Source code for wholecell.utils.polymerize


Polymerizes sequences based on monomer and energy limitations.

Run `kernprof -lv wholecell/tests/utils/` to get a line
profile. It @profile-decorates polymerize().

- document algorithm/corner cases (should already exist somewhere...)

import numpy as np

from ._build_sequences import buildSequences, computeMassIncrease
from ._fastsums import sum_monomers, sum_monomers_reference_implementation

# Reexport these Cython functions. Declaring them avoids
# "unused import statement" warnings.
__all__ = [

def sample_array(array):
    samples = np.random.random(array.shape)
    return np.where(array > samples)[0]

def choices(array, n):
    indexes = np.arange(array.shape[0])
    return indexes[:n]

class DimensionException(Exception):

[docs] class polymerize(object): # Class name is lowercase because interface is function-like """ Polymerize the given DNA/RNA/protein sequences as far as possible within the given limits. Parameters: sequences: ndarray of integer, shape (num_sequences, num_steps), the sequences of needed monomer types, containing PAD_VALUE for all steps after sequence completion. monomerLimits: ndarray of integer, shape (num_monomers,), the available number of each monomer type. reactionLimit: max number of reactions (monomers to use); the energy limit. randomState: random number generator to pick winners in shortages. Returns: sequenceElongation: ndarray of integer, shape (num_sequences,) indicating how far the sequences proceeded, monomerUsages: ndarray of integer, shape (num_monomers,) counting how many monomers of each type got used, nReactions: total number of reactions (monomers used), sequences_limited_elongation: ndarray of bool, shape (num_sequences,), mask indicating whether the sequences were actually elongated to the max lengths expected from the current step. """ PAD_VALUE = -1 def __init__( self, sequences, monomerLimits, reactionLimit, randomState, elongation_rates, variable_elongation=False, ): # Check dimensions if sequences.shape[0] != len(elongation_rates): raise DimensionException( "Dimensions of input sequences and elongation rates do not match." ) # Gather inputs self._sequences = sequences self._monomerLimits = monomerLimits self._reactionLimit = reactionLimit self._randomState = randomState self._raw_elongation_rates = elongation_rates self.elongation_rates = elongation_rates / np.max(elongation_rates) self.variable_elongation = variable_elongation # Prepare for iteration self._setup() # Elongate sequences as much as possible self._elongate() # Clean up self._finalize() # __init__ subroutines # Several of these assign new attributes outside of __init__'s immediate # context; however, they should only ever be called by __init__. # Setup subroutines
[docs] def _setup(self): """ Extended initialization procedures. """ self._sanitize_inputs() self._gather_input_dimensions() self._gather_sequence_data() self._prepare_running_values() self._prepare_outputs()
[docs] def _sanitize_inputs(self): """ Enforce array typing, and copy input arrays to prevent side-effects. """ self._monomerLimits = self._monomerLimits.astype(np.int64, copy=True) self._reactionLimit = np.int64(self._reactionLimit)
[docs] def _gather_input_dimensions(self): """ Collect information about the size of the inputs. """ (self._nSequences, self._sequenceLength) = self._sequences.shape self._nMonomers = self._monomerLimits.size
[docs] def _gather_sequence_data(self): """ Collect static data about the input sequences. """ # sequenceMonomers: ndarray of bool, shape # (num_monomers, num_sequences, num_steps), a bitmask of monomer usage. self._sequenceMonomers = np.empty( (self._nMonomers, self._nSequences, self._sequenceLength), dtype=bool ) for monomerIndex in range(self._nMonomers): self._sequenceMonomers[monomerIndex, ...] = self._sequences == monomerIndex # sequenceReactions: ndarray of bool, shape (num_sequences, num_steps), of # sequence continuation. # sequenceLength: ndarray of integer, shape (num_sequences). self._sequenceReactions = self._sequences != self.PAD_VALUE self._sequenceLengths = self._sequenceReactions.sum(axis=1)
[docs] def _prepare_running_values(self): """ Sets up the variables that will change throughout iteration, including both intermediate calculations and outputs. """ # activeSequencesIndexes: 1D ndarray of integer, the indexes of the # currently active sequences. self._activeSequencesIndexes = np.arange(self._nSequences) self._currentStep = 0 self._progress = np.zeros(self._nSequences, np.int64) self._activeSequencesIndexes = self._activeSequencesIndexes[ self._sequenceReactions[:, self._currentStep] ] self.elongation_rates = self.elongation_rates[ self._sequenceReactions[:, self._currentStep] ] self._update_elongation_resource_demands() self._monomerHistory = np.empty( (self._maxElongation, self._nMonomers), np.int64 ) # Empty placeholders - will be filled in during trivial elongation, # then inspected during nontrivial (resource-limited) elongation self._monomerIsLimiting = np.empty(self._nMonomers, bool) self._reactionIsLimiting = None
[docs] def _prepare_outputs(self): """ Running values that ultimately compose the output of the 'polymerize' operation. """ self.sequenceElongation = np.zeros(self._nSequences, np.int64) self.monomerUsages = np.zeros(self._nMonomers, np.int64) self.nReactions = 0 self.sequences_limited_elongation = np.full(self._nSequences, False)
# Iteration subroutines
[docs] def _elongate(self): """ Iteratively elongates sequences up to resource limits. """ while True: # Perform trivial elongations fully_elongated = self._elongate_to_limit() monomer_limited = (self._monomerLimits == 0).all() reaction_limited = self._reactionLimit == 0 # Quit if finished or out of resources if fully_elongated or monomer_limited or reaction_limited: break # Perform nontrivial (resource-limited) elongations, and cull # sequences that can no longer be elongated self._finalize_resource_limited_elongations() # Quit if there are no more sequences if not self._activeSequencesIndexes.size: break # Otherwise, update running values self._update_elongation_resource_demands()
