Source code for runscripts.workflow

import argparse
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from urllib import parse

from pyarrow import fs

Special configuration keys that are list values which are concatenated
together when they are found in multiple sources (e.g. default JSON and
user-specified JSON) instead of being directly overriden.

CONFIG_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(
NEXTFLOW_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "nextflow")

    generationSize = {gen_size}
        .map {{ tuple(groupKey(it[1..4], generationSize[it[4]]), it[0], it[1], it[2], it[3], it[4] ) }}
        .groupTuple(remainder: true)
        .map {{ tuple(it[1][0], it[2][0], it[3][0], it[4][0], it[5][0]) }}
        .set {{ multiDaughterCh }}
        .groupTuple(by: [1, 2, 3], size: {size}, remainder: true)
        .map {{ tuple(it[0][0], it[1], it[2], it[3]) }}
        .set {{ multiGenerationCh }}
        .groupTuple(by: [1, 2], size: {size}, remainder: true)
        .map {{ tuple(it[0][0], it[1], it[2]) }}
        .set {{ multiSeedCh }}
    // Group once to deduplicate variant names and pickles
    // Group again into single value for entire experiment
        .groupTuple(by: [1, 2], size: {size}, remainder: true)
        .map {{ tuple(it[0][0], it[1], it[2]) }}
        .groupTuple(by: [1])
        .set {{ multiVariantCh }}

[docs] def merge_dicts(a, b): """ Recursively merges dictionary b into dictionary a. This mutates dictionary a. """ for key, value in b.items(): if isinstance(value, dict) and key in a and isinstance(a[key], dict): # If both values are dictionaries, recursively merge merge_dicts(a[key], value) else: # Otherwise, overwrite or add the value from b to a a[key] = value
[docs] def generate_colony(seeds: int): """ Create strings to import and compose Nextflow processes for colony sims. """ return [], []
[docs] def generate_lineage( seed: int, n_init_sims: int, generations: int, single_daughters: bool, analysis_config: dict[str, dict[str, dict]], ): """ Create strings to import and compose Nextflow processes for lineage sims: cells that divide for a number of generations but do not interact. Also contains import statements and workflow jobs for analysis scripts. Args: seed: First seed for first sim n_init_sims: Number of sims to initialize with different seeds generations: Number of generations to run for each seed single_daughters: If True, only simulate one daughter cell each gen analysis_config: Dictionary with any of the following keys:: { 'variant': analyses to run on output of all cells combined, 'cohort': analyses to run on output grouped by variant, 'multigen': analyses to run on output grouped by variant & seed, 'single': analyses to run on output for each individual cell, 'parca': analyses to run on parameter calculator output } Each key corresponds to a mapping from analysis name (as defined in ``ecol/analysis/``) to keyword arguments. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **sim_imports**: All `include` statements for Nextflow sim processes - **sim_workflow**: Fully composed workflow for entire lineage """ sim_imports = [] sim_workflow = [f"\tchannel.of( {seed}..<{seed + n_init_sims} ).set {{ seedCh }}"] all_sim_tasks = [] for gen in range(generations): name = f"sim_gen_{gen + 1}" # Handle special case of 1st generation if gen == 0: sim_imports.append( f"include {{ simGen0 as {name} }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/sim'" ) sim_workflow.append( ( f"\t{name}(params.config, variantCh.combine(seedCh).combine([1]), '0')" ) ) all_sim_tasks.append(f"{name}.out.metadata") if not single_daughters: sim_workflow.append( f"\t{name}.out.nextGen0.mix({name}.out.nextGen1).set {{ {name}_nextGen }}" ) else: sim_workflow.append(f"\t{name}.out.nextGen0.set {{ {name}_nextGen }}") continue sim_imports.append(f"include {{ sim as {name} }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/sim'") parent = f"sim_gen_{gen}" sim_workflow.append(f"\t{name}({parent}_nextGen)") if not single_daughters: sim_workflow.append( f"\t{name}.out.nextGen0.mix({name}.out.nextGen1).set {{ {name}_nextGen }}" ) else: sim_workflow.append(f"\t{name}.out.nextGen0.set {{ {name}_nextGen }}") all_sim_tasks.append(f"{name}.out.metadata") # Channel that combines metadata for all sim tasks if len(all_sim_tasks) > 1: tasks = all_sim_tasks[0] other_tasks = ", ".join(all_sim_tasks[1:]) sim_workflow.append(f"\t{tasks}.mix({other_tasks}).set {{ simCh }}") else: sim_workflow.append(f"\t{all_sim_tasks[0]}.set {{ simCh }}") sims_per_seed = generations if single_daughters else 2**generations - 1 if analysis_config.get("multivariant", False): # Channel that groups all sim tasks sim_workflow.append( MULTIVARIANT_CHANNEL.format(size=sims_per_seed * n_init_sims) ) sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisMultiVariant(params.config, kb, multiVariantCh, " "variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisMultiVariant }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("multiseed", False): # Channel that groups sim tasks by variant sim_data sim_workflow.append(MULTISEED_CHANNEL.format(size=sims_per_seed * n_init_sims)) sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisMultiSeed(params.config, kb, multiSeedCh, variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisMultiSeed }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("multigeneration", False): # Channel that groups sim tasks by variant sim_data and initial seed sim_workflow.append(MULTIGENERATION_CHANNEL.format(size=sims_per_seed)) sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisMultiGeneration(params.config, kb, multiGenerationCh, " "variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisMultiGeneration }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("multidaughter", False) and not single_daughters: # Channel that groups sim tasks by variant sim_data, initial seed, and generation # When simulating both daughters, will have >1 cell for generation >1 gen_size = "[" + ", ".join([f"{g+1}: {2**g}" for g in range(generations)]) + "]" sim_workflow.append(MULTIDAUGHTER_CHANNEL.format(gen_size=gen_size)) sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisMultiDaughter(params.config, kb, multiDaughterCh, " "variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisMultiDaughter }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("single", False): sim_workflow.append( "\tanalysisSingle(params.config, kb, simCh, variantMetadataCh)" ) sim_imports.append( f"include {{ analysisSingle }} from '{NEXTFLOW_DIR}/analysis'" ) if analysis_config.get("parca", False): sim_workflow.append("\tanalysisParca(params.config, kb)") return sim_imports, sim_workflow
[docs] def generate_code(config): sim_data_path = config.get("sim_data_path") if sim_data_path is not None: kb_dir = os.path.dirname(sim_data_path) run_parca = [ f"\tfile('{kb_dir}').copyTo(\"${{params.publishDir}}/${{params.experimentId}}/parca/kb\")", f"\tChannel.fromPath('{kb_dir}').toList().set {{ kb }}", ] else: run_parca = ["\trunParca(params.config)", "\trunParca.out.toList().set {kb}"] seed = config.get("seed", 0) generations = config.get("generations", 0) if generations: lineage_seed = config.get("lineage_seed", 0) n_init_sims = config.get("n_init_sims") print( f"Specified generations: initial lineage seed {lineage_seed}, {n_init_sims} initial sims" ) single_daughters = config.get("single_daughters", True) sim_imports, sim_workflow = generate_lineage( lineage_seed, n_init_sims, generations, single_daughters, config.get("analysis_options", {}), ) else: sim_imports, sim_workflow = generate_colony(seed, n_init_sims) return "\n".join(run_parca), "\n".join(sim_imports), "\n".join(sim_workflow)
[docs] def build_runtime_image(image_name, apptainer=False): build_script = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "container", "" ) cmd = [build_script, "-r", image_name] if apptainer: cmd.append("-a"), check=True)
[docs] def build_wcm_image(image_name, runtime_image_name): build_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "container", "") if runtime_image_name is None: warnings.warn( "No runtime image name supplied. By default, " "we build the model image from the runtime " "image with name " + os.environ["USER"] + '-wcm-code." ' 'If this is correct, add this under "gcloud" > ' '"runtime_image_name" in your config JSON.' ) cmd = [build_script, "-w", image_name, "-r", runtime_image_name], check=True)
