Source code for reconstruction.ecoli.dataclasses.common_names

This class contains dictionaries of common names and synonyms of simulation
elements in sim_data. Common names can be retrieved by calling
get_common_names() and a list of synonyms can be retrieved by calling
get_synonyms(). Both the common names and synonyms are gathered from relevant
columns in raw data files.

import itertools

[docs] class CommonNames(object): def __init__(self, raw_data): self._build_common_names(raw_data) self._build_synonyms(raw_data)
[docs] def get_common_name(self, element_id): """ Returns the common name of the simulation element with the given ID. If a common name does not exist, returns the original element ID. Args: element_id (str): ID of the simulation element Returns: Common name of the given simulation element (str) """ return self._common_names.get(element_id, element_id)
[docs] def get_synonyms(self, element_id): """ Returns a list of synonyms for the simulation element with the given ID. If a list of synonyms does not exist, returns a singleton list with the original element ID as the only entry. Args: element_id (str): ID of the simulation element Returns: List of synonyms for the given simulation element (str) """ return self._synonyms.get(element_id, [element_id])
[docs] def _build_common_names(self, raw_data): # Create dictionary of common names self._common_names = {} # Get common names of protein complexes for rxn in itertools.chain( raw_data.complexation_reactions, raw_data.equilibrium_reactions ): if rxn["common_name"] is not None and len(rxn["common_name"]) > 0: complex_name = None for mol_name, stoich in rxn["stoichiometry"].items(): if stoich == 1: complex_name = mol_name if complex_name is not None: self._common_names[complex_name] = rxn["common_name"] # Get common names (symbols) of genes for gene in raw_data.genes: if gene["symbol"] is not None and len(gene["symbol"]) > 0: self._common_names[gene["id"]] = gene["symbol"] # Get common names of protein monomers, metabolites, RNAs, and transcription units for row in itertools.chain( raw_data.metabolites, raw_data.proteins, raw_data.rnas, raw_data.transcription_units, ): if row["common_name"] is not None and len(row["common_name"]) > 0: self._common_names[row["id"]] = row["common_name"]
[docs] def _build_synonyms(self, raw_data): # Create dictionary of synonyms self._synonyms = {} # Get synonyms of genes, metabolites, protein monomers, and RNAs for row in itertools.chain( raw_data.genes, raw_data.metabolites, raw_data.proteins, raw_data.rnas ): if row["synonyms"] is not None and len(row["synonyms"]) > 0: self._synonyms[row["id"]] = row["synonyms"]