Source code for ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony.exploration

import os

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from ete3 import NodeStyle, TreeNode, TreeStyle

from ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony import COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR, restrict_data
from ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony.timeseries import plot_tag_snapshots

[docs] def plot_exp_growth_rate(data, metadata, highlight_agent_id): # Create two scatterplots of average doubling rate # against active ribosome concentration for cells in the first # and fourth hours of tetracycline exposure (3M) grouped_agents = data.groupby(["Condition", "Agent ID"]) new_data = [] for _, agent_data in grouped_agents: delta_t = np.diff(agent_data.loc[:, "Time"], append=0) # Ignore cells for which less than 10 timepoints of data exist # to avoid outliers from instability in first few timesteps if len(delta_t) < 10: continue delta_t[-1] = delta_t[-2] dry_mass = agent_data.loc[:, "Dry mass"] mass_ratio = dry_mass[1:].to_numpy() / dry_mass[:-1].to_numpy() mass_ratio = np.append(mass_ratio, mass_ratio[-1]) agent_data["Doubling rate"] = np.log2(mass_ratio) / delta_t * 3600 agent_data["active_ribo_concs"] = ( agent_data.loc[:, "Active ribosomes"] / agent_data.loc[:, "Volume"] * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 ) agent_data["active_rnap_concs"] = ( agent_data.loc[:, "Active RNAP"] / agent_data.loc[:, "Volume"] * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 ) agent_data["tet_concs"] = np.round( agent_data.loc[:, "Initial external tet."] * 1000, 3 ) new_data.append(agent_data) data = pd.concat(new_data) cmap = matplotlib.colormaps["Greys"] tet_min = data.loc[:, "tet_concs"].min() tet_max = data.loc[:, "tet_concs"].max() norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=1.5 * tet_min - 0.5 * tet_max, vmax=tet_max) tet_concs = data.loc[:, "tet_concs"].unique() palette = {tet_conc: cmap(norm(tet_conc)) for tet_conc in tet_concs} palette[3.375] = (0, 0.4, 1) time_boundaries = [(11550, 11550 + 3600), (26000 - 3600, 26002)] cols_to_plot = [ "active_ribo_concs", "active_rnap_concs", "Doubling rate", "tet_concs", "Agent ID", "Condition", ] ylim = (0, 1.45) xlim = (4, 26) for i, boundaries in enumerate(time_boundaries): time_filter = (data.loc[:, "Time"] >= boundaries[0]) & ( data.loc[:, "Time"] < boundaries[1] ) filtered_data = data.loc[time_filter, cols_to_plot] mean_data = filtered_data.groupby(["Condition", "Agent ID"]).mean() joint = sns.jointplot( data=mean_data, x="active_ribo_concs", y="Doubling rate", hue="tet_concs", palette=palette, marginal_kws={"common_norm": False}, joint_kws={"edgecolors": "face"}, ) ax = joint.ax_joint ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xlim(xlim) sns.despine(offset=0.1, trim=True, ax=ax) sns.despine(trim=True, ax=joint.ax_marg_x, left=True) sns.despine(trim=True, ax=joint.ax_marg_y, bottom=True) ax.set_xlabel("Active ribosomes (mM)", size=9) xticks = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25] ax.set_xticks(xticks, xticks, size=8) ax.legend().remove() if i == 0: ax.text(0.1, 0.9, "Tet. (\u03bcM)", size=8, transform=ax.transAxes) for conc_idx, (conc, color) in enumerate(palette.items()): ax.text( 0.1, 0.8 - 0.1 * conc_idx, conc, size=8, transform=ax.transAxes, c=color, ) ax.set_ylabel("Doubling rate (1/hr)", size=9) yticks = np.round(ax.get_yticks(), 1) ax.set_yticks(yticks, yticks, size=8) joint.ax_marg_x.set_title( r"$1^{\mathrm{st}}$ hr. post-tet.", size=9, pad=2, weight="bold" ) else: sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) joint.ax_marg_x.set_title( r"$4^{\mathrm{th}}$ hr. post-tet.", size=9, pad=2, weight="bold" ) joint.figure.set_size_inches(2.5, 2) plt.