Source code for reconstruction.ecoli.dataclasses.process.transcription

SimulationData for transcription process

TODO: add mapping of tRNA to charged tRNA if allowing more than one modified form of tRNA and separate mappings for tRNA and charged tRNA to AA
TODO: handle ppGpp and DksA-ppGpp regulation separately

from functools import cache
from typing import cast

import numpy as np

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import sympy as sp

from reconstruction.ecoli.dataclasses.getter_functions import EXCLUDED_RNA_TYPES
from ecoli.library.sim_data import MAX_TIME_STEP
from ecoli.library.schema import bulk_name_to_idx, counts
from wholecell.utils import data, fitting, units
from wholecell.utils.fast_nonnegative_least_squares import fast_nnls
from wholecell.utils.fitting import normalize
from wholecell.utils.unit_struct_array import UnitStructArray
from wholecell.utils.polymerize import polymerize
from wholecell.utils.random import make_elongation_rates

RNA_SEQ_ANALYSIS = "rsem_tpm"
PPGPP_CONC_UNITS = units.umol / units.L
PRINT_VALUES = False  # print values for supplemental table if True

[docs] class TranscriptionDirectionError(Exception): pass
[docs] class Transcription(object): """ SimulationData for the transcription process """ def __init__(self, raw_data, sim_data): self.max_time_step = min(MAX_TIME_STEP, PROCESS_MAX_TIME_STEP) self._build_ppgpp_regulation(raw_data, sim_data) self._build_oric_terc_coordinates(raw_data, sim_data) self._build_cistron_data(raw_data, sim_data) self._build_rna_data(raw_data, sim_data) self._build_mature_rna_data(raw_data, sim_data) self._build_transcription(raw_data, sim_data) self._build_charged_trna(raw_data, sim_data) self._build_attenuation(raw_data, sim_data) self._build_elongation_rates(raw_data, sim_data) self._build_new_gene_data(raw_data, sim_data) def __getstate__(self): """Return the state to pickle with transcriptionSequences removed and only storing data from transcriptionSequences with pad values stripped. """ state = data.dissoc_strict(self.__dict__, ("transcription_sequences",)) state["sequences"] = np.array( [seq[seq != polymerize.PAD_VALUE] for seq in self.transcription_sequences], dtype=object, ) state["sequence_shape"] = self.transcription_sequences.shape return state def __setstate__(self, state): """Restore transcriptionSequences and remove processed versions of the data.""" sequences = state.pop("sequences") sequence_shape = state.pop("sequence_shape") self.__dict__.update(state) self.transcription_sequences = np.full( sequence_shape, polymerize.PAD_VALUE, dtype=np.int8 ) for i, seq in enumerate(sequences): self.transcription_sequences[i, : len(seq)] = seq
[docs] def _build_ppgpp_regulation(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Determine which genes are regulated by ppGpp and store the fold change in expression associated with each gene. Attributes set: ppgpp_regulated_genes (ndarray[str]): cistron ID of regulated genes ppgpp_fold_changes (ndarray[float]): log2 fold change for each gene in ppgpp_regulated_genes _ppgpp_growth_parameters: parameters for interpolate.splev to estimate growth rate from ppGpp concentration """ def read_value(d, k): """Handle empty values from raw_data as 0""" val = d[k] return 0 if val == "" else val # Flag to check when ppGpp regulated expression has been set # see set_ppgpp_expression() self._ppgpp_expression_set = False # Determine KM for ppGpp binding to RNAP self._solve_ppgpp_km(raw_data, sim_data) # Read regulation data from raw_data # Treats ppGpp and DksA-ppGpp regulation the same gene_to_rna = {g["symbol"]: g["rna_ids"][0] for g in raw_data.genes} rna_id_to_rna_type = {r["id"]: r["type"] for r in raw_data.rnas} regulation = {} for reg in raw_data.ppgpp_regulation: # Convert to regulated RNA gene = reg["Gene"] rna = gene_to_rna.get(gene, None) if rna is None or rna_id_to_rna_type[rna] in EXCLUDED_RNA_TYPES: continue # Add additional gene symbols for matching FC data curated_gene = reg["Curated Gene"] if gene != curated_gene: gene_to_rna[curated_gene] = rna # Update value (some genes are repeated in raw_data)) direction = read_value(reg, "ppGpp") + read_value(reg, "DksA-ppGpp") regulation[rna] = regulation.get(rna, 0) + direction # Read fold change data from raw_data ## Categories A-D are statistically significant fold changes ## Categories E-G are not significant or data is not usable valid_categories = {"A", "B", "C", "D"} sample_time = ( 5 # Could also be 10 (5 min minimizes downstream regulation impacts) ) sample_id = "1+2+ {} min".format( sample_time ) # Column contains FC data for given time rna_fold_changes = {} for fc in raw_data.ppgpp_fc: # Convert to regulated RNA gene = fc["Gene"] rna = gene_to_rna.get(gene, None) if rna is None: continue category = fc["{} Category".format(sample_id)] if category not in valid_categories: continue rna_fold_changes[rna] = fc[sample_id] # Store arrays of regulation regulated_genes = [] regulation_direction = [] fold_changes = [] for rna in sorted(regulation): reg_dir = regulation[rna] fc_dir = rna_fold_changes.get(rna, 0) # Ignore inconsistent regulatory directions if reg_dir == 0: continue # Use default value if annotated direction does not match data direction if reg_dir * fc_dir < 0: fc_dir = 0 regulated_genes.append(rna) regulation_direction.append(np.sign(reg_dir)) fold_changes.append(fc_dir) self.ppgpp_regulated_genes = np.array(regulated_genes) regulation_direction = np.array(regulation_direction) # Replace fold changes without data with the average fold_changes = np.array(fold_changes) average_positive_fc = fold_changes[fold_changes > 0].mean() fold_changes[(fold_changes == 0) & (regulation_direction < 0)] = ( self._fit_ppgpp_fc ) fold_changes[(fold_changes == 0) & (regulation_direction > 0)] = ( average_positive_fc ) self.ppgpp_fold_changes = fold_changes # Predict growth rate from ppGpp level # Transforms selected for good fit and to keep the growth rate positive # even at high ppGpp concentrations. per_dry_mass_to_per_volume = ( sim_data.constants.cell_density * sim_data.mass.cell_dry_mass_fraction ) ppgpp = np.array( [ (d["ppGpp_conc"] * per_dry_mass_to_per_volume).asNumber( PPGPP_CONC_UNITS ) for d in raw_data.growth_rate_dependent_parameters ] ) growth_rates = np.log(2) / np.array( [ d["doublingTime"].asNumber(units.s) for d in raw_data.growth_rate_dependent_parameters ] ) self._ppgpp_growth_parameters = fitting.fit_linearized_transforms( ppgpp, growth_rates, x_fun=["none"], y_fun=["1/sqrt"] ) if PRINT_VALUES: print( "Supplement value (KM): {:.1f}".format(np.sqrt(self._ppgpp_km_squared)) ) print( "Supplement value (FC): [{:.2f}, {:.2f}]".format( fold_changes.min(), fold_changes.max() ) ) print("Supplement value (FC-): {:.2f}".format(self._fit_ppgpp_fc)) print("Supplement value (FC+): {:.2f}".format(average_positive_fc)) # Calculate the expected active fraction when RNAP is bound to ppGpp or free doubling_times = units.min * np.linspace(25, 100, 10) ppgpp = sim_data.growth_rate_parameters.get_ppGpp_conc(doubling_times) fraction_active = sim_data.growth_rate_parameters.get_fraction_active_rnap( doubling_times ) fraction_bound = self.fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(ppgpp) A = np.vstack((fraction_bound, 1 - fraction_bound)).T self.fraction_active_rnap_bound, self.fraction_active_rnap_free = ( np.linalg.lstsq(A, fraction_active, rcond=None)[0] ) assert 0 < self.fraction_active_rnap_bound < 1 assert 0 < self.fraction_active_rnap_free < 1
[docs] def _build_oric_terc_coordinates(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Builds coordinates of oriC and terC that are used when calculating genomic positions of cistrons and RNAs relative to the origin """ # Get coordinates of oriC and terC oric_left, oric_right = sim_data.getter.get_genomic_coordinates( sim_data.molecule_ids.oriC_site ) terc_left, terc_right = sim_data.getter.get_genomic_coordinates( sim_data.molecule_ids.terC_site ) self._oric_coordinate = round((oric_left + oric_right) / 2) self._terc_coordinate = round((terc_left + terc_right) / 2) self._genome_length = len(raw_data.genome_sequence)