[docs] def _elongate_to_limit(self): """ Elongate as far as possible without hitting any resource limitations. """ projectionIndex = 0 notLimited = True advancementIndex = np.zeros(self._nSequences, np.int64) monomerProjection = np.zeros(self._nMonomers, np.int64) # advance one step at a time until a sequence is limited while notLimited and projectionIndex < self._maxElongation: if self.variable_elongation: step = self._currentStep + projectionIndex level = self.elongation_rates * (step + 1) last_unit = level - np.floor(level) active = self._activeSequencesIndexes[self.elongation_rates > last_unit] else: active = self._activeSequencesIndexes index = self._progress + advancementIndex monomerStep = sum_monomers( self._sequenceMonomers[:, :], index[active], active ) self._monomerHistory[projectionIndex] = monomerProjection + monomerStep self._monomerIsLimiting = ( self._monomerHistory[projectionIndex] > self._monomerLimits ) total_reactions = self._monomerHistory[projectionIndex].sum() if self._monomerIsLimiting.any(): notLimited = False else: if total_reactions > self._reactionLimit: self._reactionIsLimiting = True notLimited = False excess = total_reactions - self._reactionLimit active = choices(active, len(active) - excess) monomerStep = sum_monomers( self._sequenceMonomers[:, :], index[active], active ) self._monomerHistory[projectionIndex] = ( monomerProjection + monomerStep ) self._monomerIsLimiting = ( self._monomerHistory[projectionIndex] > self._monomerLimits ) monomerProjection += monomerStep projectionIndex += 1 advancementIndex[active] += 1 limitingExtent = projectionIndex self._currentStep += limitingExtent # Use resources if limitingExtent > 0: deltaMonomers = self._monomerHistory[limitingExtent - 1] deltaReactions = self._monomerHistory[limitingExtent - 1].sum() self._monomerLimits -= deltaMonomers self._reactionLimit -= deltaReactions self.monomerUsages += deltaMonomers self.nReactions += deltaReactions self._progress[self._activeSequencesIndexes] += advancementIndex[ self._activeSequencesIndexes ] # Update lengths self.sequenceElongation[self._activeSequencesIndexes] += advancementIndex[ self._activeSequencesIndexes ] # Determine whether we are finished elongating # TODO (John): see if we can determine this outside this context, # consequently removing the need to "return" anything fully_elongated = limitingExtent == self._maxElongation return fully_elongated
[docs] def _finalize_resource_limited_elongations(self): # Find fully elongated sequences # sequencesToCull: ndarray of bool, shape (num_active_sequences,), # selecting active sequences to cull, initially the ones that finished # by currentStep. if self.variable_elongation: active_elongation = self.sequenceElongation[self._activeSequencesIndexes] else: active_elongation = self._currentStep sequencesToCull = ~self._sequenceReactions[ self._activeSequencesIndexes, active_elongation ] # Find and finalize monomer-limiting sequences for monomerIndex, monomerLimit in enumerate(self._monomerLimits): if ~self._monomerIsLimiting[monomerIndex]: continue # sequencesWithMonomer: ndarray of integer, shape (integer,), the # active sequence indexes that use this monomer in currentStep. sequencesWithMonomer = np.where( self._sequenceMonomers[ monomerIndex, self._activeSequencesIndexes, active_elongation ] )[0] nToCull = sequencesWithMonomer.size - monomerLimit if nToCull > 0: # assert nToCull > 0 # culledIndexes: ndarray of integer, shape (integer,), randomly # chosen sequences to cull due to the monomer's limit. culledIndexes = self._randomState.choice( sequencesWithMonomer, nToCull, replace=False ) sequencesToCull[culledIndexes] = True # Find and finalize reaction-limiting sequences if self._reactionIsLimiting: # sequencesWithReaction: ndarray of integer, shape (integer,), the # active sequence indexes not yet ruled out. sequencesWithReaction = np.where(~sequencesToCull)[0] nToCull = sequencesWithReaction.size - self._reactionLimit if nToCull > 0: # culledIndexes: ndarray of integer, shape (integer,), randomly # chosen sequences to cull to uphold reactionLimit. culledIndexes = self._randomState.choice( sequencesWithReaction, nToCull, replace=False ) sequencesToCull[culledIndexes] = True # Cull sequences self._activeSequencesIndexes = self._activeSequencesIndexes[~sequencesToCull] self.elongation_rates = self.elongation_rates[~sequencesToCull]
[docs] def _update_elongation_resource_demands(self): """ After updating the active sequences (initialization and culling), recalculate resource demands for the remaining steps given what sequences remain. """ self._maxElongation = self._sequenceLength - self._currentStep
# Finalization subroutines
[docs] def _finalize(self): """ Clean up iteration results. """ self._clamp_elongation_to_sequence_length() # sequences_limited_elongation: ndarray of bool, shape (num_sequences,), # mask indicating whether the sequences were actually elongated to the # max lengths expected from the current step self.sequences_limited_elongation = ( np.minimum(self._raw_elongation_rates, self._sequenceLength) != self.sequenceElongation )
[docs] def _clamp_elongation_to_sequence_length(self): """ A post-iteration clean-up operation. Restricts the elongation of a sequence to at most its total (unpadded) length. TODO: explain why we do this here instead of during each iteration """ self.sequenceElongation = np.fmin( self.sequenceElongation, self._sequenceLengths )