This process models how ligands are bound to or unbound
from their transcription factor binding partners in a fashion
that maintains equilibrium.
import numpy as np
from ecoli.library.schema import numpy_schema, bulk_name_to_idx, counts, listener_schema
from ecoli.processes.registries import topology_registry
from ecoli.processes.partition import PartitionedProcess
from wholecell.utils import units
# Register default topology for this process, associating it with process name
NAME = "ecoli-equilibrium"
TOPOLOGY = {"listeners": ("listeners",), "bulk": ("bulk",), "timestep": ("timestep",)}
topology_registry.register(NAME, TOPOLOGY)
class Equilibrium(PartitionedProcess):
"""Equilibrium PartitionedProcess
molecule_names: list of molecules that are being iterated over size:94
name = NAME
topology = TOPOLOGY
defaults = {
"jit": False,
"n_avogadro": 0.0,
"cell_density": 0.0,
"stoichMatrix": [[]],
"fluxesAndMoleculesToSS": lambda counts, volume, avogadro, random, jit: (
"moleculeNames": [],
"seed": 0,
"complex_ids": [],
"reaction_ids": [],
# Constructor
def __init__(self, parameters=None):
# Simulation options
# utilized in the fluxes and molecules function
self.jit = self.parameters["jit"]
# Get constants
self.n_avogadro = self.parameters["n_avogadro"]
self.cell_density = self.parameters["cell_density"]
# Create matrix and method
# stoichMatrix: (94, 33), molecule counts are (94,).
self.stoichMatrix = self.parameters["stoichMatrix"]
# fluxesAndMoleculesToSS: solves ODES to get to steady state based off
# of cell density, volumes and molecule counts
self.fluxesAndMoleculesToSS = self.parameters["fluxesAndMoleculesToSS"]
self.product_indices = [
idx for idx in np.where(np.any(self.stoichMatrix > 0, axis=1))[0]
# Build views
# moleculeNames: list of molecules that are being iterated over size: 94
self.moleculeNames = self.parameters["moleculeNames"]
self.molecule_idx = None
self.seed = self.parameters["seed"]
self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed)
self.complex_ids = self.parameters["complex_ids"]
self.reaction_ids = self.parameters["reaction_ids"]
def ports_schema(self):
return {
"bulk": numpy_schema("bulk"),
"listeners": {
"mass": listener_schema({"cell_mass": 0}),
"equilibrium_listener": {
"reaction_rates": (
[0.0] * len(self.reaction_ids),
"timestep": {"_default": self.parameters["time_step"]},
def calculate_request(self, timestep, states):
# At t=0, convert all strings to indices
if self.molecule_idx is None:
self.molecule_idx = bulk_name_to_idx(
self.moleculeNames, states["bulk"]["id"]
# Get molecule counts
moleculeCounts = counts(states["bulk"], self.molecule_idx)
# Get cell mass and volume
cellMass = (states["listeners"]["mass"]["cell_mass"] * units.fg).asNumber(
cellVolume = cellMass / self.cell_density
# Solve ODEs to steady state
self.rxnFluxes, self.req = self.fluxesAndMoleculesToSS(
# Request counts of molecules needed
requests = {"bulk": [(self.molecule_idx, self.req.astype(int))]}
return requests
def evolve_state(self, timestep, states):
# Get molecule counts
moleculeCounts = counts(states["bulk"], self.molecule_idx)
# Get counts of molecules allocated to this process
rxnFluxes = self.rxnFluxes.copy()
# If we didn't get allocated all the molecules we need, make do with
# what we have (decrease reaction fluxes so that they make use of what
# we have, but not more). Reduces at least one reaction every iteration
# so the max number of iterations is the number of reactions that were
# originally expected to occur + 1 to reach the break statement.
max_iterations = int(np.abs(rxnFluxes).sum()) + 1
for it in range(max_iterations):
# Check if any metabolites will have negative counts with current reactions
negative_metabolite_idxs = np.where(
np.dot(self.stoichMatrix, rxnFluxes) + moleculeCounts < 0
if len(negative_metabolite_idxs) == 0:
# Reduce reactions that consume metabolites with negative counts
limited_rxn_stoich = self.stoichMatrix[negative_metabolite_idxs, :]
fwd_rxn_idxs = np.where(
np.logical_and(limited_rxn_stoich < 0, rxnFluxes > 0)
rev_rxn_idxs = np.where(
np.logical_and(limited_rxn_stoich > 0, rxnFluxes < 0)
rxnFluxes[fwd_rxn_idxs] -= 1
rxnFluxes[rev_rxn_idxs] += 1
rxnFluxes[fwd_rxn_idxs] = np.fmax(0, rxnFluxes[fwd_rxn_idxs])
rxnFluxes[rev_rxn_idxs] = np.fmin(0, rxnFluxes[rev_rxn_idxs])
raise ValueError(
"Could not get positive counts in equilibrium with"
" allocated molecules."
# Increment changes in molecule counts
deltaMolecules = np.dot(self.stoichMatrix, rxnFluxes).astype(int)
update = {
"bulk": [(self.molecule_idx, deltaMolecules)],
"listeners": {
"equilibrium_listener": {
"reaction_rates": deltaMolecules[self.product_indices]
/ states["timestep"]
return update
def test_equilibrium_listener():
from ecoli.experiments.ecoli_master_sim import EcoliSim
sim = EcoliSim.from_file()
sim.total_time = 2
sim.raw_output = False
listeners = sim.query()["agents"]["0"]["listeners"]
assert isinstance(listeners["equilibrium_listener"]["reaction_rates"][0], list)
assert isinstance(listeners["equilibrium_listener"]["reaction_rates"][1], list)
if __name__ == "__main__":