[docs] def _build_cistron_data(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Build cistron-associated simulation data from raw data. Cistrons are sections of RNAs that encode for a specific polypeptide. A single RNA molecule may contain one or more cistrons. """ # Get list of all cistrons with an associated gene and right and left # end positions cistron_id_to_gene_id = { gene["rna_ids"][0]: gene["id"] for gene in raw_data.genes } gene_id_to_left_end_pos = { gene["id"]: gene["left_end_pos"] for gene in raw_data.genes } gene_id_to_right_end_pos = { gene["id"]: gene["right_end_pos"] for gene in raw_data.genes } all_cistrons = [ rna for rna in raw_data.rnas if rna["id"] in cistron_id_to_gene_id and gene_id_to_left_end_pos[cistron_id_to_gene_id[rna["id"]]] is not None and gene_id_to_right_end_pos[cistron_id_to_gene_id[rna["id"]]] is not None and rna["type"] not in EXCLUDED_RNA_TYPES ] all_cistron_ids = [cistron["id"] for cistron in all_cistrons] # Load gene IDs associated with each cistron gene_id = np.array([cistron_id_to_gene_id[rna["id"]] for rna in all_cistrons]) gene_id_to_cistron_id = {g: c for (c, g) in cistron_id_to_gene_id.items()} # Calculate lengths of each cistron from their gene end positions cistron_lengths = np.array( [ np.abs( gene_id_to_right_end_pos[cistron_id_to_gene_id[cistron["id"]]] - gene_id_to_left_end_pos[cistron_id_to_gene_id[cistron["id"]]] ) + 1 for cistron in all_cistrons ] ) # Get mapping from cistron IDs to coordinate and direction cistron_id_to_coordinate = {} cistron_id_to_direction = {} for gene in raw_data.genes: cistron_id_to_direction[gene["rna_ids"][0]] = gene["direction"] if gene["direction"] == "+": cistron_id_to_coordinate[gene["rna_ids"][0]] = gene["left_end_pos"] else: cistron_id_to_coordinate[gene["rna_ids"][0]] = gene["right_end_pos"] # Get location of each cistron on the chromosome relative to the origin replication_coordinate = [ self._get_relative_coordinates(cistron_id_to_coordinate[cistron["id"]]) for cistron in all_cistrons ] # Get direction of each cistron is_forward = [ cistron_id_to_direction[cistron["id"]] == "+" for cistron in all_cistrons ] # Get cistron nucleotide compositions genome_sequence = raw_data.genome_sequence def parse_sequence(cistron_id, left_end_pos, right_end_pos, direction): """ Parses genome sequence to get the sequence of the RNA transcribed from the cistron, given left and right end positions and transcription direction (Note: the left and right end positions in the raw data files are given as 1-indexed coordinates) """ if direction == "+": return genome_sequence[left_end_pos - 1 : right_end_pos].transcribe() elif direction == "-": return ( genome_sequence[left_end_pos - 1 : right_end_pos] .reverse_complement() .transcribe() ) else: raise TranscriptionDirectionError( f"Unidentified transcription direction given for {cistron_id}" ) rna_seqs = [ parse_sequence( cistron_id, gene_id_to_left_end_pos[cistron_id_to_gene_id[cistron_id]], gene_id_to_right_end_pos[cistron_id_to_gene_id[cistron_id]], cistron_id_to_direction[cistron_id], ) for cistron_id in all_cistron_ids ] nt_counts = [] for seq in rna_seqs: nt_counts.append( [seq.count(letter) for letter in sim_data.ntp_code_to_id_ordered.keys()] ) nt_counts = np.array(nt_counts) # Calculate molecular weights of the RNAs corresponding to each cistron ppi_mw = sim_data.getter.get_mass(sim_data.molecule_ids.ppi[:-3]).asNumber( units.g / units.mol ) polymerized_ntp_mws = np.array( [ sim_data.getter.get_mass(met_id[:-3]).asNumber(units.g / units.mol) for met_id in sim_data.molecule_groups.polymerized_ntps ] ) mws = + ppi_mw # Add end weight # Get boolean arrays for each RNA type is_mRNA = [rna["type"] == "mRNA" for rna in all_cistrons] is_miscRNA = [rna["type"] == "miscRNA" for rna in all_cistrons] is_rRNA = [rna["type"] == "rRNA" for rna in all_cistrons] is_tRNA = [rna["type"] == "tRNA" for rna in all_cistrons] # Load set of mRNA cistron ids mRNA_cistron_ids = set(np.array(all_cistron_ids)[is_mRNA]) # Load cistron half lives cistron_id_to_half_life = {} reported_mRNA_cistron_half_lives = [] for gene in raw_data.rna_half_lives: if ( gene["id"] in gene_id_to_cistron_id and gene["half_life"].asNumber(units.s) > 0 ): cistron_id = gene_id_to_cistron_id[gene["id"]] cistron_id_to_half_life[cistron_id] = gene["half_life"] if cistron_id in mRNA_cistron_ids: reported_mRNA_cistron_half_lives.append(gene["half_life"]) # Calculate averaged reported half life of mRNAs self.average_mRNA_cistron_half_life = np.mean(reported_mRNA_cistron_half_lives) # Half-lives of rRNAs are set to be equal to the average reported half # life of mRNAs # Note: rRNAs complexed into ribosomal subunits will not degrade, so # this will only significantly affect excess rRNAs rRNA_cistron_ids = np.array(all_cistron_ids)[is_rRNA] for cistron_id in rRNA_cistron_ids: cistron_id_to_half_life[cistron_id] = self.average_mRNA_cistron_half_life # Half-life of tRNAs are set to the stable RNA half life value defined # in sim_data.constants tRNA_cistron_ids = np.array(all_cistron_ids)[is_tRNA] for cistron_id in tRNA_cistron_ids: cistron_id_to_half_life[cistron_id] = ( sim_data.constants.stable_RNA_half_life ) # Get half life of each RNA cistron - if the half life is not given, use # the averaged reported half life of mRNAs cistron_half_lives = np.array( [ cistron_id_to_half_life.get( cistron_id, self.average_mRNA_cistron_half_life ).asNumber(units.s) for cistron_id in all_cistron_ids ] ) # Calculate expected first-order degradation rates of each cistron cistron_deg_rates = np.log(2) / cistron_half_lives # Construct boolean arrays for ribosomal protein and RNAP-encoding # cistrons n_cistrons = len(all_cistrons) is_ribosomal_protein = np.zeros(n_cistrons, dtype=bool) is_RNAP = np.zeros(n_cistrons, dtype=bool) for i, cistron in enumerate(all_cistrons): for monomer_id in cistron["monomer_ids"]: if monomer_id + "[c]" in sim_data.molecule_groups.ribosomal_proteins: is_ribosomal_protein[i] = True if monomer_id + "[c]" in sim_data.molecule_groups.RNAP_subunits: is_RNAP[i] = True # Construct boolean arrays and index arrays for each rRNA type is_23S = np.zeros(n_cistrons, dtype=bool) is_16S = np.zeros(n_cistrons, dtype=bool) is_5S = np.zeros(n_cistrons, dtype=bool) idx_23S = [] idx_16S = [] idx_5S = [] for rnaIndex, cistron in enumerate(all_cistrons): if cistron["id"] + "[c]" in sim_data.molecule_groups.s50_23s_rRNA: is_23S[rnaIndex] = True idx_23S.append(rnaIndex) if cistron["id"] + "[c]" in sim_data.molecule_groups.s30_16s_rRNA: is_16S[rnaIndex] = True idx_16S.append(rnaIndex) if cistron["id"] + "[c]" in sim_data.molecule_groups.s50_5s_rRNA: is_5S[rnaIndex] = True idx_5S.append(rnaIndex) max_cistron_id_length = max(len(rna["id"]) for rna in all_cistrons) max_gene_id_length = max(len(id_) for id_ in gene_id) cistron_data = np.zeros( n_cistrons, dtype=[ ("id", "U{}".format(max_cistron_id_length)), ("gene_id", "U{}".format(max_gene_id_length)), ("length", "i8"), ("replication_coordinate", "i8"), ("is_forward", "bool"), ("mw", "f8"), ("deg_rate", "f8"), ("is_mRNA", "bool"), ("is_miscRNA", "bool"), ("is_rRNA", "bool"), ("is_tRNA", "bool"), ("is_23S_rRNA", "bool"), ("is_16S_rRNA", "bool"), ("is_5S_rRNA", "bool"), ("is_ribosomal_protein", "bool"), ("is_RNAP", "bool"), ("uses_corrected_seq_counts", "bool"), ("is_new_gene", "bool"), ], ) cistron_data["id"] = [rna["id"] for rna in all_cistrons] cistron_data["gene_id"] = gene_id cistron_data["length"] = cistron_lengths cistron_data["replication_coordinate"] = replication_coordinate cistron_data["is_forward"] = is_forward cistron_data["mw"] = mws cistron_data["deg_rate"] = cistron_deg_rates cistron_data["is_mRNA"] = is_mRNA cistron_data["is_miscRNA"] = is_miscRNA cistron_data["is_rRNA"] = is_rRNA cistron_data["is_tRNA"] = is_tRNA cistron_data["is_23S_rRNA"] = is_23S cistron_data["is_16S_rRNA"] = is_16S cistron_data["is_5S_rRNA"] = is_5S cistron_data["is_ribosomal_protein"] = is_ribosomal_protein cistron_data["is_RNAP"] = is_RNAP cistron_data["uses_corrected_seq_counts"] = np.zeros(n_cistrons, dtype=bool) cistron_data["is_new_gene"] = [k.startswith("NG") for k in gene_id] cistron_field_units = { "id": None, "gene_id": None, "length": units.nt, "replication_coordinate": None, "is_forward": None, "mw": units.g / units.mol, "deg_rate": 1 / units.s, "is_mRNA": None, "is_miscRNA": None, "is_rRNA": None, "is_tRNA": None, "is_23S_rRNA": None, "is_16S_rRNA": None, "is_5S_rRNA": None, "is_ribosomal_protein": None, "is_RNAP": None, "uses_corrected_seq_counts": None, "is_new_gene": None, } self.cistron_data = UnitStructArray(cistron_data, cistron_field_units) self._cistron_id_to_index = { cistron_id: i for (i, cistron_id) in enumerate(self.cistron_data["id"]) } # Load expression levels of individual cistrons from sequencing data cistron_expression = [] cistron_id_to_gene_id = { gene["rna_ids"][0]: gene["id"] for gene in raw_data.genes } seq_data = { x["Gene"]: x[sim_data.basal_expression_condition] for x in getattr(raw_data.rna_seq_data, f"rnaseq_{RNA_SEQ_ANALYSIS}_mean") } cistron_rnaseq_coverage = [] for cistron_id in self.cistron_data["id"]: gene_id = cistron_id_to_gene_id[cistron_id] # If sequencing data is not found, initialize expression to zero. cistron_expression.append(seq_data.get(gene_id, 0.0)) cistron_rnaseq_coverage.append(gene_id in seq_data) cistron_expression = np.array(cistron_expression) self._cistron_is_rnaseq_covered = np.array(cistron_rnaseq_coverage) # Set basal expression levels of each cistron - conditional values are # set in the parca. self.cistron_expression = {} self.cistron_expression["basal"] = cistron_expression / cistron_expression.sum() # Initialize dictionary for fitted cistron expression levels. Values for # this dictionary are set in the parca. self.fit_cistron_expression = {}
