Source code for ecoli.processes.environment.derive_globals

import copy
import math

from scipy import constants
import numpy as np

from vivarium.core.process import Step
from vivarium.library.units import units

PI = math.pi
AVOGADRO = constants.N_A * 1 / units.mol

[docs] def length_from_volume(volume, width): """ get cell length from volume, using the following equation for capsule volume, with V=volume, r=radius, a=length of cylinder without rounded caps, l=total length: V = (4/3)*PI*r^3 + PI*r^2*a l = a + 2*r """ radius = width / 2 cylinder_length = (volume - (4 / 3) * PI * radius**3) / (PI * radius**2) total_length = cylinder_length + 2 * radius return total_length
[docs] def volume_from_length(length, width): """ inverse of length_from_volume """ radius = width / 2 cylinder_length = length - width volume = cylinder_length * (PI * radius**2) + (4 / 3) * PI * radius**3 return volume
[docs] def surface_area_from_length(length, width): """ SA = 3*PI*r^2 + 2*PI*r*a """ radius = width / 2 cylinder_length = length - width surface_area = 3 * PI * radius**2 + 2 * PI * radius * cylinder_length return surface_area
[docs] class DeriveGlobals(Step): """ Process for deriving volume, mmol_to_counts, and shape from the cell mass """ name = "globals_deriver" defaults = { "width": 1 *, "initial_mass": 1339 * units.fg, # wet mass in fg }
[docs] def ports_schema(self): set_states = [ "volume", "mmol_to_counts", "length", "surface_area", ] split_divide = ["volume", "length", "surface_area"] emit = { "global": [ "volume", "width", "length", "surface_area", ] } # default state mass = self.parameters["initial_mass"] width = self.parameters["width"] density = 1100 * units.g / units.L volume = mass / density mmol_to_counts = (AVOGADRO * volume).to("L/mmol") length = length_from_volume(volume, width) surface_area = surface_area_from_length(length, width) default_state = { "global": { "mass": mass, "volume":, "mmol_to_counts": mmol_to_counts, "density": density, "width": width, "length": length, "surface_area": surface_area, }, } schema = {} for port, states in default_state.items(): schema[port] = {} for state_id, value in states.items(): schema[port][state_id] = {} if state_id in set_states: schema[port][state_id]["_updater"] = "set" if state_id in emit[port]: schema[port][state_id]["_emit"] = True if state_id in split_divide: schema[port][state_id]["_divider"] = "split" if state_id in default_state[port]: schema[port][state_id]["_default"] = default_state[port][state_id] return schema
[docs] def next_update(self, timestep, states): density = states["global"]["density"] mass = states["global"]["mass"].to("fg") width = states["global"]["width"] # get volume from mass, and more variables from volume volume = mass / density mmol_to_counts = (AVOGADRO * volume).to("L/mmol") length = length_from_volume(volume, width) surface_area = surface_area_from_length(length, width) return { "global": { "volume": volume, "mmol_to_counts": mmol_to_counts, "length": length, "surface_area": surface_area, }, }
[docs] def get_default_global_state(): mass = 1339 * units.fg # wet mass in fg density = 1100 * units.g / units.L volume = mass / density mmol_to_counts = AVOGADRO * volume return { "global": { "volume":"fL"), "mmol_to_counts":"L/mmol"), } }
def test_deriver(total_time=10, return_data=False): growth_rate = 6e-3 # configure process deriver = DeriveGlobals({}) state = deriver.default_state() # initialize saved data saved_state = {} ## simulation timeline = [(total_time, {})] time = 0 timestep = 1 # sec saved_state[time] = state while time < timeline[-1][0]: time += timestep for t, change_dict in timeline: if time >= t: for key, change in change_dict.items(): state[key].update(change) # set mass, counts mass = state["global"]["mass"] state["global"]["mass"] = mass * np.exp(growth_rate * timestep) # get update update = deriver.next_update(timestep, state) # set derived state state["global"].update(update["global"]) # save state saved_state[time] = copy.deepcopy(state) if return_data: return saved_state if __name__ == "__main__": saved_data = test_deriver(100, return_data=True) print(saved_data)