Source code for ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony.metrics

import ast
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import variation

from ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony import COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR

GLUCOSE_DATA = "data/colony_data/sim_dfs/2022-12-08_00-35-28_562633+0000.csv"
TET_DATA = "data/colony_data/sim_dfs/2023-01-05_01-00-44_215314+0000.csv"
AMP_DATA = "data/colony_data/sim_dfs/2022-12-08_17-03-56_357734+0000.csv"

[docs] def calculate_glucose_metrics( data, out="out/analysis/paper_figures/metrics/glc_metrics.txt" ): metrics = {} max_time = data.Time.max() # get birth, end time for each agent agent_lifetimes = data.groupby("Agent ID").agg( birth_time=("Time", "min"), end_time=("Time", "max") ) # get lifetime for each agent, which generation it was in agent_lifetimes["gen_time"] = agent_lifetimes.end_time - agent_lifetimes.birth_time agent_lifetimes["generation"] = # get mean, std. dev generation time # exclude cells present at end of sim and those that died non_final_agent_lifetimes = agent_lifetimes[ [ (agent_id + "0" in agent_lifetimes.index) for agent_id in agent_lifetimes.index ] ] metrics["Mean doubling time"] = ( f"{non_final_agent_lifetimes.gen_time.mean() / 60} min" ) metrics["Std dev doubling time"] = ( f"{non_final_agent_lifetimes.gen_time.std() / 60} min" ) # get standard deviation in start time for each generation for g, stddev, cv in zip( range(agent_lifetimes.generation.min(), agent_lifetimes.generation.max()), agent_lifetimes.groupby("generation").birth_time.std(), agent_lifetimes.groupby("generation").birth_time.agg(variation), ): metrics[f"Standard deviation in start time of generation {g}"] = ( f"{stddev / 60} min" ) metrics[f"CV in start time of generation {g}"] = cv # Get average proportion of cell lifetime in which ompF, tolC, ampC, or marR mRNAs are ever zero def prop_zero(series): return (series.values == 0).mean() def all_zero(series): return all(series.values == 0) prop_lifetime_zero = ( data.groupby("Agent ID").agg( ompF=("ompF mRNA", prop_zero), tolC=("tolC mRNA", prop_zero), ampC=("ampC mRNA", prop_zero), marR=("marR mRNA", prop_zero), ) ).mean() prop_all_zero = ( data.groupby("Agent ID").agg( ompF=("ompF mRNA", all_zero), tolC=("tolC mRNA", all_zero), ampC=("ampC mRNA", all_zero), marR=("marR mRNA", all_zero), ) ).mean() for mrna in ["ompF", "tolC", "ampC", "marR"]: metrics[f"Average proportion of cell lifetime in which {mrna} mRNA is zero"] = ( prop_lifetime_zero[mrna] ) metrics[f"Proportion of cells in which {mrna} was always zero"] = prop_all_zero[ mrna ] # End-point expression monomers = ["OmpF monomer", "TolC monomer", "AmpC monomer", "MarR monomer"] endpoint_expression = variation(data[data.Time == max_time][monomers]) for i, monomer in enumerate(monomers): metrics[f"CV for endpoint count of {monomer}"] = endpoint_expression[i] # Output results with open(out, "w") as f: for metric, value in metrics.items(): f.write(f"{metric} = {value}\n")
[docs] def calculate_tet_metrics( data, out="out/analysis/paper_figures/metrics/tet_metrics.txt" ): metrics = {} min_time = data.Time.min() # Mean, std dev, CV in OmpF, AcrAB-TolC, active ribosome, micF-ompF duplex # concentrations when tet first added data_t0 = data[data.Time == min_time] for molecule, periplasmic in { "OmpF complex": True, "AcrAB-TolC": True, "Active ribosomes": False, "micF-ompF duplex": False, }.items(): molecule_t0 = ( ( data_t0[molecule] / ( ( PERIPLASMIC_VOLUME_FRACTION if periplasmic else 1 - PERIPLASMIC_VOLUME_FRACTION ) * data_t0["Volume"] ) ) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 