Source code for ecoli.analysis.causality_network.buildCausalityNetwork

Builds causality network for a given variant of a given sim.

Run with '-h' for command line help.

import argparse
import datetime
import os
import pprint as pp
import subprocess
import time

from ecoli.analysis.causality_network import read_dynamics
from ecoli.analysis.causality_network.build_network import BuildNetwork
from wholecell.utils import filepath as fp
from time import monotonic as monotonic_seconds
from time import process_time as process_time_seconds

SIM_DATA_PATH = "reconstruction/sim_data/kb/simData.cPickle"
DYNAMICS_OUTPUT = "out/seriesOut"

[docs] class BuildCausalityNetwork: """Builds and runs a causality network for a given sim."""
[docs] def description(self): # type: () -> str """Describe the command line program. This defaults to the class name.""" return type(self).__name__
[docs] def help(self): # type: () -> str """Return help text for the Command Line Interface. This defaults to a string constructed around `self.description()`. """ return "Run {}.".format(self.description())
[docs] def define_parameters(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--check_sanity", action="store_true", help="Check network sanity." ) parser.add_argument( "--show", action="store_true", help="If set, attempts to show the causality visualization after" " processing data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--id", type=str, default="", help="If set, a causality network is built using a custom listener dataset.", )
[docs] def parse_args(self): # type: () -> argparse.Namespace """Parse the command line args: Construct an ArgumentParser, call `define_parameters()` to define parameters including subclass-specific parameters, use it to parse the command line into an `argparse.Namespace`, and return that. (A `Namespace` is an object with attributes and some methods like `__repr__()` and `__eq__()`. Call `vars(args)` to turn it into a dict.) """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( self.define_parameters(parser) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def run(self, args): start_real_sec = monotonic_seconds() print("\n{}: --- Starting {} ---".format(time.ctime(), type(self).__name__)) print("{}: Building the Causality network".format(time.ctime())) causality_network = BuildNetwork( SIM_DATA_PATH, DYNAMICS_OUTPUT, args.check_sanity ) node_list, edge_list = causality_network.build_nodes_and_edges() fp.makedirs(DYNAMICS_OUTPUT) print( "{}: Converting simulation results to a Causality series".format( time.ctime() ) ) read_dynamics.convert_dynamics( DYNAMICS_OUTPUT, causality_network.sim_data, node_list, edge_list, ) elapsed_real_sec = monotonic_seconds() - start_real_sec duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed_real_sec) print( "{}: Completed building the Causality network in {}".format( time.ctime(), duration ) ) # Optionally show the causality visualization. server_dir = os.environ.get(CAUSALITY_ENV_VAR, os.path.join("..", "causality")) server_app = os.path.join("site", "") server_path = os.path.join(server_dir, server_app) if and os.path.isfile(server_path): # See #890 if running command fails due to differences in pyenv # versions - might need to cd to repo and activate pyenv cmd = ["python", server_path, DYNAMICS_OUTPUT] print( f"\nServing the Causality site via the command:\n {cmd}\n" f"Ctrl+C to exit.\n" ) else: print( "\nNOTE: Use the --show flag to automatically open the" " Casuality viewer on this data. You'll first need to" " `export {0}=~/path/to/causality` project unless the default" " (../causality) is good.\n".format(CAUSALITY_ENV_VAR) )
[docs] def main(): network = BuildCausalityNetwork() args = network.parse_args() location = getattr(args, "sim_path", "") if location: location = " at " + location start_real_sec = monotonic_seconds() print("{}: {}{}".format(time.ctime(), network.description(), location)) pp.pprint({"Arguments": vars(args)}) start_process_sec = process_time_seconds() elapsed_process = process_time_seconds() - start_process_sec elapsed_real_sec = monotonic_seconds() - start_real_sec print( "{}: Elapsed time {:1.2f} sec ({}); CPU {:1.2f} sec".format( time.ctime(), elapsed_real_sec, datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed_real_sec), elapsed_process, ) )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()