[docs] def _build_rna_data(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Build RNA-associated simulation data from raw data. """ self._basal_rna_fractions = sim_data.mass.get_basal_rna_fractions() # Get list of transcription units used by the model all_valid_tus = [ tu for tu in raw_data.transcription_units if sim_data.getter.is_valid_molecule(tu["id"]) ] # Get mapping from transcription unit IDs to list of constituent # cistrons gene_id_to_rna_id = {gene["id"]: gene["rna_ids"][0] for gene in raw_data.genes} tu_id_to_cistron_ids = { tu["id"]: [ gene_id_to_rna_id[gene] for gene in tu["genes"] if gene_id_to_rna_id[gene] in self.cistron_data["id"] ] for tu in all_valid_tus } # Get list of cistrons that are covered by one or more TUs cistrons_covered_by_tus = [] for cistrons in tu_id_to_cistron_ids.values(): cistrons_covered_by_tus.extend(cistrons) cistrons_covered_by_tus = set(cistrons_covered_by_tus) # Compile IDs of all RNAs that should be directly transcribed in the # model, including RNAs for genes that are not covered by any # transcription units rna_ids = [tu["id"] for tu in all_valid_tus] rna_ids.extend( [ cistron_id for cistron_id in self.cistron_data["id"] if sim_data.getter.is_valid_molecule(cistron_id) and cistron_id not in cistrons_covered_by_tus ] ) n_rnas = len(rna_ids) # Build mapping matrix between transcription units and constituent # cistrons cistron_indexes = [] rna_indexes = [] v = [] # Mapping from cistron ID to index cistron_id_to_index = { cistron_id: cistron_index for (cistron_index, cistron_id) in enumerate(self.cistron_data["id"]) } for rna_index, rna_id in enumerate(rna_ids): if rna_id in tu_id_to_cistron_ids: for mc_rna_id in tu_id_to_cistron_ids[rna_id]: cistron_indexes.append(cistron_id_to_index[mc_rna_id]) rna_indexes.append(rna_index) v.append(1) else: cistron_indexes.append(cistron_id_to_index[rna_id]) rna_indexes.append(rna_index) v.append(1) cistron_indexes = np.array(cistron_indexes) rna_indexes = np.array(rna_indexes) v = np.array(v) shape = (cistron_indexes.max() + 1, rna_indexes.max() + 1) # Build sparse mapping matrix self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix = csr_matrix( (v, (cistron_indexes, rna_indexes)), shape=shape ) # Find groups of cistrons and TUs that belong to the same operons. # self.operons is a list of tuples that each specify an operon with # a list of cistron indexes and a list of RNA indexes # (e.g. ([380, 379, 377], [2356, 2433])) visited_cistron_indexes = set() visited_rna_indexes = set() self.operons = [] def rna_DFS(rna_index, operon_cistron_indexes, operon_rna_indexes): """ Recursive function to look for indexes of RNAs (transcription units) and cistrons that belong to the same operon as the RNA with the given index. """ visited_rna_indexes.add(rna_index) operon_rna_indexes.append(rna_index) for i in cistron_indexes[rna_indexes == rna_index]: if i not in visited_cistron_indexes: cistron_DFS(i, operon_cistron_indexes, operon_rna_indexes) def cistron_DFS(cistron_index, operon_cistron_indexes, operon_rna_indexes): """ Recursive function to look for indexes of RNAs (transcription units) and cistrons that belong to the same operon as the cistron with the given index. """ visited_cistron_indexes.add(cistron_index) operon_cistron_indexes.append(cistron_index) for i in rna_indexes[cistron_indexes == cistron_index]: if i not in visited_rna_indexes: rna_DFS(i, operon_cistron_indexes, operon_rna_indexes) # Loop through each RNA index for rna_index in range(n_rnas): # Search for cistrons and RNAs that can be grouped together into the # same operon if rna_index not in visited_rna_indexes: operon_cistron_indexes = [] operon_rna_indexes = [] rna_DFS(rna_index, operon_cistron_indexes, operon_rna_indexes) # Sort cistron indexes by coordinates operon_cistron_indexes = sorted( operon_cistron_indexes, key=lambda i: self.cistron_data["replication_coordinate"][i], ) self.operons.append((operon_cistron_indexes, operon_rna_indexes)) # Build list of all RNA IDs with compartment tags compartments = sim_data.getter.get_compartments(rna_ids) rna_ids_with_compartments = [ f"{rna_id}[{loc[0]}]" for (rna_id, loc) in zip(rna_ids, compartments) ] # Apply RNAseq corrections to shorter genes if required by operon version if sim_data.operons_on: self._apply_rnaseq_correction() expression, _ = self.fit_rna_expression(self.cistron_expression["basal"]) # TODO (Albert): should modify more when other types of hybrid RNAs # are introduced (only rRNA-tRNA hybrids are included currently) # Determine type of each RNA is_mRNA = ( self.cistron_data["is_mRNA"] @ self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix ).astype(bool) is_miscRNA = ( self.cistron_data["is_miscRNA"] @ self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix ).astype(bool) is_rRNA = ( self.cistron_data["is_rRNA"] @ self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix ).astype(bool) # All hybrid TUs containing both rRNAs and tRNAs are assumed to be rRNAs includes_tRNA = ( self.cistron_data["is_tRNA"] @ self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix ).astype(bool) is_tRNA = np.logical_and(includes_tRNA, ~is_rRNA) is_rtRNA = np.logical_or(is_rRNA, is_tRNA) # Get boolean array for unprocessed rRNA/tRNA molecules mature_cistron_ids = set( self.cistron_data["id"][ self.cistron_data["is_tRNA"] | self.cistron_data["is_rRNA"] ] ) is_mature_rtRNA = np.array([rna_id in mature_cistron_ids for rna_id in rna_ids]) is_unprocessed = is_rtRNA & ~is_mature_rtRNA # Determine if each RNA contains cistrons that encode for special # components includes_ribosomal_protein = ( self.cistron_data["is_ribosomal_protein"] @ self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix ).astype(bool) includes_RNAP = ( self.cistron_data["is_RNAP"] @ self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix ).astype(bool) # Build the relative abundance matrix between transcription units and # constituent cistrons cistron_indexes = [] rna_indexes = [] v = [] for cistron_index, cistron_id in enumerate(self.cistron_data["id"]): rna_indexes_this_cistron = self.cistron_id_to_rna_indexes(cistron_id) v_this_cistron = np.zeros(len(rna_indexes_this_cistron)) for i, rna_index in enumerate(rna_indexes_this_cistron): cistron_indexes.append(cistron_index) rna_indexes.append(rna_index) v_this_cistron[i] = expression[rna_index] # Assume uniform distribution if cistron is not expressed if v_this_cistron.sum() == 0: v_this_cistron[:] = 1.0 / len(v_this_cistron) else: v_this_cistron = v_this_cistron / v_this_cistron.sum() v.extend(v_this_cistron) cistron_indexes = np.array(cistron_indexes) rna_indexes = np.array(rna_indexes) v = np.array(v) shape = (cistron_indexes.max() + 1, rna_indexes.max() + 1) cistron_tu_relative_abundancy_matrix = csr_matrix( (v, (cistron_indexes, rna_indexes)), shape=shape ) rna_deg_rates = np.zeros(n_rnas) # If a measured half-life for the transcription unit exists, use the # measured value to calculate the degradation rate rna_id_to_index = { rna_id: cistron_index for (cistron_index, rna_id) in enumerate(rna_ids) } for rna in raw_data.rna_half_lives: if rna["id"] in rna_id_to_index and rna["id"] not in cistron_id_to_index: rna_deg_rates[rna_id_to_index[rna["id"]]] = np.log(2) / rna[ "half_life" ].asNumber(units.s) # Get mask for RNAs with measured deg rates mask_measured_deg_rate = rna_deg_rates > 0 # Set the minimum possible degradation rates of mRNAs to the minimum of # the measured degradation rates of mRNA cistrons min_deg_rates = np.zeros(n_rnas) cistron_deg_rates = self.cistron_data["deg_rate"].asNumber(1 / units.s) mRNA_cistron_deg_rates = cistron_deg_rates[self.cistron_data["is_mRNA"]] min_deg_rates[is_mRNA] = mRNA_cistron_deg_rates.min() min_deg_rates = min_deg_rates[~mask_measured_deg_rate] # Solve NNLS for unmeasured degredation rates, using the fact that # A(x + m) = b is equivalent to Ax = b - Am abundancy_no_measurements = cistron_tu_relative_abundancy_matrix[ :, ~mask_measured_deg_rate ] abundancy_with_measurements = cistron_tu_relative_abundancy_matrix[ :, mask_measured_deg_rate ] deg_rates_from_min_rates = deg_rates_from_measured_rates = rna_deg_rates[mask_measured_deg_rate] ) rna_deg_rates_estimated_minus_min, _ = fast_nnls( abundancy_no_measurements, cistron_deg_rates - deg_rates_from_measured_rates - deg_rates_from_min_rates, ) rna_deg_rates[~mask_measured_deg_rate] = ( rna_deg_rates_estimated_minus_min + min_deg_rates ) # Clip mRNA degradation rates that are higher than the maximum measured # degradation rate max_mRNA_deg_rate = mRNA_cistron_deg_rates.max() rna_deg_rates[np.logical_and(is_mRNA, rna_deg_rates > max_mRNA_deg_rate)] = ( max_mRNA_deg_rate ) # Set degradation rates of rRNAs and tRNAs from the stable RNA half life # value defined in sim_data.constants rna_deg_rates[is_rtRNA] = np.log( 2 ) / sim_data.constants.stable_RNA_half_life.asNumber(units.s) # Calculate synthesis probabilities from expression and