Source code for ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony.plot

Script to make majority of figures in paper.
Before running, extract in the "data" folder.
Mapping between filenames in "colony_data/sim_dfs" folder and
simulation conditions in ecoli/analysis/antibiotics_colony/
The __init__ file also constructs a dictionary of all columns in the saved
CSV files (and gives their paths in the simulation store hierarchy).

Refer to these other scripts for the code to create remaining figures:
    - ecoli/analysis/antibiotics_colony/subgen_gene_plots/
        - counts for Fig. 1B
            - Run with "--data data/colony_data/glc_10000_expressome.csv"
        - create Fig. 1B
    - ecoli/analysis/antibiotics_colony/ Fig. 2E-F
        - Run with "--local data/colony_data/2022-12-08_00-35-28_562633+0000.csv"
    - ecoli/analysis/antibiotics_colony/ Fig. 3E
    - ecoli/analysis/antibiotics_colony/ Fig. 4D-J, L
        - Run with "--glc_data data/colony_data/2022-12-08_00-33-56_581605+0000.csv"
          and "--amp_data data/colony_data/2022-12-08_17-03-56_357734+0000.csv"
    - ecoli/analysis/antibiotics_colony/ Fig. S4
        - Run with "data/colony_data/sim_dfs/2022-12-08_00-35-28_562633+0000.csv"
        - Repeat with CSV files for other two baseline glucose simulations
          to get all Moran's I and p-values in Table S1
    - ecoli/analysis/ Fig. S2A
        - Run with "--avg_data data/colony_data/glc_10000_proteome_avgs.csv"
    - ecoli/analysis/ Fig. S2B
        - Run with "--numpy_data data/colony_data/glc_10000_fluxome.csv" and
          "--sim_df data/colony_data/2022-12-08_00-35-28_562633+0000.csv"

import ast
import argparse
import os
from itertools import combinations
import json
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.constants import N_A
from scipy.stats import spearmanr
import seaborn as sns
from typing import Any
from vivarium.library.dict_utils import deep_merge

from ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony import (
from ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony.exploration import (
from ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony.timeseries import (
from ecoli.analysis.antibiotics_colony.validation import (

[docs] def make_figure_1a(data, metadata): # Generational (ompF) vs sub-generational (marR) expression columns_to_plot = { "ompF mRNA": "0.4", "marR mRNA": (0, 0.4, 1), "OmpF monomer": "0.4", "MarR monomer": (0, 0.4, 1), } fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex="col", figsize=(6, 6)) axes = np.ravel(axes) # Arbitrarily pick a surviving agent to plot trace of highlight_agent = "011001001" print(f"Highlighted agent: {highlight_agent}") plot_timeseries( data=data, axes=axes, columns_to_plot=columns_to_plot, highlight_lineage=highlight_agent, background_lineages=False, ) axes[0].set_xlabel(None) axes[1].set_xlabel(None) # Put gene name on top and remove superfluous axes labels gene_1 = axes[0].get_ylabel().split(" ")[0] gene_2 = axes[1].get_ylabel().split(" ")[0] axes[0].set_ylabel("mRNA\n(counts)") axes[2].set_ylabel("Monomer\n(counts)") axes[0].set_title(f"Exponential: {gene_1}", fontsize=10) axes[1].set_title(f"Sub-generational: {gene_2}", fontsize=10) axes[0].yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.3, 0.5) axes[2].yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.3, 0.5) axes[1].yaxis.label.set_visible(False) axes[3].yaxis.label.set_visible(False) axes[0].xaxis.set_visible(False) axes[0].spines.bottom.set_visible(False) axes[1].xaxis.set_visible(False) axes[1].spines.bottom.set_visible(False) for ax in axes: [item.set_fontsize(8) for item in ax.get_xticklabels()] [item.set_fontsize(8) for item in ax.get_yticklabels()] ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(9) ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(9) ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.2) ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="major") fig.set_size_inches(4, 3) plt.draw() plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.3) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig( f"out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_1a_{highlight_agent}.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure 1A.")
[docs] def make_figure_s3a(data, metadata): # Doubling time histogram vs literature doubling_times = [] grouped_data = data.groupby(["Seed"]) for condition, condition_data in grouped_data: agent_ids = condition_data.loc[:, "Agent ID"].unique() grouped_agents = condition_data.groupby(["Agent ID"]) for agent, agent_data in grouped_agents: # Exclude cells alive at final time point because they # have not completed their cell cycle. Also exclude cells # that died prematurely from cell wall defects if agent + "0" in agent_ids: doubling_time = ( agent_data.loc[:, "Time"].max() - agent_data.loc[:, "Time"].min() ) doubling_times.append(doubling_time) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2, 2)) # Literature doubling time = 44 minutes (10.1128/jb.119.1.270-281.1974) ax.vlines(44, 0, 150, colors=["tab:orange"]) ax.text( 45, 150, "experiment\n\u03c4 = 44 min.", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="left", c="tab:orange", fontsize=8, ) doubling_times = np.array(doubling_times) / 60 ax.hist(doubling_times) ax.set_xlabel("Doubling time (min)") ax.set_ylabel("# of simulated cells") ax.set_ylim() sim_avg = doubling_times.mean() ax.vlines(sim_avg, ax.get_ylim()[0], 100, linestyles=["dashed"], colors=["k"]) ax.text( sim_avg + 2, 100, f"simulation\n\u03c4 = {np.round(sim_avg, 1)} min.", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="left", c="tab:blue", fontsize=8, ) ax.spines.right.set_visible(False) plt.tight_layout() os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s3a_doubling_time.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure S3A.")
[docs] def make_figure_2a(data, metadata): # Snapshots of colony at 1.8 hour increments with environmental # glucose concentration colored and a single lineage highlighted # in blue final_timestep = data.loc[data.loc[:, "Time"] == MAX_TIME, :] agent_ids = final_timestep.loc[:, "Agent ID"] # Arbitrarily select a lineage to highlight highlight_agent = agent_ids[100] print(f"Highlighted agent: {highlight_agent}") plot_field_snapshots( data=data, metadata=metadata, highlight_lineage=highlight_agent, highlight_color=(0, 0.4, 1), min_pct=0.8, colorbar_decimals=2, ) print("Done with Figure 2A.")
