Source code for ecoli.processes.shape


``Shape`` is used to calculate shape properties using 3D capsule geometry.
Outputs `length and `surface_area` are determined from inputs `volume` and `width`.
These variables are required to plug into a `Lattice Environment`

import math

from scipy.constants import N_A
from vivarium.core.process import Step
from vivarium.library.units import units, Quantity

PI = math.pi
AVOGADRO = N_A / units.mol

[docs] def length_from_volume(volume, width): """ get cell length from volume, using the following equation for capsule volume, with V=volume, r=radius, a=length of cylinder without rounded caps, l=total length: :math:`V = (4/3)*PI*r^3 + PI*r^2*a` :math:`l = a + 2*r` """ radius = width / 2 cylinder_length = (volume - (4 / 3) * PI * radius**3) / (PI * radius**2) total_length = cylinder_length + 2 * radius return total_length
[docs] def volume_from_length(length, width): """ get volume from length and width, using 3D capsule geometry """ radius = width / 2 cylinder_length = length - width volume = cylinder_length * (PI * radius**2) + (4 / 3) * PI * radius**3 return volume
[docs] def surface_area_from_length(length, width): """ get surface area from length and width, using 3D capsule geometry :math:`SA = 4*PI*r^2 + 2*PI*r*a` """ radius = width / 2 cylinder_length = length - width surface_area = 4 * PI * radius**2 + 2 * PI * radius * cylinder_length return surface_area
[docs] def mmol_to_counts_from_volume(volume): """mmol_to_counts has units L/mmol""" return (volume * AVOGADRO).to(units.L / units.mmol)
[docs] class Shape(Step): """Shape Step Derives cell length and surface area from width and volume. Ports: * **cell_global**: Should be given the agent's boundary store. Contains variables: **volume**, **width**, **length**, and **surface_area**. * **periplasm_global**: Contains the **volume** variable for the volume of the periplasm. Arguments: parameters (dict): A dictionary that can contain the following configuration options: * **width** (:py:class:`float`): Initial width of the cell in microns """ name = "ecoli-shape" defaults = { "width": 1.0 *, "periplasm_fraction": 0.2, "cytoplasm_fraction": 0.8, "initial_cell_volume": 1.2 * units.fL, "initial_mass": 1339 * units.fg, } def __init__(self, parameters=None): super().__init__(parameters) self.outer_to_inner_area = ( math.pow(self.parameters["cytoplasm_fraction"], 1 / 3) ** 2 )
[docs] def ports_schema(self): schema = { "cell_global": { "volume": { "_default": 0 * units.fL, "_updater": "set", "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", }, "width": { "_default": 0 *, "_updater": "set", "_emit": True, "_divider": "set", }, "length": { "_default": 0 *, "_updater": "set", "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", }, "outer_surface_area": { "_default": 0 ***2, "_updater": "set", "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", }, "inner_surface_area": { "_default": 0 ***2, "_updater": "set", "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", }, "mmol_to_counts": { "_default": 0 / units.millimolar, "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", "_updater": "set", }, "mass": { "_default": 0 * units.fg, "_updater": "set", "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", }, }, "listener_cell_mass": { "_default": self.parameters["initial_mass"].magnitude, # fg }, "listener_cell_volume": { "_default": self.parameters["initial_cell_volume"].magnitude, # fL }, "periplasm_global": { "volume": { "_default": self.parameters["initial_cell_volume"] * self.parameters["periplasm_fraction"], # fL "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", "_updater": "set", }, "mmol_to_counts": { "_default": 0 / units.millimolar, "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", "_updater": "set", }, }, "cytoplasm_global": { "volume": { "_default": self.parameters["initial_cell_volume"] * self.parameters["cytoplasm_fraction"], # fL "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", "_updater": "set", }, "mmol_to_counts": { "_default": 0 / units.millimolar, "_emit": True, "_divider": "split", "_updater": "set", }, }, } return schema
[docs] def initial_state(self, config=None): cell_volume = self.parameters["initial_cell_volume"] assert isinstance(cell_volume, Quantity) width = self.parameters["width"] assert isinstance(width, Quantity) length = length_from_volume(cell_volume, width) outer_surface_area = surface_area_from_length(length, width) inner_surface_area = self.outer_to_inner_area * outer_surface_area assert ( self.parameters["periplasm_fraction"] + self.parameters["cytoplasm_fraction"] == 1 ) periplasm_volume = cell_volume * self.parameters["periplasm_fraction"] cytoplasm_volume = cell_volume * self.parameters["cytoplasm_fraction"] mass = self.parameters["initial_mass"] assert isinstance(mass, Quantity) return { "cell_global": { "volume": cell_volume, "width": width, "length": length, "outer_surface_area": outer_surface_area, "inner_surface_area": inner_surface_area, "mmol_to_counts": mmol_to_counts_from_volume(cell_volume), "mass": mass, }, "listener_cell_mass": mass.magnitude, "listener_cell_volume": cell_volume.magnitude, "periplasm_global": { "volume": periplasm_volume, "mmol_to_counts": mmol_to_counts_from_volume(periplasm_volume), }, "cytoplasm_global": { "volume": cytoplasm_volume, "mmol_to_counts": mmol_to_counts_from_volume(cytoplasm_volume), }, }
[docs] def next_update(self, timestep, states): for port in ("cell_global", "periplasm_global", "cytoplasm_global"): for variable, value in states[port].items(): assert isinstance( value, Quantity ), f"{variable}={value} is not a Quantity" width = states["cell_global"]["width"] cell_volume = states["listener_cell_volume"] * units.fL assert ( self.parameters["periplasm_fraction"] + self.parameters["cytoplasm_fraction"] == 1 ) periplasm_volume = cell_volume * self.parameters["periplasm_fraction"] cytoplasm_volume = cell_volume * self.parameters["cytoplasm_fraction"] # calculate length and surface area length = length_from_volume(cell_volume, width) outer_surface_area = surface_area_from_length(length, width) inner_surface_area = self.outer_to_inner_area * outer_surface_area update = { "cell_global": { "length": length, "outer_surface_area": outer_surface_area, "inner_surface_area": inner_surface_area, "mmol_to_counts": mmol_to_counts_from_volume(cell_volume), "mass": states["listener_cell_mass"] * units.fg, "volume": cell_volume, }, "periplasm_global": { "volume": periplasm_volume, "mmol_to_counts": mmol_to_counts_from_volume(periplasm_volume), }, "cytoplasm_global": { "volume": cytoplasm_volume, "mmol_to_counts": mmol_to_counts_from_volume(cytoplasm_volume), }, } return update