normalize synth_prob = expression * ( np.log(2) / sim_data.doubling_time.asNumber(units.s) + rna_deg_rates ) synth_prob /= synth_prob.sum() # Load RNA sequences and molecular weights from getter functions rna_seqs = sim_data.getter.get_sequences(rna_ids) mws = sim_data.getter.get_masses(rna_ids).asNumber(units.g / units.mol) # Calculate the masses of component rRNA and tRNA cistrons of each RNA rRNA_cistron_mws = self.cistron_data["mw"].asNumber(units.g / units.mol) rRNA_cistron_mws[~self.cistron_data["is_rRNA"]] = 0.0 tRNA_cistron_mws = self.cistron_data["mw"].asNumber(units.g / units.mol) tRNA_cistron_mws[~self.cistron_data["is_tRNA"]] = 0.0 rRNA_mws = tRNA_mws = # Calculate lengths and nt counts from sequence rna_lengths = np.array([len(seq) for seq in rna_seqs]) # Get RNA nucleotide compositions ntp_abbreviations = [ntp_id[0] for ntp_id in sim_data.molecule_groups.ntps] nt_counts = [] for seq in rna_seqs: nt_counts.append([seq.count(letter) for letter in ntp_abbreviations]) nt_counts = np.array(nt_counts) # Get mapping from cistron IDs to coordinate and direction rna_id_to_coordinate = {} rna_id_to_direction = {} for gene in raw_data.genes: rna_id_to_direction[gene["rna_ids"][0]] = gene["direction"] if gene["direction"] == "+": rna_id_to_coordinate[gene["rna_ids"][0]] = gene["left_end_pos"] else: rna_id_to_coordinate[gene["rna_ids"][0]] = gene["right_end_pos"] # Further extend the dictionaries to include mappings from transcription # unit IDs to coordinate and direction for tu in all_valid_tus: rna_id_to_direction[tu["id"]] = tu["direction"] if tu["direction"] == "+": rna_id_to_coordinate[tu["id"]] = tu["left_end_pos"] else: rna_id_to_coordinate[tu["id"]] = tu["right_end_pos"] # Get mapping from cistron IDs to lengths cistron_id_to_length = { cistron["id"]: cistron["length"] for cistron in self.cistron_data } # Get location of transcription initiation relative to origin and the # transcription direction for each transcription unit replication_coordinate = [ self._get_relative_coordinates(rna_id_to_coordinate[rna_id]) for rna_id in rna_ids ] is_forward = [rna_id_to_direction[rna_id] == "+" for rna_id in rna_ids] # Calculate relative start and end positions of each cistron within each # transcription unit all_cistron_ids = self.cistron_data["id"] self.cistron_start_end_pos_in_tu = {} for rna_idx, rna_id in enumerate(rna_ids): rna_coordinate = rna_id_to_coordinate[rna_id] constituent_cistron_indexes = self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix.getcol( rna_idx ).nonzero()[0] for cistron_idx in constituent_cistron_indexes: cistron_id = all_cistron_ids[cistron_idx] cistron_coordinate = rna_id_to_coordinate[cistron_id] start_pos = np.abs(cistron_coordinate - rna_coordinate) end_pos = start_pos + cistron_id_to_length[cistron_id] - 1 # End position should stay within length of entire RNA assert end_pos < rna_lengths[rna_idx] # Key: (index of cistron, index of RNA) # Value: (start position, end position) self.cistron_start_end_pos_in_tu[(cistron_idx, rna_idx)] = ( start_pos, end_pos, ) max_rna_id_length = max(len(id_) for id_ in rna_ids_with_compartments) # Get evidence codes for each transcription unit from raw data self.rna_id_to_evidence_codes = { tu["id"]: sorted(tu["evidence"]) for tu in raw_data.transcription_units } rna_data = np.zeros( n_rnas, dtype=[ ("id", "U{}".format(max_rna_id_length)), ("deg_rate", "f8"), ("deg_rate_is_measured", "bool"), ("length", "i8"), ("counts_ACGU", "4i8"), ("mw", "f8"), ("rRNA_mw", "f8"), ("tRNA_mw", "f8"), ("Km_endoRNase", "f8"), ("replication_coordinate", "int64"), ("wt_replication_coordinate", "int64"), ("is_forward", "bool"), ("is_mRNA", "bool"), ("is_miscRNA", "bool"), ("is_rRNA", "bool"), ("is_tRNA", "bool"), ("includes_tRNA", "bool"), ("is_unprocessed", "bool"), ("includes_ribosomal_protein", "bool"), ("includes_RNAP", "bool"), ], ) rna_data["id"] = rna_ids_with_compartments rna_data["deg_rate"] = rna_deg_rates rna_data["deg_rate_is_measured"] = mask_measured_deg_rate rna_data["length"] = rna_lengths rna_data["counts_ACGU"] = nt_counts rna_data["mw"] = mws rna_data["rRNA_mw"] = rRNA_mws rna_data["tRNA_mw"] = tRNA_mws rna_data["Km_endoRNase"] = np.zeros( len(rna_ids_with_compartments) ) # Set later in ParCa rna_data["replication_coordinate"] = replication_coordinate rna_data["wt_replication_coordinate"] = replication_coordinate rna_data["is_forward"] = is_forward rna_data["is_mRNA"] = is_mRNA rna_data["is_miscRNA"] = is_miscRNA rna_data["is_rRNA"] = is_rRNA rna_data["is_tRNA"] = is_tRNA rna_data["includes_tRNA"] = includes_tRNA rna_data["is_unprocessed"] = is_unprocessed rna_data["includes_ribosomal_protein"] = includes_ribosomal_protein rna_data["includes_RNAP"] = includes_RNAP field_units = { "id": None, "deg_rate": 1 / units.s, "deg_rate_is_measured": None, "length": units.nt, "counts_ACGU": units.nt, "mw": units.g / units.mol, "rRNA_mw": units.g / units.mol, "tRNA_mw": units.g / units.mol, "Km_endoRNase": units.mol / units.L, "replication_coordinate": None, "wt_replication_coordinate": None, "is_forward": None, "is_mRNA": None, "is_miscRNA": None, "is_rRNA": None, "is_tRNA": None, "includes_tRNA": None, "is_unprocessed": None, "includes_ribosomal_protein": None, "includes_RNAP": None, } self.rna_data = UnitStructArray(rna_data, field_units) self._rna_id_to_index = { rna_id: cistron_index for (cistron_index, rna_id) in enumerate(self.rna_data["id"]) } # Set basal expression and synthesis probabilities - conditional values # are set in the parca. self.rna_expression = {} self.rna_synth_prob = {} self.rna_expression["basal"] = expression / expression.sum() self.rna_synth_prob["basal"] = synth_prob / synth_prob.sum()
[docs] def cistron_id_to_rna_indexes(self, cistron_id): """ Returns the indexes of transcription units containing the given RNA cistron given the ID of the cistron. """ return self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix.getrow( self._cistron_id_to_index[cistron_id] ).nonzero()[1]
[docs] @cache def rna_id_to_cistron_indexes(self, rna_id): """ Returns the indexes of cistrons that constitute the given transcription unit given the ID of the RNA transcription unit. """ return self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix.getcol( self._rna_id_to_index[rna_id] ).nonzero()[0]
[docs] def fit_rna_expression(self, cistron_expression): """ Calculates the expression of RNA transcription units that best fits the given expression levels of cistrons using nonnegative least squares. """ rna_exp, res = fast_nnls(self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix, cistron_expression) return rna_exp, res
[docs] def fit_trna_expression(self, tRNA_cistron_expression): """ Calculates the expression of tRNA transcription units that best fits the given expression levels of tRNA cistrons using nonnegative least squares. """ tRNA_exp, res = fast_nnls( self.tRNA_cistron_tu_mapping_matrix, tRNA_cistron_expression ) return tRNA_exp, res
[docs] def _get_relative_coordinates(self, coordinates): """ Returns the genomic coordinates of a given gene coordinate relative to the origin of replication. """ if coordinates < self._terc_coordinate: relative_coordinates = ( self._genome_length - self._oric_coordinate + coordinates ) elif coordinates < self._oric_coordinate: relative_coordinates = coordinates - self._oric_coordinate + 1 else: relative_coordinates = coordinates - self._oric_coordinate return relative_coordinates
[docs] def _apply_rnaseq_correction(self): """ Applies correction to RNAseq data for shorter genes as required when operon structure is included in the model. """ cistron_expression = self.cistron_expression["basal"].copy() zero_exp_mask = cistron_expression == 0 # Find minimum length of cistron with nonzero expression cistron_lengths = self.cistron_data["length"].asNumber(units.nt) length_threshold = cistron_lengths[~zero_exp_mask].min() # Get mask for cistrons that are mRNAs, shorter than the threshold # length, covered by RNAseq data, and with zero expression correction_mask = np.logical_and.reduce( ( self.cistron_data["is_mRNA"], zero_exp_mask, cistron_lengths < length_threshold, self._cistron_is_rnaseq_covered, ) ) corrected_indexes = [] for cistron_index in np.where(correction_mask)[0]: # Get indexes of cistrons in the same operon cistrons_in_operon = None rnas_in_operon = None for operon in self.operons: if cistron_index in operon[0]: cistrons_in_operon = operon[0] rnas_in_operon = operon[1] break assert cistrons_in_operon is not None # Skip monocistronic operons if len(cistrons_in_operon) == 1: continue # Get cistron-TU mapping matrix for this operon mapping_matrix_this_operon = self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix[ cistrons_in_operon, : ][:, rnas_in_operon].toarray() # Remove given gene from operon and run NNLS pos_in_operon = cistrons_in_operon.index(cistron_index) mapping_matrix_gene_removed = mapping_matrix_this_operon.copy() mapping_matrix_gene_removed[pos_in_operon, :] = 0 rna_exp, _ = fast_nnls( mapping_matrix_gene_removed, cistron_expression[cistrons_in_operon] ) # Use solution to get expected expression for given gene exp =[pos_in_operon] cistron_expression[cistron_index] = exp corrected_indexes.append(cistron_index) # Reset cistron_expression to new values self.cistron_expression["basal"] = cistron_expression / cistron_expression.sum() # Keep record of cistrons whose expression was corrected self.cistron_data["uses_corrected_seq_counts"][np.array(corrected_indexes)] = ( True )
