Source code for wholecell.utils.build_ode

Utilities to compile functions, esp. from Sympy-constructed Matrix math.

import numpy as np
from sympy import Matrix
from typing import Any, Callable

[docs] def build_functions(arguments: str, expression: str) -> tuple[Callable, Callable]: """Build a function from its arguments and source code expression. (This USED TO return a second function that had Numba set up to JIT-compile the code on demand, but the compiled code time savings don't pay back the compilation time in Python 3.9+.) This still returns two functions so the JIT compiler could be restored someday. Args: arguments: comma-separated lambda argument names expression: expression to compile Returns: a function(arguments), the same function(arguments) [was a JIT-enabled version] """ local_dict: dict[str, Any] = {} expression = f"def f({arguments}):\n" + expression exec(expression, globals(), local_dict) f = local_dict["f"] return f, f
[docs] def _matrix_to_array(matrix: Matrix) -> str: """Convert a sympy Matrix expression to a function body.""" rows, cols = matrix.shape _ = np # So the tools won't warn about unused np import. function_str = [f"\tarr = np.zeros(({rows}, {cols}))\n"] for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): if matrix[i, j] != 0: function_str.append(f"\tarr[{i}, {j}] = {matrix[i, j]}\n") function_str.append("\treturn arr") return "".join(function_str)
[docs] def derivatives(matrix: Matrix) -> tuple[Callable, Callable]: """Build an optimized derivatives ODE function(y, t).""" return build_functions("y, t", _matrix_to_array(matrix) + ".reshape(-1)")
[docs] def derivatives_jacobian(jacobian_matrix: Matrix) -> tuple[Callable, Callable]: """Build an optimized derivatives ODE Jacobian function(y, t).""" return build_functions("y, t", _matrix_to_array(jacobian_matrix))
[docs] def rates(matrix: Matrix) -> tuple[Callable, Callable]: """Build an optimized rates function(t, y, kf, kr).""" return build_functions("t, y, kf, kr", _matrix_to_array(matrix) + ".reshape(-1)")
[docs] def rates_jacobian(jacobian_matrix: Matrix) -> tuple[Callable, Callable]: """Build an optimized rates Jacobian function(t, y, kf, kr).""" return build_functions("t, y, kf, kr", _matrix_to_array(jacobian_matrix))