Source code for reconstruction.ecoli.dataclasses.process.transcription_regulation

SimulationData for transcription regulation


from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

[docs] class TranscriptionRegulation(object): """ SimulationData for transcription regulation """ def __init__(self, raw_data, sim_data): # Build lookups self._build_lookups(raw_data) # Store list of transcription factor IDs self.tf_ids = list(sorted(sim_data.tf_to_active_inactive_conditions.keys())) # Build dictionary mapping RNA targets to its regulators self.target_tf = {} for tf in sorted(sim_data.tf_to_fold_change): targets = sim_data.tf_to_fold_change[tf] targetsToRemove = [] for target in targets: if target not in self.target_tf: self.target_tf[target] = [] self.target_tf[target].append(tf) for targetToRemove in targetsToRemove: sim_data.tf_to_fold_change[tf].pop(targetToRemove) # Build dictionaries mapping transcription factors to their bound form, # and to their regulating type self.active_to_bound = { x["active TF"]: x["metabolite bound form"] for x in raw_data.tf_one_component_bound } self.tf_to_tf_type = { x["active TF"]: x["TF type"] for x in raw_data.condition.tf_condition } self.tf_to_gene_id = { x["active TF"]: x["TF"] for x in raw_data.condition.tf_condition } # Values set after promoter fitting in parca with calculateRnapRecruitment() self.basal_prob = None self.delta_prob = None
[docs] def p_promoter_bound_tf(self, tfActive, tfInactive): """ Computes probability of a transcription factor binding promoter. """ return float(tfActive) / (float(tfActive) + float(tfInactive))
[docs] def p_promoter_bound_SKd(self, signal, Kd, power): """ Computes probability of a one-component transcription factor binding promoter. """ return float(signal) ** power / (float(signal) ** power + float(Kd) ** power)
[docs] def get_delta_prob_matrix( self, dense=False, ppgpp=False ) -> Union[sparse.csr_matrix, np.ndarray]: """ Returns the delta probability matrix mapping the promoter binding effect of each TF to each gene. Args: dense: If True, returns a dense matrix, otherwise csr sparse ppgpp: If True, normalizes delta probabilities to be on the same scale as ppGpp normalized probabilities since delta_prob is calculated based on basal_prob which is not normalized to 1 Returns: delta_prob: matrix of probabilities changes expected with a TF binding to a promoter for each gene (n genes, m TFs) """ ppgpp_scaling = self.basal_prob[self.delta_prob["deltaI"]] ppgpp_scaling[ppgpp_scaling == 0] = 1 scaling_factor = ppgpp_scaling if ppgpp else 1.0 delta_prob = sparse.csr_matrix( ( self.delta_prob["deltaV"] / scaling_factor, (self.delta_prob["deltaI"], self.delta_prob["deltaJ"]), ), shape=self.delta_prob["shape"], ) if dense: delta_prob = delta_prob.toarray() return delta_prob
[docs] def _build_lookups(self, raw_data): """ Builds dictionaries for mapping transcription factor abbreviations to their RNA IDs, and to their active form. """ gene_id_to_cistron_id = {x["id"]: x["rna_ids"][0] for x in raw_data.genes} self.abbr_to_rna_id = {} for lookupInfo in raw_data.transcription_factors: if ( len(lookupInfo["geneId"]) == 0 or lookupInfo["geneId"] not in gene_id_to_cistron_id ): continue self.abbr_to_rna_id[lookupInfo["TF"]] = gene_id_to_cistron_id[ lookupInfo["geneId"] ] self.abbr_to_active_id = { x["TF"]: x["activeId"].split(", ") for x in raw_data.transcription_factors if len(x["activeId"]) > 0 }