0], [0, -1, 1], [1, 0, -1], [-1, 0, 1], [1, -1, 0], [0, 1, -1]], np.int64, ), "rates": np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], np.float64), "molecule_names": ["A", "B", "C"], "seed": 1, "reaction_ids": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "complex_ids": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], } complexation = Complexation(test_config) state = { "bulk": np.array( [ ("A", 10), ("B", 20), ("C", 30), ], dtype=[("id", "U40"), ("count", int)], ) } settings = {"total_time": 10, "initial_state": state} data = simulate_process(complexation, settings) complexation_events = data["listeners"]["complexation_listener"][ "complexation_events" ] assert isinstance(complexation_events[0], list) assert isinstance(complexation_events[1], list) print(data) if __name__ == "__main__": test_complexation()