[docs] def make_figure_2b_d(data, metadata): # Timeseries of dry mass and mRNA/protein concentrations for # OmpF, TolC, AmpC, and MarR with highlighted lineage in blue # Use same highlighted agent as in Figure 2A final_timestep = data.loc[data.loc[:, "Time"] == MAX_TIME, :] agent_ids = final_timestep.loc[:, "Agent ID"] highlight_agent = agent_ids[100] print(f"Highlighted agent: {highlight_agent}") # Set up subplot layout for timeseries plots fig = plt.figure() gs = fig.add_gridspec(3, 4) axes = [fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :])] for i in range(4): axes.append(fig.add_subplot(gs[2, i])) for i in range(4): axes.append(fig.add_subplot(gs[1, i], sharex=axes[i + 1])) columns_to_plot = { "Dry mass": (0, 0.4, 1), } plot_timeseries( data=data, axes=axes, columns_to_plot=columns_to_plot, highlight_lineage=highlight_agent, ) columns_to_plot = { "OmpF monomer": (0, 0.4, 1), "TolC monomer": (0, 0.4, 1), "AmpC monomer": (0, 0.4, 1), "MarR monomer": (0, 0.4, 1), "ompF mRNA": (0, 0.4, 1), "tolC mRNA": (0, 0.4, 1), "ampC mRNA": (0, 0.4, 1), "marR mRNA": (0, 0.4, 1), } # Use periplasmic volume for proteins that localize to periplasm # or outer membrane periplasmic = ["OmpF monomer", "AmpC monomer", "TolC monomer"] for column in columns_to_plot: if column in periplasmic: data.loc[:, column] /= data.loc[:, "Volume"] * 0.2 else: data.loc[:, column] /= data.loc[:, "Volume"] * 0.8 data.loc[:, column] *= COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR monomer_cols = list(columns_to_plot)[:4] # Convert monomer concentrations to uM data.loc[:, monomer_cols] /= 1000 plot_timeseries( data=data, axes=axes[1:], columns_to_plot=columns_to_plot, highlight_lineage=highlight_agent, ) # Add more regularly spaced tick marks to dry mass timeseries time_ticks = axes[0].get_xticks() new_ticks = np.arange(1, np.ceil(time_ticks[1]), 1).astype(int) # No need for tick at 7 since final tick is 7.2 new_ticks = new_ticks[new_ticks != 7].tolist() time_ticks = [0] + new_ticks + [time_ticks[1]] axes[0].set_xticks(ticks=time_ticks, labels=time_ticks) # Put gene name on top and remove superfluous axes labels gene = axes[1].get_ylabel().split(" ")[0] axes[0].set_ylabel("Dry mass (fg)") axes[5].set_title(gene, fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") axes[5].set_ylabel("mRNA (nM)") axes[1].set_ylabel("Protein (\u03bcM)") for i in range(2, 5): gene = axes[i].get_ylabel().split(" ")[0] axes[i].yaxis.label.set_visible(False) axes[4 + i].set_title(gene, fontsize=12, fontweight="bold") axes[4 + i].yaxis.label.set_visible(False) for ax in axes[5:]: ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.spines.bottom.set_visible(False) for ax in axes: [item.set_fontsize(8) for item in ax.get_xticklabels()] [item.set_fontsize(8) for item in ax.get_yticklabels()] ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(10) ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(10) ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="major") fig.set_size_inches(7, 4) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2, wspace=0.3) for ax in axes[1:]: ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.3) left, bottom, width, height = ax.get_position().bounds ax.set_position((left, bottom - 0.15, width, height)) left, bottom, width, height = axes[0].get_position().bounds axes[0].set_position((left, bottom + 0.03, width, height)) axes[0].xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.3) axes[0].yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.09, 0.5) axes[5].yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.5, 0.5) axes[1].yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.5, 0.5) # Prettify axes (moving axis titles in to save space) for ax in axes[1:5]: xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ax.set_xticks([(xmin + xmax) / 2], labels=[ax.get_xlabel()], minor=True) ax.set_xlabel(None) ax.tick_params( which="minor", width=0, length=ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks()[0].get_tick_padding(), labelsize=10, ) # Calculate average monomer concentrations per cell then # average across all cell average_agent_data = data.groupby("Agent ID").mean().mean() # Use average simulated volume to calculate literature concentrations volume = average_agent_data["Volume"] # 10.1016/j.cell.2014.02.033: absolute monomer counts # for MG1655 grown in MOPS minimal media + glucose lit_protein_concs = { "OmpF monomer": 71798, "TolC monomer": 3141, "AmpC monomer": 132, "MarR monomer": 20, } orange = (1, 100 / 255, 0) for ax, monomer in zip(axes[1:5], lit_protein_concs): monomer_vol = volume * 0.2 if monomer in periplasmic else volume * 0.8 monomer_conc = ( lit_protein_concs[monomer] / monomer_vol * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 ) print(monomer, monomer_conc, monomer_vol) ax.scatter( MAX_TIME / 3600 + 0.3, monomer_conc, c=orange, marker="_", clip_on=False ) ax.scatter( MAX_TIME / 3600 + 0.3, average_agent_data[monomer], c=(0, 0.4, 1), marker="_", clip_on=False, ) ax.scatter( MAX_TIME / 3600 + 0.5, monomer_conc, c=orange, marker="o", clip_on=False, s=20, ) ax.scatter( MAX_TIME / 3600 + 0.5, average_agent_data[monomer], c=(0, 0.4, 1), marker="o", clip_on=False, s=20, ) # 10.1126/science.abk2066: mRNA fractions (concentration over # total mRNA concentration) from K-12 strain NCM3722 in glucose # minimal medium (2 biological replicates) lit_mrna_concs = { "ompF mRNA": (8.57e-03, 8.08e-03), "tolC mRNA": (3.21e-04, 3.06e-04), "ampC mRNA": (6.55e-06, 7.09e-06), "marR mRNA": (7.88e-06, 7.13e-06), } mrna_counts = json.load(open("data/colony_data/glc_10000_total_mrna.json", "r")) # Exclude cells from end of simulation and cells that died because they # did not complete their normal cell cycle (inaccurate average mRNA count) exclude_cells = data.loc[data["Time"] == MAX_TIME, "Agent ID"].tolist() cracked_cells = data.loc[data["Wall cracked"], "Agent ID"].unique() unique_agents = data["Agent ID"].unique().tolist() for cracked_agent in cracked_cells: if cracked_agent + "0" not in unique_agents: exclude_cells.append(cracked_agent) complete_mrna_counts = [ mrna_count for agent, mrna_count in mrna_counts.items() if agent not in exclude_cells ] average_mrna_count = np.mean(complete_mrna_counts) for ax, mrna in zip(axes[5:], lit_mrna_concs): mrna_vol = volume * 0.8 mrna_conc = ( np.mean(lit_mrna_concs[mrna]) * average_mrna_count / mrna_vol * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR ) print(mrna, mrna_conc, mrna_vol) ax.scatter( MAX_TIME / 3600 + 0.3, mrna_conc, c=orange, marker="_", clip_on=False ) ax.scatter( MAX_TIME / 3600 + 0.3, average_agent_data[mrna], c=(0, 0.4, 1), marker="_", clip_on=False, ) ax.scatter( MAX_TIME / 3600 + 0.5, mrna_conc, c=orange, marker="o", clip_on=False, s=20 ) ax.scatter( MAX_TIME / 3600 + 0.5, average_agent_data[mrna], c=(0, 0.4, 1), marker="o", clip_on=False, s=20, ) # Bring back disappearing y ticks for ax in axes: yticks = ax.get_yticks() ax.set_yticks(yticks, yticks.astype(int)) # Get fractional upper limit for MarR monomer expression marR_max = np.round(data.loc[:, "MarR monomer"].max(), 1) axes[4].set_ylim([0, marR_max]) axes[4].set_yticks([0, marR_max], [0, marR_max], fontsize=8) axes[4].spines.left.set_bounds([0, marR_max]) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_2b_d_timeseries.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure 2B-D.")
