
Two component systems.

Note: Ligand binding to histidine kinases is modeled by equilibrium.

TODOs: moleculesToNextTimeStep()

Consider relocating (since it’s useful for both the parca and simulation)

class reconstruction.ecoli.dataclasses.process.two_component_system.TwoComponentSystem(raw_data, sim_data)[source]

Bases: object

_buildComplexToMonomer(modifiedFormsMonomers, tcsMolecules)[source]

Maps each complex to a dictionary that maps each subunit of the complex to its stoichiometry


Builds matrix mapping linearly independent molecules (ATP, histidine kinases, response regulators, and ligand-bound histidine kinases for positively oriented networks) to their dependents.


Creates symbolic representation of the ordinary differential equations and the Jacobian. Used during simulations.


Creates symbolic representation of the ordinary differential equations and the Jacobian assuming ATP, ADP, Pi, water and protons are at steady state. Used in the parca.


Compile callable functions for computing the derivative and the Jacobian.

derivatives(t, y)[source]

Calculate derivatives from stoichiometry and rates with argument order for solve_ivp.

derivatives_jacobian(t, y)[source]

Calculate the jacobian of derivatives from stoichiometry and rates with argument order for solve_ivp.

derivatives_jacobian_jit(t, y)[source]

Calculate the jacobian of derivatives from stoichiometry and rates with argument order for solve_ivp.

derivatives_jit(t, y)[source]

Calculate derivatives from stoichiometry and rates with argument order for solve_ivp.


Returns subunits for a complex (or any ID passed). If the ID passed is already a monomer returns the monomer ID again with a stoichiometric coefficient of zero.

get_reaction_name(templateName, systemMolecules)[source]

Returns reaction name for a particular system.


Sum along the columns of the massBalance matrix to check for reaction mass balance


Builds stoichiometry mass matrix Rows: molecules Columns: reactions Values: molecular mass

molecules_to_next_time_step(moleculeCounts, cellVolume, nAvogadro, timeStepSec, random_state, method='LSODA', min_time_step=None, jit=True, methods_tried=None)[source]

Calculates the changes in the counts of molecules in the next timestep by solving an initial value ODE problem.

  • moleculeCounts (1d ndarray, ints) – current counts of molecules involved in the ODE

  • cellVolume (float) – current volume of cell

  • nAvogadro (float) – Avogadro’s number

  • timeStepSec (float) – current length of timestep in seconds

  • random_state (RandomState object) – process random state

  • method (str) – name of the ODE method to use

  • min_time_step (int) – if not None, timeStepSec will be scaled down until it is below min_time_step if negative counts are encountered

  • jit (bool) – if True, use the jit compiled version of derivatives functions

  • methods_tried (Optional[Set[str]]) – methods for the solver that have already been tried


counts of molecules that need

to be consumed

allMoleculesChanges (1d ndarray, ints): expected changes in

molecule counts after timestep

Return type:

moleculesNeeded (1d ndarray, ints)

molecules_to_ss(moleculeCounts, cellVolume, nAvogadro, timeStepSec=1e+20)[source]

Calculates the changes in the counts of molecules as the system reaches steady state

  • moleculeCounts – current counts of molecules involved in the ODE

  • cellVolume – current volume of cell

  • nAvogadro – Avogadro’s number

  • timeStepSec – current length of timestep (set to large number)


counts of molecules that need to be consumed allMoleculesChanges: expected changes in molecule counts after timestep

Return type:



Builds stoichiometry matrix Rows: molecules Columns: reactions Values: reaction stoichiometry


Builds stoichiometry matrix for monomers (complex subunits) Rows: molecules (complexes and monomers) Columns: complexes Values: monomer stoichiometry