10**3 ) metrics[ f"Mean {molecule} {'periplasmic' if periplasmic else 'cytoplasmic'} concentration at instant tet added (μM)" ] = molecule_t0.mean() metrics[ f"Std. dev. in {molecule} {'periplasmic' if periplasmic else 'cytoplasmic'} concentration at instant tet added (μM)" ] = molecule_t0.std() metrics[ f"CV in {molecule} {'periplasmic' if periplasmic else 'cytoplasmic'} concentration at instant tet added (μM)" ] = molecule_t0.std() / molecule_t0.mean() # Mean, std. dev., CV in outer membrane permeability when tet. first added om_perm = data.loc[data.Time == min_time, "Outer tet. permeability (cm/s)"] metrics["Mean OM perm. when tet. first added (nm/s)"] = om_perm.mean() * 1e7 metrics["Std. dev. OM perm. when tet. first added (nm/s)"] = om_perm.std() * 1e7 metrics["CV OM perm. when tet. first added"] = om_perm.std() / om_perm.mean() # Mean, std. dev., CV in outer membrane permeability 4 hours post-tet. om_perm = data.loc[ data.Time == min_time + 3600 * 4, "Outer tet. permeability (cm/s)" ] metrics["Mean OM perm. 4 hrs after tet. added (nm/s)"] = om_perm.mean() * 1e7 metrics["Std. dev. OM perm. 4 hrs after tet. added (nm/s)"] = om_perm.std() * 1e7 metrics["CV OM perm. 4 hrs after tet. added"] = om_perm.std() / om_perm.mean() # Mean, std. dev., CV in periplasmic tetracycline conc. 8 sec after tet. added peri_tet = data.loc[data.Time == min_time + 8, "Periplasmic tetracycline"] metrics[ "Mean periplasmic tetracycline concentration 8 sec. after tet. added (μM)" ] = peri_tet.mean() metrics[ "Std. dev. periplasmic tetracycline concentration 8 sec. after tet. added (μM)" ] = peri_tet.std() metrics["CV periplasmic tetracycline concentration 8 sec. after tet. added"] = ( peri_tet.std() / peri_tet.mean() ) # Time to reach equilbrium in periplasmic, cytoplasmic tet conc epsilon = 1e-7 DT = 2 # (Throwing away first few seconds to account for time to actually start importing tetracycline) discard = 5 metrics[ f"Periplasmic tet equilibration time (abs(d[Tet]) <= {epsilon * 10**6:.1e} nM) (seconds)" ] = ( ( np.abs( data[data["Time"] <= min_time + 2 * 60] .groupby("Time")["Periplasmic tetracycline"] .mean() .diff() ) < 1e-7 ) .values[discard:] .argmax() + discard ) * DT metrics[ f"Cytoplasmic tet equilibration time (abs(d[Tet]) <= {epsilon * 10**6:.1e} nM) (seconds)" ] = ( ( np.abs( data[data["Time"] <= min_time + 2 * 60] .groupby("Time")["Cytoplasmic tetracycline"] .mean() .diff() ) < 1e-7 ) .values[discard:] .argmax() + discard ) * DT # Mean, std. dev. ribosome concentration 2 minutes after tet added data_t2 = data[data.Time == data.Time.min() + 2 * 60] ribosomes_t2 = ( ( data_t2["Active ribosomes"] / ((1 - PERIPLASMIC_VOLUME_FRACTION) * data_t2["Volume"]) ) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 10**3 ) metrics["Mean ribosome concentration 2 mins after tet added (μM)"] = ( ribosomes_t2.mean() ) metrics["Std. dev. in ribosome concentration 2 mins after tet added (μM)"] = ( ribosomes_t2.std() ) # Mean, std. dev. in micF-ompF duplex concentration # 10 minutes after tet added data_t10 = data[data.Time == data.Time.min() + 10 * 60] micF_ompF_t10 = ( ( data_t10["micF-ompF duplex"] / ((1 - PERIPLASMIC_VOLUME_FRACTION) * data_t10["Volume"]) ) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 10**3 ) metrics["Mean micF-ompF duplex concentration 10 mins after tet added (μM)"] = ( micF_ompF_t10.mean() ) metrics[ "Std. dev. in micF-ompF duplex concentration 10 mins after tet added (μM)" ] = micF_ompF_t10.std() # "Half-life" of ompF monomer, mRNA data["OmpF monomer conc"] = ( data["OmpF monomer"] / (PERIPLASMIC_VOLUME_FRACTION * data.Volume) ) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR data["ompF mRNA conc"] = ( data["ompF mRNA"] / (PERIPLASMIC_VOLUME_FRACTION * data.Volume) ) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR ompf_monomer_trace = data.groupby("Time")["OmpF monomer conc"].mean() ompf_mRNA_trace = data.groupby("Time")["ompF mRNA conc"].mean() metrics["OmpF monomer half-life (min)"] = ( np.argmin(np.abs(ompf_monomer_trace - ompf_monomer_trace[min_time] / 2)) * DT / 60 ) metrics["ompF mRNA half-life (min)"] = ( np.argmin(np.abs(ompf_mRNA_trace - ompf_mRNA_trace[min_time] / 2)) * DT / 60 ) # Output results with open(out, "w") as f: for metric, value in metrics.items(): f.write(f"{metric} = {value}\n")
[docs] def calculate_amp_metrics( data, out="out/analysis/paper_figures/metrics/amp_metrics.txt" ): metrics = {} min_time = data.Time.min() data_t60 = data[data.Time == min_time + 60] # Mean, std. dev., CV in AmpC concentration 1 min. post-amp. ampc_data = ( data_t60["AmpC monomer"] / (data_t60["Volume"] * PERIPLASMIC_VOLUME_FRACTION) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 ) metrics["Mean AmpC when amp. first added (μM)"] = ampc_data.mean() metrics["Std. dev. AmpC when amp. first added (μM)"] = ampc_data.std() metrics["CV AmpC when amp. first added"] = ampc_data.std() / ampc_data.mean() # Mean, std. dev., CV in ampicillin 1 min. post-amp. amp_conc = data_t60["Periplasmic ampicillin"] metrics["Mean amp. 1 min after amp. added (μM)"] = amp_conc.mean() * 1000 metrics["Std. dev. amp. 1 min after amp. added (μM)"] = amp_conc.std() * 1000 metrics["CV amp. 1 min after amp. added"] = amp_conc.std() / amp_conc.mean() # Mean, std. dev., CV in PBP1A active frac. 1 min. post-amp. pbp1a = data_t60["Active fraction PBP1a"] metrics["Mean PBP1A active frac. 1 min after amp. added"] = pbp1a.mean() metrics["Std. dev. PBP1A active frac. 1 min after amp. added"] = pbp1a.std() metrics["CV PBP1A active frac. 1 min after amp. added"] = pbp1a.std() / pbp1a.mean() # Mean, std. dev., CV in PBP1B active frac. 1 min. post-amp. pbp1b = data_t60["Active fraction PBP1b"] metrics["Mean PBP1B active frac. 1 min after amp. added"] = pbp1b.mean() metrics["Std. dev. PBP1B active frac. 1 min after amp. added"] = pbp1b.std() metrics["CV PBP1B active frac. 1 min after amp. added"] = pbp1b.std() / pbp1b.mean() # Mean, std. dev., CV in ampicillin 15 min. post-amp. amp_conc = data.loc[data.Time == min_time + 60 * 15, "Periplasmic ampicillin"] metrics["Mean amp. 15 min after amp. added (μM)"] = amp_conc.mean() * 1000 metrics["Std. dev. amp. 15 min after amp. added (μM)"] = amp_conc.std() * 1000 metrics["CV amp. 15 min after amp. added"] = amp_conc.std() / amp_conc.mean() # Output results with open(out, "w") as f: for metric, value in metrics.items(): f.write(f"{metric} = {value}\n")
[docs] def main(): os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/metrics/", exist_ok=True) print("Calculating glucose metrics...") glc_data = pd.read_csv( GLUCOSE_DATA, dtype={"Agent ID": str, "Seed": str}, index_col=0 ) glc_data["Boundary"] = glc_data["Boundary"].apply(ast.literal_eval) calculate_glucose_metrics(glc_data) del glc_data print("Calculating tetracycline metrics...") tet_data = pd.read_csv(TET_DATA, dtype={"Agent ID": str, "Seed": str}, index_col=0) tet_data["Boundary"] = tet_data["Boundary"].apply(ast.literal_eval) calculate_tet_metrics(tet_data) del tet_data print("Calculating ampicillin metrics...") amp_data = pd.read_csv(AMP_DATA, dtype={"Agent ID": str, "Seed": str}, index_col=0) amp_data["Boundary"] = amp_data["Boundary"].apply(ast.literal_eval) calculate_amp_metrics(amp_data) del amp_data
if __name__ == "__main__": main()