Source code for reconstruction.ecoli.dataclasses.process.equilibrium


import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
import sympy as sp

from wholecell.utils import build_ode, data, units
from wholecell.utils.random import stochasticRound

[docs] class EquilibriumError(Exception): pass
[docs] class MoleculeNotFoundError(EquilibriumError): pass
[docs] class Equilibrium(object): def __init__(self, raw_data, sim_data): # Build the abstractions needed for complexation molecules = [] ratesFwd = [] ratesRev = [] rxnIds = [] stoichMatrixI = [] stoichMatrixJ = [] stoichMatrixV = [] stoichMatrixMass = [] self.metabolite_set = set() self.complex_name_to_rxn_idx = {} # Make sure reactions are not duplicated in complexationReactions and # equilibriumReactions equilibrium_reaction_ids = {x["id"] for x in raw_data.equilibrium_reactions} complexation_reaction_ids = {x["id"] for x in raw_data.complexation_reactions} if equilibrium_reaction_ids.intersection(complexation_reaction_ids) != set(): raise Exception( "The following reaction ids are specified in equilibriumReactions and complexationReactions: %s" % (equilibrium_reaction_ids.intersection(complexation_reaction_ids)) ) # Get IDs of all metabolites metabolite_ids = {met["id"] for met in raw_data.metabolites} # IDs of 2CS ligands that should be tagged to the periplasm two_component_system_ligands = [ system["molecules"]["LIGAND"] for system in raw_data.two_component_systems ] # Remove complexes that are currently not simulated FORBIDDEN_MOLECULES = { "modified-charged-selC-tRNA", # molecule does not exist } # Remove reactions that we know won't occur (e.g., don't do # computations on metabolites that have zero counts) # TODO (ggsun): check if this list is accurate MOLECULES_THAT_WILL_EXIST_IN_SIMULATION = ( [m["Metabolite"] for m in raw_data.metabolite_concentrations] + ["LEU", "S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE", "ARABINOSE", "4FE-4S"] + two_component_system_ligands ) # Get forward and reverse rates of each reaction forward_rates = { rxn["id"]: rxn["forward_rate"] for rxn in raw_data.equilibrium_reaction_rates } reverse_rates = { rxn["id"]: rxn["reverse_rate"] for rxn in raw_data.equilibrium_reaction_rates } median_forward_rate = np.median(np.array(list(forward_rates.values()))) median_reverse_rate = np.median(np.array(list(reverse_rates.values()))) reaction_index = 0 def should_skip_reaction(reaction): for mol_id in reaction["stoichiometry"].keys(): if mol_id in FORBIDDEN_MOLECULES or ( mol_id in metabolite_ids and mol_id not in MOLECULES_THAT_WILL_EXIST_IN_SIMULATION ): return True return False # Build stoichiometry matrix for reaction in raw_data.equilibrium_reactions: if should_skip_reaction(reaction): continue ratesFwd.append(forward_rates.get(reaction["id"], median_forward_rate)) ratesRev.append(reverse_rates.get(reaction["id"], median_reverse_rate)) rxnIds.append(reaction["id"]) for mol_id, coeff in reaction["stoichiometry"].items(): if mol_id in metabolite_ids: if mol_id in two_component_system_ligands: mol_id_with_compartment = "{}[{}]".format( mol_id, "p", # Assume 2CS ligands are in periplasm ) else: mol_id_with_compartment = "{}[{}]".format( mol_id, "c", # Assume all other metabolites are in cytosol ) self.metabolite_set.add(mol_id_with_compartment) else: mol_id_with_compartment = "{}[{}]".format( mol_id, sim_data.getter.get_compartment(mol_id)[0] ) if mol_id_with_compartment not in molecules: molecules.append(mol_id_with_compartment) molecule_index = len(molecules) - 1 else: molecule_index = molecules.index(mol_id_with_compartment) # Assume coefficients given as null are -1 if coeff is None: coeff = -1 # All stoichiometric coefficients must be integers assert coeff % 1 == 0 # Store indices for the row and column, and molecule # coefficient for building the stoichiometry matrix