[docs] def _build_mature_rna_data(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Build mature RNA-associated simulation data from raw data. """ unprocessed_rna_indexes = np.where(self.rna_data["is_unprocessed"])[0] # Get IDs of all mature RNAs that are derived from unprocessed RNAs mature_rna_cistron_indexes = np.unique( self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix[:, unprocessed_rna_indexes].nonzero()[0] ) mature_rna_ids = self.cistron_data["id"][mature_rna_cistron_indexes] n_mature_rnas = len(mature_rna_ids) compartments = sim_data.getter.get_compartments(mature_rna_ids) mature_rna_ids_with_compartments = [ f"{rna_id}[{loc[0]}]" for (rna_id, loc) in zip(mature_rna_ids, compartments) ] # Get stoichiometric matrix for RNA maturation process self.rna_maturation_stoich_matrix = self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix[ :, unprocessed_rna_indexes ][mature_rna_cistron_indexes, :] # Build matrix of the end positions of each mature RNA within each # unprocessed RNA self.mature_rna_end_positions = np.zeros( self.rna_maturation_stoich_matrix.shape ) (rows, columns) = self.rna_maturation_stoich_matrix.nonzero() for i, j in zip(rows, columns): self.mature_rna_end_positions[i, j] = self.cistron_start_end_pos_in_tu[ (mature_rna_cistron_indexes[i], unprocessed_rna_indexes[j]) ][1] # Get mapping matrix from mature RNA to processing enzymes that are # needed to get the mature forms mature_rna_to_enzyme_list = { row["rna_id"]: row["enzymes"] for row in raw_data.rna_maturation_enzymes } mature_rna_id_to_index = { rna_id: i for (i, rna_id) in enumerate(mature_rna_ids) } all_enzymes = [] mature_rna_indexes = [] enzyme_indexes = [] for rna_id, enzyme_list in mature_rna_to_enzyme_list.items(): # Skip if RNA is not a mature RNA try: mature_rna_index = mature_rna_id_to_index[rna_id] except KeyError: continue for enzyme in enzyme_list: mature_rna_indexes.append(mature_rna_index) if enzyme in all_enzymes: enzyme_indexes.append(all_enzymes.index(enzyme)) else: enzyme_indexes.append(len(all_enzymes)) all_enzymes.append(enzyme) mature_rna_indexes = np.array(mature_rna_indexes, dtype=int) enzyme_indexes = np.array(enzyme_indexes, dtype=int) mature_rna_to_enzyme_mapping_matrix = np.zeros( (n_mature_rnas, len(all_enzymes)), dtype=bool ) mature_rna_to_enzyme_mapping_matrix[mature_rna_indexes, enzyme_indexes] = True # Convert to mapping matrix between unprocessed RNAs and enzymes self.rna_maturation_enzyme_matrix = mature_rna_to_enzyme_mapping_matrix ).astype(bool) enzyme_compartments = sim_data.getter.get_compartments(all_enzymes) self.rna_maturation_enzymes = [ f"{enzyme_id}[{loc[0]}]" for (enzyme_id, loc) in zip(all_enzymes, enzyme_compartments) ] # Get mapping matrix between rtRNA cistrons and TUs rRNA_indexes = np.where(self.rna_data["is_rRNA"])[0] rRNA_cistron_indexes = np.where(self.cistron_data["is_rRNA"])[0] self.rRNA_cistron_tu_mapping_matrix = self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix[ :, rRNA_indexes ][rRNA_cistron_indexes, :] tRNA_indexes = np.where(self.rna_data["includes_tRNA"])[0] tRNA_cistron_indexes = np.where(self.cistron_data["is_tRNA"])[0] self.tRNA_cistron_tu_mapping_matrix = self.cistron_tu_mapping_matrix[ :, tRNA_indexes ][tRNA_cistron_indexes, :] # Get RNA nucleotide compositions of unprocessed and processed RNAs unprocessed_rna_nt_counts = self.rna_data["counts_ACGU"][ unprocessed_rna_indexes ].asNumber(units.nt) mature_rna_seqs = sim_data.getter.get_sequences(mature_rna_ids) lengths = np.array([len(seq) for seq in mature_rna_seqs]) ntp_abbreviations = [ntp_id[0] for ntp_id in sim_data.molecule_groups.ntps] mature_rna_nt_counts = np.zeros((0, 4)) for seq in mature_rna_seqs: mature_rna_nt_counts = np.vstack( ( mature_rna_nt_counts, np.array([seq.count(letter) for letter in ntp_abbreviations]), ) ) # Calculate number of nucleotides that are degraded as part of the # maturation process for each unprocessed RNA degraded_nt_counts = unprocessed_rna_nt_counts.copy() rows, cols = self.rna_maturation_stoich_matrix.nonzero() for i, j in zip(rows, cols): degraded_nt_counts[j, :] -= mature_rna_nt_counts[i, :] assert np.all(degraded_nt_counts >= 0) self.rna_maturation_degraded_nt_counts = degraded_nt_counts # Get identities of each stable RNA is_rRNA = self.cistron_data["is_rRNA"][mature_rna_cistron_indexes] is_tRNA = self.cistron_data["is_tRNA"][mature_rna_cistron_indexes] is_23S_rRNA = self.cistron_data["is_23S_rRNA"][mature_rna_cistron_indexes] is_16S_rRNA = self.cistron_data["is_16S_rRNA"][mature_rna_cistron_indexes] is_5S_rRNA = self.cistron_data["is_5S_rRNA"][mature_rna_cistron_indexes] rna_deg_rates = np.zeros(n_mature_rnas) if sim_data.stable_rrna: # If stable rRNA option is on, set degradation rates of mature rRNAs # to the values calculated from the half-life in sim_data.constants rna_deg_rates[is_rRNA] = np.log( 2 ) / sim_data.constants.stable_RNA_half_life.asNumber(units.s) else: # Default: Set degradation rates of mature rRNAs to the average # reported degradation rates of mRNAs # Note: rRNAs complexed into ribosomal subunits will not degrade, so # this will only significantly affect excess rRNAs rna_deg_rates[is_rRNA] = np.log( 2 ) / self.average_mRNA_cistron_half_life.asNumber(units.s) # Set degradation rates of tRNAs to the values calculated from the # half-life in sim_data.constants rna_deg_rates[is_tRNA] = np.log( 2 ) / sim_data.constants.stable_RNA_half_life.asNumber(units.s) # Get MWs of mature RNA molecules mws = sim_data.getter.get_masses(mature_rna_ids).asNumber(units.g / units.mol) if n_mature_rnas > 0: max_rna_id_length = max( len(id_) for id_ in mature_rna_ids_with_compartments ) else: max_rna_id_length = 1 mature_rna_data = np.zeros( n_mature_rnas, dtype=[ ("id", "U{}".format(max_rna_id_length)), ("deg_rate", "f8"), ("length", "i8"), ("counts_ACGU", "4i8"), ("mw", "f8"), ("Km_endoRNase", "f8"), ("is_rRNA", "bool"), ("is_tRNA", "bool"), ("is_23S_rRNA", "bool"), ("is_16S_rRNA", "bool"), ("is_5S_rRNA", "bool"), ], ) mature_rna_data["id"] = mature_rna_ids_with_compartments mature_rna_data["deg_rate"] = rna_deg_rates mature_rna_data["length"] = lengths mature_rna_data["counts_ACGU"] = mature_rna_nt_counts mature_rna_data["mw"] = mws mature_rna_data["Km_endoRNase"] = np.zeros( len(mature_rna_ids_with_compartments) ) # Set later in ParCa mature_rna_data["is_rRNA"] = is_rRNA mature_rna_data["is_tRNA"] = is_tRNA mature_rna_data["is_23S_rRNA"] = is_23S_rRNA mature_rna_data["is_16S_rRNA"] = is_16S_rRNA mature_rna_data["is_5S_rRNA"] = is_5S_rRNA field_units = { "id": None, "deg_rate": 1 / units.s, "length": units.nt, "counts_ACGU": units.nt, "mw": units.g / units.mol, "Km_endoRNase": units.mol / units.L, "is_rRNA": None, "is_tRNA": None, "is_23S_rRNA": None, "is_16S_rRNA": None, "is_5S_rRNA": None, } self.mature_rna_data = UnitStructArray(mature_rna_data, field_units)
[docs] def _build_transcription(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Build transcription-associated simulation data from raw data. """ # Load sequence data rna_seqs = sim_data.getter.get_sequences( [rna_id[:-3] for rna_id in self.rna_data["id"]] ) # Construct transcription sequence matrix maxLen = np.int64( self.rna_data["length"].asNumber().max() + self.max_time_step * sim_data.constants.RNAP_elongation_rate_for_stable_RNA.asNumber( units.nt / units.s ) ) self.transcription_sequences = np.full( (len(rna_seqs), maxLen), polymerize.PAD_VALUE, dtype=np.int8 ) ntMapping = {ntpId: i for i, ntpId in enumerate(["A", "C", "G", "U"])} for i, sequence in enumerate(rna_seqs): for j, letter in enumerate(sequence): self.transcription_sequences[i, j] = ntMapping[letter] # Calculate weights of transcript nucleotide monomers self.transcription_monomer_weights = ( ( sim_data.getter.get_masses(sim_data.molecule_groups.ntps) - sim_data.getter.get_masses([sim_data.molecule_ids.ppi]) ) / sim_data.constants.n_avogadro ).asNumber(units.fg) self.transcription_end_weight = ( sim_data.getter.get_masses([sim_data.molecule_ids.ppi]) / sim_data.constants.n_avogadro ).asNumber(units.fg) # Load active RNAP footprint on DNA molecule_id_to_footprint_sizes = { row["molecule_id"]: row["footprint_size"] for row in raw_data.footprint_sizes } try: self.active_rnap_footprint_size = molecule_id_to_footprint_sizes[ sim_data.molecule_ids.full_RNAP[:-3] ] except KeyError: raise ValueError("DNA footprint size for RNA polymerses not found.")