[docs] def copy_to_filesystem(source: str, dest: str, filesystem: fs.FileSystem): """ Robustly copy the contents of a local source file to a destination path on a PyArrow filesystem. Args: source: Path to source file on local filesystem dest: Path to destination file on PyArrow filesystem. If Cloud Storage bucket, DO NOT include ``gs://`` or ``gcs://``. filesystem: PyArrow filesystem instantiated from URI of ``dest`` """ with filesystem.open_output_stream(dest) as stream: with open(source, "rb") as f: stream.write(
[docs] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() config_file = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR_PATH, "default.json") parser.add_argument( "--config", action="store", default=config_file, help=( "Path to configuration file for the simulation. " "All key-value pairs in this file will be applied on top " f"of the options defined in {config_file}." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--resume", type=str, default=None, help="Resume workflow with given experiment ID. The experiment ID must " "match the supplied configuration file and if suffix_time was used, must " "contain the full time suffix (suffix_time will not be applied again).", ) args = parser.parse_args() with open(config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) if args.config is not None: config_file = args.config with open(args.config, "r") as f: user_config = json.load(f) for key in LIST_KEYS_TO_MERGE: user_config.setdefault(key, []) user_config[key].extend(config.get(key, [])) if key == "engine_process_reports": user_config[key] = [tuple(path) for path in user_config[key]] # Ensures there are no duplicates in d2 user_config[key] = list(set(user_config[key])) user_config[key].sort() merge_dicts(config, user_config) experiment_id = config["experiment_id"] if experiment_id is None: raise RuntimeError("No experiment ID was provided.") if args.resume is not None: experiment_id = args.resume config["experiment_id"] = args.resume elif config["suffix_time"]: current_time ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") experiment_id = experiment_id + "_" + current_time config["experiment_id"] = experiment_id config["suffix_time"] = False # Special characters are messy so do not allow them if experiment_id != parse.quote_plus(experiment_id): raise TypeError( "Experiment ID cannot contain special characters" f"that change the string when URL quoted: {experiment_id}" f" != {parse.quote_plus(experiment_id)}" ) # Resolve output directory out_bucket = "" if "out_uri" not in config["emitter_arg"]: out_uri = os.path.abspath(config["emitter_arg"]["out_dir"]) config["emitter_arg"]["out_dir"] = out_uri else: out_uri = config["emitter_arg"]["out_uri"] out_bucket = out_uri.split("://")[1].split("/")[0] # Resolve sim_data_path if provided if config["sim_data_path"] is not None: config["sim_data_path"] = os.path.abspath(config["sim_data_path"]) filesystem, outdir = fs.FileSystem.from_uri(out_uri) outdir = os.path.join(outdir, experiment_id, "nextflow") out_uri = os.path.join(out_uri, experiment_id, "nextflow") repo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) local_outdir = os.path.join(repo_dir, "nextflow_temp", experiment_id) os.makedirs(local_outdir, exist_ok=True) filesystem.create_dir(outdir) temp_config_path = f"{local_outdir}/workflow_config.json" final_config_path = os.path.join(outdir, "workflow_config.json") final_config_uri = os.path.join(out_uri, "workflow_config.json") with open(temp_config_path, "w") as f: json.dump(config, f) if args.resume is None: copy_to_filesystem(temp_config_path, final_config_path, filesystem) nf_config = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "nextflow", "config.template") with open(nf_config, "r") as f: nf_config = f.readlines() nf_config = "".join(nf_config) nf_config = nf_config.replace("EXPERIMENT_ID", experiment_id) nf_config = nf_config.replace("CONFIG_FILE", final_config_uri) nf_config = nf_config.replace("BUCKET", out_bucket) nf_config = nf_config.replace( "PUBLISH_DIR", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(out_uri)) ) nf_config = nf_config.replace("PARCA_CPUS", str(config["parca_options"]["cpus"])) # By