Source code for reconstruction.ecoli.dataclasses.process.two_component_system

Two component systems.

Note: Ligand binding to histidine kinases is modeled by equilibrium.

        Consider relocating (since it's useful for both the parca and simulation)

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.integrate
import re

import sympy as sp

from wholecell.utils import build_ode
from wholecell.utils import data
from wholecell.utils import units

# Alternative methods to try (in order of priority) when solving ODEs to the next time step

[docs] class TwoComponentSystem(object): def __init__(self, raw_data, sim_data): # Store two component system raw data for use in analysis sim_data.molecule_groups.twoComponentSystems = raw_data.two_component_systems # Build the abstractions needed for two component systems molecules = [] # list of all molecules involved in two component system moleculeTypes = [] # the type of each molecule (metabolite, protein monomer, protein complex, etc.) ratesFwd = [] # rate of reaction fwd ratesRev = [] # rate of reaction reverse (most/all are 0 in flat file) rxnIds = [] # ID tied to each rxn equation stoichMatrixI = [] # Molecule indices stoichMatrixJ = [] # Reaction indices stoichMatrixV = [] # Stoichometric coefficients stoichMatrixMass = [] # molecular mass of molecules in stoichMatrixI independentMolecules = [] # list of all specific independent molecule names independent_molecule_indexes = [] # index of each of the independent molecules independentToDependentMolecules = {} # holds the phosphorylated version of the independent molecules activeToInactiveTF = {} # convention: active TF is the DNA-binding form (active form is phosphorylated version of RR) # Build template reactions signalingTemplate = { 1: [ "POS-LIGAND-BOUND-HK-PHOSPHORYLATION_RXN", "POS-LIGAND-BOUND-HK-PHOSPHOTRANSFER_RXN", "POS-RR-DEPHOSPHORYLATION_RXN", "POS-HK-PHOSPHORYLATION_RXN", "POS-HK-PHOSPHOTRANSFER_RXN", ], -1: [ "NEG-HK-PHOSPHORYLATION_RXN", "NEG-HK-PHOSPHOTRANSFER_RXN", "NEG-RR-DEPHOSPHORYLATION_RXN", ], } reactionTemplate = {} for reactionIndex, reaction in enumerate( raw_data.two_component_system_templates ): reactionTemplate[str(reaction["id"])] = reaction # Build stoichiometry matrix for systemIndex, system in enumerate(raw_data.two_component_systems): for reaction in signalingTemplate[system["orientation"]]: reactionName = self.get_reaction_name(reaction, system["molecules"]) if reactionName not in rxnIds: rxnIds.append(reactionName) ratesFwd.append(reactionTemplate[reaction]["forward_rate"]) ratesRev.append(reactionTemplate[reaction]["reverse_rate"]) reactionIndex = len(rxnIds) - 1 else: reactionIndex = rxnIds.index(reactionName) for molecule in reactionTemplate[reaction]["stoichiometry"]: # Build name for system molecules if molecule["molecule"] in system["molecules"]: moleculeName = "{}[{}]".format( system["molecules"][molecule["molecule"]], sim_data.getter.get_compartment( system["molecules"][molecule["molecule"]] )[0], ) # Build name for common molecules (ATP, ADP, PI, WATER, PROTON) else: moleculeName = "{}[{}]".format( molecule["molecule"], molecule["location"] ) if moleculeName not in molecules: molecules.append(moleculeName) moleculeIndex = len(molecules) - 1 moleculeTypes.append(str(molecule["molecule"])) else: moleculeIndex = molecules.index(moleculeName) coefficient = molecule["coeff"] # Store indices for the row and column, and molecule coefficient for building the stoichiometry matrix stoichMatrixI.append(moleculeIndex) stoichMatrixJ.append(reactionIndex) stoichMatrixV.append(coefficient) # Build matrix with linearly independent rows based on network orientation if ( str(molecule["molecule"]) in ["HK", "RR", "ATP"] and moleculeName not in independentMolecules ): independentMolecules.append(moleculeName) independent_molecule_indexes.append(moleculeIndex) # Map linearly independent