[docs] def make_figure_s1(data, metadata): # Make plots describing glucose depletion from environment # Convert glucose uptake to units of mmol / g DCW / hr exchange_data = data.loc[:, ["Dry mass", "Exchanges"]] glc_flux = exchange_data.apply( lambda x: x["Exchanges"]["GLC[p]"] / N_A * 1000 / (x["Dry mass"] * 1e-15) / 2 * 3600, axis=1, ) data["Glucose intake"] = -glc_flux grouped_data = data.groupby("Agent ID").mean() print( "Mean glucose intake (mmol/g DCW/hr): " + str(grouped_data.loc[:, "Glucose intake"].mean()) ) print( "Std. dev. glucose intake (mmol/g DCW/hr): " + str(grouped_data.loc[:, "Glucose intake"].std()) ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3)) sns.histplot( grouped_data.loc[:, "Glucose intake"], color=(0, 0.4, 1), ax=ax, linewidth=1 ) ax.set_xlabel("Glucose intake\n(mmol/g DCW/hr)", fontsize=10) ax.set_ylabel("Simulated cells", fontsize=10) ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks(), ax.get_xticks().astype(int), fontsize=10) ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks(), ax.get_yticks().astype(int), fontsize=10) plt.tight_layout() os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s1a_glc_intake.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure S1A.") # Cross-section of environmental glucose concentration field_data = metadata["Glucose"][10000]["fields"] xticks = np.arange(0, 50, 5) xcoords = xticks + 2.5 sample_times = [10400, 15600, 20800, 26000] cmap = matplotlib.colormaps["Greys"] norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=26000) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3)) for sample_time in sample_times: cross_sec = np.array((field_data[sample_time]["GLC[p]"])).T[4] color = cmap(norm(sample_time)) ax.plot(xcoords, cross_sec, c=color) ax.scatter(xcoords, cross_sec, c=color) ax.text( 51, cross_sec.mean(), f"{np.round(sample_time/3600, 1)} hr", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="center", c=color, ) ax.set_xlabel("Distance from left edge\nof environment (\u03bcm)") ax.set_ylabel("Cross-sectional glucose (mM)") xticks = np.append(xticks, 50).astype(int) ax.set_xticks(xticks) plt.savefig("out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s1b_env_cross.svg", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() print("Done with Figure S1B.")
[docs] def make_figure_s5(data, metadata): # Perform linear regression on average per-cell protein expression for # all possible pairs of the four antibiotic resistance genes data = restrict_data(data) monomers = ["OmpF monomer", "AmpC monomer", "TolC monomer", "MarR monomer"] data.loc[:, monomers] = ( data.loc[:, monomers].divide(data.loc[:, "Volume"], axis=0) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 ) avg_concs = data.loc[:, monomers + ["Agent ID"]].groupby("Agent ID").mean() new_colnames = {col: col + " (\u03bcM)" for col in monomers} avg_concs.rename(columns=new_colnames, inplace=True) g = sns.pairplot(avg_concs, kind="reg", corner=True) combos = list(combinations(new_colnames.values(), 2)) plot_xvars = np.array(g.x_vars) plot_yvars = np.array(g.y_vars) for monomer_1, monomer_2 in combos: # Add Spearman R and p-value to corner of each plot r, p = spearmanr(avg_concs[monomer_1], avg_concs[monomer_2]) adj_p = p * len(combos) adj_p = min(adj_p, 1) x_idx = np.where(plot_xvars == monomer_1)[0][0] y_idx = np.where(plot_yvars == monomer_2)[0][0] if x_idx > y_idx: x_idx = np.where(plot_xvars == monomer_2)[0][0] y_idx = np.where(plot_yvars == monomer_1)[0][0] ax = g.axes[y_idx, x_idx] ax.text( s=f"r = {np.round(r, 2)}", y=1, x=1, ha="right", va="top", transform=ax.transAxes, ) if adj_p < 0.05: ax.text( s=f"p = {np.format_float_scientific(adj_p, 1)}*", y=0.9, x=1, ha="right", va="top", transform=ax.transAxes, weight="bold", ) else: ax.text( s=f"p = {np.format_float_scientific(adj_p, 1)}", y=0.9, x=1, ha="right", va="top", transform=ax.transAxes, ) print( f"{monomer_1} vs. {monomer_2}: r = {r}," f" Bonferroni corrected p = {adj_p}" ) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig("out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s5_supp_protein_pairplot.svg") plt.close() print("Done with Figure S5.")