[docs] def _build_charged_trna(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Loads information and creates data structures necessary for charging of tRNA Note: Requires self.rna_data so can't be built in translation even if some data structures would be more appropriate there. """ # Create list of charged tRNAs uncharged_trna_names = [ x + "[c]" for x in self.cistron_data["id"][self.cistron_data["is_tRNA"]] ] charged_trnas = [ x["modified_forms"] for x in raw_data.rnas if x["id"] + "[c]" in uncharged_trna_names ] filtered_charged_trna = [] for charged_list in charged_trnas: for trna in charged_list: # Skip modified forms so only one charged tRNA per uncharged tRNA if "FMET" in trna or "modified" in trna: continue assert "c" in sim_data.getter.get_compartment(trna) filtered_charged_trna += [trna + "[c]"] self.uncharged_trna_names = uncharged_trna_names self.charged_trna_names = filtered_charged_trna assert len(self.charged_trna_names) == len(self.uncharged_trna_names) # Create mapping of each tRNA/charged tRNA to associated AA trna_dict = { "RNA0-300[c]": "VAL", "RNA0-301[c]": "LYS", "RNA0-302[c]": "LYS", "RNA0-303[c]": "LYS", "RNA0-304[c]": "ASN", "RNA0-305[c]": "ILE", "RNA0-306[c]": "MET", } aa_names = sim_data.molecule_groups.amino_acids aa_indices = {aa: i for i, aa in enumerate(aa_names)} trna_indices = {trna: i for i, trna in enumerate(self.uncharged_trna_names)} self.aa_from_trna = np.zeros((len(aa_names), len(self.uncharged_trna_names))) for trna in self.uncharged_trna_names: aa = trna[:3].upper() if aa == "ALA": aa = "L-ALPHA-ALANINE" elif aa == "ASP": aa = "L-ASPARTATE" elif aa == "SEL": aa = "L-SELENOCYSTEINE" elif aa == "RNA": aa = trna_dict[trna] assert "c" in sim_data.getter.get_compartment(aa) aa += "[c]" if aa in aa_names: aa_idx = aa_indices[aa] trna_idx = trna_indices[trna] self.aa_from_trna[aa_idx, trna_idx] = 1 # Arrays for stoichiometry and synthetase mapping matrices molecules = [] # Sparse matrix representation - i, j are row/column indices and v is value stoich_matrix_i = [] stoich_matrix_j = [] stoich_matrix_v = [] synthetase_names = [] synthetase_mapping_aa = [] synthetase_mapping_syn = [] synthetase_metabolites = {} # Get IDs of all metabolites metabolite_ids = {met["id"] for met in raw_data.metabolites} # Create stoichiometry matrix for charging reactions for reaction in raw_data.trna_charging_reactions: # Get uncharged tRNA name for the given reaction trna = None for mol_id in reaction["stoichiometry"].keys(): if f"{mol_id}[c]" in self.uncharged_trna_names: trna = f"{mol_id}[c]" break if trna is None: continue trna_index = trna_indices[trna] # Get molecule information aa_idx = None for mol_id, coeff in reaction["stoichiometry"].items(): if mol_id in metabolite_ids: molecule_name = "{}[{}]".format( mol_id, "c", # Assume all metabolites are in cytosol ) else: molecule_name = "{}[{}]".format( mol_id, sim_data.getter.get_compartment(mol_id)[0] ) if molecule_name not in molecules: molecules.append(molecule_name) molecule_index = len(molecules) - 1 else: molecule_index = molecules.index(molecule_name) aa_idx = aa_indices.get(molecule_name, aa_idx) # Assume coefficents given as null are -1 if coeff is None: coeff = -1 assert coeff % 1 == 0 stoich_matrix_i.append(molecule_index) stoich_matrix_j.append(trna_index) stoich_matrix_v.append(coeff) assert aa_idx is not None # Create mapping for synthetases catalyzing charging for synthetase in reaction["catalyzed_by"]: synthetase_metabolites[synthetase] = ( synthetase_metabolites.get(synthetase, set()) | reaction["stoichiometry"].keys() ) synthetase = "{}[{}]".format( synthetase, sim_data.getter.get_compartment(synthetase)[0] ) if synthetase not in synthetase_names: synthetase_names.append(synthetase) synthetase_mapping_aa.append(aa_idx) synthetase_mapping_syn.append(synthetase_names.index(synthetase)) # Extract KM data for amino acids and tRNA in charging reactions synthetase_names_without_tag = {name[:-3] for name in synthetase_names} aa_names_without_tag = [aa[:-3] for aa in sim_data.molecule_groups.amino_acids] aa_kms = {} trna_kms = {} skipped_reactions = {"RXN-16165"} # Not correct MET charging reaction for row in raw_data.metabolism_kinetics: # Only look at data for charging reactions if ( row["reactionID"] in skipped_reactions or row["enzymeID"] not in synthetase_names_without_tag ): continue for met, km in zip(row["substrateIDs"], row["kM"]): if met in aa_names_without_tag: # Prevent data from mismatched amino acid/synthetases being used if met not in synthetase_metabolites[row["enzymeID"]]: continue aa_kms[met] = aa_kms.get(met, []) + [km] elif "tRNA" in met: # Exclude suspiciously high data if km > 5 * sim_data.constants.Km_synthetase_uncharged_trna: continue aa = met.split("-")[0] if aa == "ALA": aa = "L-ALPHA-ALANINE" elif aa == "ASP": aa = "L-ASPARTATE" elif aa == "Elongation": aa = "MET" trna_kms[aa] = trna_kms.get(aa, []) + [km] # Save average KM values and use the default value if no data is available km_units = units.umol / units.L average_aa_kms = [] average_trna_kms = [] for aa_id in aa_names_without_tag: average_aa_kms.append( np.mean( aa_kms.get(aa_id, sim_data.constants.Km_synthetase_amino_acid) ).asNumber(km_units) ) average_trna_kms.append( np.mean( trna_kms.get(aa_id, sim_data.constants.Km_synthetase_uncharged_trna) ).asNumber(km_units) ) self.aa_kms = km_units * np.array(average_aa_kms) self.trna_kms = km_units * np.array(average_trna_kms) # Save matrices and related lists of names self._stoich_matrix_i = np.array(stoich_matrix_i) self._stoich_matrix_j = np.array(stoich_matrix_j) self._stoich_matrix_v = np.array(stoich_matrix_v) self.aa_from_synthetase = np.zeros((len(aa_names), len(synthetase_names))) self.aa_from_synthetase[synthetase_mapping_aa, synthetase_mapping_syn] = 1 self.synthetase_names = synthetase_names self.charging_molecules = molecules
[docs] def charging_stoich_matrix(self): """ Creates stoich matrix from i, j, v arrays Returns 2D array with rows of metabolites for each tRNA charging reaction on the column """ shape = (self._stoich_matrix_i.max() + 1, self._stoich_matrix_j.max() + 1) out = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) out[self._stoich_matrix_i, self._stoich_matrix_j] = self._stoich_matrix_v return out
[docs] def _build_attenuation(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Load fold changes related to transcriptional attenuation. """ # Load data from file aa_rna_pair_to_log_fcs = {} gene_symbol_to_cistron_id = { g["symbol"]: g["rna_ids"][0] for g in raw_data.genes } for row in raw_data.transcriptional_attenuation: trna_aa = row["tRNA"].split("-")[1].upper() + "[c]" gene = row["Target"] cistron_id = gene_symbol_to_cistron_id[gene] # Map FC to all RNAs that cover the cistron rna_indexes_with_cistron = self.cistron_id_to_rna_indexes(cistron_id) for rna_idx in rna_indexes_with_cistron: rna_id = self.rna_data["id"][rna_idx] if (trna_aa, self.rna_data["id"][rna_idx]) in aa_rna_pair_to_log_fcs: aa_rna_pair_to_log_fcs[(trna_aa, rna_id)].append(row["log2 FC"]) else: aa_rna_pair_to_log_fcs[(trna_aa, rna_id)] = [row["log2 FC"]] aa_trnas = [] attenuated_rnas = [] fold_changes = [] for (trna_aa, rna_id), all_log_fcs in aa_rna_pair_to_log_fcs.items(): aa_trnas.append(trna_aa) attenuated_rnas.append(rna_id) # Take the average of the reported FCs of each constituent cistron fold_changes.append(2 ** np.mean(all_log_fcs)) self.attenuated_rna_ids = np.unique(attenuated_rnas) # Convert data to matrix mapping tRNA to genes with a fold change trna_to_row = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(sim_data.molecule_groups.amino_acids)} rna_to_col = {r: i for i, r in enumerate(self.attenuated_rna_ids)} n_aas = len(sim_data.molecule_groups.amino_acids) n_rnas = len(self.attenuated_rna_ids) self._attenuation_rna_fold_changes = np.ones((n_aas, n_rnas)) for trna, cistron_id, fc in zip(aa_trnas, attenuated_rnas, fold_changes): i = trna_to_row[trna] j = rna_to_col[cistron_id] self._attenuation_rna_fold_changes[i, j] = fc # Attenuated cistron index mapping self.attenuated_rna_indices = np.array( [self._rna_id_to_index[r] for r in self.attenuated_rna_ids] ) # Specify location in gene where attenuation will occur # Currently just assumes before a transcript begins elongation (position < 1) # TODO: base this on specific locations for each gene locations = np.ones(len(self.attenuated_rna_indices)) self.attenuation_location = { idx: loc for idx, loc in zip(self.attenuated_rna_indices, locations) }