molecules (rows) to their dependents (phosphorylated forms of histidine kinases and response regulators) if str(molecule["molecule"]) != "ATP": independentToDependentMolecules[moleculeName] = ( "{}[{}]".format( system["molecules"][ "PHOSPHO-" + str(molecule["molecule"]) ], molecule["location"], ) ) # Map active transcription factors (phosphorylated response regulators) to their inactive forms (unphosphorylated response regulators) if str(molecule["molecule"]) == "RR": activeTF = "{}[{}]".format( system["molecules"]["PHOSPHO-RR"], molecule["location"] ) activeToInactiveTF[activeTF] = moleculeName # Account for ligand-bound histidine kinases for positively oriented networks if system["orientation"] == 1: if ( str(molecule["molecule"]) == "HK-LIGAND" and moleculeName not in independentMolecules ): independentMolecules.append(moleculeName) independent_molecule_indexes.append(moleculeIndex) # Map the linearly independent ligand-bound histidine kinases to their dependents (phosphorylated forms of ligand-bound histidine kinases) independentToDependentMolecules[moleculeName] = ( "{}[{}]".format( system["molecules"][ "PHOSPHO-" + str(molecule["molecule"]) ], molecule["location"], ) ) # Find molecular mass molecularMass = sim_data.getter.get_mass(moleculeName).asNumber( units.g / units.mol ) stoichMatrixMass.append(molecularMass) # TODO(jerry): Move most of the rest to a subroutine for __init__ and __setstate__? self._stoichMatrixI = np.array(stoichMatrixI) # array of molecule indices self._stoichMatrixJ = np.array(stoichMatrixJ) # array of reaction indices self._stoichMatrixV = np.array( stoichMatrixV ) # arrary of stoichometric coefficients self.molecule_names = np.array(molecules, dtype="U") self.molecule_types = np.array(moleculeTypes, dtype="U") self.rxn_ids = rxnIds self.rates_fwd = np.array(ratesFwd) self.rates_rev = np.array(ratesRev) self.independent_molecules = np.array(independentMolecules, dtype="U") self.independent_molecule_indexes = np.array(independent_molecule_indexes) self.independent_to_dependent_molecules = independentToDependentMolecules self.independent_molecules_atp_index = np.where( self.independent_molecules == "ATP[c]" )[0][0] self.complex_to_monomer = self._buildComplexToMonomer( raw_data.modified_proteins, self.molecule_names ) # Mass balance matrix self._stoich_matrix_mass = np.array(stoichMatrixMass) self.balance_matrix = self.stoich_matrix() * self.mass_matrix() # Find the mass balance of each equation in the balanceMatrix massBalanceArray = self.mass_balance() # The stoichometric matrix should balance out to numerical zero. assert np.max(np.absolute(massBalanceArray)) < 1e-9 # Map active TF to inactive TF self.active_to_inactive_tf = activeToInactiveTF # Build matrices self._populate_derivative_and_jacobian() self.dependency_matrix = self._make_dependency_matrix() # Molecules that are required to produce ATP with the independent stoich matrix self.atp_reaction_reactant_mask = ( self.dependency_matrix[:, self.independent_molecules_atp_index] < 0 ) def __getstate__(self): """Return the state to pickle, omitting derived attributes that __setstate__() will recompute, esp. the ode_derivatives that don't pickle. """ return data.dissoc_strict( self.__dict__, ( "symbolic_rates", "symbolic_rates_jacobian", "derivatives_parca_symbolic", "derivatives_parca_jacobian_symbolic", "_rates", "_rates_jacobian", "derivatives_parca", "derivatives_parca_jacobian", "dependency_matrix", "_stoich_matrix", ), ) def __setstate__(self, state): """Restore instance attributes, recomputing some of them.""" self.__dict__.update(state) self._populate_derivative_and_jacobian() self.dependency_matrix = self._make_dependency_matrix()