stoichMatrixI.append(molecule_index) stoichMatrixJ.append(reaction_index) stoichMatrixV.append(coeff) # If coefficient is positive, the molecule is the complex if coeff > 0: self.complex_name_to_rxn_idx[mol_id_with_compartment] = ( reaction_index ) # Find molecular mass molecularMass = sim_data.getter.get_mass( mol_id_with_compartment ).asNumber(units.g / units.mol) stoichMatrixMass.append(molecularMass) reaction_index += 1 # TODO(jerry): Move the rest to a subroutine for __init__ and __setstate__? self._stoichMatrixI = np.array(stoichMatrixI) self._stoichMatrixJ = np.array(stoichMatrixJ) self._stoichMatrixV = np.array(stoichMatrixV) self.molecule_names = molecules self.ids_complexes = [ self.molecule_names[i] for i in np.where(np.any(self.stoich_matrix() > 0, axis=1))[0] ] self.rxn_ids = rxnIds self.rates_fwd = np.array(ratesFwd) self.rates_rev = np.array(ratesRev) # Mass balance matrix self._stoichMatrixMass = np.array(stoichMatrixMass) self.balance_matrix = self.stoich_matrix() * self.mass_matrix() # Find the mass balance of each equation in the balanceMatrix massBalanceArray = self.mass_balance() # The stoichometric matrix should balance out to numerical zero. assert np.max(np.absolute(massBalanceArray)) < 1e-9 # Build matrices self._populateDerivativeAndJacobian() self._stoichMatrix = self.stoich_matrix() def __getstate__(self): """Return the state to pickle, omitting derived attributes that __setstate__() will recompute, esp. those like the rates for ODEs that don't pickle. """ return data.dissoc_strict( self.__dict__, ( "_stoichMatrix", "Rp", "Pp", "mets_to_rxn_fluxes", "symbolic_rates", "symbolic_rates_jacobian", "_rates", "_rates_jacobian", ), ) def __setstate__(self, state): """Restore instance attributes, recomputing some of them.""" self.__dict__.update(state) self._stoichMatrix = self.stoich_matrix() self._populateDerivativeAndJacobian()
[docs] def stoich_matrix(self): """ Builds stoichiometry matrix Rows: molecules Columns: reactions Values: reaction stoichiometry """ shape = (self._stoichMatrixI.max() + 1, self._stoichMatrixJ.max() + 1) out = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) out[self._stoichMatrixI, self._stoichMatrixJ] = self._stoichMatrixV return out
[docs] def mass_matrix(self): """ Builds stoichiometry mass matrix Rows: molecules Columns: reactions Values: molecular mass """ shape = (self._stoichMatrixI.max() + 1, self._stoichMatrixJ.max() + 1) out = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) out[self._stoichMatrixI, self._stoichMatrixJ] = self._stoichMatrixMass return out
[docs] def mass_balance(self): """ Sum along the columns of the massBalance matrix to check for reaction mass balance """ return np.sum(self.balance_matrix, axis=0)
[docs] def stoich_matrix_monomers(self): """ Builds a stoichiometric matrix where each column is a reaction that forms a complex directly from its constituent monomers. Since some reactions from the raw data are complexation reactions of complexes, this is different from the stoichiometric matrix generated by stoichMatrix(). """ stoichMatrixMonomersI = [] stoichMatrixMonomersJ = [] stoichMatrixMonomersV = [] for colIdx, id_complex in enumerate(self.ids_complexes): D = self.get_monomers(id_complex) rowIdx = self.molecule_names.index(id_complex) stoichMatrixMonomersI.append(rowIdx) stoichMatrixMonomersJ.append(colIdx) stoichMatrixMonomersV.append(1.0) for subunitId, subunitStoich in zip(D["subunitIds"], D["subunitStoich"]): rowIdx = self.molecule_names.index(subunitId) stoichMatrixMonomersI.append(rowIdx) stoichMatrixMonomersJ.append(colIdx) stoichMatrixMonomersV.append(-1.0 * subunitStoich) stoichMatrixMonomersI = np.array(stoichMatrixMonomersI) stoichMatrixMonomersJ = np.array(stoichMatrixMonomersJ) stoichMatrixMonomersV = np.array(stoichMatrixMonomersV) shape = (stoichMatrixMonomersI.max() + 1, stoichMatrixMonomersJ.max() + 1) out = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) out[stoichMatrixMonomersI, stoichMatrixMonomersJ] = stoichMatrixMonomersV return out
