
Membrane Potential

MembranePotential calculates membrane potential and the proton motive force by taking into account all of the ions that are permeant through the membrane.

Goldman equation for membrane potential:

\(d_{V} = \frac{RT}{F} * \ln{\frac{\sum_{i}^{n} P_{M^{+}_{i}}[M^{+}_{i}]_{out} + \sum_{j}^{m} P_{A^{-}_{j}}[A^{-}_{j}]_{in}}{\sum_{i}^{n} P_{M^{+}_{i}}[M^{+}_{i}]_{in} + \sum_{j}^{m} P_{A^{-}_{j}}[A^{-}_{j}]_{out} }}\)

  • \(D\): Diffusion constant

  • \(M\) monovalent positive ionic species

  • \(A\) negative ionic species

transmembrane pH difference (currently fixed at -50):

\(d_{pH} = -2.3 * k * T / e\)

  • \(k\): Boltzmann constant

  • \(T\): temperature

proton motive force (PMF):

\(PMF = d_{V} + d_{pH}\)


  • expected d_{V} = -120 mV

  • expected d_{pH} = -50 mV for cells grown at pH 7. (Berg, H. “E. coli in motion”, pg 105)

  • PMF ~170mV at pH 7. ~140mV at pH 7.7 (Berg)

  • E. coli internal pH in range 7.6-7.8 (Berg)

  • (mmol)

  • Schultz, Stanley G., and A. K. Solomon. “Cation Transport in Escherichia coli” (1961)

  • Zilberstein, Dan, et al. “Escherichia coli intracellular pH, membrane potential, and cell growth.” Journal of bacteriology 158.1 (1984): 246-252.

  • TODO – add Mg2+, Ca2+

class ecoli.processes.membrane.membrane_potential.MembranePotential(parameters=None)[source]

Bases: Process

Membrane Potential

  • internal: holds the concentrations of internal ions

  • external: holds the concentrations of external ions

  • membrane: holds the cross-membrane properties ‘PMF’, ‘d_{V}’, ‘d_{pH}’

defaults: Dict[str, Any] = {'F': 96485.33212, 'R': 8.314462618, 'charge_map': {'Cl': 'anion', 'K': 'cation', 'Na': 'cation', 'PROTON': 'cation'}, 'e': 1, 'initial_state': {'external': {'Cl': 110, 'K': 5, 'Na': 145, 'PROTON': 0, 'T': 310.15}, 'internal': {'Cl': 10, 'K': 300, 'Na': 10, 'PROTON': 0}}, 'k': 1.380649e-23, 'p_Cl': 0.05, 'p_K': 1, 'p_Na': 0.05, 'p_PROTON': 1, 'permeability_map': {'Cl': 'p_Cl', 'K': 'p_K', 'Na': 'p_Na', 'PROTON': 'p_PROTON'}}
name = 'membrane_potential'
next_update(timestep, states)[source]

declare schema for ports internal, external and membrane.

exception ecoli.processes.membrane.membrane_potential.NoChargeError[source]

Bases: Exception
