Source code for ecoli.analysis.multiseed.ecocyc_table

Generates tables of data to share with EcoCyc for display on the "modeling" tab.

    other values
        weighted average for counts (time step weighted and cell cycle progress weighted)

import csv
import json
import os
import pickle
import tempfile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from duckdb import DuckDBPyConnection
import numpy as np
import polars as pl
from scipy.stats import pearsonr

from ecoli.library.parquet_emitter import (
from ecoli.processes.metabolism import (
from wholecell.utils import units

    from reconstruction.ecoli.simulation_data import SimulationDataEcoli


    "minimal": "MIX0-57",
    "minimal_minus_oxygen": "MIX0-57-ANAEROBIC",
    "minimal_plus_amino_acids": "MIX0-850",
    "minimal_acetate": "MIX0-58",
    "minimal_succinate": "MIX0-844",

[docs] def save_file(outdir, filename, columns, values: list[pl.Series]): outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filename) print(f"Saving data to {outfile}") # Data rows out_df = pl.DataFrame({k: s for k, s in zip(columns, values)}) with open(outfile, "w") as f, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+") as temp_out: out_df.write_csv(, separator="\t") # Header for columns writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(["# Column descriptions:"]) for col, desc in columns.items(): writer.writerow([f"# {col}", desc]) for line in temp_out: f.write(line)
[docs] def plot( params: dict[str, Any], conn: DuckDBPyConnection, history_sql: str, config_sql: str, sim_data_dict: dict[str, dict[int, str]], validation_data_paths: list[str], outdir: str, variant_metadata: dict[str, dict[int, Any]], variant_names: dict[str, str], ): with open_arbitrary_sim_data(sim_data_dict) as f: sim_data: "SimulationDataEcoli" = pickle.load(f) with open_output_file(validation_data_paths[0]) as f: validation_data = pickle.load(f) media_name = sim_data.conditions[sim_data.condition]["nutrients"] media_id = MEDIA_NAME_TO_ID.get(media_name, media_name) # Ignore first N generations history_sql = skip_n_gens(history_sql, IGNORE_FIRST_N_GENS) config_sql = skip_n_gens(config_sql, IGNORE_FIRST_N_GENS) if num_cells(conn, config_sql) == 0: print("Skipping analysis -- not enough simulations run.") return # Load tables and attributes for mRNAs mRNA_ids = get_field_metadata( conn, config_sql, "listeners__rna_counts__mRNA_cistron_counts" ) # mass_unit = get_field_metadata(config_lf, 'listeners__mass__dry_mass') # assert mass_unit == 'fg' # Load tables and attributes for tRNAs and rRNAs bulk_ids = get_field_metadata(conn, config_sql, "bulk") bulk_id_to_idx = {bulk_id: i + 1 for i, bulk_id in enumerate(bulk_ids)} uncharged_tRNA_ids = sim_data.process.transcription.uncharged_trna_names uncharged_tRNA_idx = [bulk_id_to_idx[trna] for trna in uncharged_tRNA_ids] charged_tRNA_ids = sim_data.process.transcription.charged_trna_names charged_tRNA_idx = [bulk_id_to_idx[trna] for trna in charged_tRNA_ids] tRNA_cistron_ids = [tRNA_id[:-3] for tRNA_id in uncharged_tRNA_ids] rRNA_ids = [ sim_data.molecule_groups.s30_16s_rRNA[0], sim_data.molecule_groups.s50_23s_rRNA[0], sim_data.molecule_groups.s50_5s_rRNA[0], ] rRNA_idx = [bulk_id_to_idx[trna] for trna in rRNA_ids] rRNA_cistron_ids = [rRNA_id[:-3] for rRNA_id in rRNA_ids] ribosomal_subunit_ids = [ sim_data.molecule_ids.s30_full_complex, sim_data.molecule_ids.s50_full_complex, ] ribo_subunit_idx = [bulk_id_to_idx[ribo] for ribo in ribosomal_subunit_ids] # Filter out first timestep for each cell because counts_to_molar is 0 rna_subquery = read_stacked_columns( history_sql, [ "bulk", "listeners__unique_molecule_counts__active_ribosome", "listeners__enzyme_kinetics__counts_to_molar", "listeners__mass__dry_mass", "listeners__rna_counts__mRNA_cistron_counts", ], [ # Extract only necessary bulk counts to reduce RAM usage f"list_select(bulk, {charged_tRNA_idx}) AS charged_tRNAs, " f"list_select(bulk, {uncharged_tRNA_idx}) AS uncharged_tRNAs, " f"list_select(bulk, {rRNA_idx}) AS rRNAs, " f"list_select(bulk, {ribo_subunit_idx}) AS ribo_subunits", "listeners__unique_molecule_counts__active_ribosome", "listeners__enzyme_kinetics__counts_to_molar", "listeners__mass__dry_mass", "listeners__rna_counts__mRNA_cistron_counts", ], remove_first=True, order_results=False, ) rna_data = conn.sql( f""" WITH rna_list AS ( SELECT -- Create RNA counts list of mRNAs, tRNAs, and rRNAs (in order) ( -- mRNA listeners__rna_counts__mRNA_cistron_counts + -- tRNA = charged + uncharged [ trna[1] + trna[2] FOR trna IN list_zip(charged_tRNAs, uncharged_tRNAs) ] + -- First rRNA = bulk + active ribosome + small subunit [ rRNAs[1] + listeners__unique_molecule_counts__active_ribosome + ribo_subunits[1] ] + -- Remaining rRNAs = bulk + active ribosome + large subunit [ rrna_count + listeners__unique_molecule_counts__active_ribosome + ribo_subunits[2] FOR rrna_count IN rRNAs[2:] ] ) AS rna_counts, listeners__enzyme_kinetics__counts_to_molar AS counts_to_molar, listeners__mass__dry_mass AS dry_masses FROM ({rna_subquery}) ), unnested_counts AS ( SELECT -- Unnest RNA counts to perform aggregations (e.g. mean, stddev) unnest(rna_counts) AS rna_counts, -- Track list index for each unnested row for grouped aggregations generate_subscripts(rna_counts, 1) AS rna_idx, counts_to_molar, dry_masses FROM rna_list ) SELECT avg(rna_counts) AS "rna-count-avg", stddev(rna_counts) AS "rna-count-std", avg(rna_counts * counts_to_molar) AS "rna-concentration-avg", stddev(rna_counts * counts_to_molar) AS "rna-concentration-std", avg(dry_masses) AS "dry-masses-avg" FROM unnested_counts GROUP BY rna_idx ORDER BY rna_idx """ ).pl() # Filter out first timestep for each cell because counts_to_molar is 0 gene_copy_num_subquery = read_stacked_columns( history_sql, ["listeners__rna_synth_prob__gene_copy_number"], remove_first=True, order_results=False, ) gene_copy_data = conn.sql( f""" WITH unnested_counts AS ( SELECT -- Unnest gene copy number to perform aggregations (e.g. mean, stddev) unnest(listeners__rna_synth_prob__gene_copy_number) AS gene_copy_numbers, -- Track list index for each unnested row for grouped aggregations generate_subscripts(listeners__rna_synth_prob__gene_copy_number, 1) AS gene_idx FROM ({gene_copy_num_subquery}) ) SELECT avg(gene_copy_numbers) AS "gene-copy-number-avg", stddev(gene_copy_numbers) AS "gene-copy-number-std" FROM unnested_counts GROUP BY gene_idx ORDER BY gene_idx """ ).pl() # Retrieve gene copy numbers in order of RNA counts cistron_id_to_gene_id = { cistron["id"]: cistron["gene_id"] for cistron in sim_data.process.transcription.cistron_data } gene_ids = [ cistron_id_to_gene_id[rna_id] for rna_id in mRNA_ids + tRNA_cistron_ids + rRNA_cistron_ids ] gene_ids_rna_synth_prob = get_field_metadata( conn, config_sql, "listeners__rna_synth_prob__gene_copy_number" ) gene_id_to_idx = {gene: i for i, gene in enumerate(gene_ids_rna_synth_prob)} gene_to_rna_order_idx = [gene_id_to_idx[gene] for gene in gene_ids] # Get RNA molecular weights gene_id_to_mw = { gene_id: cistron_mw for (gene_id, cistron_mw) in zip( sim_data.process.transcription.cistron_data["gene_id"], sim_data.process.transcription.cistron_data["mw"].asNumber( units.fg / units.count ), ) } rna_mw = np.array([gene_id_to_mw[gene] for gene in gene_ids]) # Calculate relative statistics rel_to_type_count = np.zeros(len(rna_data)) rel_to_type_mass = np.zeros(len(rna_data)) start_idx = 0 for add_idx in [len(mRNA_ids), len(tRNA_cistron_ids), len(rRNA_cistron_ids)]: rna_slice_mw = rna_mw[start_idx : start_idx + add_idx] rel_to_type_count[start_idx : start_idx + add_idx] = pl.col("rna-count-avg").slice(start_idx, add_idx) / pl.col("rna-count-avg").slice(start_idx, add_idx).sum() )["rna-count-avg"] rel_to_type_mass[start_idx : start_idx + add_idx] = pl.col("rna-count-avg").slice(start_idx, add_idx) * rna_slice_mw / (pl.col("rna-count-avg").slice(start_idx, add_idx) * rna_slice_mw).sum() )["rna-count-avg"] start_idx += add_idx rna_data = rna_data.with_columns( **{ # type: ignore[arg-type] "relative-rna-count-to-total-rna-type-counts": rel_to_type_count, "relative-rna-mass-to-total-rna-type-mass": rel_to_type_mass, "relative-rna-count-to-total-rna-counts": pl.col("rna-count-avg") / pl.col("rna-count-avg").sum() )["rna-count-avg"], "relative-rna-mass-to-total-rna-mass": pl.col("rna-count-avg") * rna_mw / (pl.col("rna-count-avg") * rna_mw).sum() )["rna-count-avg"], "relative-rna-mass-to-total-cell-dry-mass": pl.col("rna-count-avg") * rna_mw / pl.col("dry-masses-avg").sum() )["rna-count-avg"], "id": pl.Series(gene_ids), "gene-copy-number-avg": gene_copy_data["gene-copy-number-avg"][ gene_to_rna_order_idx ], "gene-copy-number-std": gene_copy_data["gene-copy-number-std"][ gene_to_rna_order_idx ], } ) columns = { "id": "Object ID, according to EcoCyc", "gene-copy-number-avg": "A floating point number", "gene-copy-number-std": "A floating point number", "rna-count-avg": "A floating point number", "rna-count-std": "A floating point number", "rna-concentration-avg": "A floating point number in mM units", "rna-concentration-std": "A floating point number in mM units", "relative-rna-count-to-total-rna-counts": "A floating point number", "relative-rna-count-to-total-rna-type-counts": "A floating point number", "relative-rna-mass-to-total-rna-mass": "A floating point number", "relative-rna-mass-to-total-rna-type-mass": "A floating point number", "relative-rna-mass-to-total-cell-dry-mass": "A floating point number", } values = [rna_data[k] for k in columns] save_file(outdir, f"wcm_rnas_{media_id}.tsv", columns, values) # Build dictionary for metadata ecocyc_metadata = { "git_hash": get_config_value(conn, config_sql, "git_hash"), "n_ignored_generations": IGNORE_FIRST_N_GENS, "n_total_generations": get_config_value(conn, config_sql, "generations"), "n_seeds": get_config_value(conn, config_sql, "n_init_sims"), "n_cells": num_cells(conn, config_sql), "n_timesteps": len(rna_data), } # Filter out first timestep for each cell because counts_to_molar is 0 monomer_subquery = read_stacked_columns( history_sql, [ "listeners__enzyme_kinetics__counts_to_molar", "listeners__mass__dry_mass", "listeners__monomer_counts", ], remove_first=True, order_results=False, ) # Load tables and attributes for proteins monomer_data = conn.sql( f""" WITH unnested_counts AS ( SELECT listeners__mass__dry_mass AS dry_masses, listeners__enzyme_kinetics__counts_to_molar AS counts_to_molar, -- Unnest monomer counts to calculate aggregations (e.g. mean) unnest(listeners__monomer_counts) AS monomer_counts, -- Track list index for each unnested row for grouped aggregations generate_subscripts(listeners__monomer_counts, 1) AS monomer_idx, FROM ({monomer_subquery}) ) SELECT avg(monomer_counts) AS "protein-count-avg", stddev(monomer_counts) AS "protein-count-std", avg(monomer_counts * counts_to_molar) AS "protein-concentration-avg", stddev(monomer_counts * counts_to_molar) AS "protein-concentration-std", avg(dry_masses) AS "dry-masses-avg" FROM unnested_counts GROUP BY monomer_idx ORDER BY monomer_idx """ ).pl() monomer_ids = get_field_metadata(conn, config_sql, "listeners__monomer_counts") monomer_ecocyc_ids = [monomer[:-3] for monomer in monomer_ids] # strip [*] monomer_mw = sim_data.getter.get_masses(monomer_ids).asNumber( units.fg / units.count ) monomer_sim_data = sim_data.process.translation.monomer_data.struct_array monomer_to_gene_id = { monomer_id: cistron_id_to_gene_id[cistron_id] for cistron_id, monomer_id in zip( monomer_sim_data["cistron_id"], monomer_sim_data["id"] ) } # Calculate relative statistics monomer_data = monomer_data.with_columns( **{ "relative-protein-count-to-total-protein-counts": pl.col("protein-count-avg") / pl.col("protein-count-avg").sum() )["protein-count-avg"], "relative-protein-mass-to-total-protein-mass": pl.col("protein-count-avg") * monomer_mw / (pl.col("protein-count-avg") * monomer_mw).sum() )["protein-count-avg"], "relative-protein-mass-to-total-cell-dry-mass": pl.col("protein-count-avg") * monomer_mw / pl.col("dry-masses-avg") )["protein-count-avg"], "gene-id": pl.Series( [monomer_to_gene_id[monomer_id] for monomer_id in monomer_ids] ), "id": pl.Series(monomer_ecocyc_ids), } ) monomer_data = monomer_data.join(**{"gene-id": "id", "rna-count-avg": "rna-count-avg"}), on="gene-id", ) monomer_data = monomer_data.with_columns( **{ "relative-protein-count-to-protein-rna-counts": pl.col("protein-count-avg") / pl.col("rna-count-avg") )["protein-count-avg"] } ) columns = { "id": "Object ID, according to EcoCyc", "protein-count-avg": "A floating point number", "protein-count-std": "A floating point number", "protein-concentration-avg": "A floating point number in mM units", "protein-concentration-std": "A floating point number in mM units", "relative-protein-count-to-protein-rna-counts": "A floating point number", "relative-protein-mass-to-total-protein-mass": "A floating point number", "relative-protein-mass-to-total-cell-dry-mass": "A floating point number", } values = [monomer_data[k] for k in columns] # Add validation data if sims used minimal glucose media if media_name == "minimal": protein_id_to_schmidt_counts = { item[0]: item[1] for item in validation_data.protein.schmidt2015Data } protein_counts_val = np.array( [ protein_id_to_schmidt_counts.get(protein_id, np.nan) for protein_id in monomer_ids ] ) columns["validation-count"] = "A floating point number" values.append(pl.Series(protein_counts_val)) protein_val_exists = np.logical_not(np.isnan(protein_counts_val)) r, _ = pearsonr( monomer_data["protein-count-avg"].filter(pl.Series(protein_val_exists)), protein_counts_val[protein_val_exists], ) ecocyc_metadata["protein_validation_r_squared"] = r**2 save_file(outdir, f"wcm_monomers_{media_id}.tsv", columns, values) # Read data and load attributes for complexes complex_ids = sim_data.process.complexation.ids_complexes complex_idx = [bulk_id_to_idx[cplx] for cplx in complex_ids] complex_subquery = read_stacked_columns( history_sql, [ "bulk", "listeners__enzyme_kinetics__counts_to_molar", "listeners__mass__dry_mass", ], [ # Extract only complex bulk counts to reduce RAM usage f"list_select(bulk, {complex_idx}) AS complex_counts", "listeners__enzyme_kinetics__counts_to_molar", "listeners__mass__dry_mass", ], remove_first=True, order_results=False, ) complex_data = conn.sql( f""" WITH unnested_counts AS ( SELECT -- Unnest complex counts to calculate aggregations (e.g. mean) unnest(complex_counts) AS complex_counts, -- Track list index for each unnested row for grouped aggregations generate_subscripts(complex_counts, 1) AS complex_idx, listeners__enzyme_kinetics__counts_to_molar AS counts_to_molar, listeners__mass__dry_mass AS dry_masses, FROM ({complex_subquery}) ) SELECT avg(complex_counts) AS "complex-count-avg", stddev(complex_counts) AS "complex-count-std", avg(complex_counts * counts_to_molar) AS "complex-concentration-avg", stddev(complex_counts * counts_to_molar) AS "complex-concentration-std", avg(dry_masses) AS "dry-masses-avg" FROM unnested_counts GROUP BY complex_idx ORDER BY complex_idx """ ).pl() # Calculate derived protein values complex_mw = sim_data.getter.get_masses(complex_ids).asNumber( units.fg / units.count ) complex_data = complex_data.with_columns( **{ "relative-complex-mass-to-total-protein-mass": pl.col("complex-count-avg") * complex_mw / (pl.col("complex-count-avg") * complex_mw).sum() )["complex-count-avg"], "relative-complex-mass-to-total-cell-dry-mass": pl.col("complex-count-avg") * complex_mw / pl.col("dry-masses-avg") )["complex-count-avg"], "id": pl.Series( [complex_id[:-3] for complex_id in complex_ids] ), # strip [*] } ) # Save complex data in table columns = { "id": "Object ID, according to EcoCyc", "complex-count-avg": "A floating point number", "complex-count-std": "A floating point number", "complex-concentration-avg": "A floating point number in mM units", "complex-concentration-std": "A floating point number in mM units", "relative-complex-mass-to-total-protein-mass": "A floating point number", "relative-complex-mass-to-total-cell-dry-mass": "A floating point number", } values = [complex_data[k] for k in columns] save_file(outdir, f"wcm_complexes_{media_id}.tsv", columns, values) # Load attributes for metabolic fluxes cell_density = sim_data.constants.cell_density cell_density = cell_density.asNumber(MASS_UNITS / VOLUME_UNITS) reaction_ids = sim_data.process.metabolism.base_reaction_ids # Read fluxes flux_subquery = read_stacked_columns( history_sql, [ "listeners__fba_results__base_reaction_fluxes", "listeners__mass__cell_mass", "listeners__mass__dry_mass", ], order_results=False, ) flux_data = conn.sql( f""" WITH unnest_fluxes AS ( SELECT listeners__mass__dry_mass / listeners__mass__cell_mass * {cell_density} AS conversion_coeffs, -- Unnest monomer counts to calculate aggregations (e.g. mean) unnest(listeners__fba_results__base_reaction_fluxes) AS fluxes, generate_subscripts(listeners__fba_results__base_reaction_fluxes, 1) AS idx, FROM ({flux_subquery}) ) SELECT avg(fluxes / conversion_coeffs) AS "flux-avg", stddev(fluxes / conversion_coeffs) AS "flux-std" FROM unnest_fluxes GROUP BY idx ORDER BY idx """ ).pl() flux_data = flux_data.with_columns( **{ "id": pl.Series(reaction_ids), "flux-avg": ( (COUNTS_UNITS / MASS_UNITS / TIME_UNITS) * pl.col("flux-avg") ).asNumber(units.mmol / units.g / units.h), "flux-std": ( (COUNTS_UNITS / MASS_UNITS / TIME_UNITS) * pl.col("flux-std") ).asNumber(units.mmol / units.g / units.h), } ) columns = { "id": "Object ID, according to EcoCyc", "flux-avg": "A floating point number in mmol/g DCW/h units", "flux-std": "A floating point number in mmol/g DCW/h units", } values = [flux_data[k] for k in columns] save_file(outdir, f"wcm_metabolic_reactions_{media_id}.tsv", columns, values) metadata_file = os.path.join(outdir, f"wcm_metadata_{media_id}.json") with open(metadata_file, "w") as f: print(f"Saving data to {metadata_file}") json.dump(ecocyc_metadata, f, indent=4)