[docs] def _populateDerivativeAndJacobian(self): """Compile callable functions for computing the derivative and the Jacobian.""" self._makeMatrices() self._make_rates() self._rates = build_ode.rates(self.symbolic_rates) self._rates_jacobian = build_ode.rates_jacobian(self.symbolic_rates_jacobian)
[docs] def _makeMatrices(self): """ Creates matrix that maps metabolites to the flux through their reactions. """ EPS = 1e-9 S = self.stoich_matrix() Rp = -1.0 * (S < -1 * EPS) * S Pp = 1.0 * (S > 1 * EPS) * S self.Rp = Rp self.Pp = Pp mets_to_rxn_fluxes = self.stoich_matrix().copy() mets_to_rxn_fluxes[(np.abs(mets_to_rxn_fluxes) > EPS).sum(axis=1) > 1, :] = 0 for colIdx in range(mets_to_rxn_fluxes.shape[1]): try: firstNonZeroIdx = np.where(np.abs(mets_to_rxn_fluxes[:, colIdx]) > EPS)[ 0 ][0] except IndexError: raise Exception( "Column %d of S matrix not linearly independent!" % colIdx ) mets_to_rxn_fluxes[:firstNonZeroIdx, colIdx] = 0 mets_to_rxn_fluxes[(firstNonZeroIdx + 1) :, colIdx] = 0 self.mets_to_rxn_fluxes = mets_to_rxn_fluxes.T
[docs] def _make_rates(self): """ Creates symbolic representation of the rates for ordinary differential equations and the Jacobian. Used during simulations. """ S = self.stoich_matrix() yStrings = ["y[%d]" % x for x in range(S.shape[0])] ratesFwdStrings = ["kf[%d]" % x for x in range(S.shape[0])] ratesRevStrings = ["kr[%d]" % x for x in range(S.shape[0])] y = sp.symbols(yStrings) ratesFwd = sp.symbols(ratesFwdStrings) ratesRev = sp.symbols(ratesRevStrings) rates = [] for colIdx in range(S.shape[1]): negIdxs = np.where(S[:, colIdx] < 0)[0] posIdxs = np.where(S[:, colIdx] > 0)[0] fwd_stoich = 1.0 reactantFlux = ratesFwd[colIdx] for negIdx in negIdxs: stoich = -S[negIdx, colIdx] if stoich == 1: reactantFlux *= y[negIdx] else: if stoich > fwd_stoich: fwd_stoich = stoich reactantFlux *= y[negIdx] ** stoich # Need to scale the rate by the number of dissociation reactions # which is the highest stoichiometry in the forward direction if fwd_stoich > 1: productFlux = ratesRev[colIdx] ** fwd_stoich else: productFlux = ratesRev[colIdx] for posIdx in posIdxs: stoich = S[posIdx, colIdx] if stoich == 1: productFlux *= y[posIdx] else: # If this needs to be included, it may affect the rate # calculation with multiple products so double check before # implementing. For now, the assumption is that there will # only be one product and this verifies that assumption. raise ValueError( "Expected a single product (stoichiometry" f" of 1) for equilibrium reaction {self.rxn_ids[colIdx]}" ) rates.append(reactantFlux - productFlux) dy = sp.Matrix(rates) J = dy.jacobian(y) self.symbolic_rates = dy self.symbolic_rates_jacobian = J
[docs] def derivatives(self, t, y): return self._rates[0](t, y, self.rates_fwd, self.rates_rev) )
[docs] def derivatives_jacobian(self, t, y): return self._rates_jacobian[0](t, y, self.rates_fwd, self.rates_rev) )
[docs] def derivatives_jit(self, t, y): return self._rates[1](t, y, self.rates_fwd, self.rates_rev) )
[docs] def derivatives_jacobian_jit(self, t, y): return self._rates_jacobian[1](t, y, self.rates_fwd, self.rates_rev) )
[docs] def fluxes_and_molecules_to_SS( self, moleculeCounts, cellVolume, nAvogadro, random_state, time_limit=1e20, max_iter=100, jit=True, ): y_init = moleculeCounts / (cellVolume * nAvogadro) # In this version of SciPy, solve_ivp does not support args so need to # select the derivatives functions to use. Could be simplified to single # functions that take a jit argument from solve_ivp in the future. if jit: derivatives = self.derivatives_jit derivatives_jacobian = self.derivatives_jacobian_jit else: derivatives = self.derivatives derivatives_jacobian = self.derivatives_jacobian # Note: odeint has issues solving with a long time step so need to use solve_ivp for