
Polypeptide Initiation

This process models the complementation of 30S and 50S ribosomal subunits into 70S ribosomes on mRNA transcripts. This process is in many ways analogous to the TranscriptInitiation process - the number of initiation events per transcript is determined in a probabilistic manner and dependent on the number of free ribosomal subunits, each mRNA transcript’s translation efficiency, and the counts of each type of transcript.

class ecoli.processes.polypeptide_initiation.PolypeptideInitiation(parameters=None)[source]

Bases: PartitionedProcess

Polypeptide Initiation PartitionedProcess

calculate_activation_prob(fracActiveRibosome, proteinLengths, ribosomeElongationRates, proteinInitProb, timeStepSec)[source]

Calculates the expected ribosome termination rate based on the ribosome elongation rate

  • allTranslationTimes – Vector of times required to translate each protein

  • allTranslationTimestepCounts – Vector of numbers of timesteps required to translate each protein

  • averageTranslationTimeStepCounts – Average number of timesteps required to translate a protein, weighted by initiation probabilities

  • expectedTerminationRate – Average number of terminations in one timestep for one protein

calculate_request(timestep, states)[source]
defaults: Dict[str, Any]
{   'active_ribosome_footprint_size': 24 [nucleotide],
    'active_ribosome_fraction': {},
    'cistron_start_end_pos_in_tu': {},
    'cistron_to_monomer_mapping': {},
    'cistron_tu_mapping_matrix': {},
    'elongation_rates': {},
    'emit_unique': False,
    'make_elongation_rates': <function PolypeptideInitiation.<lambda> at 0x7fdd02f40400>,
    'monomer_ids': [],
    'monomer_index_to_cistron_index': {},
    'monomer_index_to_tu_indexes': {},
    'protein_lengths': [],
    'ribosome30S': 'ribosome30S',
    'ribosome50S': 'ribosome50S',
    'rna_id_to_cistron_indexes': {},
    'seed': 0,
    'time_step': 1,
    'translation_efficiencies': [],
    'tu_ids': [],
    'variable_elongation': False}
evolve_state(timestep, states)[source]
name = 'ecoli-polypeptide-initiation'
{   'RNA': ('unique', 'RNA'),
    'active_ribosome': ('unique', 'active_ribosome'),
    'bulk': ('bulk',),
    'environment': ('environment',),
    'listeners': ('listeners',),
    'timestep': ('timestep',)}