[docs] def calculate_attenuation(self, sim_data, cell_specs): """ Calculate constants for each attenuated gene. TODO: Calculate estimated charged tRNA concentration to use instead of all tRNA """ def get_trna_conc(condition): spec = cell_specs[condition] unprocessed_trna_ids = self.rna_data["id"][self.rna_data["includes_tRNA"]] unprocessed_trna_idx = bulk_name_to_idx( unprocessed_trna_ids, spec["bulkAverageContainer"]["id"] ) unprocessed_counts = counts( spec["bulkAverageContainer"], unprocessed_trna_idx ) trna_counts = volume = ( spec["avgCellDryMassInit"] / sim_data.constants.cell_density / sim_data.mass.cell_dry_mass_fraction ) # Order of operations for conc (counts last) is to get units to work well conc = 1 / sim_data.constants.n_avogadro / volume * trna_counts return conc k_units = units.umol / units.L trna_conc = self.aa_from_trna @ get_trna_conc("with_aa").asNumber(k_units) # Calculate constant for stop probability self.attenuation_k = np.zeros_like(self._attenuation_rna_fold_changes) for i, j in zip(*np.where(self._attenuation_rna_fold_changes != 1)): k = trna_conc[i] / np.log(self._attenuation_rna_fold_changes[i, j]) self.attenuation_k[i, j] = 1 / k self.attenuation_k = 1 / k_units * self.attenuation_k # Adjust basal synthesis probabilities to account for less synthesis # due to attenuation condition = "basal" basal_prob = sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.basal_prob delta_prob = sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.get_delta_prob_matrix() p_promoter_bound = np.array( [ sim_data.pPromoterBound[condition][tf] for tf in sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.tf_ids ] ) delta = delta_prob @ p_promoter_bound basal_stop_prob = self.get_attenuation_stop_probabilities( get_trna_conc(condition) ) basal_synth_prob = (basal_prob + delta)[self.attenuated_rna_indices] self.attenuation_basal_prob_adjustments = basal_synth_prob * ( 1 / (1 - basal_stop_prob) - 1 ) # Store expected readthrough fraction for each condition to use in initial conditions self.attenuation_readthrough = {} for condition in sim_data.conditions: self.attenuation_readthrough[condition] = ( 1 - self.get_attenuation_stop_probabilities(get_trna_conc(condition)) )
[docs] def get_attenuation_stop_probabilities(self, trna_conc): """ Calculate the probability of a transcript stopping early due to attenuation. TODO: Consider a maximum stop probability factor (eg can only attenuate up to 90% of RNAs) """ trna_by_aa = units.matmul(self.aa_from_trna, trna_conc) return 1 - np.exp(units.strip_empty_units(trna_by_aa @ self.attenuation_k))
[docs] def _build_elongation_rates(self, raw_data, sim_data): self.stable_RNA_elongation_rate = ( sim_data.constants.RNAP_elongation_rate_for_stable_RNA.asNumber( units.nt / units.s ) ) # rRNAs are set to have higher elongation rates # TODO (ggsun): Consider adding tRNAs self.rRNA_indexes = np.where(self.rna_data["is_rRNA"])[0]
[docs] def make_elongation_rates(self, random, base, time_step, variable_elongation=False): return make_elongation_rates( random, self.transcription_sequences.shape[0], base, self.rRNA_indexes, self.stable_RNA_elongation_rate, time_step, variable_elongation, )
[docs] def _solve_ppgpp_km(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Solves for general expression rates for bound and free RNAP and a KM for ppGpp to RNAP based on global cellular measurements. Parameters are solved for at different doubling times using a gradient descent method to minimize the difference in expression of stable RNA compared to the measured RNA in a cell. Assumes a Hill coefficient of 2 for ppGpp binding to RNAP. Attributes set: _fit_ppgpp_fc (float): log2 fold change in stable RNA expression from a fast doubling time to a slow doubling time based on the rates of bound and free RNAP expression found _ppgpp_km_squared (float): squared and unitless KM value for to limit computation needed for fraction bound ppgpp_km (float with mol / volume units): KM for ppGpp binding to RNAP """ # Data for different doubling times (100, 60, 40, 30, 24 min) per_dry_mass_to_per_volume = ( sim_data.constants.cell_density * sim_data.mass.cell_dry_mass_fraction ) ppgpp = ( np.array( [ (d["ppGpp_conc"] * per_dry_mass_to_per_volume).asNumber( PPGPP_CONC_UNITS ) for d in raw_data.growth_rate_dependent_parameters ] ) ** 2 ) rna = np.array([d["rnaMassFraction"] for d in raw_data.dry_mass_composition]) mass_per_cell = np.array( [ d["averageDryMass"].asNumber(units.fg) for d in raw_data.dry_mass_composition ] ) rnap_per_cell = np.array( [d["RNAP_per_cell"] for d in raw_data.growth_rate_dependent_parameters] ) # Variables for the objective ## a1: rate of RNA production from free RNAP ## a2: rate of RNA production from RNAP bound to ppGpp ## km: KM of ppGpp binding to RNAP a1s, a2s, kms = sp.symbols("a1 a2 km") # Create objective to minimize ## Objective is squared difference between RNA created with different rates for RNAP bound ## to ppGpp and free RNAP compared to measured RNA in the cell for each measured doubling time. ## Use sp.exp to prevent negative parameter values, also improves stability for larger step size. difference = ( rnap_per_cell / mass_per_cell * ( sp.exp(a1s) * (1 - ppgpp / (sp.exp(kms) + ppgpp)) + sp.exp(a2s) * ppgpp / (sp.exp(kms) + ppgpp) ) - rna ) J = # Convert to functions for faster performance dJda1 = sp.lambdify((a1s, a2s, kms), J.diff(a1s)) dJda2 = sp.lambdify((a1s, a2s, kms), J.diff(a2s)) dJdkm = sp.lambdify((a1s, a2s, kms), J.diff(kms)) J = sp.lambdify((a1s, a2s, kms), J) # Initial parameters a1 = np.log(0.02) a2 = np.log(0.01) km = np.log(575) step_size = 1.0 # Use gradient descent to find obj = J(a1, a2, km) old_obj = 100 step = 0 max_step = 1e5 tol = 1e-6 rel_tol = 1e-9 while obj > tol and 1 - obj / old_obj > rel_tol: a1 -= dJda1(a1, a2, km) * step_size a2 -= dJda2(a1, a2, km) * step_size km -= dJdkm(a1, a2, km) * step_size old_obj = obj obj = J(a1, a2, km) step += 1 if step > max_step: raise RuntimeError( "Fitting ppGpp binding KM failed to converge." " Check tolerances or maximum number of steps." ) a1 = np.exp(a1) a2 = np.exp(a2) km = np.exp(km) f_low = ppgpp[-1] / (km + ppgpp[-1]) fc = np.log2(a2 / (a1 * (1 - f_low) + a2 * f_low)) self._fit_ppgpp_fc = fc self._ppgpp_km_squared = km self.ppgpp_km = np.sqrt(km) * PPGPP_CONC_UNITS
[docs] def get_rna_fractions(self, ppgpp): """ Calculates expected RNA subgroup mass fractions based on ppGpp concentration. If ppGpp expression has not been set yet, uses default measured fractions. Args: ppgpp (float with or without mol / volume units): concentration of ppGpp, if unitless, should represent the concentration of PPGPP_CONC_UNITS Returns: dict[str, float]: mass fraction for each subgroup mass, values sum to 1 """ if self._ppgpp_expression_set: rna_exp = self.expression_from_ppgpp(ppgpp) cistron_exp = mass = self.cistron_data["mw"] * cistron_exp mass = (mass / units.sum(mass)).asNumber() fractions = { "rRNA": mass[self.cistron_data["is_rRNA"]].sum(), "tRNA": mass[self.cistron_data["is_tRNA"]].sum(), "mRNA": mass[self.cistron_data["is_mRNA"]].sum(), } else: fractions = self._basal_rna_fractions return fractions
[docs] def set_ppgpp_expression(self, sim_data): """ Called during the parca to determine expression of each transcription unit for ppGpp bound and free RNAP. Attributes set: exp_ppgpp (ndarray[float]): expression for each TU when RNAP is bound to ppGpp exp_free (ndarray[float]): expression for each TU when RNAP is not bound to ppGpp """ ppgpp_aa = sim_data.growth_rate_parameters.get_ppGpp_conc( sim_data.condition_to_doubling_time["with_aa"] ) ppgpp_basal = sim_data.growth_rate_parameters.get_ppGpp_conc( sim_data.condition_to_doubling_time["basal"] ) f_ppgpp_aa = self.fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(ppgpp_aa) f_ppgpp_basal = self.fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(ppgpp_basal) cistron_id_to_idx = { cistron: i for i, cistron in enumerate(self.cistron_data["id"]) } # Since fold changes are reported for each cistron (gene), the FCs are # applied first to the expression levels of individual cistrons which # are converted back to TU expression levels through NNLS cistron_exp = self.fit_cistron_expression["basal"] fcs = np.zeros(len(self.cistron_data)) for cistron_id, fc in zip(self.ppgpp_regulated_genes, self.ppgpp_fold_changes): fcs[cistron_id_to_idx[cistron_id]] = fc # Apply fold changes to expression levels of cistrons cistron_exp_ppgpp = ( 2**fcs * cistron_exp * (1 - f_ppgpp_aa) / (1 - f_ppgpp_basal) ) / ( 1 - 2**fcs * (f_ppgpp_aa - f_ppgpp_basal * (1 - f_ppgpp_aa) / (1 - f_ppgpp_basal)) ) cistron_exp_free = (cistron_exp - cistron_exp_ppgpp * f_ppgpp_basal) / ( 1 - f_ppgpp_basal ) cistron_exp_free[cistron_exp_free < 0] = ( 0 # fold change is limited by KM, can't have very high positive fold changes ) # Map expression levels of cistrons to those of TUs through NNLS self.exp_ppgpp, _ = self.fit_rna_expression(cistron_exp_ppgpp) self.exp_free, _ = self.fit_rna_expression(cistron_exp_free) self._normalize_ppgpp_expression() self._ppgpp_expression_set = True