[docs] def _buildComplexToMonomer(self, modifiedFormsMonomers, tcsMolecules): """ Maps each complex to a dictionary that maps each subunit of the complex to its stoichiometry """ D = {} for row in modifiedFormsMonomers: # tags on the molecule compartment found in tcsMolecules molecule_and_location = f"{row['id']}[{row['compartment']}]" if molecule_and_location in tcsMolecules: D[molecule_and_location] = {} for subunit in row["subunits"]: # We only care about mapping to protein monomers for now # and PI[c] stoichiometry is off for some complexes so we # can skip it for now (see #975) if subunit["monomer"] == "PI[c]": continue D[molecule_and_location][str(subunit["monomer"])] = float( subunit["stoichiometry"] ) return D
[docs] def stoich_matrix(self): """ Builds stoichiometry matrix Rows: molecules Columns: reactions Values: reaction stoichiometry """ shape = (self._stoichMatrixI.max() + 1, self._stoichMatrixJ.max() + 1) out = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) out[self._stoichMatrixI, self._stoichMatrixJ] = self._stoichMatrixV return out
[docs] def mass_matrix(self): """ Builds stoichiometry mass matrix Rows: molecules Columns: reactions Values: molecular mass """ shape = (self._stoichMatrixI.max() + 1, self._stoichMatrixJ.max() + 1) out = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) out[self._stoichMatrixI, self._stoichMatrixJ] = self._stoich_matrix_mass return out
[docs] def mass_balance(self): """ Sum along the columns of the massBalance matrix to check for reaction mass balance """ return np.sum(self.balance_matrix, axis=0)
[docs] def stoich_matrix_monomers(self): """ Builds stoichiometry matrix for monomers (complex subunits) Rows: molecules (complexes and monomers) Columns: complexes Values: monomer stoichiometry """ ids_complexes = self.complex_to_monomer.keys() stoichMatrixMonomersI = [] stoichMatrixMonomersJ = [] stoichMatrixMonomersV = [] for colIdx, id_complex in enumerate(ids_complexes): D = self.get_monomers(id_complex) rowIdx = self.molecule_names.tolist().index(id_complex) stoichMatrixMonomersI.append(rowIdx) stoichMatrixMonomersJ.append(colIdx) stoichMatrixMonomersV.append(1.0) for subunitId, subunitStoich in zip(D["subunitIds"], D["subunitStoich"]): if subunitId in self.molecule_names.tolist(): rowIdx = self.molecule_names.tolist().index(subunitId) stoichMatrixMonomersI.append(rowIdx) stoichMatrixMonomersJ.append(colIdx) stoichMatrixMonomersV.append(-1.0 * subunitStoich) stoichMatrixMonomersI = np.array(stoichMatrixMonomersI) stoichMatrixMonomersJ = np.array(stoichMatrixMonomersJ) stoichMatrixMonomersV = np.array(stoichMatrixMonomersV) shape = (stoichMatrixMonomersI.max() + 1, stoichMatrixMonomersJ.max() + 1) out = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) out[stoichMatrixMonomersI, stoichMatrixMonomersJ] = stoichMatrixMonomersV return out
[docs] def _populate_derivative_and_jacobian(self): """Compile callable functions for computing the derivative and the Jacobian.""" self._make_derivative() self._make_derivative_parca() self._rates = build_ode.derivatives(self.symbolic_rates) self._rates_jacobian = build_ode.derivatives_jacobian( self.symbolic_rates_jacobian ) self._stoich_matrix = ( self.stoich_matrix() ) # Matrix is small and can be cached for derivatives # WORKAROUND: Avoid Numba LoweringError JIT-compiling these functions: self.derivatives_parca = build_ode.derivatives(self.derivatives_parca_symbolic)[ 0 ] self.derivatives_parca_jacobian = build_ode.derivatives_jacobian( self.derivatives_parca_jacobian_symbolic )[0]
[docs] def _make_y_dy(self): S = self.stoich_matrix() yStrings = ["y[%d]" % x for x in range(S.shape[0])] y = sp.symbols(yStrings) rates = [] for colIdx in range(S.shape[1]): negIdxs = np.where(S[:, colIdx] < 0)[0] posIdxs = np.where(S[:, colIdx] > 0)[0] reactantFlux = self.rates_fwd[colIdx] for negIdx in negIdxs: stoich = -S[negIdx, colIdx] if stoich == 1: reactantFlux *= y[negIdx] else: reactantFlux *= y[negIdx] ** stoich productFlux = self.rates_rev[colIdx] for posIdx in posIdxs: stoich = S[posIdx, colIdx] if stoich == 1: productFlux *= y[posIdx] else: productFlux *= y[posIdx] ** stoich rates.append(reactantFlux - productFlux) return y, rates
