Source code for reconstruction.ecoli.scripts.fold_changes.calculate_fc

#! /usr/bin/env python

Aggregate data from Javi's repo to compare to fold_changes.tsv included in wcm.

import argparse
import io
import os

import numpy as np

from reconstruction.spreadsheets import tsv_writer
from import tsv
from typing import Any, Iterable

FILE_LOCATION = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
SRC_FILE = os.path.join(FILE_LOCATION, "kb.tsv")
WCM_FILE = os.path.join(FILE_LOCATION, "fold_changes.tsv")
SHIFTS_FILE = os.path.join(FILE_LOCATION, "shifts.tsv")
GENES_FILES = os.path.join(FILE_LOCATION, "gene_names.tsv")
OUTPUT_FILE = os.path.join(FILE_LOCATION, "updated_fold_changes.tsv")

[docs] def load_file(filename: str) -> list[list[str]]: """Load a tsv file.""" with, "rb") as f: reader: Iterable = tsv.reader(f) return list(reader)
[docs] def load_src(attempt_match: bool) -> dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, float]]]: """ Loads and extracts gene regulation data from the source data. Args: attempt_match: if True, handles data in way that was most likely the original processing, otherwise uses expected directionality Returns: data: mean and standard deviation for each regulatory pair {TF gene name: {regulated gene: {'mean': mean, 'std': std}}} """ raw_data = load_file(SRC_FILE) shifts = load_shifts() # Extract fold changes from data data: dict[str, dict[str, list[float]]] = {} for line in raw_data: # Columns of interest condition = (line[4], line[5]) tf = line[7] regulated_gene = line[9] magnitude = float(line[10]) if tf not in data: data[tf] = {} direction = shifts[condition][tf] data[tf][regulated_gene] = data[tf].get(regulated_gene, []) + [ direction * magnitude ] # Calculate mean and std from data processed_data = {} for tf, regulated in data.items(): tf_data = {} for gene, fcs in regulated.items(): if attempt_match: fcs1 = np.abs( fcs ) # Bad!! - ignores annotated condition comparison regulation direction else: fcs1 = np.array(fcs) tf_data[gene] = { "mean": float(np.mean(fcs1)), "std": float(np.std(fcs1, ddof=1)), } processed_data[tf] = tf_data return processed_data
[docs] def load_wcm(attempt_match: bool) -> dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, float]]]: """ Loads and extracts gene regulation data from the whole-cell model. Args: attempt_match: if True, handles data in way that was most likely the original processing, otherwise uses expected directionality Returns: data: mean and standard deviation for each regulatory pair {TF gene name: {regulated gene: {'mean': mean, 'std': std}}} """ raw_data = load_file(WCM_FILE)[1:] # Extract mean and std from data data: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, Any]]] = {} for line in raw_data: if line[0].startswith("#"): continue # Columns of interest tf = line[0].strip() regulated_gene = line[1].strip() mean = float(line[2]) std = float(line[3]) if attempt_match: sign = 1 else: sign = int(np.sign(float(line[5]))) uncertain = float(line[5]) > 2 if tf not in data: data[tf] = {} data[tf][regulated_gene] = { "mean": sign * mean, "std": std, "uncertain": uncertain, } return data
[docs] def load_shifts() -> dict[tuple[str, str], dict[str, int]]: """ Load TF regulation information for each shift. Returns: shifts: gene regulation direction for each condition 1 for active TF in condition1 vs condition2 -1 for active TF in condition2 vs condition1 {(condition1, condition2): {TF1: 1, TF2: -1, ...}} """ genes = {int(line[0]): line[2] for line in load_file(GENES_FILES)} shifts = {} for line in load_file(SHIFTS_FILE): condition = (line[1], line[2]) gene_dir = { genes[np.abs(int(v))]: int(np.sign(int(v))) for v in line[12:26] if v != "0" } shifts[condition] = gene_dir return shifts
