
KnowledgeBase for Ecoli Whole-cell knowledge base for Ecoli. Contains all raw, un-fit data processed directly from CSV flat files.

class reconstruction.ecoli.knowledge_base_raw.DataStore[source]

Bases: object

class reconstruction.ecoli.knowledge_base_raw.KnowledgeBaseEcoli(operons_on, remove_rrna_operons, remove_rrff, stable_rrna, new_genes_option='off')[source]

Bases: object

  • operons_on (bool)

  • remove_rrna_operons (bool)

  • remove_rrff (bool)

  • stable_rrna (bool)

  • new_genes_option (str)


Check to ensure each new gene, RNA, and protein id starts with NG.


Determine genome sequnce for insertion using the sequences and relative locations of the new genes.


Add rows that are specified in additional files. Data will only be added if all the loaded columns from both datasets match.

_load_parameters(dir_name, file_name)[source]
_load_tsv(dir_name, file_name)[source]

Modify entires in rows that are specified to be modified. Rows must be identified by their entries in the first column (usually the ID column).


Remove rows that are specified to be removed. Data will only be removed if all data in a row in the file specifying rows to be removed matches the same columns in the raw data file.


Update insertion location of new genes to prevent conflicts.

_update_gene_locations(nested_attr, insert_pos)[source]

Modify positions of original genes based upon the insertion location of new genes. Returns end position of the gene insertion.

_update_global_coordinates(data, insert_pos, insert_len)[source]

Updates the left and right end positions for all elements in data if their positions will be impacted by the new gene insertion.

  • data – Data attribute to update

  • insert_pos – Location of new gene insertion

  • insert_len – Length of new gene insertion