[docs] def _make_derivative(self): """ Creates symbolic representation of the ordinary differential equations and the Jacobian. Used during simulations. """ y, rates = self._make_y_dy() rates = sp.Matrix(rates) J = rates.jacobian(y) self.symbolic_rates = rates self.symbolic_rates_jacobian = J
[docs] def _make_derivative_parca(self): """ Creates symbolic representation of the ordinary differential equations and the Jacobian assuming ATP, ADP, Pi, water and protons are at steady state. Used in the parca. """ y, rates = self._make_y_dy() dy = self.stoich_matrix().dot(rates) # Metabolism will keep these molecules at steady state constantMolecules = ["ATP[c]", "ADP[c]", "Pi[c]", "WATER[c]", "PROTON[c]"] for molecule in constantMolecules: moleculeIdx = np.where(self.molecule_names == molecule)[0][0] dy[moleculeIdx] = sp.S.Zero dy = sp.Matrix(dy) J = dy.jacobian(y) self.derivatives_parca_jacobian_symbolic = J self.derivatives_parca_symbolic = dy
[docs] def molecules_to_next_time_step( self, moleculeCounts, cellVolume, nAvogadro, timeStepSec, random_state, method="LSODA", min_time_step=None, jit=True, methods_tried=None, ): """ Calculates the changes in the counts of molecules in the next timestep by solving an initial value ODE problem. Args: moleculeCounts (1d ndarray, ints): current counts of molecules involved in the ODE cellVolume (float): current volume of cell nAvogadro (float): Avogadro's number timeStepSec (float): current length of timestep in seconds random_state (RandomState object): process random state method (str): name of the ODE method to use min_time_step (int): if not None, timeStepSec will be scaled down until it is below min_time_step if negative counts are encountered jit (bool): if True, use the jit compiled version of derivatives functions methods_tried (Optional[Set[str]]): methods for the solver that have already been tried Returns: moleculesNeeded (1d ndarray, ints): counts of molecules that need to be consumed allMoleculesChanges (1d ndarray, ints): expected changes in molecule counts after timestep """ y_init = moleculeCounts / (cellVolume * nAvogadro) # In this version of SciPy, solve_ivp does not support args so need to # select the derivatives functions to use. Could be simplified to single # functions that take a jit argument from solve_ivp in the future. if jit: derivatives = self.derivatives_jit derivatives_jacobian = self.derivatives_jacobian_jit else: derivatives = self.derivatives derivatives_jacobian = self.derivatives_jacobian sol = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp( derivatives, [0, timeStepSec], y_init, method=method, t_eval=[0, timeStepSec], atol=1e-8, jac=derivatives_jacobian, ) y = sol.y.T # Handle negative counts by attempting to solve again with different options if np.any(y[-1, :] * (cellVolume * nAvogadro) <= -1e-3): if min_time_step and timeStepSec > min_time_step: # Call method again with a shorter time step until min_time_step is reached return self.molecules_to_next_time_step( moleculeCounts, cellVolume, nAvogadro, timeStepSec / 2, random_state, method=method, min_time_step=min_time_step, jit=jit, ) # Try with different method for better stability if methods_tried is None: methods_tried = set() methods_tried.add(method) for new_method in IVP_METHODS: # Skip methods that have already been tried if new_method in methods_tried: continue print(f"Warning: switching to {new_method} method in TCS") return self.molecules_to_next_time_step( moleculeCounts, cellVolume, nAvogadro, timeStepSec, random_state, method=new_method, min_time_step=min_time_step, jit=jit, methods_tried=methods_tried, ) else: raise Exception( "Solution to ODE for two-component systems has negative values." ) y[y < 0] = 0 yMolecules = y * (cellVolume * nAvogadro) dYMolecules = yMolecules[-1, :] - yMolecules[0, :] independentMoleculesCounts = np.round( dYMolecules[self.independent_molecule_indexes] ) max_atp_rxns = moleculeCounts[self.atp_reaction_reactant_mask].min() # To ensure that we have non-negative counts of phosphate, we must # have the following (which can be seen from the dependency matrix) independentMoleculesCounts[self.independent_molecules_atp_index] = np.fmin( independentMoleculesCounts[: self.independent_molecules_atp_index].sum() + independentMoleculesCounts[ (self.independent_molecules_atp_index + 1) : ].sum(), max_atp_rxns, ) # Calculate changes in molecule counts for all molecules allMoleculesChanges = # Calculate molecules needed by assuming other molecules that would produce necessary # phosphate won't be allocated negative = independentMoleculesCounts.copy() negative[negative > 0] = 0 negative[self.independent_molecules_atp_index] = ( negative[: self.independent_molecules_atp_index].sum() + negative[(self.independent_molecules_atp_index + 1) :].sum() ) moleculesNeeded = positive = independentMoleculesCounts.copy() positive[positive < 0] = 0 moleculesNeeded += # Adjust molecules to prevent using more than allocated iteration = 0 final_molecules = allMoleculesChanges + moleculeCounts while np.any(final_molecules < 0): stoich = self.stoich_matrix() mol_idx = np.where(final_molecules < 0)[0][0] rxns = ( stoich[mol_idx, :] < 0 ) # reactions that consume the molecule that has been depleted # Get products of reactions to turn back into reactants consuming_stoich = stoich[:, rxns] consuming_stoich[consuming_stoich < 0] = ( 0 # exclude molecules that are also consumed in these reactions ) consuming_stoich[consuming_stoich.sum(axis=1) > 1] = ( 0 # exclude molecules that are shared between reactions ) # Weight possible reactions by how different the rounded solution is to the integrated solution rxn_propensity = (allMoleculesChanges - dYMolecules).dot(consuming_stoich) rxn_propensity[rxn_propensity < 0] = 0 rxn_propensity /= rxn_propensity.sum() # Sample from propensities to find reaction to reverse rxn = np.where(random_state.multinomial(1, rxn_propensity))[0][0] allMoleculesChanges -= stoich[:, rxns][:, rxn] final_molecules = allMoleculesChanges + moleculeCounts # Prevent possibility of infinite loop - should never need to reduce each reaction more than once iteration += 1 if iteration > stoich.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Could not get positive molecule counts for {} in two_component_system".format( self.molecule_names[mol_idx] ) ) return moleculesNeeded, allMoleculesChanges
[docs] def molecules_to_ss(self, moleculeCounts, cellVolume, nAvogadro, timeStepSec=1e20): """ Calculates the changes in the counts of molecules as the system reaches steady state Args: moleculeCounts: current counts of molecules involved in the ODE cellVolume: current volume of cell nAvogadro: Avogadro's number timeStepSec: current length of timestep (set to large number) Returns: moleculesNeeded: counts of molecules that need to be consumed allMoleculesChanges: expected changes in molecule counts after timestep """ # TODO (Gwanggyu): This function should probably get merged with the # function above. y_init = moleculeCounts / (cellVolume * nAvogadro) y = scipy.integrate.odeint( self.derivatives_parca, y_init, t=[0, timeStepSec], Dfun=self.derivatives_parca_jacobian, ) if np.any(y[-1, :] * (cellVolume * nAvogadro) <= -1): raise Exception( "Solution to ODE for two-component systems has negative values." ) y[y < 0] = 0 yMolecules = y * (cellVolume * nAvogadro) dYMolecules = yMolecules[-1, :] - yMolecules[0, :] independentMoleculesCounts = np.array( [np.round(dYMolecules[x]) for x in self.independent_molecule_indexes] ) # To ensure that we have non-negative counts of phosphate, we must # have the following (which can be seen from the dependency matrix) independentMoleculesCounts[self.independent_molecules_atp_index] = ( independentMoleculesCounts[: self.independent_molecules_atp_index].sum() + independentMoleculesCounts[ (self.independent_molecules_atp_index + 1) : ].sum() ) # Calculate changes in molecule counts for all molecules allMoleculesChanges =, independentMoleculesCounts) moleculesNeeded = np.negative(allMoleculesChanges).clip(min=0) return moleculesNeeded, allMoleculesChanges