[docs] def adjust_polymerizing_ppgpp_expression(self, sim_data): """ Adjust ppGpp expression based on fit for ribosome and RNAP physiological constraints using least squares fit for 3 conditions with different growth rates/ppGpp. Modifies attributes: exp_ppgpp (ndarray[float]): expression for each gene when RNAP is bound to ppGpp, adjusted for necessary RNAP and ribosome expression, normalized to 1 exp_free (ndarray[float]): expression for each gene when RNAP is not bound to ppGpp, adjusted for necessary RNAP and ribosome expression, normalized to 1 Note: See docs/processes/transcription_regulation.pdf for a description of the math used in this section. TODO: fit for all conditions and not just those specified below? """ # Fraction RNAP bound to ppGpp in different conditions ppgpp_aa = sim_data.growth_rate_parameters.get_ppGpp_conc( sim_data.condition_to_doubling_time["with_aa"] ) ppgpp_basal = sim_data.growth_rate_parameters.get_ppGpp_conc( sim_data.condition_to_doubling_time["basal"] ) ppgpp_anaerobic = sim_data.growth_rate_parameters.get_ppGpp_conc( sim_data.condition_to_doubling_time["no_oxygen"] ) f_ppgpp_aa = self.fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(ppgpp_aa) f_ppgpp_basal = self.fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(ppgpp_basal) f_ppgpp_anaerobic = self.fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(ppgpp_anaerobic) # Adjustments for TFs ## Probabilities need to be unnormalized to match the scale of delta prob ## This includes not having get_delta_prob_matrix normalized for ppGpp tf_adjustments = {} delta_prob = sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.get_delta_prob_matrix( ppgpp=False ) adjusted_mask = ( self.rna_data["includes_RNAP"] | self.rna_data["includes_ribosomal_protein"] | self.rna_data["is_rRNA"] ) for condition in ["with_aa", "basal", "no_oxygen"]: p_promoter_bound = np.array( [ sim_data.pPromoterBound[condition][tf] for tf in sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.tf_ids ] ) delta = delta_prob @ p_promoter_bound condition_prob = ( sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.basal_prob + delta ) tf_adjustments[condition] = ( delta[adjusted_mask] / condition_prob[adjusted_mask] ) # Solve least squares fit for expression of each component of RNAP and ribosomes self._normalize_ppgpp_expression() # Need to normalize first to get correct scale F = np.array( [ [1 - f_ppgpp_aa, f_ppgpp_aa], [1 - f_ppgpp_basal, f_ppgpp_basal], [1 - f_ppgpp_anaerobic, f_ppgpp_anaerobic], ] ) Flst = np.linalg.inv( expression = np.array( [ self.rna_expression["with_aa"][adjusted_mask] * np.fmax(0, 1 - tf_adjustments["with_aa"]), self.rna_expression["basal"][adjusted_mask] * np.fmax(0, 1 - tf_adjustments["basal"]), self.rna_expression["no_oxygen"][adjusted_mask] * np.fmax(0, 1 - tf_adjustments["no_oxygen"]), ] ) adjusted_free, adjusted_ppgpp = self.exp_free[adjusted_mask] = adjusted_free self.exp_ppgpp[adjusted_mask] = adjusted_ppgpp self._normalize_ppgpp_expression()
[docs] def adjust_ppgpp_expression_for_tfs(self, sim_data): """ Adjusts ppGpp regulated expression to get expression with and without ppGpp regulation to match in basal condition and taking into account the effect transcription factors will have. TODO: Should this not adjust polymerizing genes (adjusted_mask in adjust_polymerizing_ppgpp_expression) since they have already been adjusted for transcription factor effects? """ condition = "basal" # Current (unnormalized) probabilities from ppGpp regulation ppgpp_conc = sim_data.growth_rate_parameters.get_ppGpp_conc( sim_data.condition_to_doubling_time[condition] ) old_prob, factor = self.synth_prob_from_ppgpp( ppgpp_conc, sim_data.process.replication.get_average_copy_number ) # Calculate the average expected effect of TFs in basal condition p_promoter_bound = np.array( [ sim_data.pPromoterBound[condition][tf] for tf in sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.tf_ids ] ) delta_prob_no_ppgpp = ( sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.get_delta_prob_matrix(ppgpp=False) ) delta_prob_with_ppgpp = ( sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.get_delta_prob_matrix(ppgpp=True) ) delta_no_ppgpp = delta_prob_no_ppgpp @ p_promoter_bound delta_with_ppgpp = delta_prob_with_ppgpp @ p_promoter_bound # Calculate the required probability to match expression without ppGpp new_prob = ( normalize(self.rna_expression[condition] * factor) + delta_no_ppgpp ) / (1 + delta_with_ppgpp) new_prob[new_prob < 0] = old_prob[new_prob < 0] new_prob = normalize(new_prob) # Determine adjustments to the current ppGpp expression to scale # to the expected expression with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): adjustment = new_prob / old_prob adjustment[~np.isfinite(adjustment)] = 1 # Scale free and bound expression and renormalize ppGpp regulated expression self.exp_free *= adjustment self.exp_ppgpp *= adjustment self._normalize_ppgpp_expression()
[docs] def _normalize_ppgpp_expression(self): """ Normalize both free and ppGpp bound expression values to 1. """ self.exp_free[self.exp_free < 0] = 0 self.exp_ppgpp[self.exp_ppgpp < 0] = 0 self.exp_free /= self.exp_free.sum() self.exp_ppgpp /= self.exp_ppgpp.sum()
[docs] def set_ppgpp_kinetics_parameters(self, init_container, constants): uncharged_trna_idx = bulk_name_to_idx( self.uncharged_trna_names, init_container["id"] ) trna_counts = self.aa_from_trna @ counts(init_container, uncharged_trna_idx) trna_ratio = trna_counts / trna_counts.sum() adjustment_fraction = trna_ratio / trna_ratio.mean() self.KD_RelA = constants.KD_RelA_ribosome * adjustment_fraction self.KI_SpoT = constants.KI_SpoT_ppGpp_degradation * adjustment_fraction
[docs] def fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(self, ppgpp): """ Calculates the fraction of RNAP expected to be bound to ppGpp at a given concentration of ppGpp. Args: ppgpp (float with or without mol / volume units): concentration of ppGpp, if unitless, should represent the concentration of PPGPP_CONC_UNITS Returns: float: fraction of RNAP that will be bound to ppGpp """ if units.hasUnit(ppgpp): ppgpp = ppgpp.asNumber(PPGPP_CONC_UNITS) return ppgpp**2 / (self._ppgpp_km_squared + ppgpp**2)
[docs] def expression_from_ppgpp(self, ppgpp): """ Calculates the expression of each gene at a given concentration of ppGpp. Args: ppgpp (float with or without mol / volume units): concentration of ppGpp, if unitless, should represent the concentration of PPGPP_CONC_UNITS Returns: ndarray[float]: normalized expression for each gene """ f_ppgpp = self.fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(ppgpp) return normalize(self.exp_free * (1 - f_ppgpp) + self.exp_ppgpp * f_ppgpp)
[docs] def synth_prob_from_ppgpp(self, ppgpp, copy_number, balanced_rRNA_prob=True): """ Calculates the synthesis probability of each gene at a given concentration of ppGpp. Args: ppgpp (float with mol / volume units): concentration of ppGpp copy_number (Callable[float, int]): function that gives the expected copy number given a doubling time and gene replication coordinate balanced_rRNA_prob (bool): if True, set synthesis probabilities of rRNA promoters equal to one another Returns prob (ndarray[float]): normalized synthesis probability for each gene factor (ndarray[float]): factor to adjust expression to probability for each gene Note: copy_number should be sim_data.process.replication.get_average_copy_number but saving the function handle as a class attribute prevents pickling of sim_data without additional handling """ ppgpp = ppgpp.asNumber(PPGPP_CONC_UNITS) f_ppgpp = self.fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(ppgpp) y = fitting.interpolate_linearized_fit(ppgpp, *self._ppgpp_growth_parameters) growth = max(cast(float, y), 0.0) tau = np.log(2) / growth / 60 loss = growth + self.rna_data["deg_rate"].asNumber(1 / units.s) # Use the wildtype replication coordinates that were used to calculate # exp_free and exp_ppgpp, instead of coordinates that can be adjusted # via variants n_avg_copy = copy_number(tau, self.rna_data["wt_replication_coordinate"]) # Return values factor = loss / n_avg_copy prob = normalize( (self.exp_free * (1 - f_ppgpp) + self.exp_ppgpp * f_ppgpp) * factor ) if balanced_rRNA_prob: prob[self.rna_data["is_rRNA"]] = prob[self.rna_data["is_rRNA"]].mean() return prob, factor
[docs] def get_rnap_active_fraction_from_ppGpp(self, ppgpp): f_ppgpp = self.fraction_rnap_bound_ppgpp(ppgpp) return ( self.fraction_active_rnap_bound * f_ppgpp + self.fraction_active_rnap_free * (1 - f_ppgpp) )
[docs] def _build_new_gene_data(self, raw_data, sim_data): """ Load baseline values for new gene expression in all simulations. """ self.new_gene_expression_baselines = ( raw_data.new_gene_data.new_gene_baseline_expression_parameters )