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/" + f"fig_3m_growth_rate_var_ribo_{i}.svg" ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure 3M.") # Plot snapshots with intervals of 1.3 hours of decrease in # instantaneous growth rate after tetracycline addition (3D) # Get log 2 fold change over mean glucose growth rate glucose_data = data.loc[data.loc[:, "Condition"] == "Glucose", :] mean_growth_rate = glucose_data.loc[:, "Doubling rate"].mean() fc_col = "Growth rate\n($\\mathregular{log_2}$ fold change)" data.loc[:, fc_col] = np.log2(data.loc[:, "Doubling rate"] / mean_growth_rate) # Only include data from glucose and tetracycline MIC data = data.loc[ np.isin(data.loc[:, "Condition"], ["Glucose", "Tetracycline (1.5 mg/L)"]), : ] # Set up custom divergent colormap highlight_agent_ids = [ highlight_agent_id[: i + 1] for i in range(len(highlight_agent_id)) ] highlight_agent = { agent_id: {"membrane_width": 0.5, "membrane_color": (0, 0.4, 1)} for agent_id in highlight_agent_ids } cmp = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "divergent", [(0.678, 0, 0.125), (1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 0)] ) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-2.5, vmax=2.5) fig = plot_tag_snapshots( data=data, metadata=metadata, tag_colors={fc_col: {"cmp": cmp, "norm": norm}}, snapshot_times=np.array([3.2, 4.5, 5.8, 7.1]) * 3600, show_membrane=True, return_fig=True, figsize=(6, 1.5), highlight_agent=highlight_agent, ) fig.axes[0].set_xticklabels( np.abs(np.round(fig.axes[0].get_xticks() / 3600 - 11550 / 3600, 1)) ) fig.axes[0].set_xlabel("Hours after tetracycline addition") os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) fig.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_3b_tet_snapshots.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() # Print ratio of final instantaneous doubling rate in tet. sim. vs glc. sim. data = restrict_data(data) final_ratios = data.loc[data.Time == 26000, "Doubling rate"] / mean_growth_rate print( f"Mean doubling rate at t=26000 of tet. vs glc. sim.: {final_ratios.mean()*100}%" ) print( f"Std. dev. doubling rate at t=26000 of tet. vs glc. sim.: {final_ratios.std()*100}%" )
[docs] def make_ete_trees(agent_ids): stem = os.path.commonprefix(list(agent_ids)) id_node_map = dict() sorted_agents = sorted(agent_ids) roots = [] for agent_id in sorted_agents: phylogeny_id = agent_id[len(stem) :] parent_phylo_id = phylogeny_id[:-1] if parent_phylo_id in id_node_map: parent = id_node_map[parent_phylo_id] child = parent.add_child(name=agent_id) else: child = TreeNode(name=agent_id) roots.append(child) id_node_map[phylogeny_id] = child return roots
[docs] def plot_ampc_phylo(data): data = restrict_data(data) agent_ids = data.loc[:, "Agent ID"].unique().tolist() final_agents = data.loc[data.loc[:, "Time"] == 26000, "Agent ID"].unique() dead_agents = [ agent_id for agent_id in agent_ids if (agent_id + "0" not in agent_ids) and (agent_id not in final_agents) ] trees = make_ete_trees(agent_ids) assert len(trees) == 1 tree = trees[0] # Set style for overall figure tstyle = TreeStyle() tstyle.show_scale = False tstyle.show_leaf_name = False tstyle.scale = None tstyle.optimal_scale_level = "full" tstyle.mode = "c" # Color nodes by AmpC concentration data["AmpC conc"] = ( data.loc[:, "AmpC monomer"] / (data.loc[:, "Volume"] * 0.2) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR ) cmp = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "blue", [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0.4, 1), (1, 1, 1)] ) ampc_concs = data[["AmpC conc", "Agent ID"]].groupby("Agent ID").mean().to_numpy() min_conc = ampc_concs.min() max_conc = ampc_concs.max() # norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=min_conc, vmax=max_conc) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_conc, vmax=max_conc) agent_data = data.groupby("Agent ID").mean() # Set styles for each node for node in tree.traverse(): nstyle = NodeStyle() nstyle["size"] = 20 nstyle["vt_line_width"] = 3 nstyle["hz_line_width"] = 3 nstyle["fgcolor"] = matplotlib.colors.to_hex( cmp(norm(agent_data.loc[, "AmpC conc"])) ) if in dead_agents: nstyle["bgcolor"] = "Gainsboro" node.set_style(nstyle) tstyle.scale = 10 tree.render( "out/analysis/paper_figures/ampc_phylo.svg", tree_style=tstyle, units="in", h=1.5, w=1.5, ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2, 0.25)) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.6) fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmp), cax=ax, orientation="horizontal", label="AmpC (periplasm, nM)", ) xticks = [int(np.round(min_conc, 1)), int(np.round(max_conc, 1))] ax.set_xticks(xticks, xticks, size=8) ax.set_xlabel(ax.get_xlabel(), size=8, labelpad=-7) fig.savefig("out/analysis/paper_figures/ampc_cbar.svg") plt.close() # Export Newick file for phylogenetic signal analysis tree.write(outfile="out/analysis/paper_figures/amp_tree.nw") agent_data.loc[tree.get_leaf_names(), :].to_csv( "out/analysis/paper_figures/agent_data.csv" )