Special random number generators. Most are holdovers from the original port.
import numpy as np
def randCounts(randomState, counts, N):
counts = np.array(counts)
if counts.shape == ():
counts = counts.reshape(1)
if np.any(counts < 0) or counts.dtype != np.dtype(int):
raise Exception("counts must contain positive integers.")
if N < 0:
raise Exception("N must be positive.")
cumsumCounts = np.cumsum(counts)
positiveSelect = True
if N > cumsumCounts[-1]:
raise Exception("N must be at most the total available counts.")
if N == cumsumCounts[-1]:
return counts
elif N > cumsumCounts[-1] / 2:
positiveSelect = False
N = cumsumCounts[-1] - N
selectedCounts = np.zeros(np.shape(counts))
for i in range(N):
idx = np.ravel(
np.where(randomState.randi(cumsumCounts[-1]) + 1 <= cumsumCounts)
selectedCounts[idx] += 1
cumsumCounts[idx:] -= 1
if not positiveSelect:
selectedCounts = counts - selectedCounts
return selectedCounts
def stochasticRound(randomState, value):
# value = np.copy(valueToRound)
value = np.array(value)
valueShape = value.shape
valueRavel = np.ravel(value)
roundUp = randomState.rand(valueRavel.size) < (valueRavel % 1)
valueRavel[roundUp] = np.ceil(valueRavel[roundUp])
valueRavel[~roundUp] = np.floor(valueRavel[~roundUp])
if valueShape != () and len(valueShape) > 1:
return np.unravel_index(valueRavel, valueShape)
return valueRavel
def make_elongation_rates_flat(
size, base, amplified, ceiling, variable_elongation=False
# type: (int, int, np.ndarray, int, bool) -> np.ndarray
Create an array of rates where all values are at a base rate except for a set which
is at another rate.
size: size of new array of rates.
base: unadjusted value for all rates.
amplified: indexes of each rate to adjust.
ceiling: adjusted rate for amplified indexes.
variable_elongation: words go here.
rates: new array with base and adjusted rates.
rates = np.full(size, base)
if variable_elongation:
rates[amplified] = ceiling
return rates
def make_elongation_rates(
random, size, base, amplified, ceiling, time_step, variable_elongation=False
# type: (np.random.RandomState, int, int, np.ndarray, int, float, bool) -> np.ndarray
Create an array of rates where all values are at a base rate except for a set which
is at another rate. Also performs a stochastic rounding of values after applying the
provided time step.
random (RandomState): for generating random numbers.
size (int): size of new array of rates.
base (int): unadjusted value for all rates.
amplified (array[int]): indexes of each rate to adjust.
ceiling (int): adjusted rate for amplified indexes.
time_step (float): the current time step.
variable_elongation (bool): whether to add amplified values to the array.
array[int]: new array with lengths to extend for base and adjusted
rates multiplied by the time step
lengths = time_step * make_elongation_rates_flat(
size, base, amplified, ceiling, variable_elongation
if random:
lengths = stochasticRound(random, lengths)
lengths = np.round(lengths)
return lengths.astype(np.int64)
def randomlySelectRows(randomState, mat, prob):
nRndRows = randomState.stochasticRound(prob * np.shape(mat)[0])
return randomState.randomlySelectNRows(mat, nRndRows)
def randomlySelectNRows(randomState, mat, nRndRows=np.inf):
# mat = np.copy(matToChooseFrom)
rndIdxs = np.sort(
np.shape(mat)[0], np.min([np.shape(mat)[0], nRndRows]), False
mat = mat[rndIdxs, :]
return mat, rndIdxs