[docs] def make_figure_s3b(data, metadata): # Plot std. dev. in average birth time of cells for each generation agent_data = data.groupby("Agent ID") start_times = [] for agent_id, agent in agent_data: # Exclude final generation of cells because not all cells in the prior # generation had finished dividing if len(agent_id) > 9: continue start_times.append((len(agent_id), agent["Time"].min())) start_times = pd.DataFrame(start_times) start_times.rename(columns={0: "Generation", 1: "Start time (s)"}, inplace=True) std_start_times = start_times.groupby("Generation").std() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2, 2)) ax.scatter(std_start_times.index, std_start_times["Start time (s)"], c="k") ax.set_xlabel("Generation", fontsize=9) ax.set_ylabel("Birth time std. dev. (s)", fontsize=9) ax.set_xticks(range(2, 10), range(2, 10), fontsize=8) ax.set_yticks(range(0, 600, 100), range(0, 600, 100), fontsize=8) sns.despine(ax=ax, trim=True, offset=3) ax.set_xticks(range(2, 10), range(2, 10), fontsize=8) ax.set_yticks(range(0, 600, 100), range(0, 600, 100), fontsize=8) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s3b_birth_time_std_dev.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure S3B.")
[docs] def make_figure_3l(data, metadata): # Plot total colony mass traces for all tested tetracycline concs. fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2.1, 2.35)) plot_colony_growth(data, ax) offset_time = SPLIT_TIME / 3600 min_time = np.round(-offset_time, 1) max_time = np.round(MAX_TIME / 3600 - offset_time, 1) ticks = [min_time, 0, int(max_time)] ax.set_xticks(np.array(ticks) + offset_time, ticks, size=8) ax.spines["bottom"].set_bounds(0, MAX_TIME / 3600) ax.spines["left"].set_bounds(ax.get_ylim()) ax.set_xlabel("Hours after tet. addition", size=9) ax.set_ylabel("Colony mass (fg)", size=9) yticklabels = [f"$10^{int(exp)}$" for exp in np.log10(ax.get_yticks())] ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks(), yticklabels, size=9) plt.tight_layout() os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) fig.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_3l_tet_colony_mass.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure 3L.")
[docs] def make_figure_3d_and_3m(data, metadata): # Plot snapshots with intervals of 1.3 hours of decrease in # instantaneous growth rate after tetracycline addition (3D) # Also, create two scatterplots of average doubling rate # against active ribosome concentration for cells in the first # and fourth hours of tetracycline exposure (3M) data = data.loc[data.loc[:, "Time"] <= MAX_TIME, :] data = data.sort_values(["Condition", "Agent ID", "Time"]) # Draw blue border around highlighted agent lineage highlight_agent_id = "0011111" plot_exp_growth_rate(data, metadata, highlight_agent_id) plt.close() print("Done with Figure 3D.")
[docs] def make_figure_3f_h(data, metadata): # Timeseries traces of tetracycline and active ribosome # concentrations in minutes surrounding tet. addition # Filter data to only include 150 seconds before and after glucose_mask = ( (data.loc[:, "Time"] >= 11400) & (data.loc[:, "Time"] <= SPLIT_TIME) & (data.loc[:, "Condition"] == "Glucose") ) tet_mask = ( (data.loc[:, "Time"] >= SPLIT_TIME) & (data.loc[:, "Time"] <= 11700) & (data.loc[:, "Condition"] == "Tetracycline (1.5 mg/L)") ) transition_data = data.loc[glucose_mask | tet_mask, :] # Convert tetracycline concentrations to uM transition_data.loc[:, "Periplasmic tetracycline"] *= 1000 transition_data.loc[:, "Cytoplasmic tetracycline"] *= 1000 # Convert to concentration using cytoplasmic volume transition_data.loc[:, "Active ribosomes"] /= transition_data.loc[:, "Volume"] * 0.8 # Convert all concentrations to uM transition_data.loc[:, "Active ribosomes"] *= COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 transition_data.rename( columns={ "Periplasmic tetracycline": "Tetracycline\n(periplasm)", "Cytoplasmic tetracycline": "Tetracycline\n(cytoplasm)", "Active ribosomes": "Active\nribosomes", }, inplace=True, ) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(5, 1.5)) short_term_columns = { "Tetracycline\n(periplasm)": 0, "Tetracycline\n(cytoplasm)": 1, "Active\nribosomes": 2, } for column, ax_idx in short_term_columns.items(): plot_timeseries( data=transition_data, axes=[axes.flat[ax_idx]], columns_to_plot={column: (0, 0.4, 1)}, highlight_lineage="0011111", filter_time=False, background_alpha=0.5, background_linewidth=0.3, ) for ax in axes.flat: ylim = ax.get_ylim() yticks = np.round(ylim, 0).astype(int) ax.set_yticks(yticks, yticks, size=9) ax.set_xlabel(None) # Mark minutes since tetracycline addition ax.set_xticks( ticks=[ 11430 / 3600, 11490 / 3600, 11550 / 3600, 11610 / 3600, 11670 / 3600, ], labels=[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2], size=9, ) ax.spines.bottom.set( bounds=(11400 / 3600, 11700 / 3600), linewidth=1, visible=True, color=(0, 0, 0), alpha=1, ) ylabel = ax.get_ylabel() ax.set_ylabel(None) ax.set_title(ylabel, size=9) axes.flat[0].set_ylabel("\u03bcM", size=9, labelpad=0) axes.flat[1].set_xlabel("Minutes after tetracycline addition", size=9) # Ensure that active ribosomes plot starts at y = 0 axes.flat[-1].set_ylim(0, axes.flat[-1].get_ylim()[1]) new_yticks = [0, axes.flat[-1].get_yticks()[-1]] axes.flat[-1].set_yticks(new_yticks, new_yticks) axes.flat[-1].spines["left"].set_bounds(new_yticks) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.99, top=0.8, bottom=0.3, wspace=0.35) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) fig.savefig("out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_3f_h_tet_short_term.svg") plt.close() print("Done with Figure 3F-H.")
