

Constructs a network representations of simulation components from sim_data, and generates files for node lists and edge lists.

Adding new nodes to the network:

To add a new type of nodes to the network (either a state or process), you need to write a new function within this file (, which goes through all of the instances of the new node type, and for each instance creates a node:

new_node = Node()

adds attributes (**attr), which include “node_class”, “node_type”, “node_id”, “name”, and “synonyms”:


and appends the node to the node list:


The relevant edges that connect the new node to other nodes also need to be specified:

new_edge = Edge("Edge Type")

The source and destination ids for that edge are added with an attribute:

attr = {
        'src_id': source_id,
        'dst_id': destination_id,


and the edge is then added to the edge list:


With a complete node and edge list, you are ready to add dynamics data to each node. This is done in You first need to choose appropriate dynamics data to represents that node’s activity, and make sure it is saved in a listener. uses saved listener output to load dynamics into each node. might require a new function to the dynamics data if it is of a new node type, specified in the TYPE_TO_READER_FUNCTION dictionary. When the node list is read, nodes of the new type will be passed into the new function, which assigns that node dynamics from listener output:

node.read_dynamics(dynamics, dynamics_units)
class ecoli.analysis.causality_network.build_network.BuildNetwork(sim_data_file, output_dir, check_sanity=False)[source]

Bases: object

Constructs a causality network of simulation components, namely states and processes, of a whole-cell simulation using sim_data. Writes two files (node list and edge list) that are subsequently used by the dynamics reader to extract simulation results, and for the visual representation of the network.

TODO: have check_sanity looks for disconnected nodes, and edges with non-existent nodes.

  • sim_data_file – path to the variant sim_data pickle file used for building the network.

  • output_dir – output directory for the node list and edge list files.

  • check_sanity – if set to True, checks if there are any nodes with duplicate IDs in the network.


Add complexation process nodes and complex state nodes to the node list, and edges connected to the complexation nodes to the edge list.


Add equilibrium nodes to the node list, and add edges connected to the equilibrium nodes to the edge list.


Add gene state nodes to the node list.


Add global state nodes to the node list.


Add metabolism process nodes and metabolite state nodes to the node list, add edges connected to the metabolism nodes to the edge list. Note: forward and reverse reactions are represented as separate nodes.


Add regulation nodes with to the node list, and add edges connected to the regulation nodes to the edge list.


Add RNA maturation process nodes and mature transcript state nodes to the node list, and edges connected to these nodes to the edge list.


Add transcription process nodes and transcript state nodes to the node list, and edges connected to the transcription nodes to the edge list.


Add translation process nodes and protein (monomer) state nodes to the node list, and edges connected to the translation nodes to the edge list.

_append_edge(type_, src, dst, stoichiometry='')[source]

Helper function for appending new nodes to the network.


Add nodes and edges to the node/edge lists, and check for network sanity (optional).


Identify nodes that have duplicate IDs.


Remove edges that are not connected to existing nodes.


Write node/edge list as separate .tsv files.


Write node and edge lists as json files.


Build the network and return the node and edge lists.


Build the network and write node/edge list files.

ecoli.analysis.causality_network.build_network.URL_TEMPLATE_COMPOUND = '{0}'

The following groups of molecules participate in multiple processes and are thus identified here to prevent the addition of duplicate nodes.


Identifying multi-process participatory molecules in this way is not required because –check_sanity checks for duplicate nodes. However, identifying such molecules here can streamline network building by eliminating the need to search through nodes that were added previously.
