"""Unit test for the spreadsheets module."""
from io import BytesIO, TextIOWrapper
import os
import unittest
from reconstruction.spreadsheets import JsonReader, JsonWriter, read_tsv, tsv_reader
from wholecell.utils import units
# Silence Sphinx autodoc warning
unittest.TestCase.__module__ = "unittest"
JAVIER_TABLE = os.path.join(
"validation", "ecoli", "flat", "schmidt2015_javier_table.tsv"
CHEMOSTAT_20 = b"Chemostat \xc2\xb5=0.20".decode("utf-8")
FIELD_NAMES = ["id", "ourLocation", "\u20ac:xyz", "mass (units.g)"]
INPUT_DATA = b""""id"\t"ourLocation"\t"\xe2\x82\xac:xyz"\t"mass (units.g)"
"G6660-MONOMER"\t["c"]\t"Location information from Lopez Campistrous 2005."\t98.6
2.71828\t["c"]\t"Location from \xe2\x8a\x972011."\t12
INPUT_DATA_WITH_PRIVATE_FIELD = b""""id"\t"ourLocation"\t"_\xe2\x82\xac:xyz"\t"mass (units.g)"
"G6660-MONOMER"\t["c"]\t"Location information from Lopez Campistrous 2005."\t98.6
2.71828\t["c"]\t"Location from \xe2\x8a\x972011."\t12
NONPRIVATE_FIELD_NAMES = ["id", "ourLocation", "mass"]
class Test_Spreadsheets(unittest.TestCase):
def test_json_reader(self):
byte_stream = BytesIO(INPUT_DATA)
read_stream = TextIOWrapper(byte_stream)
reader = JsonReader(read_stream)
list_reader = list(reader)
assert len(list_reader) == 2
assert list_reader[0] == {
"id": "G6660-MONOMER",
"ourLocation": ["c"],
"\u20ac:xyz": "Location information from Lopez Campistrous 2005.",
"mass": 98.6 * units.g,
assert list_reader[1] == {
"id": 2.71828,
"ourLocation": ["c"],
"\u20ac:xyz": b"Location from \xe2\x8a\x972011.".decode("utf-8"),
"mass": 12 * units.g,
assert set(list_reader[0].keys()) == set(UNITLESS_FIELD_NAMES)
def test_json_reader_with_private_field(self):
read_stream = TextIOWrapper(byte_stream)
reader = JsonReader(read_stream)
list_reader = list(reader)
assert len(list_reader) == 2
assert list_reader[0] == {
"id": "G6660-MONOMER",
"ourLocation": ["c"],
"mass": 98.6 * units.g,
assert list_reader[1] == {
"id": 2.71828,
"ourLocation": ["c"],
"mass": 12 * units.g,
assert set(list_reader[0].keys()) == set(NONPRIVATE_FIELD_NAMES)
def test_tsv_reader(self):
with tsv_reader(JAVIER_TABLE) as reader:
fieldnames = reader.fieldnames
assert fieldnames[0] == "EcoCycID"
assert fieldnames[-1] == "Fructose"
row1 = next(reader)
assert row1["EcoCycID"] == "EG10001"
assert row1[CHEMOSTAT_20] == 9
assert CHEMOSTAT_20 in row1
assert CHEMOSTAT_20 in fieldnames
def test_read_tsv(self):
entries = read_tsv(JAVIER_TABLE)
assert CHEMOSTAT_20 in entries[0]
def test_json_writer(self):
byte_stream = BytesIO()
write_stream = TextIOWrapper(byte_stream, line_buffering=True)
key2 = "key \u20ac."
field_names = ["key1", key2, "33.3"]
writer = JsonWriter(write_stream, field_names)
writer.writerow({"key1": "value1", key2: "", "33.3": 33.4})
writer.writerow({"key1": [1.1, "11"], key2: None, "33.3": {"\u2297!": [33]}})
data = byte_stream.getvalue()
lines = data.split(b"\n")
assert len(lines) == 4
assert lines[0] == b'"key1"\t"key \xe2\x82\xac."\t"33.3"'
assert lines[1] == b'"value1"\t""\t33.4'
assert lines[2] == b'[1.1, "11"]\tnull\t{"\xe2\x8a\x97!": [33]}'
assert lines[3] == b""
# TODO(jerry): Test dict and ndarray values.
# TODO(jerry): Test tsv_writer() by writing and reading back a file.