[docs] def make_figure_3i_k(data, metadata): # Timeseries traces of micF-ompF duplex, ompF mRNA, and OmpF monomer # concentrations in hours surrounding tetracycline addition # Filter data to include glucose for first 11550 seconds and # tetracycline data for remainder of simulation long_transition_data = restrict_data(data) long_term_columns = { "micF-ompF duplex": 0, "ompF mRNA": 1, "OmpF monomer": 2, } # Use periplasmic volume for OmpF monomer because it localizes # to outer membrane periplasmic = ["OmpF monomer"] for column in long_term_columns: if column in periplasmic: long_transition_data.loc[:, column] /= ( long_transition_data.loc[:, "Volume"] * 0.2 ) else: long_transition_data.loc[:, column] /= ( long_transition_data.loc[:, "Volume"] * 0.8 ) # Convert all concentrations to uM long_transition_data.loc[:, column] *= COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(5, 1.5)) for column, ax_idx in long_term_columns.items(): plot_timeseries( data=long_transition_data, axes=[axes.flat[ax_idx]], columns_to_plot={column: (0, 0.4, 1)}, highlight_lineage="0011111", filter_time=False, background_alpha=0.5, background_linewidth=0.3, ) split_hours = SPLIT_TIME / 3600 rounded_split_hours = np.round(split_hours, 1) for ax in axes.flat: ylim = ax.get_ylim() yticks = np.round(ylim, 0).astype(int) ax.set_yticks(yticks, yticks, size=9) # Mark hours since tetracycline addition xlim = np.array(ax.get_xlim()) xticks = np.append(xlim, split_hours) xtick_labels = np.trunc(xticks - split_hours).astype(int).tolist() xtick_labels = [ label if label != int(-split_hours) else -rounded_split_hours for label in xtick_labels ] ax.set_xticks(ticks=xticks, labels=xtick_labels, size=9) ax.set_xlabel(None) ax.spines.bottom.set( bounds=(0, MAX_TIME / 3600), linewidth=1, visible=True, color=(0, 0, 0), alpha=1, ) ylabel = ax.get_ylabel() ax.set_ylabel(None) ax.set_title(ylabel, size=9, pad=12) axes.flat[0].set_ylabel("\u03bcM", size=9, labelpad=-6) fig.supxlabel("Hours after tetracycline addition", size=9) # Ensure that OmpF monomer plot starts at y = 0 for i in range(2): y_max = np.round(axes.flat[i].get_ylim()[-1], 2) new_yticks = [0, y_max] axes.flat[i].set_yticks(new_yticks, new_yticks) axes.flat[i].spines["left"].set_bounds(new_yticks) axes.flat[-1].set_ylim(0, axes.flat[-1].get_ylim()[1]) new_yticks = [0, axes.flat[-1].get_yticks()[-1]] axes.flat[-1].set_yticks(new_yticks, new_yticks) axes.flat[-1].spines["left"].set_bounds(new_yticks) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.99, top=0.8, bottom=0.3, wspace=0.35) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) fig.savefig("out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_3i_k_tet_long_term.svg") plt.close() print("Done with Figure 3I-K.")
[docs] def make_figure_s6b(data, metadata): # Scatter plot of simulated and measured mRNA fold changes # after exposure to 1.5 mg/L tetracycline. acrA, acrB, tolC # genes highlighted in blue genes_to_plot = DE_GENES.loc[:, "Gene name"] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3, 3)) genes = ["acrA", "acrB", "tolC"] highlight_genes = {gene: (0, 0.4, 1) for gene in genes} plot_mrna_fc(data, ax, genes_to_plot, highlight_genes=highlight_genes) ax.spines["left"].set_bounds((-1, 1.5)) ax.set_yticks([-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5]) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) fig.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s6b_tet_gene_exp.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure S6B.")
[docs] def make_figure_s6a(data, metadata): # Dose-response curve for protein synthesis inhibition in model # and real cells # Jenner et al. 2013: 10.1073/pnas.1216691110 jenner = pd.read_csv("data/colony_data/jenner_2013.csv", header=None).rename( columns={0: "Tetracycline", 1: "Percent inhibition"} ) jenner["Source"] = ["Jenner et al. 2013"] * len(jenner) jenner.loc[:, "Percent inhibition"] = 100 - (jenner.loc[:, "Percent inhibition"]) # Olson et al. 2006: 10.1128/AAC.01499-05 olson = pd.read_csv("data/colony_data/olson_2006.csv", header=None).rename( columns={0: "Tetracycline", 1: "Percent inhibition"} ) olson["Source"] = ["Olson et al. 2006"] * len(olson) literature = pd.concat([jenner, olson]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3, 3)) plot_protein_synth_inhib(data, ax, literature) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=1, bottom=0.25, left=0.2, right=1) ax.set_xlabel("Tetracycline (\u03bcM)", size=10) ax.set_ylabel("Protein synthesis inhibition (%)", size=10) ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=10) ax.spines["bottom"].set_bounds((0.08, 300)) children = ax.get_children() for i in [4, 5, 6]: children[i].set_fontsize(10) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s6a_protein_synth_inhib.svg", bbox_inches="tight", ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure S6A.")