method in ["LSODA", "BDF"]: try: sol = integrate.solve_ivp( derivatives, [0, time_limit], y_init, method=method, t_eval=[0, time_limit], jac=derivatives_jacobian, ) break except ValueError as e: print(f"Warning: switching solver method in equilibrium, {e!r}") else: raise RuntimeError( "Could not solve ODEs in equilibrium to SS." " Try adjusting time step or changing methods." ) y = sol.y.T if np.any(y[-1, :] * (cellVolume * nAvogadro) <= -1): raise ValueError( "Have negative values at equilibrium steady state -- probably due to numerical instability." ) if ( np.linalg.norm(derivatives(0, y[-1, :]), np.inf) * (cellVolume * nAvogadro) > 1 ): raise RuntimeError("Did not reach steady state for equilibrium.") y[y < 0] = 0 yMolecules = y * (cellVolume * nAvogadro) # Pick rounded solution that does not cause negative counts dYMolecules = yMolecules[-1, :] - yMolecules[0, :] for i in range(max_iter): rxnFluxes = stochasticRound( random_state,, dYMolecules) ) if np.all(moleculeCounts + >= 0): break else: raise ValueError("Negative counts in equilibrium steady state.") rxnFluxesN = -1.0 * (rxnFluxes < 0) * rxnFluxes rxnFluxesP = 1.0 * (rxnFluxes > 0) * rxnFluxes moleculesNeeded =, rxnFluxesP) +, rxnFluxesN) return rxnFluxes, moleculesNeeded
[docs] def get_monomers(self, cplxId): """ Returns subunits for a complex (or any ID passed). If the ID passed is already a monomer returns the monomer ID again with a stoichiometric coefficient of one. """ info = self._moleculeRecursiveSearch( cplxId, self._stoichMatrix, self.molecule_names ) return { "subunitIds": np.array(list(info.keys())), "subunitStoich": np.array(list(info.values())), }
[docs] def get_metabolite(self, cplxId): D = self.get_monomers(cplxId) if len(D["subunitIds"]) > 2: raise Exception( "Calling this function only makes sense for reactions with 2 reactants" ) for subunit in D["subunitIds"]: if subunit in self.metabolite_set: return subunit
[docs] def get_metabolite_coeff(self, cplxId): D = self.get_monomers(cplxId) if len(D["subunitIds"]) > 2: raise Exception( "Calling this function only makes sense for reactions with 2 reactants" ) for subunit, stoich in zip(D["subunitIds"], D["subunitStoich"]): if subunit in self.metabolite_set: return stoich
[docs] def get_unbound(self, cplxId): D = self.get_monomers(cplxId) if len(D["subunitIds"]) > 2: raise Exception( "Calling this function only makes sense for reactions with 2 reactants" ) for subunit in D["subunitIds"]: if subunit not in self.metabolite_set: return subunit
[docs] def get_fwd_rate(self, cplxId): rxnIdx = self.complex_name_to_rxn_idx[cplxId] return self.rates_fwd[rxnIdx]
[docs] def get_rev_rate(self, cplxId): rxnIdx = self.complex_name_to_rxn_idx[cplxId] return self.rates_rev[rxnIdx]
[docs] def set_fwd_rate(self, cplxId, rate): rxnIdx = self.complex_name_to_rxn_idx[cplxId] self.rates_fwd[rxnIdx] = rate
[docs] def set_rev_rate(self, cplxId, rate): rxnIdx = self.complex_name_to_rxn_idx[cplxId] self.rates_rev[rxnIdx] = rate
[docs] def _findRow(self, product, speciesList): try: row = speciesList.index(product) except ValueError as e: raise MoleculeNotFoundError( "Could not find %s in the list of molecules." % (product,), e ) return row
[docs] def _findColumn(self, stoichMatrixRow): for i in range(0, len(stoichMatrixRow)): if int(stoichMatrixRow[i]) == 1: return i return -1 # Flag for monomer
[docs] def _moleculeRecursiveSearch(self, product, stoichMatrix, speciesList): row = self._findRow(product, speciesList) col = self._findColumn(stoichMatrix[row, :]) if col == -1: return {product: 1.0} total = {} for i in range(0, len(speciesList)): if i == row: continue val = stoichMatrix[i][col] species = speciesList[i] if val != 0: x = self._moleculeRecursiveSearch(species, stoichMatrix, speciesList) for j in x: if j in total: total[j] += x[j] * (np.absolute(val)) else: total[j] = x[j] * (np.absolute(val)) return total