Source code for ecoli.processes.enzyme_kinetics

Convenience Kinetics

import numpy as np
from vivarium.core.process import Process
from vivarium.core.composition import simulate_process
from ecoli.library.kinetic_rate_laws import KineticFluxModel
from ecoli.library.schema import numpy_schema, bulk_name_to_idx, counts

NAME = "enzyme_kinetics"

[docs] class EnzymeKinetics(Process): """Michaelis-Menten-style enzyme kinetics model Arguments: initial_parameters: Configures the :term:`process` with the following configuration options: * **reactions** (:py:class:`dict`): Specifies the stoichiometry, reversibility, and catalysts of each reaction to model. For a non-reversible reaction :math:`A + B \\rightleftarrows 2C` catalized by an enzyme :math:`E`, we have the following reaction specification: .. code-block:: python { # reaction1 is a reaction ID 'reaction1': { 'stoichiometry': { # 1 mol A is consumd per mol reaction ('internal', 'A'): -1, ('internal', 'B'): -1, # 2 mol C are produced per mol reaction ('internal', 'C'): 2, }, 'is reversible': False, 'catalyzed by': [ ('internal', 'E'), ], } } Note that for simplicity, we assumed all the molecules and enzymes were in the ``internal`` port, but this is not necessary. * **kinetic_parameters** (:py:class:`dict`): Specifies the kinetics of the reaction by providing :math:`k_{cat}` and :math:`K_M` parameters for each enzyme. For example, let's say that for the reaction described above, :math:`k{cat} = 1`, :math:`K_A = 2`, and :math:`K_B = 3`. Then the reaction kinetics would be specified by: .. code-block:: python { 'reaction1': { ('internal', 'E'): { 'kcat_f': 1, # kcat for forward reaction ('internal', 'A'): 2, ('internal', 'B'): 3, }, }, } If the reaction were reversible, we could have specified ``kcat_r`` as the :math:`k_{cat}` of the reverse reaction. """ name = NAME defaults: dict[str, dict] = { "reactions": {}, "kinetic_parameters": {}, } def __init__(self, parameters=None): super().__init__(parameters) self.reactions = self.parameters["reactions"] kinetic_parameters = self.parameters["kinetic_parameters"] # make the kinetic model self.kinetic_rate_laws = KineticFluxModel(self.reactions, kinetic_parameters) # remove "bulk" from the name self.molecules_ids = [ mol_id[1] for mol_id in self.kinetic_rate_laws.molecule_ids ] self.molecules_idx = None # def initial_state(self, config): # # TODO (Cyrus) - test if this works # initial_conc = config['initial_concentrations'] # initial_fluxes = self.next_update( # initial_conc, self.parameters['time_step']) # return initial_fluxes
[docs] def ports_schema(self): schema = { "bulk": numpy_schema("bulk"), "fluxes": { str(rxn_id): { "_default": 0.0, "_updater": "set", } for rxn_id in self.kinetic_rate_laws.reaction_ids }, } return schema
[docs] def next_update(self, timestep, states): if self.molecules_idx is None: bulk_ids = states["bulk"]["id"] self.molecules_idx = bulk_name_to_idx(self.molecules_ids, bulk_ids) # TODO (Cyrus) -- convert molecules to concentrations molecule_counts = counts(states["bulk"], self.molecules_idx) tuplified_states = { ("bulk", mol): molecule_counts[i] for i, mol in enumerate(self.molecules_ids) } # get flux, which is in units of mmol / L fluxes = self.kinetic_rate_laws.get_fluxes(tuplified_states) return {"fluxes": fluxes}
def test_enzyme_kinetics(end_time=100): toy_reactions = { "reaction1": { "stoichiometry": {("bulk", "A"): 1, ("bulk", "B"): -1}, "is reversible": False, "catalyzed by": [("bulk", "enzyme1")], } } toy_kinetics = { "reaction1": { ("bulk", "enzyme1"): { ("bulk", "B"): 0.2, "kcat_f": 5e1, } } } config = { "reactions": toy_reactions, "kinetic_parameters": toy_kinetics, } kinetic_process = EnzymeKinetics(config) initial_state = { "bulk": np.array( [("A", 1.0), ("B", 1.0), ("enzyme1", 1.0)], dtype=[("id", "U7"), ("count", "f")], ) } settings = {"total_time": end_time, "initial_state": initial_state} data = simulate_process(kinetic_process, settings) return data is not None # run module with uv run ecoli/processes/ if __name__ == "__main__": test_enzyme_kinetics()