[docs] def make_figure_s7(data, metadata): # Decrease in outer membrane permeability but increase in # cytoplasmic tetracycline and decreased AcrAB-TolC conc. data = restrict_data(data) data["Time"] -= SPLIT_TIME column = "Outer tet. permeability (cm/s)" # Convert permeability to nm / s for readability data[column] *= 1e7 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3)) plot_timeseries( data=data, axes=[ax], columns_to_plot={column: (0, 0.4, 1)}, highlight_lineage="0011111", filter_time=False, background_alpha=0.5, background_linewidth=0.3, ) data[column].max() * 1e7 ax.set_ylabel("OM tet. perm. (nm/s)") ax.set_xlabel("Hours after tetracycline addition") ax.set_xticks(np.append(ax.get_xticks(), 0), np.append(ax.get_xticks(), 0)) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s7a_tet_om_perm.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() # Get AcrAB-TolC periplasmic concentration in uM data["AcrAB-TolC (\u03bcM)"] = ( data["AcrAB-TolC"] / (data["Volume"] * 0.2) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 ) data["Time"] /= 60 # Convert tetracycline concentrations to uM data["Initial external tet."] *= 1000 data["Cytoplasmic tetracycline"] *= 1000 data.rename( columns={ "Cytoplasmic tetracycline": "Cytoplasmic tetracycline (\u03bcM)", "Time": "Minutes after tetracycline addition", "Initial external tet.": "External tet. (\u03bcM)", }, inplace=True, ) # Start 2 min after tet. addition to skip initial spike in tet conc. tet_data = data.loc[ data["Minutes after tetracycline addition"] >= 2, [ "External tet. (\u03bcM)", "Cytoplasmic tetracycline (\u03bcM)", "Periplasmic tetracycline (\u03bcM)", "Minutes after tetracycline addition", "AcrAB-TolC (\u03bcM)", ], ] # Highlight MIC in blue and use grayscale for other concentrations cmap = matplotlib.colormaps["Greys"] antibiotic_min = data.loc[:, "External tet. (\u03bcM)"].min() antibiotic_max = data.loc[:, "External tet. (\u03bcM)"].max() norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin=1.5 * antibiotic_min - 0.5 * antibiotic_max, vmax=antibiotic_max ) antibiotic_concs = data.loc[:, "External tet. (\u03bcM)"].unique() palette = { antibiotic_conc: cmap(norm(antibiotic_conc)) for antibiotic_conc in antibiotic_concs } palette[3.375] = (0, 0.4, 1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3)) sns.lineplot( tet_data, x="Minutes after tetracycline addition", y="AcrAB-TolC (\u03bcM)", hue="External tet. (\u03bcM)", ax=ax, palette=palette, errorbar=None, ) max_time = np.round((MAX_TIME - SPLIT_TIME) / 60, 0) ax.set_xlim(2, int(max_time)) xticks = ax.get_xticks()[:-1] xticks = np.insert(xticks[xticks != 0], 0, 2) xticks = np.append(xticks, int(max_time)) ax.set_xticks(xticks, xticks.astype(int)) plt.tight_layout() ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1), title="Ext. tet. (\u03bcM)") sns.despine(ax=ax, trim=True, offset=3) plt.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s7c_acrab_tet_concs.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() # Subtract avg. cytoplasmic tetracycline concentration at 2 min # post-tetracycline addition initial_steady_tet = ( tet_data.loc[tet_data["Minutes after tetracycline addition"] == 2, :] .groupby("External tet. (\u03bcM)") .mean() ) tet_data = ( tet_data.set_index("External tet. (\u03bcM)") - initial_steady_tet ).reset_index() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3)) sns.lineplot( tet_data, x="Minutes after tetracycline addition", y="Cytoplasmic tetracycline (\u03bcM)", ax=ax, hue="External tet. (\u03bcM)", palette=palette, errorbar=None, legend=None, ) max_time = np.round((MAX_TIME - SPLIT_TIME) / 60, 0) ax.set_xlim(2, int(max_time)) xticks = ax.get_xticks()[:-1] xticks = np.insert(xticks[xticks != 0], 0, 2) xticks = np.append(xticks, int(max_time)) ax.set_xticks(xticks, xticks.astype(int)) ax.set_ylabel("Increase in cyto. tet. (\u03bcM)") plt.tight_layout() sns.despine(ax=ax, trim=True, offset=3) plt.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s7b_tet_conc_cyto.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close()
[docs] def make_figure_s8(data, metadata): # Long-term positive feedback in growth inhibition # Filter data to include glucose for first 11550 seconds and # tetracycline data for remainder of simulation long_transition_data = restrict_data(data) long_term_columns = {"Active RNAP": (0, 0.4, 1), "mRNA mass": (0, 0.4, 1)} # Convert RNAP count to uM using cytoplasmic volume long_transition_data.loc[:, "Active RNAP"] /= ( long_transition_data.loc[:, "Volume"] * 0.8 ) long_transition_data.loc[:, "Active RNAP"] *= COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(5, 1.5)) plot_timeseries( data=long_transition_data, axes=axes.flat, columns_to_plot=long_term_columns, highlight_lineage="0011111", filter_time=False, background_alpha=0.5, background_linewidth=0.3, ) split_hours = SPLIT_TIME / 3600 rounded_split_hours = np.round(split_hours, 1) for ax in axes.flat: ylim = ax.get_ylim() yticks = np.round(ylim, 0).astype(int) ax.set_yticks(yticks, yticks, size=9) # Mark hours since tetracycline addition xlim = np.array(ax.get_xlim()) xticks = np.append(xlim, split_hours) xtick_labels = np.trunc(xticks - split_hours).astype(int).tolist() xtick_labels = [ label if label != int(-split_hours) else -rounded_split_hours for label in xtick_labels ] ax.set_xticks(ticks=xticks, labels=xtick_labels, size=9) ax.set_xlabel(None) ax.spines.bottom.set( bounds=(0, MAX_TIME / 3600), linewidth=1, visible=True, color=(0, 0, 0), alpha=1, ) ylabel = ax.get_ylabel() ax.set_ylabel(None) ax.set_title(ylabel, size=9, pad=12) axes.flat[0].set_ylabel("\u03bcM", size=9, labelpad=-6) fig.supxlabel("Hours after tetracycline addition", size=9) # Ensure that plots start at y = 0 for i in range(2): y_max = np.round(axes.flat[i].get_ylim()[-1], 2) new_yticks = [0, y_max] axes.flat[i].set_yticks(new_yticks, new_yticks) axes.flat[i].spines["left"].set_bounds(new_yticks) axes.flat[-1].set_ylim(0, axes.flat[-1].get_ylim()[1]) new_yticks = [0, axes.flat[-1].get_yticks()[-1]] axes.flat[-1].set_yticks(new_yticks, new_yticks) axes.flat[-1].spines["left"].set_bounds(new_yticks) # mRNA mass has units fg axes[-1].set_ylabel("fg", size=9, labelpad=-6) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.99, top=0.8, bottom=0.3, wspace=0.35) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) fig.savefig("out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s8_tet_supp_feedback.svg") plt.close() print("Done with Figure S8.")