[docs] def get_monomers(self, cplxId): """ Returns subunits for a complex (or any ID passed). If the ID passed is already a monomer returns the monomer ID again with a stoichiometric coefficient of zero. """ info = self.complex_to_monomer if cplxId in info: out = { "subunitIds": list(info[cplxId].keys()), "subunitStoich": list(info[cplxId].values()), } else: out = {"subunitIds": cplxId, "subunitStoich": 1} return out
[docs] def get_reaction_name(self, templateName, systemMolecules): """ Returns reaction name for a particular system. """ startIndex = 0 reactionName = templateName for endIndex in [x.start() for x in re.finditer("-", templateName)]: if templateName[startIndex:endIndex] in systemMolecules: reactionName = reactionName.replace( templateName[startIndex:endIndex], str(systemMolecules[templateName[startIndex:endIndex]]), ) startIndex = endIndex + 1 return reactionName
[docs] def _make_dependency_matrix(self): """ Builds matrix mapping linearly independent molecules (ATP, histidine kinases, response regulators, and ligand-bound histidine kinases for positively oriented networks) to their dependents. """ molecule_name_to_index = { name: i for (i, name) in enumerate(self.molecule_names) } dependencyMatrixI = [] dependencyMatrixJ = [] dependencyMatrixV = [] dependencyMatrixATPJ = -1 for independentMoleculeIndex, independentMoleculeId in enumerate( self.independent_molecule_indexes ): dependencyMatrixI.append(independentMoleculeId) dependencyMatrixJ.append(independentMoleculeIndex) dependencyMatrixV.append(1) if self.molecule_names[independentMoleculeId] == "ATP[c]": dependencyMatrixATPJ = independentMoleculeIndex else: dependentMoleculeId = molecule_name_to_index[ self.independent_to_dependent_molecules[ self.molecule_names[independentMoleculeId] ] ] dependencyMatrixI.append(dependentMoleculeId) dependencyMatrixJ.append(independentMoleculeIndex) dependencyMatrixV.append(-1) # ATP dependents: ADP, PI, WATER, PROTON) for ATPdependent in ["ADP[c]", "Pi[c]", "WATER[c]", "PROTON[c]"]: dependencyMatrixI.append(molecule_name_to_index[ATPdependent]) dependencyMatrixJ.append(dependencyMatrixATPJ) if ATPdependent == "WATER[c]": dependencyMatrixV.append(1) else: dependencyMatrixV.append(-1) for col in np.arange(self.independent_molecule_indexes.size): if col == dependencyMatrixATPJ: continue else: dependencyMatrixI.append(molecule_name_to_index["Pi[c]"]) dependencyMatrixJ.append(col) dependencyMatrixV.append(1) dependencyMatrixI.append(molecule_name_to_index["WATER[c]"]) dependencyMatrixJ.append(col) dependencyMatrixV.append(-1) shape = (np.max(dependencyMatrixI) + 1, np.max(dependencyMatrixJ) + 1) out = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) out[dependencyMatrixI, dependencyMatrixJ] = dependencyMatrixV return out
[docs] def derivatives(self, t, y): """ Calculate derivatives from stoichiometry and rates with argument order for solve_ivp. """ return[0](y, t))
[docs] def derivatives_jacobian(self, t, y): """ Calculate the jacobian of derivatives from stoichiometry and rates with argument order for solve_ivp. """ return[0](y, t))
[docs] def derivatives_jit(self, t, y): """ Calculate derivatives from stoichiometry and rates with argument order for solve_ivp. """ return[1](y, t))
[docs] def derivatives_jacobian_jit(self, t, y): """ Calculate the jacobian of derivatives from stoichiometry and rates with argument order for solve_ivp. """ return[1](y, t))