Source code for runscripts.workflow

import argparse
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import warnings
from datetime import datetime

from pyarrow import fs

CONFIG_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(
NEXTFLOW_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "nextflow")

    generationSize = {gen_size}
        .map {{ tuple(groupKey(it[1..4], generationSize[it[4]]), it[0], it[1], it[2], it[3], it[4] ) }}
        .groupTuple(remainder: true)
        .map {{ tuple(it[1][0], it[2][0], it[3][0], it[4][0], it[5][0]) }}
        .set {{ multiDaughterCh }}
        .groupTuple(by: [1, 2, 3], size: {size}, remainder: true)
        .map {{ tuple(it[0][0], it[1], it[2], it[3]) }}
        .set {{ multiGenerationCh }}
        .groupTuple(by: [1, 2], size: {size}, remainder: true)
        .map {{ tuple(it[0][0], it[1], it[2]) }}
        .set {{ multiSeedCh }}
    // Group once to deduplicate variant names and pickles
    // Group again into single value for entire experiment
        .groupTuple(by: [1, 2], size: {size}, remainder: true)
        .map {{ tuple(it[0][0], it[1], it[2]) }}
        .groupTuple(by: [1])
        .set {{ multiVariantCh }}

[docs] def generate_colony(seeds: int): """ Create strings to import and compose Nextflow processes for colony sims. """ return [], []
[docs] def generate_lineage( seed: int, n_init_sims: int, generations: int, single_daughters: bool, analysis_config: dict[str, dict[str, dict]], ): """ Create strings to import and compose Nextflow processes for lineage sims: cells that divide for a number of generations but do not interact. Also contains import statements and workflow jobs for analysis scripts. Args: seed: First seed for first sim n_init_sims: Number of sims to initialize with different seeds generations: Number of generations to run for each seed single_daughters: If True, only simulate one daughter cell each gen analysis_config: Dictionary with any of the following keys:: { 'variant': analyses to run on output of all cells combined, 'cohort': analyses to run on output grouped by variant, 'multigen': analyses to run on output grouped by variant & seed, 'single': analyses to run on output for each individual cell, 'parca': analyses to run on parameter calculator output } Each key corresponds to a mapping from analysis name (as defined in ``ecol/analysis/``) to keyword arguments. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **sim_imports**: All `include` statements for Nextflow sim processes - **sim_workflow**: Fully composed workflow for entire lineage """ sim_imports = [] sim_workflow = [f"\tchannel.of( {seed}..<{seed + n_init_sims} ).set {{ seedCh }}"] all_sim_tasks = [] for gen in range(generations): name = f"sim_gen_{gen + 1}" # Handle special case of 1st generation if gen == 0: sim_imports.append( f"include {{ simGen0 as {name} }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/sim'" ) sim_workflow.append( ( f"\t{name}(params.config, variantCh.combine(seedCh).combine([1]), '0')" ) ) all_sim_tasks.append(f"{name}.out.metadata") if not single_daughters: sim_workflow.append( f"\t{name}.out.nextGen0.mix({name}.out.nextGen1).set {{ {name}_nextGen }}" ) else: sim_workflow.append(f"\t{name}.out.nextGen0.set {{ {name}_nextGen }}") continue sim_imports.append(f"include {{ sim as {name} }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/sim'") parent = f"sim_gen_{gen}" sim_workflow.append(f"\t{name}({parent}_nextGen)") if not single_daughters: sim_workflow.append( f"\t{name}.out.nextGen0.mix({name}.out.nextGen1).set {{ {name}_nextGen }}" ) else: sim_workflow.append(f"\t{name}.out.nextGen0.set {{ {name}_nextGen }}") all_sim_tasks.append(f"{name}.out.metadata") # Channel that combines metadata for all sim tasks if len(all_sim_tasks) > 1: tasks = all_sim_tasks[0] other_tasks = ", ".join(all_sim_tasks[1:]) sim_workflow.append(f"\t{tasks}.mix({other_tasks}).set {{ simCh }}") else: sim_workflow.append(f"\t{all_sim_tasks[0]}.set {{ simCh }}") sims_per_seed = generations if single_daughters else 2**generations - 1 if analysis_config.get("multivariant", False): # Channel that groups all sim tasks sim_workflow.append( MULTIVARIANT_CHANNEL.format(size=sims_per_seed * n_init_sims) ) sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisMultiVariant(params.config, kb, multiVariantCh, " "variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisMultiVariant }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("multiseed", False): # Channel that groups sim tasks by variant sim_data sim_workflow.append(MULTISEED_CHANNEL.format(size=sims_per_seed * n_init_sims)) sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisMultiSeed(params.config, kb, multiSeedCh, variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisMultiSeed }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("multigeneration", False): # Channel that groups sim tasks by variant sim_data and initial seed sim_workflow.append(MULTIGENERATION_CHANNEL.format(size=sims_per_seed)) sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisMultiGeneration(params.config, kb, multiGenerationCh, " "variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisMultiGeneration }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("multidaughter", False) and not single_daughters: # Channel that groups sim tasks by variant sim_data, initial seed, and generation # When simulating both daughters, will have >1 cell for generation >1 gen_size = "[" + ", ".join([f"{g+1}: {2**g}" for g in range(generations)]) + "]" sim_workflow.append(MULTIDAUGHTER_CHANNEL.format(gen_size=gen_size)) sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisMultiDaughter(params.config, kb, multiDaughterCh, " "variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisMultiDaughter }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("single", False): sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisSingle(params.config, kb, simCh, variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisSingle }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("parca", False): sim_workflow.append("\tanalysisParca(params.config, kb)") return sim_imports, sim_workflow
[docs] def generate_code(config): seed = config.get("seed", 0) generations = config.get("generations", 0) if generations: n_init_sims = config.get("n_init_sims") single_daughters = config.get("single_daughters", True) sim_imports, sim_workflow = generate_lineage( seed, n_init_sims, generations, single_daughters, config.get("analysis_options", {}), ) else: sim_imports, sim_workflow = generate_colony(seed, n_init_sims) return "\n".join(sim_imports), "\n".join(sim_workflow)
[docs] def build_runtime_image(image_name): build_script = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "container", "" )[build_script, "-r", image_name], check=True)
[docs] def build_wcm_image(image_name, runtime_image_name): build_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "container", "") if runtime_image_name is None: warnings.warn( "No runtime image name supplied. By default, " "we build the model image from the runtime " "image with name " + os.environ["USER"] + '-wcm-code." ' 'If this is correct, add this under "gcloud" > ' '"runtime_image_name" in your config JSON.' ) [build_script, "-w", image_name, "-r", runtime_image_name], check=True )
[docs] def copy_to_filesystem(source: str, dest: str, filesystem: fs.FileSystem): """ Robustly copy the contents of a local source file to a destination path on a PyArrow filesystem. Args: source: Path to source file on local filesystem dest: Path to destination file on PyArrow filesystem. If Cloud Storage bucket, DO NOT include ``gs://`` or ``gcs://``. filesystem: PyArrow filesystem instantiated from URI of ``dest`` """ with filesystem.open_output_stream(dest) as stream: with open(source, "rb") as f: stream.write(
[docs] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() config_file = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR_PATH, "default.json") parser.add_argument( "--config", action="store", default=config_file, help=( "Path to configuration file for the simulation. " "All key-value pairs in this file will be applied on top " f"of the options defined in {config_file}." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--resume", action="store_true", default=False, help="Resume last run workflow.", ) args = parser.parse_args() with open(config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) if args.config is not None: config_file = args.config with open(args.config, "r") as f: config = {**config, **json.load(f)} experiment_id = config["experiment_id"] if experiment_id is None: raise RuntimeError("No experiment ID was provided.") if config["suffix_time"]: current_time ="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") experiment_id = experiment_id + "_" + current_time config["suffix_time"] = False # Resolve output directory if "out_uri" not in config["emitter"]: out_uri = os.path.abspath(config["emitter"]["out_dir"]) config["emitter"]["out_dir"] = out_uri else: out_uri = config["emitter"]["out_uri"] filesystem, outdir = fs.FileSystem.from_uri(out_uri) outdir = os.path.join(outdir, experiment_id, "nextflow") out_uri = os.path.join(out_uri, experiment_id, "nextflow") repo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) local_outdir = os.path.join(repo_dir, "nextflow_temp", experiment_id) os.makedirs(local_outdir, exist_ok=True) filesystem.create_dir(outdir) temp_config_path = f"{local_outdir}/workflow_config.json" final_config_uri = os.path.join(out_uri, "workflow_config.json") final_config_path = os.path.join(outdir, "workflow_config.json") with open(temp_config_path, "w") as f: json.dump(config, f) if not args.resume: copy_to_filesystem(temp_config_path, final_config_path, filesystem) nf_config = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "nextflow", "config.template") with open(nf_config, "r") as f: nf_config = f.readlines() nf_config = "".join(nf_config) nf_config = nf_config.replace("EXPERIMENT_ID", experiment_id) nf_config = nf_config.replace("CONFIG_FILE", final_config_uri) nf_config = nf_config.replace( "PUBLISH_DIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(out_uri)) ) # By default, assume running on local device nf_profile = "standard" cloud_config = config.get("gcloud", None) if cloud_config is not None: nf_profile = "gcloud" runtime_image_name = cloud_config.get("runtime_image_name", None) if cloud_config.get("build_runtime_image", False): if runtime_image_name is None: raise RuntimeError("Must supply name for runtime image.") build_runtime_image(runtime_image_name) if cloud_config.get("build_wcm_image", False): wcm_image_name = cloud_config.get("wcm_image_name", None) if wcm_image_name is None: raise RuntimeError("Must supply name for WCM image.") build_wcm_image(wcm_image_name, runtime_image_name) nf_config = nf_config.replace("IMAGE_NAME", wcm_image_name) elif config.get("sherlock", None) is not None: nf_profile = "sherlock" local_config = os.path.join(local_outdir, "nextflow.config") with open(local_config, "w") as f: f.writelines(nf_config) sim_imports, sim_workflow = generate_code(config) nf_template_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "nextflow", "" ) with open(nf_template_path, "r") as f: nf_template = f.readlines() nf_template = "".join(nf_template) nf_template = nf_template.replace("IMPORTS", sim_imports) nf_template = nf_template.replace("WORKFLOW", sim_workflow) nf_template = nf_template.replace( "PARCA_CPUS", str(config["parca_options"]["cpus"]) ) local_workflow = os.path.join(local_outdir, "") with open(local_workflow, "w") as f: f.writelines(nf_template) workflow_path = os.path.join(out_uri, "") config_path = os.path.join(out_uri, "nextflow.config") if not args.resume: copy_to_filesystem(local_workflow, os.path.join(outdir, ""), filesystem) copy_to_filesystem( local_config, os.path.join(outdir, "nextflow.config"), filesystem ) # Start nextflow workflow report_path = os.path.join( out_uri, f"{experiment_id}_report.html", ) workdir = os.path.join(out_uri, "nextflow_workdirs") if nf_profile == "standard" or nf_profile == "gcloud": [ "nextflow", "-C", config_path, "run", workflow_path, "-profile", nf_profile, "-with-report", report_path, "-work-dir", workdir, "-resume" if args.resume else "", ] ) elif nf_profile == "sherlock": batch_script = os.path.join(local_outdir, "") with open(batch_script, "w") as f: f.write(f"""#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=nextflow-{experiment_id} #SBATCH --time=7-00:00:00 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1 #SBATCH --mem=4GB #SBATCH -p mcovert nextflow -C {config_path} run {workflow_path} -profile {nf_profile} \ -with-report {report_path} -work-dir {workdir} {"-resume" if args.resume else ""} """) copy_to_filesystem( batch_script, os.path.join(outdir, ""), filesystem )["sbatch", batch_script]) shutil.rmtree(local_outdir)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()