[docs] def make_figure_4l(data, metadata): # Timeseries traces of total colony mass for all tested ampicillin concs. fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2.1, 2.1)) plot_colony_growth( data, ax, antibiotic_col="Initial external amp.", mic=5.724, antibiotic="Amp." ) offset_time = SPLIT_TIME / 3600 min_time = np.round(-offset_time, 1) max_time = np.round(MAX_TIME / 3600 - offset_time, 1) ticks = [min_time, 0, int(max_time)] ax.set_xticks(np.array(ticks) + offset_time, ticks, size=8) ax.spines["bottom"].set_bounds(0, MAX_TIME / 3600) ax.spines["left"].set_bounds(ax.get_ylim()) ax.set_xlabel("Hours after amp. addition", size=9) ax.set_ylabel("Colony mass (fg)", size=9) yticklabels = [f"$10^{int(exp)}$" for exp in np.log10(ax.get_yticks())] ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks(), yticklabels, size=9) plt.tight_layout() os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) fig.savefig("out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_4l_amp_colony_mass.svg") plt.close() print("Done with Figure 4L.")
[docs] def make_figure_4c(data, metadata): # Snapshots of colony in 1.3 hour intervals after ampicillin addition # with ratio of current gap area over average untreated gap area colored # as log 2 fold change # Get fold change over average glucose porosity data["Relative porosity"] = ( data.loc[:, "Porosity"] * data.loc[:, "Extension factor"] ) mean_glc_porosity = data.loc[ data.loc[:, "Condition"] == "Glucose", "Relative porosity" ].mean() fc_col = "Total defect area\n($\\mathregular{log_2}$ fold change)" data.loc[:, fc_col] = np.log2(data.loc[:, "Relative porosity"] / mean_glc_porosity) # For 10 seconds after division, cells are assigned a porosity of 0 # until the next update from the cell wall process. Clean up these values # so colormap works properly. data.loc[data.loc[:, fc_col] == -np.inf, fc_col] = 0 # Set up custom divergent colormap cmp = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "divergent", [(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0.678, 0, 0.125)] ) magnitude = data.loc[:, fc_col].abs().max() norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-magnitude, vmax=magnitude) snapshot_times = np.array([1.9, 3.2, 4.5, 5.8, 7.1]) * 3600 snapshot_times = np.array([3.2, 4.5, 5.8, 7.1]) * 3600 # Draw blue border around highlighted agent lineage highlight_agent_id = "001111111" highlight_agent_ids = [ highlight_agent_id[: i + 1] for i in range(len(highlight_agent_id)) ] highlight_agent = { agent_id: {"membrane_width": 0.5, "membrane_color": (0, 0.4, 1)} for agent_id in highlight_agent_ids } fig = plot_tag_snapshots( data=data, metadata=metadata, tag_colors={fc_col: {"cmp": cmp, "norm": norm}}, snapshot_times=snapshot_times, return_fig=True, figsize=(6, 1.5), highlight_agent=highlight_agent, show_membrane=True, ) fig.axes[0].set_xticklabels( np.abs(np.round(fig.axes[0].get_xticks() / 3600 - SPLIT_TIME / 3600, 1)) ) fig.axes[0].set_xlabel("Hours after ampicillin addition") os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) fig.savefig( "out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_4c_amp_snapshots.svg", bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() print("Done with Figure 4C.")
[docs] def make_figure_4m(data, metadata): # Plot phylogenetic tree of cells in a representative ampicillin sim, # where each node is a cell colored by average AmpC concentration os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plot_ampc_phylo(data) print("Done with Figure 4M.")
[docs] def make_figure_4n(data, metadata): # Compare average generations to lysis in our simulations # against literature data fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(2.2, 2.25)) axs = [ax] plot_death_timescale_analysis(data, axs) os.makedirs("out/analysis/paper_figures/", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig("out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_4n_misc.svg") plt.close() print("Done with Figure 4N.")
[docs] def make_figure_s10(data, metadata): # Pairplot of avg. AmpC, OmpF, PBP1B, and PBP1B concentration against # avg. periplasmic ampicillin concentration (with Spearman R and p val.) data = restrict_data(data) data = data.loc[data.loc[:, "Time"] >= SPLIT_TIME, :] protein_names = [ "AmpC monomer", "OmpF monomer", "PBP1a complex", "PBP1b gamma complex", "AcrAB-TolC", ] # Convert everything into uM (use periplasmic concentration for all # because of outer membrane/periplasmic localization) data[protein_names] = ( data[protein_names].divide(data["Volume"] * 0.2, axis=0) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 ) data["Periplasmic ampicillin"] *= 1000 agent_ids = data.loc[:, "Agent ID"].unique() final_agents = data.loc[data.loc[:, "Time"] == MAX_TIME, "Agent ID"].unique() # Return True if cell died dead_dict = {} def check_death(agent_id): status = dead_dict.get(agent_id) if status: return status if agent_id + "0" not in agent_ids: if agent_id not in final_agents: dead_dict[agent_id] = True return True dead_dict[agent_id] = False return False data["Dead"] = data["Agent ID"].apply(check_death) add_vars = ["Agent ID", "Dead", "Periplasmic ampicillin"] avg_data = data[protein_names + add_vars].groupby("Agent ID").mean() avg_data["Dead"] = avg_data["Dead"].astype(bool) rename_cols = {curr_name: curr_name + " (\u03bcM)" for curr_name in protein_names} rename_cols["Periplasmic ampicillin"] = "Periplasmic ampicillin (\u03bcM)" avg_data = avg_data.rename(columns=rename_cols) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, sharey=True) for i, column in enumerate(protein_names): column += " (\u03bcM)" plot_legend = False if i == len(protein_names) - 1: plot_legend = True sns.scatterplot( avg_data, x=column, y="Periplasmic ampicillin (\u03bcM)", hue="Dead", ax=axs.flat[i], legend=plot_legend, ) r, p = spearmanr(avg_data[column], avg_data["Periplasmic ampicillin (\u03bcM)"]) # Bonferroni correction p = p * len(protein_names) if p > 1: p = 1 print(f"{column}: r = {r}, p = {p}") sns.despine(ax=axs.flat[i]) axs.flat[i].text( s=f"r = {np.round(r, 2)}", y=1, x=1, ha="right", va="top", transform=axs.flat[i].transAxes, ) if p < 0.05: axs.flat[i].text( s=f"p = {np.format_float_scientific(p, 1)}*", y=0.9, x=1, ha="right", va="top", transform=axs.flat[i].transAxes, weight="bold", ) else: axs.flat[i].text( s=f"p = {np.format_float_scientific(p, 1)}", y=0.9, x=1, ha="right", va="top", transform=axs.flat[i].transAxes, ) plt.tight_layout() sns.move_legend(axs.flat[-2], "center right", bbox_to_anchor=(2.0, 0.5)) axs.flat[-1].remove() plt.savefig("out/analysis/paper_figures/fig_s10_protein_amp_corr.svg") plt.close() print("Done with Figure S10.")