[docs] def compare_data( data1: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, float]]], data2: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, float]]], desc: str, verbose: bool = True, ): """ Compares regulation from source data to wcm data. Args: data1: mean and standard deviation for each regulatory pair data2: mean and standard deviation for each regulatory pair desc: description for comparison verbose: if True, prints additional regulation information Notes: dictionary structure for both inputs: {TF gene name: {regulated gene: {'mean': mean, 'std': std}}} """ # Track statistics total_regulation = {} discrepancies = {} direction_discrepancies = {} no_match = {} print("\n*** {} ***".format(desc)) # Print regulation that is different in the datasets if verbose: print("TF -> regulated gene: data1 vs data2") for tf, regulation in data1.items(): total_regulation[tf] = len(regulation) discrepancies[tf] = 0 direction_discrepancies[tf] = 0 no_match[tf] = 0 for gene, data in regulation.items(): mean1 = data["mean"] mean2 = data2.get(tf, {}).get(gene, {}).get("mean", 0) if np.abs(mean1 - mean2) > 0.01 and mean2 != 0: if np.sign(mean1) != np.sign(mean2): direction_discrepancies[tf] += 1 discrepancies[tf] += 1 if verbose: uncertain = ( "\tuncertain" if data2.get(tf, {}).get(gene, {}).get("uncertain", False) else "" ) print( "{} -> {}: {:.2f} vs {:.2f}{}".format( tf, gene, mean1, mean2, uncertain ) ) elif mean2 == 0: no_match[tf] += 1 if verbose: print() # Print summary statistics for each TF total_direction_discrepancies = 0 total_discrepancies = 0 total_no_match = 0 total_interactions = 0 print("TF: opposite direction, different mean, not in second dataset, total") for tf, total in total_regulation.items(): tf_dir_disc = direction_discrepancies[tf] tf_disc = discrepancies[tf] tf_no_match = no_match[tf] total_direction_discrepancies += tf_dir_disc total_discrepancies += tf_disc total_no_match += tf_no_match total_interactions += total if verbose: print( "{:5s}: {:3} {:3} {:3} {:3}".format( tf, tf_dir_disc, tf_disc, tf_no_match, total ) ) print( "Total: {:3} {:3} {:3} {:3}".format( total_direction_discrepancies, total_discrepancies, total_no_match, total_interactions, ) )
[docs] def replace_uncertain_entries(data: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, float]]]): """ Replaces entries that were marked as uncertain in fold changes (Regulation_direct 3 or 4) if the mean fold change is the opposite sign when correcting for the regulation direction. Args: data: mean and standard deviation for each regulatory pair """ raw_data = load_file(WCM_FILE) headers = raw_data[0] with tsv_writer(OUTPUT_FILE, headers) as writer: # Check each fold change and update if needed for line in raw_data[1:]: tf = line[0].strip('#" ') gene = line[1].strip() direction = int(line[5]) # Update value if uncertain fold change and opposite direction as mean if np.abs(direction) > 2: # uncertain if category 3 or 4 entry = data.get(tf, {}).get(gene, {}) mean = entry.get("mean", 0) std = entry.get("std", 0) new_direction = int(np.sign(mean)) if new_direction * direction < 0: # both have opposite signs line[2] = "{:.2f}".format(np.abs(mean)) line[3] = "{:.2f}".format(std) line[5] = "{:.0f}".format(new_direction) # Write updated lines to file row = [ tf, gene, float(line[2]), float(line[3]), float(line[4]), int(line[5]), int(line[6]), int(line[7]), float(line[8]), ] d = {header: value for header, value in zip(headers, row)} writer.writerow(d)
[docs] def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: """ Parses arguments from the command line. Returns: values of variables parsed from the command line """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-m", "--match", action="store_true", help="If set, processes source data to best match wcm.", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="If set, prints more information." ) parser.add_argument( "--replace", action="store_true", help="Replace uncertain fold changes if new direction is different.", ) return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() src_data = load_src(args.match) wcm_data = load_wcm(args.match) compare_data(src_data, wcm_data, "Javi repo vs wcm", args.verbose) if args.replace: replace_uncertain_entries(src_data)