default, assume running on local device nf_profile = "standard" # If not running on a local device, build container images according # to options under gcloud or sherlock configuration keys cloud_config = config.get("gcloud", None) if cloud_config is not None: nf_profile = "gcloud" project_id = ["gcloud", "config", "get", "project"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ).stdout.strip() region = ["gcloud", "config", "get", "compute/region"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ).stdout.strip() image_prefix = f"{region}{project_id}/vecoli/" runtime_image_name = cloud_config.get("runtime_image_name", None) if cloud_config.get("build_runtime_image", False): if runtime_image_name is None: raise RuntimeError("Must supply name for runtime image.") build_runtime_image(runtime_image_name) wcm_image_name = cloud_config.get("wcm_image_name", None) if wcm_image_name is None: raise RuntimeError("Must supply name for WCM image.") if cloud_config.get("build_wcm_image", False): if runtime_image_name is None: raise RuntimeError("Must supply name for runtime image.") build_wcm_image(wcm_image_name, runtime_image_name) nf_config = nf_config.replace("IMAGE_NAME", image_prefix + wcm_image_name) sherlock_config = config.get("sherlock", None) if sherlock_config is not None: if nf_profile == "gcloud": raise RuntimeError( "Cannot set both Sherlock and Google Cloud " "options in the input JSON." ) runtime_image_name = sherlock_config.get("runtime_image_name", None) if runtime_image_name is None: raise RuntimeError("Must supply name for runtime image.") if sherlock_config.get("build_runtime_image", False): build_runtime_image(runtime_image_name, True) nf_config = nf_config.replace("IMAGE_NAME", runtime_image_name) [ "apptainer", "exec", "-B", f"{repo_dir}:{repo_dir}", "--cwd", repo_dir, "--writable-tmpfs", "-e", runtime_image_name, "uv", "sync", "--frozen", "--no-cache", ] ) if sherlock_config.get("jenkins", False): nf_profile = "jenkins" else: nf_profile = "sherlock" local_config = os.path.join(local_outdir, "nextflow.config") with open(local_config, "w") as f: f.writelines(nf_config) run_parca, sim_imports, sim_workflow = generate_code(config) nf_template_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "nextflow", "" ) with open(nf_template_path, "r") as f: nf_template = f.readlines() nf_template = "".join(nf_template) nf_template = nf_template.replace("RUN_PARCA", run_parca) nf_template = nf_template.replace("IMPORTS", sim_imports) nf_template = nf_template.replace("WORKFLOW", sim_workflow) local_workflow = os.path.join(local_outdir, "") with open(local_workflow, "w") as f: f.writelines(nf_template) workflow_path = os.path.join(out_uri, "") config_path = os.path.join(out_uri, "nextflow.config") if args.resume is None: copy_to_filesystem(local_workflow, os.path.join(outdir, ""), filesystem) copy_to_filesystem( local_config, os.path.join(outdir, "nextflow.config"), filesystem ) # Start nextflow workflow report_path = os.path.join( out_uri, f"{experiment_id}_report.html", ) workdir = os.path.join(out_uri, "nextflow_workdirs") if nf_profile == "standard" or nf_profile == "gcloud": [ "nextflow", "-C", local_config, "run", local_workflow, "-profile", nf_profile, "-with-report", report_path, "-work-dir", workdir, "-resume" if args.resume is not None else "", ], check=True, ) elif nf_profile == "sherlock": batch_script = os.path.join(local_outdir, "") with open(batch_script, "w") as f: f.write(f"""#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name="nextflow-{experiment_id}" #SBATCH --time=7-00:00:00 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1 #SBATCH --mem=4GB #SBATCH --partition=mcovert nextflow -C {config_path} run {workflow_path} -profile {nf_profile} \ -with-report {report_path} -work-dir {workdir} {"-resume" if args.resume is not None else ""} """) copy_to_filesystem( batch_script, os.path.join(outdir, ""), filesystem )["sbatch", batch_script], check=True) elif nf_profile == "jenkins": [ "nextflow", "-C", config_path, "run", workflow_path, "-profile", "sherlock", "-with-report", report_path, "-work-dir", workdir, ], check=True, ) shutil.rmtree(local_outdir)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()