[docs] def make_figure_videos(data: pd.DataFrame, metadata: dict[str, Any]): """ One-off video of sub-generational ampC expression and cell death at MIC. """ data["AmpC monomer (\u03bcM)"] = ( data["AmpC monomer"] / (data.loc[:, "Volume"] * 0.2) * COUNTS_PER_FL_TO_NANOMOLAR / 1000 ) make_tag_video( data=data, metadata=metadata, tag_colors={"AmpC monomer (\u03bcM)": (0.6, 1, 1)}, out_prefix="ampicillin_2mg_L", )
[docs] def load_exp_data(experiment_ids): data = [] metadata = {} for exp_id in experiment_ids: exp_data = pd.read_csv( f"data/colony_data/sim_dfs/{exp_id}.csv", dtype={"Agent ID": str, "Seed": int}, index_col=0, ) if exp_data.loc[:, "Dry mass"].iloc[-1] == 0: exp_data = exp_data.iloc[:-1, :] data.append(exp_data) with open(f"data/colony_data/sim_dfs/{exp_id}_metadata.json", "r") as f: metadata = deep_merge(metadata, json.load(f)) data = pd.concat(data) # Convert strings to dictionaries data["Boundary"] = data["Boundary"].apply(ast.literal_eval) initial_external_tet = [] initial_external_amp = [] for condition in data["Condition"].unique(): cond_data = data.loc[data.loc[:, "Condition"] == condition, :] if condition == "Glucose": initial_external_tet += [0] * len(cond_data) initial_external_amp += [0] * len(cond_data) continue curr_len = len(initial_external_tet) for boundary_data in cond_data.loc[:, "Boundary"]: # Assumes only one antibiotic is used at a time tet_conc = boundary_data["external"]["tetracycline"] if tet_conc != 0: initial_external_tet += [tet_conc] * len(cond_data) initial_external_amp += [0] * len(cond_data) break amp_conc = boundary_data["external"]["ampicillin[p]"] if amp_conc != 0: initial_external_amp += [amp_conc] * len(cond_data) initial_external_tet += [0] * len(cond_data) break if len(initial_external_tet) == curr_len: initial_external_tet += [0] * len(cond_data) initial_external_amp += [0] * len(cond_data) data["Initial external tet."] = initial_external_tet data["Initial external amp."] = initial_external_amp return data, metadata
[docs] def main(): tet_local = [ "2022-12-08_01-13-41_036971+0000", "2022-12-08_01-37-02_043920+0000", "2022-12-08_01-37-17_383563+0000", "2022-12-08_01-37-25_382616+0000", "2022-12-08_01-37-31_999399+0000", "2022-12-08_01-37-38_566402+0000", "2022-12-08_01-37-44_216110+0000", "2022-12-08_01-37-52_725211+0000", "2022-12-08_01-37-57_809101+0000", "2022-12-08_01-38-03_635076+0000", "2022-12-08_01-38-09_020029+0000", ] conditions = { "1a": ["Glucose"], "s3a": ["Glucose"], "2a": ["Glucose"], "2b_d": ["Glucose"], "s1": ["Glucose"], "s5": ["Glucose"], "s3b": ["Glucose"], "3l": [ "Glucose", "Tetracycline (0.5 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (1 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (1.5 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (2 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (4 mg/L)", ], "3d_and_3m": [ "Glucose", "Tetracycline (0.5 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (1 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (1.5 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (2 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (4 mg/L)", ], "3f_h": ["Glucose", "Tetracycline (1.5 mg/L)"], "3i_k": ["Glucose", "Tetracycline (1.5 mg/L)"], "s6b": ["Glucose", "Tetracycline (1.5 mg/L)"], "s6a": [str(i) for i in range(11)], "s7": [ "Glucose", "Tetracycline (0.5 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (1 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (1.5 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (2 mg/L)", "Tetracycline (4 mg/L)", ], "s8": ["Glucose", "Tetracycline (1.5 mg/L)"], "4l": [ "Glucose", "Ampicillin (0.5 mg/L)", "Ampicillin (1 mg/L)", "Ampicillin (1.5 mg/L)", "Ampicillin (2 mg/L)", "Ampicillin (4 mg/L)", ], "4c": ["Glucose", "Ampicillin (2 mg/L)"], "4m": ["Glucose", "Ampicillin (2 mg/L)"], "4n": [ "Ampicillin (0.5 mg/L)", "Ampicillin (1 mg/L)", "Ampicillin (1.5 mg/L)", "Ampicillin (2 mg/L)", "Ampicillin (4 mg/L)", ], "videos": ["Ampicillin (2 mg/L)"], } seeds = { "1a": [10000], "s3a": [10000], "2a": [10000], "2b_d": [10000], "s1": [10000], "s5": [10000], "s3b": [10000], "3l": [0], "3d_and_3m": [0], "3f_h": [0], "3i_k": [0], "s6b": [0, 100, 10000], "s6a": [0], "s7": [0], "s8": [0], "4l": [0], "4c": [0], "4m": [0], "4n": [0], "videos": [0], } parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--fig_ids", "-f", help="List of lowercase figure IDs to create (e.g. 1a). \ Default is all.", nargs="+", choices=list(seeds.keys()), ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.fig_ids is None: args.fig_ids = conditions.keys() - {"3f"} ids_to_load = [] for fig_id in args.fig_ids: if fig_id == "3f": ids_to_load.extend(tet_local) continue for condition in conditions[fig_id]: for seed in seeds[fig_id]: ids_to_load.append(EXPERIMENT_ID_MAPPING[condition][seed]) # De-duplicate IDs while preserving order ids_to_load = list(dict.fromkeys(ids_to_load)) data, metadata = load_exp_data(ids_to_load) for fig_id in args.fig_ids: filter = np.isin(data.loc[:, "Condition"], conditions[fig_id]) & np.isin( data.loc[:, "Seed"], seeds[fig_id] ) fig_data = data.loc[filter, :].copy() globals()[f"make_figure_{fig_id}"](fig_data, metadata)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()